Operation story: FC-5

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Mercenary icon.png
Special Forces Captain
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Special Forces Soldier
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Soldier on Guard
Male Victorian A icon.png
Taran Refugee
Female Victorian icon.png
Taran Refugee
Young Taran Refugee
Cold Forest
Quagmire Night

Before operation

The group escapes Scáthanna Fields. On the eve of their new lives, they light up a bonfire, ready to say their goodbyes.
<Background 1>
[While helping out the refugees, Bagpipe asks Reed,]
Bagpipe Reed, how's it goin' over there?
Reed Yes, no problem.
[Bagpipe and Reed finishes setting up a tent.]
Bagpipe Huff–Alright! That's the last tent we've got to put up.
Taran Refugee Wow, you two are a powerful pair.
Right, you were taking off, weren't you?
Bagpipe Aye, Chenchen and I are investigatin' those "spectres" that were under Arts control. We've still got other assignments once everythin's done here.
This is the edge of County Trent. No barracks'll be comin' lookin' for trouble no more.
*sigh*... If only we'd been better at maintaining order. Wouldn't have had all this commotion and unjust treatment.
Taran Refugee Huh? What are you on about? If it weren't for all of you, there's no chance we would've made it this far.
If this were me own home, I'd be treating all of you to a nip of elderflower liqueur tonight. I'd even be giving the stuff away.
But most of the supplies we have on hand come from that... "Rhodes Island" you lot're from, haha.
If we write to Rhodes Island, will you get the message? We'll be letting you know once we're settled somewhere. If you're ever back in the area, drop by and say hi.
Bagpipe Eh, maybe? Once Victoria's war comes to an end, plus there's someone Chenchen should be meeting...
What about you, Reed? Where are you goin' next?
Reed I... I think I'll make sure everyone has settled down, before I take care of my own business.
Even though they are away from the Scáthanna Fields, their crimes, and the hand of the lights-out bell... the Tarans still live in muddied lands, trapped where they stand.
I think... I need to help them come up with ideas.
I can speak both Taran and Victorian. If we enter the cities later on, we'll run into people of all kinds, and I can help negotiate... At least, I could do it more easily than others.
Bagpipe Oh, right, when you went lookin' for the Rhodes Island safehouse today, did you get followed by anyone?
Reed I don't think so...
It's okay. Thank you for reminding me. If those soldiers are here for me... I won't be afraid.
And also... thank you for your kindness.
<Background 2>
Fionn Say, will you sell me a tent when the time comes?
The factories in the cities make that canvas. They don't leak water even when they get rained on for half a month. Just perfect for me to retrofit my trolley with.
Moran She's a fair kind-hearted one, and I'm sure you'll be fair when it comes to naming the price. I think you two'd have no trouble reaching a deal.
Fionn Haha, I'm joking. Where would I find the money for something this nice?
Who would've thought, though? We were just trying to figure out how to survive a couple days ago, but now we get to sleep in these sturdy old factory-made tents. We can even light fires at night.
Moran Aye. They're a capable bunch.
Fionn And they know Oripathy well.
Moran ......
Fionn (Incoherently rhythmic whistles)
Moran O, mists that shroud the valley... ♪
Fionn ...Hide her figure waying far... ♪
[Fionn and Moran sings for a while.]
Fionn It's a beautiful song, that.
Moran Out of all the people who've fancied me... you might be the only one who still remembers me.
Fionn Don't be saying that now... I'm certain everyone remembers.
This Oripathy's not your fault.
(Whistles slightly off-key)
That lad, Selmon's brother, he's gone. That whole Dublinn squad we helped out, they might just be gone, too.
We did all that for nothing.
At least... you're still alive. You went missing for so long, but you're still alive.
I saw Reed handing you some medicine. Is Oripathy really curable, then?
Moran No, they said there's no cure for it.
But please don't be blaming those Dublinn soldiers. I hid them in the factory's lorries, and raw Originium ore shards got in their wounds... This isn't their fault.
Fionn I'm not blaming. I'm just feeling awful.
The rest of you had faith in Dublinn, but I didn't have what it takes. Dublinn's more impressive than any of us. They've got weapons, too. But we all saw what happened to that squad in the end.
Dublinn treats us well and lets our Taran voices be heard, but after that? It beats me... All I remember is the blood I saw on the lorries that day.
Even now, Selmon still wants to find Dublinn to fight the Victorians, and I can't pull her out of it.
She and Reed were chatting for so long that day, say. Did Reed not talk even a little sense into her?
Moran I don't think it's bad that Selmon wants to do this. A colleen like her's got much to accomplish for other Tarans.
Do you remember? Not long after I got infected myself, the entire Infected district was chased out of town.
It was the stronger of us, after that, that took everything they could lay their hands on from the rest of us exiles. Left behind only frail pensioners and children, and the ones like me ailing badly from the sickness.
Fionn You should've told us sooner rather than keep it all to yourself. At the very least, it would've spared you some pain.
Moran To tell the truth, I can hardly remember any of it. I can't remember why no one fought back, why no one tried to protect one another.
I always used to think that was just how life was. Doesn't matter what's in your hands when you're starving, you close your eyes and tuck in.
Lisa died at the bottom of the mine. So did Clodagh. Has your family ever complained about working the mines?
Fionn Er... I couldn't say, really–maybe it's how hard it is to blame someone for it. But at the very least, I did feel... right terrible when my sisters died.
I wanted to find someone to talk to about it, but it was dark and suffocating at the bottom of those mines, and no one had the time to listen. I got out to peddle my wares around, and it turned out everyone had their own troubles already. No one had an ear to lend to me.
But hey, not too late to talk now.
Moran Right you are. It's not too late now.
The wood we've gathered should be enough to last us through the night.
Fionn (Whistles) ...Let's go, then. Won't be so easy for you to tell the way once the sun comes down.
<Background 1>
Taran Refugee Hey, the pot's bubbling. Can I have a bite now?
Selmon Settle down there, you cottonhead! Did you not ever cook supper back home?
Wait inside the tent. Once the meat's done, give me a hand bringing it over.
[While Ch'en and Reed watches Selmon...]
Ch'en She seems to be in a better mood.
Reed Yes... but I'm sure she's still grieving.
Ch'en It's a good thing you killed her heart for Dublinn, at the very least.
Reed ...You knew?
Ch'en And I imagine with you here, they won't stray onto the wrong path.
Though it'll be hard for you to keep walking with them, Draco.
Reed ......
Ch'en I'm not wrong when it comes to these things.
<Background 3>
Taran Refugee Don't be daft, Fergal, you played King Gaeil's warrior in last year's play. Three times you fell with 'mortal wounds', three times you had to clamber back up. Your arms and legs were all bruised by the end.
Taran Refugee Then I'll make him invincible this year. Every year, King Gaeil loses in battle, Gastrell dies at the bottom of the castle. Other than the costumes, we never try anything new.
Hey, Selmon, c'mere. Have a seat. I've been thinking you could take on the role of King Gaeil's left-hand man, the general, this year. Yeah, you're a bit young, but there's not one of us with more fire in their belly than you.
Selmon What?
Taran Refugee You're only saying that 'cause you saw the pot she's bringing over. Look, she doesn't want to.
Selmon No, what are you talking about? I don't know who that is.
Taran Refugee Eh? Don't they put on those plays every summer over by yours? We're trying to sort out who'll be playing which role.
Selmon Mmm... is that where someone calls herself the goddess of the river and splashes the audience at the end? That whole thing?
I've seen it... but I'm not interested. Not unless I'm playing her.
Taran Refugee That's her mourning the dead soldiers. Her lines are harder to remember than any other role.
Selmon Oh.
Taran Refugee We might not finish building the theater before the end of the summer, though. You could have till next year to prepare.
Selmon Right... who knows.
Taran Refugee Looks like you still want to go after Dublinn?
Selmon Of course. You think I'm just going to give up like the rest of you?
I made my decision after talking to Reed that day.
I still believe it. Dublinn's dream can be realized, and someone has to realize it.
<Background 1>
Reed ...What is it you want to find out from me?
Ch'en I have nothing to ask. I've seen what you've done for myself.
I trust the judgments I make seeing what I do, and I trust Rhodes Island's judgment.
But right now, in the eyes of most Victorians, there is only one Draco still alive.
Dublinn's Red Dragon, the descendant of the Taran king. More than enough to fill the dukes with their sinister ambitions and the nobles with anxiety.
It must be difficult for you.
Reed Does... she know my identity, then?
Ch'en Bagpipe?
She is actually very smart, and attentive, but there's a great deal she doesn't like to think negatively about–especially not friends she approves of.
Reed ......
Ch'en If we continue our journey together, that's something that both you and her will have to face eventually.
Reed Are you... advising me to leave as soon as I can?
Ch'en What's done can't be undone. You can't run from the responsibilities you have to bear.
But I think that, to some people, whether you are a Draco or not doesn't actually matter so much.
Hoarse Singing By tender stream that brushes on and through the upland grass ♪
We make a toast to those of us not here to raise their glass ♪
Ch'en Someone's singing.
Reed ...It's probably Fergal.
Ch'en Is this Taran?
Reed Yes. It sounds like... it's about wine, and the uplands in summer. I've never heard it before... but it's beautiful.
Bid flap your wings to wake by light, wee fowl upon the bays ♪
Bear off the news we gather round, along and with the waves ♪
Reed They're... all so happy.
Ch'en I can tell.
Reed But all they have are their tents and fire.
Ch'en Then I'm sure they'll be even happier when they have their houses and farmland.
Let's head inside.
[Ch'en and Reed heads into the tent.]
<Background 3>
Bagpipe Chenchen, you're finally back! Here, look at this! Mr. Odhrán can whistle with a blade of grass!
Taran Refugee (Whistles sharply)
Haha, my pitch can be pretty off. My da was really good at it, though. I picked up a bit here and there from him.
Bagpipe Hmm–hm-hmm–
Oh, you don't mind if I sing along a little, do you?
Taran Refugee Go ahead! It's our drinking song. Only thing I'll take offense to is an empty bottle, haha.
Bagpipe What's the lyrics, then? Is it okay if I sing in Victorian?
Taran Refugee Hm... Let me fetch someone else. You just listen to them.
Fionn, you're up.
Fionn *sigh*...
[Fionn rises up.]
<Background black>
"Ever does this land well with tears, yet we drink only of bygone dews and flames."
Peace By the Campfire.png
Selmon By winding lane that blooms with rose and bellflow'r on the loam ♪
Taran Refugee You're out of tune! That's terrible!
Selmon Shut up! Not like you're any better!
Taran Refugee (Sharp whistle)
Fionn Ugh... I'm begging you, enough of that noise. You've got some bloody novel way of arguing...
Oi, no throwing stones either! What if we actually got hit here?
Bagpipe Wow, that bread smells good...
Young Refugee You can have half!
Bagpipe Oh, ta! Here, Chenchen, you have a bite. Come on, just one.
[Bagpipe and Ch'en eats the bread given by the refugees together.]
Bagpipe Lush, isn't it? I wonder what herbs they're usin'...
Ch'en Hmm... Can't tell.
Bagpipe Eh? You spent ages back in Yan. What, did your taste buds get more fussy, or just duller a bit?
Ch'en What do you think? We Lungmenites brew our tea in the summer with twenty-four kinds of medicinal herbs.
Bagpipe Really...? Oh, you're pullin' my leg again, aren't you?
Ch'en I'm not.
...Are you enjoying yourself, Reed?
Reed ......
Ch'en This is how their lives could've been all along. A bit better than this too, of course.
You gave them their lives back.
Taran Refugee Reed, you know Taran. No excuses from you. Sing!
Reed ...Eh?
Taran Refugee (Teasing whistle) Sing.
Reed ......
<Background black>
Fare on and long, you traveler, but to where do you now roam? ♪
<Background 4>
Special Forces Soldier The transport will leave clear tracks in the mud. Should we take a detour?
Fischer No need. We'll head straight to our destination.
<Background 3>
Taran Refugee Good stuff. And you, Moran.
Moran ......
Bagpipe Miss Moran, what're you doin' sittin' so far off? Reed's told you a million times it's okay!
Fionn She's right. Come on, "Wandering Bard of the Glen of Camai..." Sing.
Moran ......
O, mists that shroud the valley... hide her figure waying far... ♪
Taran Refugee Well, gosh, I think I once heard this beautiful singing years ago.
Fionn I'm sure you have.
Taran Refugee Right you are. I remember taking my sister around–she wasn't so sick that she couldn't walk yet. We were stood on the stone bridge, listening for a good while.
*sigh* There must be more bridges like that, right? With just how far the Camai flows.
<Background 2>
Bid breezes past the rugged lime ♪
Fischer Bring the civilians under control first, but don't let any of them get hurt.
Our target possesses excellent military accomplishments. Avoid direct confrontation to all possible extents.
<Background 3>
Pick me a flower for her ♪
Taran Refugee Selmon, look. How's this for defensive posture? Learned it from you.
Selmon So? You'll just be chasing fowlbeasts from now on. What'd you learn that for?
<Background 2>
Till summer dries our laughs ♪
Fischer Do not talk to any of them. Not even a single word.
Leave the rest to me.
<Background 3>
Bare bottles chill the bones with hurt ♪
Ch'en Don't forget, we need to be out of here before daybreak.
<Background 1 and 3>
We make a toast to those of us not here to raise their glass ♪
Fischer Crossbows at the ready. Prepare smoke grenades.
[The Victorian special forces prepare to attack the camp.]
The tears we cup to drink are all the same and one, my lass ♪
Fionn *sigh*... I'm hopping out for some fresh air.
<Background 1>
Fionn Hm? Mist at this hour...?
When did you...
[Fischer walks toward the gassed Fionn.]
Fischer Good evening, sir.

After operation

Fischer suppresses everyone and begins to interrogate Reed. Harmonie knows she will expose her identity as a double agent, yet she has no choice but to launch a rescue.
<Background 1>
[The Taran refugees try to escape as the camp is attacked by Victorian special forces, but they are surrounded.]
Taran Refugee No, run! They're over here, too!
Taran Refugee Bloody hell... They've got this whole open part surrounded, don't they?
[Fionn tries to run...]
Fionn Erk...
[...but an SF soldier places him at swordpoint.]
Special Forces Soldier Freeze.
Fionn Okay, okay, I–I will... Bit too close with your saber there... You won't slip or anything, right?
R-Reed, help us! What do we do?!
Reed Against this many... it'll be hard to force our way out.
[An SF soldier breaks the cudgel wielded by one of the refugees.]
Taran Refugee Huff... huh...? Did they just break my cudgel in half?
Reed ...They're acting very confident–
They don't want to seize us violently. They just want to quell the resistance we put up.
Bagpipe Oof, not half bad, this lot...
I don't get it. How'd they follow us out to here? Where'd they come from...?
–Wait, that one. I've seen him before.
A couple days ago, when we ran into the spectre force...
[Bagpipe recognizes the SF captain, whom she had met before.]
Special Forces Captain ......
Bagpipe Which means you lot aren't County Trent. These refugees are outside your jurisdiction. You've got no authority to arrest them.
We'll have to take off our gloves here, if you're not goin' to follow the rules.
Special Forces Captain The rules? That goes for you too. I see your piledriver spear missing its shells. You shouldn't be in a mile of the battlefield, soldier.
Bagpipe It's not like this was meant to be a battlefield, was it?! They've not even put the campfire out...
Reed –Watch out!
A black dagger slides forward without a sound. Its tip reflects not even the slightest bit of light, instead drawing a path of smoke.
The dagger points intimidatingly at Bagpipe's throat, though its bearer gives it no glance; his eyes have been focused squarely on Reed.
Reed can tell clearly, from his sharp glare, that he and the army are out for her here.
Fischer Isn't your pike meant to be burning with flames?
Reed ......
Fischer I suggest you drop the futile resistance. Make the smart choice, lay your weapons down, and hear me out.
I have nothing against the Tarans, let alone any plans to retaliate against civilians. And as for steering the masses clear of ruin, you and I should be united on that front.
[Fischer reveals a document...]
Fischer Here's the official paperwork.
Bagpipe What? A City Council writ of investigation?
[...that Bagpike takes from his hand.]
Bagpipe ......
The former Victorian soldier sets her weapon down.
Fischer Per the Council of the County of Trent's decision, I am here to investigate an overlooked, puzzling aspect of the arson cases.
Reed ...I–have no other choice, correct?
<Background 2>
Young Taran Refugee *sniffle*... *sob*...
Soldier on Guard –What are you doing? Quiet down.
Young Taran Refugee ...... (Sobs)
[While being tied up alongside Selmon and some other refugees...]
Fionn ......
(Agh, this is terrible.)
(Always thought I should at least get my will in order, you know, before I finally meet my maker...)
Taran Refugee (If you ask me? Should've written it up long ago.)
Fionn (I did right after we first made it out, but I tore it up, I've been so happy these past two days. Really regret that now.)
Selmon (Oh, shut up, Fionn. We're not done for yet.)
Fionn (They've got us all tied up and gagged, and everything we had to fight with got taken away. What else are we gonna do other than wait to die?)
(Sigh... Interrogation. Terrifying word. How many Tarans do we know made it alive out of an interrogation?)
(And who knows what they're prying out of a woman as kind as Reed.)
(We all know each other, like family we are, but we don't know Reed from a bar of soap. Don't know where she came from, don't know what she was doing before.)
Selmon (What, is she an enemy to you now?!)
Fionn (No, no, no, that's not what I meant... I just...)
[Fionn went silent.]
Fionn (*sigh* Selmon. You can't just make someone not be afraid to die.)
(We can still see the fire from here. How long's it been since we last had the light of fire on a cold dark night?)
(Really thought I managed to escape, I did.)
Taran Refugee (You even came about borrowing some stuff to rustle up some money. Didn't I say I'd make you some smoked fowl to sell?)
Selmon (Enough. We need to think of something. Figure this situation out.)
Fionn (What? Figure this out? And what good is it gonna do us?)
Selmon (...I'm fed up of this, that's all.)
(I hate listening to how much you just sigh. Squatting about in the Taran quarter, passing by village threshing floors... it's just sighs everywhere. I'm sick of it.)
(Enough. Save it. Don't ask me how. You've always managed to find a way out.)
(I'll draw the attention of those guards. Whatever you're going to do, figure it out yourself.)
<Background 3>
[Fischer stands before Reed to question her.]
Fischer You can ease yourself a little, "Reed." We're just having an ordinary chat.
We have a warm fire, and we can hear the fowls chirp in the night. Surely you'd agree, this is a much more comfortable environment for conversation than a full-fledged interrogation room would be.
Reed ......
Fischer No comment? That's your choice. I won't give you trouble for it.
Perhaps the nearby barracks' disrespect has given you cause for alarm. Allow me to apologize in their stead.
Reed Are you... here to investigate Dublinn? None of the people here have anything to do with them...
Fischer You needn't explain. As you'd expect, I already have a good grasp of the situation.
A singular attack has indeed spurred a minor region's barracks to take undue action against approximately a dozen Tarans, going so far as to accuse them of being part of "Dublinn insurrectionist forces".
But in the company of all else contained in this very, very heavy dossier, their mistakes aren't worthy of mention. Of course, your situation is a little different compared to anyone else's...
...But I believe I can do something to help you break free of these troubles.
After all, no stretch of your escape can have been easy.
Reed If... it wasn't for such harsh decrees, they would never have needed to run.
Fischer No, please. This is a chat between the two of us, and I'm hoping you'll tell me about yourself. About the escape you began long prior to this one.
Reed ...I don't understand what you're talking about.
Fischer I'm asking you–
About your past identity.
There are no records of any kind on you. No medical records, no nomadic city immigration records, no tax records, nothing.
Reed ...We Tarans are driven out wherever we go. It's not strange–that you don't see me in Victoria's records.
Fischer Then what about the unrest in County Hillock last autumn? Were you there?
And what about the County Peninsula attack last May?
I'm asking you and you alone.
Reed ......
Fischer Madam, if one does not tell anyone their birth name, where they are from, or who they are...
Wouldn't you say... they're just like a "shadow?"
<Background 1>
Bagpipe Chenchen, I reckon you've already figured out who these men are?
Ch'en Yeah. The ones that just fought us are no normal soldiers. Interrogating on the spot is very unique for procedure, too.
Plus, their leader knows quite a lot. That's why he's so courteous toward us... and me in particular.
Bagpipe Right. I was just thinkin', they're lettin' us stand here and wait, only keepin' a couple men on watch, but the Tarans all have to have their hands bound. It's not fair...
Still, how'd he figure out who you are?
Ch'en ...I didn't expect the Intelligence Service to work this case.
Bagpipe The Intelligence Service? Why would THEY be lookin' for Reed?
Ch'en Her background must be an unusual one.
And that's why she insisted on acting alone. She didn't want to drag anyone into the mess.
Bagpipe Oh, I've got a bad feelin' about this... Are they actually goin' to talk, you know, to a Taran? They won't rough her up, or threaten her into sayin' somethin' against her will, right?
Ch'en Keep your voice down.
[Bagpipe quiets down.]
Ch'en Mm... I remember what you wrote in your report on County Hillock.
Bagpipe Right. He's got his writ from City Council, he says he'll keep the peace and he has nothin' against Tarans, but...
No. I should trust more. He's still an arm of City Council. He's not here to mess things up.
Ch'en Most people can't withstand the pressure of interrogations, though.
...Do you remember how we did things, back in school when we partnered up?
Bagpipe Oh! Your hand signal. I do...
I remember. That's the ones we communicated with, the time we snatched those hazardous Originium products.
Ch'en Good thing you remember.
It doesn't matter what Reed's background is. If she ends up as someone's pawn, that's going to send ripples through the status quo.
Bagpipe Yeah, and it'll be a nightmare on her as well... I mean, she's always seemed like she's been–tryin' to shake herself of somethin'.
I hear you loud and clear, Chenchen. We'll bring her back to Rhodes Island.
<Background 4>
[Harmonie and "The Brigadier" walks through the mire.]
Harmonie Dearie, me... what pristinely clear tracks.
"The Brigadier" It seems your opponent is extending you an invitation again.
Harmonie Oh, please, less ridicule.
And unfortunately, I'm afraid "invitation" is an overstatement this time. He doesn't even so much as care about what dance his guest intends on.
We're making our positions plenty clear just by showing our faces.
Dublinn will rescue poor Loughshinny, expose her identity... and in the end, testify as to where I really stand.
And he knows. I have to wade in... so the other Draco of Tara doesn't land in his Duke's hands, and lessen The Leader's influence as a Draco herself.
"The Brigadier" No matter. I shall wipe his ambitions clean.
<Background 3>
Fischer ...The fowlbeasts have stopped calling. Do you understand what that means?
Reed ...... (Shakes head)
Fischer That's fine. Why don't we start with accounts of your recent incidents?
You haven't caused serious injury to anyone. Even the arson at the barracks resulted in no deaths nor casualties, with only some supplies lost to fire.
Most Tarans are driven by their hatred of the Victorians to commit graver crimes. Your methods, in contrast, have been very mild.
Some witnesses even attest how you tried to fend off the Dublinn soldiers.
Do you admit to all this?
Reed I can only admit–I by no means wish to harm others.
Fischer Good. I can believe that. You have a fair conscience in you.
Now, if we can turn our attention to the quietened fowlbeasts...
...It seems your Dublinn friends are here to save you.
Reed ......
No... No.
I can't go back...
Fischer Go back? Oh, you mean–back to your life as a shadow?
Back to the kind of life surrounded by smoldering corpses, where the ashes of the dead coat the city streets?
To someone blessed with a conscience, it must be a very painful life.
But it so happens you have a chance right now. You can make your own decision.
Accept our protection. Your past crimes will be looked into no further.
Reed ......
I will never!
<Background black>
She must run. Run from the watchful eyes of all.
But how far must she go before she's finally run away?
<Background 1>
Ch'en Now!
Bagpipe Aye!
Sorry, but you'll want to try on my fortcracker for size again!
[Bagpipe sets herself free with her piledriver lance.]
<Background black>
Brandishing her piledriver spear, Bagpipe's gaze is away from the tent. Behind her stands Ch'en, and Ch'en's eyes, however, widen for an instant.
With not a sound, the tent over the interrogation turns to ashes.
A beam of flames bolts through the dark night, to then immediately vanish without a trace.