Operation story: DM-5

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Sarkaz Captive
RI Corridor DM
Cold Forest

During operation

Hoederer Pay attention to that Sentinel. Looking at that weird formation, I have a hunch that there are a lot more enemies out there than we expected.
Once we damage a Sentinel, they'll go Alert their entire team. Sadly, we have no way of assassinating them before they make a sound, and they certainly won't go down easily.
Needless to say, mercenaries rallied under a banner will fight better as a team, and all enemies on Standby will become Combat-Ready.
Ines Prioritize eliminating enemies on Standby first, and once there are no more troops underneath the banner, a commander without troops makes for easy pickings.

After operation

Hoederer still chooses to leave Babel. After bidding farewell to Kal'tsit, the two veterans talk on their way out, and W, who remained there, works hard to win the king's approval.
<Background 1>
Kal'tsit You've decided.
Hoederer Sounds like you aren't asking, Dr. Kal'tsit... Sorry, I just realized, I'm supposed to call you Lord Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit There's no point in talking about that now.
I just want to express my disappointment at your decision. You could have been a great help to Theresa.
Hoederer Her Majesty... came to me alone, after the last mission.
Kal'tsit Sounds like her.
Hoederer She said she remembered me, where I came from, in Kazdel.
The huge industrial district, and the endless rotten, crime-ridden city of death that stretches out around it.
The influx of refugees growing the slums up skyward.
How many "nobles" do you think there are in Kazdel? How many of them are Sarkaz who gave themselves some stupid title in an even stupider war?
Kal'tsit As many as there are weeds in a garden.
Hoederer That's a good one. They are like weeds.
But Her Majesty might remember.
I appreciate her kindness. She remembers the last bit of humanity left in the Sarkaz.
She's the only one who could.
Kal'tsit So why are you trying to escape?
Ines Put it a little rougher, why don't you, Doctor?
Hoederer Ines, Dr. Kal'tsit has done a lot for us. You know that.
Ines Hmph...
Kal'tsit No offense intended.
If you've decided to leave, I have no right to stop you. You can go and be free, travel the world as mercenaries.
You don't need me to tell you that.
Hoederer Right.
Kal'tsit But what about the other Sarkaz?
Hoederer W has her own plans.
And it's not like we have the power to make every mercenary follow the rules.
Kal'tsit That's how mercenaries are. It's a lot harder to keep order with these free spirits than with big standing armies.
But some lost Sarkaz warriors could stand to learn from you... that which you seek.
Regardless, you've chosen your path.
Even if it's a dead end.
Hoederer Us mercenaries only know how to dive into war, to hide ourselves in the smoke from its wake of ruin.
Kal'tsit ...I hope that works out for you.
Hoederer Thanks.
<Background 2>
Ines ...There are barely any Sarkaz still following us.
Hoederer A lot of them decided to stay, but there's even more who don't get to pick where home is anymore.
Ines The camp's gone. The only equipment left is the bottom of the barrel stuff Babel left us.
We're more like campers going mountain climbing than mercenaries at this point...
Hoederer ...It's always been like that, all the way back to when we first met in that birch grove and decided to carve our own path.
Good thing Dr. Kal'tsit gave us a few special contracts. At least we'll be able to get by.
Ines If we're still going to be running errands for her, what difference does it make whether we leave Babel or not?
Hoederer We're just a team of mercenaries fighting to make a profit, taking a lucrative contract.
Ines You're lying to yourself.
...Wait, where's our flag?
Hoederer I kept it. And everything else. If I'm gonna lie to myself, might as well be thorough about it.
You remember right? Back then, whenever a standard-bearer fell, another would always step up right away.
From the west to the east, becoming a mercenary, then all the way back here. That whole time, this flag never fell.
Up until the 70th, or maybe 80th standard-bearer died. He impaled his own abdomen with the flagpole to keep it up.
When we were escorting the Rhodes Island landship, those enemies... those monsters from Kazdel, shredded our lines like paper.
When that happened, it was just a kid holding the flag.
The enemy had the high ground. Arts rained down around us like a mudslide.
Before Dr. Kal'tsit arrived, there was pretty much nothing we could do to fight back.
Ines The flags are all in tatters.
Hoederer Yes...
But I've still got hands. I can hold up a flagpole.
Ines ...
Hoederer I never liked flying a merc flag.
It should've been stomped into the mud a long time ago.
Ines How many vets from the old days are still alive?
Hoederer You, and me.
...Let's not waste any more time.
<Background 3>
Ines ...
Hey, Hoederer.
Did you leave W with Her Majesty on purpose?
Hoederer What do you think about Her Majesty? And Kal'tsit? And especially... that "Doctor?"
Ines Never took you for the gossipy type.
Hoederer Just making small talk.
You didn't use your Arts once the whole time you were there. That's not like you. I was worried maybe–
Ines ...I didn't have the guts. Not with the way Dr. Kal'tsit was looking at me.
She's an unknown quantity.
Hoederer Right, better not dig too deep. Just knowing who that Kal'tsit is...
Ines But, I might've accidentally taken a peek at Her Majesty. My Arts can't look directly into peoples' minds. More like I can get a feel for them by looking over their "shadows"...
Her Majesty is very special.
She's... tragic. But extremely resilient, and gentle.
Dr. Kal'tsit is strange. She has this almost mechanical feel to her, but like a machine, how can I put it? Full of humanity.
Hoederer ...You're talking about Kal'tsit?
Ines You can't feel it, can you?
She sees us all as equals. She didn't call us "devils."
Hoederer Maybe just because Her Majesty was there.
What about the one they just call "The Doctor?"
Ines ...Let's put it like this: the soldiers are the pawns in the game. The commander is the player.
When I saw the Doctor, I was struck with the feeling that I'm always gonna be a pawn.
Hoederer That one's not a battlefield commander. The Doctor runs the whole war.
Ines That's not why.
Do you know what the biggest difference is between the piece and the player?
Hoederer No... But why are you talking like W now? You were always impatient. Never heard you talking in riddles like this before.
Ines A chess player's main focus is never on the pieces, or even the game. It's always on the other player. You always want to beat an even match.
After a win, the player goes home to a nice, hot meal. The pieces get popped back into the box and stashed away.
The player gets to sleep, wake up, walk, and talk. The pieces just sit there in the cupboard.
We're all objects. Inanimate objects. There was only one person, one thing really alive on that battlefield. And it was that one.
If we're still gonna call ourselves people, then, well... the Doctor's something else.
Hoederer Okay then. I think it's safe to say we agree on that one.
Ines But it looks like Her Majesty, Kal'tsit, and whoever else don't really mind.
Hoederer Dr. Kal'tsit's always been careful. And even though we weren't working together for very long, I got the impression their troops are kind of in the dark about it.
Ines ...Leaving might be the right call.
Wait, you still didn't answer my question. If we're on the same page, why'd you leave W there then?
Hoederer Are you worried about her?
Ines So what if I am? Answer me already.
Hoederer ...For insurance. Just in case one day, we have to switch sides.
Or do you think the Regent, Her Majesty's brother, will open his heart, say "all is forgiven," and keep letting us raid the Lateranos?
I want to get away from this war. I'm sick of fighting our own people... and we've already suffered enough.
Ines ...Hmph.
Hoederer Don't get me wrong, W buying us some insurance wasn't the original plan...
But her face lit up when I told her she could stay...
Ines ...
Tch... What an ingrate.
<Background 1>
Scout You've taken to our work unexpectedly quickly.
And that goes for your two friends as well. Though they didn't accept the Doctor's invitation to stay, they still performed their work admirably.
W Uh-huh. So, did Theresa say anything?
Scout ...If you seek Her Majesty's praise, you may petition for an audience with her yourself.
Assuming that you can avoid Ms. Kal'tsit, that is.
W There goes that idea. That bitch is stuck to Theresa like glue. Tch, what a headache.
Anyway, where are they now?
Scout And yet you still intend to seek her out?
W I just want to go take a look. Can't get chewed out for doing that, right?
Scout Now who's the bigger headache?
W Hey, I worked my ass off to dig out seven spies stuck in with your refugees. Seven! And a caster too! Do you know how hard that was?
Scout Keep it down. Your presence, as well as the details of your mission are both confidential... Shh.
That was your job, and if I recall correctly, the Doctor asked you to keep at least one alive.
W Yeah, the "alive" part is trickier than you'd think. Guy offed himself before I could even murk him. What's a girl supposed to do?
Scout ...*Sigh*.
They're on the bridge. Amiya should be there too.
W You talk like I remember all these names. As if I care.
Scout That's your business...
...Just a moment, what's that in your hand?
W Oh, this? A little camera that I yoinked from one of the spies. Pretty rare, huh?
Scout Don't tell me you're going to...
W What? Is a Sarkaz gonna pass up an opportunity to get a selfie with Her Majesty?
Scout ...Well, if Ms. Kal'tsit apprehends you as a spy, don't expect me to bail you out.
W Sure, sure.
How'd those spies manage to get in here anyway?
Scout ...
W Don't you think... we've been going at our fights kinda weird lately?
Scout That's not an area where you or I should be pointing fingers. If you're dissatisfied, take it up with the Doctor.
W The Doctor, huh?
Maybe next time then.
<Background fades out and in>
W (Over there? Sure enough, of that's all of them. I'm gonna lie low for a sec.)
(What's with the tiny bunny? The little shit's ears are blocking Theresa!)
(Uh oh! Kal'tsit...)
(...She's not coming over here? Did she not see me?)
(Damnit, what's the Doctor doing here? Get that one in my picture and it's 100% cursed...)
(Aww, Theresa's laughing.)
(Screw it, I won't get another opportunity like this!)
<Background black>
...W, do you even know what's going on right now?
Uhh, probably better than you do? I'm the one actually down on the battlefield putting in work, "Dr. K"~
It's fine, Kal'tsit. There's no need to be angry–
W Ugh, what a bitch... All that over a stupid picture!
But you might not like the next job so much, Mr. Captive.
Sarkaz Captive Mmmf! Nnnngh...!
W C'mon, don't be so nervous. You brave enough to get so close to the Speaker's Office. Surely you came prepared to have your cover blown?
And I'm in a pretty bad mood, so you're not gonna have a good time.
Sarkaz Captive
W Hm? Trying to off yourself?
Don't rush it. We're not ready for that. Not until I ask you some questions first. Now what was it...?
What happened at the Battle of the Mill last month?
What reason do you have to be here? Why are you so close to the capital?
What are you after? Who do you answer to? What were you trying to give Theresis?
Oh, take your time, no need to knee-jerk me an answer here.
What I really want to know is, say there's an Originium needle hovering by that eye you can't close. If I was to slowly push it in at a speed of three millimeters per second–
Would you be afraid?
Hoederer's prediction was correct. The war is starting to change.
But to be honest, I lost interest in watching the situation in Kazdel unfold... Not like it affects me, anyway.
I'm just worried... about Theresa.
Even though seeing that damned woman is about as revolting as seeing my reflection smiling back at me in the mirror, maybe I do have to talk to her.
She and I are the same kind of person. If she can even be considered a "person," that is. That's one of a whole bunch of mysteries floating around her.
But she's much stronger than me. Maybe she will be able to protect Theresa–
No, she has to.