Operation story: BI-1

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Salaryman A icon.png
Business-Tripping Manager
Kjerag Monk icon.png
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Kjerag Merchant
Kjerag Nobleman B icon.png
Scatching Nobleman
Kjerag Noblewoman A icon.png
Talkative Noblewoman
Kjerag Avenue
Mount Karlan Path
Kjerag House
Hoff Angrsaal Hall
Hoff Angrsaal Boudoir

Before operation

The Doctor and co. accept Enciodes's invitation to Kjerag. After a short recuperation on all fronts, they board the train for Mt. Karlan.
The Snow Realm.png
External force.
A minute touch of force from outside. With just the lightest push...
An avalanche will bury the whole of Kjerag, conspiracies, machinations and all.
<Background 1>
[A Kuranta businessman is being offered something by a Kjeragian merchant.]
Business-Tripping Manager Sir, this is just a shoddy plank of wood. What makes it sell for fifty whole pounds?
Kjerag Merchant Now, sir, you'll want to learn something new today. This is no ordinary piece of wood. It's a blessing of Kjeragandr, Goddess of the Snow Realm.
It's all thanks to Her protection that Kjerag could be free from the Catastrophes and set down roots here.
And the stuff that made this charm comes from the evergreen trees of Mount Jungfrau, our own second-highest peak in all of Kjerag.
Do you know much about Jungfrau? Legends say, it's a mountain formed from the tears of Kjeragandr as they fell and froze.
The trees watered in that snow from on high grow full with Kjeragandr's love and favor for this land, and charms made from that timber assure your safety and warding of calamity where you may go.
Seeing as it's your first time here in Kjerag, why not take some souvenirs for your homefolk back in Victoria?
Business-Tripping Manager What gives you that idea?
Kjerag Merchant Listen, these last two years, Mr. Enciodes has had more and more of these big corporate whosits flocking in. I heard your accent and I knew straight away.
To new people like you, see, I recommend these charms in particular to mark the occasion.
Heard of the Tschäggättä, maybe? They're people-eating beasts deep in our mountains. Sinister to the eye, inhuman, there and gone again when you least expect.
But so long as you're wearing this charm, blessed by the Vine-Bear Court, you'll cower those things under Kjeragandr's might, and they won't harm you.
And just think, you take it back to your family and tell them, this charm bears the divine protection of Kjerag's Mount Karlan. Paints the complete picture, doesn't it?
You've tripped halfway across the land to Kjerag. You wouldn't go back to your own without something nice for it,
Business-Tripping Manager ......
...Bah, fine. I'll take one, and one for my wife and little tot each!
Kjerag Merchant That's the ticket! If only we could all be straightforward as you!
??? Let me see—sorry, this wood must've been stripped from any random mountain tree.
Kjerag Merchant ?!
[Ensia Silverash, better known as Cliffheart, approaches the merchant.]
Kjerag Merchant Wh—What gives you the right to say that?!
Ensia First, without approval from the Paleroches, no one's even allowed to climb Jungfrau.
Second, I sure didn't hear about anyone climbing her while I was gone.
When I left Kjerag, I even told Weiss, if anyone makes it up her, be sure to send me a message.
Kjerag Merchant How do you know who...
Wait a minute, that tail... you can't be Miss Ensia?!
Business-Tripping Manager Ensia... y—you're Mr. Enciodes's sister?!
Ensia Uh-huh?
Business-Tripping Manager Now, hold it, sir, were you actually trying to swindle me?!
Kjerag Merchant Well, hahahah, they said Miss Ensia loved climbing ever since she was little. Seems she knows more about the snowcaps than us commoners after all.
All these wares of mine came from the hunters in the mountains, actually. They must have been the ones swindling me, no doubt.
I'll be going to find them and settle our score!
As for this charm... Miss Ensia, would you mind?
Ensia It's true it has the Vine-Bear Court's blessing. No man of Kjerag would dare to forge that seal and offend Kjeragandr.
If you want to ward off any rumored Tschäggättäs with it, forget it. But if you take it back as a souvenir, I think it'll work great.
So, just slash that price a little.
Kjerag Merchant Huff... in light of that, I'll put them at ten pounds a piece! Now, sir, are you still buying?
Business-Tripping Manager If the sister of Mr. Enciodes says as much, I've got no reason to be skeptical.
Business for you must be tough. I'll take five of them!
Kjerag Merchant Coming right up.
Are you here to buy anything, Miss Ensia? Whatever you fancy, it's yours. My business owes itself to the Silverashes, after all.
Ensia No, no, I'll pay you like normal.
Right, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Of course. / Lucky we prepared enough Victorian and Kazimierz cash.
Ensia Jeez, we could exchange all we want, but it's still only worth anything in our family's region.
And this trade port's doing the hottest business anywhere in our land. You may as well spend all that money right here. You'll still get away with it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You couldn't just take stuff? It's your clan's territory.
Ensia Hey, c'mon, Doctor. Other people have to make a living too.
But if you really want, we can go see what my brother says about it. He'd get things sorted out sweet!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
[Weiss, better known as Courier, approaches Ensia.]
Weiss Lady Ensia, we should be on our way to the station by now.
Ensia Ooh, we're tight on time. Doctor, let's go.
[Ensia and co. leave, but the Doctor noticed someone looking at them.]
??? The blizzard is coming. Take caution, outsider.
Doctor And you are?
??? If you don't want to freeze, leaving now will still save your skin.
Doctor ......?
Ensia What are you blanking for, Doctor?
Doctor Someone was talking to me.
Ensia Huh? There's nobody here, though.
Doctor ......?
<Background fades out>
It's far from the right season for leisurely outdoor coffee.
You look behind you, and only see the bright canopy blocking the sun, and a sign advertising Karlan Trade.
A deserted terrace sits silent, just like the distant peaks of pure white.
Maybe it was the pages of the magazine on the table, rustling in the wind, that gave you the illusion someone was sitting next to you, talking to you.
<Background fades in>
Ensia Doctor, snap out of it. Let's move.
Doctor ......
[The Doctor and co. leaves as the snowfall goes heavier.]
<Background black>
??? We'll meet again.
<Background 2>
Weiss Matterhorn! You're here. The Master's waiting for you.
Matterhorn Good to see you, Weiss.
Aren't you going?
Weiss I was going to, but the Master wants to invite the Doctor to the Tri-Clan Council with him, and have me stay back to greet them in your place. After all, I'm an employee of Rhodes Island myself.
I think you must be ready for a vacation after guarding the Young Lady for so long.
Besides, given you're out here, I'm guessing she ditched you?
Matterhorn Haha, yes. She's shopping with the Doctor right now.
She wanted a vacation for me too, so she had me let her free.
Weiss That's the Master and the Young Lady for you.
Well? How do you feel, being back this time?
Matterhorn The territory's been fast with construction, and huge in its overall change. It's almost unrecognizable already. That's the Master for you, indeed.
I'll take the two of them up on their great kindness and visit home for now, see my parents, and then I'll be on standby at the Master's.
How about you?
Weiss Me?
Matterhorn You've been away for a while too. Last time we met, weren't you off with the Master to Columbia?
Weiss I've got nothing pressing. Savoring the streets again is more than enough for me.
Matterhorn What about that old Itra friend of yours? Monch, I think, was the name. Eat a bite with him if you have the time.
Weiss That's...
...We'll see, I guess.
<Background 3>
Sharp ......
[Sharp, the Rhodes Island specialist operative, calls an Ursine operative with the callsign Aurora.]
Sharp It's me.
Aurora Can you hear me?
Sharp I can hear you.
Aurora Brilliant! It looks like the base station's signal is fine.
Sharp Mm.
How are you?
Aurora I've found a few suitable hidden spots for the comms station installation. But no matter where we install a station in Turicum, we won't be able to catch all of Kjerag.
This is Kjerag's southern gateway, and practically its only contact channel with the outside.
Setting up a comms network here has massive importance, but if you want to cover the whole of Kjerag, setting up a few more simple stations around the central lake region would be the best option.
Sharp That's not what I'm asking.
Aurora ...? Didn't you have me wandering outside so I could scope things for us?
Sharp What I mean is, you haven't been back in Kjerag for a long time. How do you feel?
Aurora Oh...
Honestly, it feels totally unbelievable. When I left Kjerag under the Silverashes' talent fostering program, it was from here too.
Back then, even Turicum was just an ordinary little village, let alone the rail station at the border now.
I never thought it'd become so big. At this point, I think you could argue it stands up to the cities on the outside.
Doing construction work like this in the snowy mountains must be harder than I could ever imagine.
Sharp Good.
Aurora Where are you all right now, Captain? I'll come find you.
Sharp We're boarding a train to Karlan.
You don't need to come with yet.
Aurora Huh?
Sharp You mentioned your home was in an industrial area, in the mountains.
Aurora Yep.
Sharp For now, go back and visit.
Nothing's more important than family.
Aurora But...
Sharp You're back in the mountains. It's the perfect opportunity to head for home. The Doctor thinks so, too.
Aurora Did the Doctor say that?
...I understand. If you're okay with it, then I will.
Aurora So, the Doctor...
Sharp The Doctor has me with.
[An announcement blares over the loudspeakers.]
Broadcast The train for the foot of Mt. Karlan is about to depart.
The train will depart soon, please board now.
Sharp I'm heading out.
Have a good break, Aurora.
[Sharp hangs up.]
<Background black>
With a steam whistle and a faint announcement, the train departing for Karlan sets slowly into motion.
Kjerag Homecoming.png
Ensia Doctor, let me tell you about the names of all these peaks.
Look. The one there with the flat-ish slope is Jungfrau. The third Saintess named that one.
The really steep one there, that's Matterhorn. His name actually came straight from that one.
Ensia continues on, with something to say about all the scenery that passes by, and all that Kjerag is.
Aside, Courier wears his eternal smile, listening to every word quietly and respectfully. But from time to time, the faraway look in his eyes carries a hint of something unclear.
Sharp reclines against the seat browsing net pages. He'll find that the contents of Kjerag's internet far exceed his expectations.
Alternately, you listen to Ensia, and cast your gaze out of the window.
Outside, remnants of ice drift in a lake reflecting the blue sky. Some locals are together at its shallows, some drawing water, some doing their laundry, some laughing.
The purest white snowpeaks stand imposingly tall, any attempt to lift your head and see their end blocked by the sunlight.
Halfway up, where the mountains level somewhat, a young shepherd herds flocks of stockbeasts home. No surprise crosses him as he sees the people aboard the train; instead, he lifts his whip, waving at you in greeting.
Not far away is the village where he lives, smoke spiraling from chimneys, peaceful and prosperous.
The sight of it all wipes the cares from your mind.
Perhaps, this journey will be just fine.

After operation

At the Tri-Clan Council, all three clans have knives to each others' throats. With the deadlock unabating, Enciodes proposes the three clans transfer power to the Saintess, igniting a fierce dispute. In the end, the Saintess Enya chooses to accept the transfer.
<Background 4>
[Three members of the Browntail clan: the matriarch Ratatos, her sister Sciurus, and Sciurus' husband Yucatan, are having a talk.]
Sciurus Tch. It's taking too long.
Ratatos Keep it down, Sciurus. You're interrupting my train of thought.
Sciurus What's to think about? Enciodes has to hand his land over this time.
Ratatos Yucatan, your opinion?
Yucatan ...I agree with Rus, but Sir Enciodes won't just lie down and take it.
Ratatos At least you think before you talk. Unlike your wife here.
Sciurus Oh, who exactly is this about?!
Ratatos You, of course, my beautiful little sister.
If only it wasn't for Arctosz and his idiot face firing off at anything to do with Karlan. I didn't want to fall out with Enciodes this soon, that's for sure.
People like Enciodes are a handful. Even if he croaks, he'll be sure to put us on the brink too at least. Not to mention...
Something tells me he won't accept his sorry lot, and it's telling me loud.
Sciurus Hmph. In my view...
Ratatos I said keep it down, Sciurus. If you really have something to say, you can go outside, and then tell the mountains about it.
Of course, I won't let you back indoors.
Sciurus Tch. Fine, I'll just shut up then.
(Murmured) So happy to talk to yourself.
Ratatos ......
Devotee Sir Arctosz arrives.
[The gate opens as the cold wind blows in and Arctosz Paleroche, the patriarch of the Paleroche clan, walks in.]
At the summit of Karlan in winter, the frigid winds never rest, but the look in Arctosz's eyes, and the sound of his great axe as it drags along the ground in bursts, come to fool people—it's as if the winds are his to bring.
Ratatos Look who's here, Arctosz, my fine friend.
Arctosz Enciodes?
Ratatos Who am I to answer that?
I thought you would've bumped into each other outside and settled everything there, and that way I wouldn't need to be tormented in here, and I could go home happy.
Arctosz How surprising that something can even torment you, Ratatos.
Ratatos Of course. I've got torment to the nines.
Such as, more and more people in my territory wanting to work for a living at Enciodes's instead.
Or, Gulo, the most able officer you have, not showing up today. Why?
Arctosz He caught a cold.
Ratatos Kjerag's sturdiest soldier catching a cold. That's no good omen.
Looks like we'll need that man under Enciodes to give him some treatment. Gnosis, that one.
Arctosz He'll get better on his own.
Ratatos Fine, fine. No good deed of mine goes unpunished.
Seeing as you're here, it looks like we're just missing Enciodes now.
??? The three o'clock chime has not yet sounded.
Enciodes I see I've kept the two of you waiting.
Devotee S-Sir Enciodes and the Great Elder arrive!
Ratatos Hm?
Tch, there's a mystery. Why are the two of them together...?
[Enciodes Silverash, better known as SilverAsh, the patriarch of the Silverash clan and the CEO of Karlan Trade, walks in alongside the Great Elder of Kjerag as Arctosz and Ratatos looked them in suspicion.]
Ratatos Enciodes, don't tell me you went praying to the Saintess before coming to this meeting?
Enciodes Far from it. I met the Great Elder along the way, and had a few words with him.
Great Elder, you first.
Great Elder A fine courtesy.
Elders of Kjerag.png
The entrance to the hall slowly shuts, the air inside settling down in an instant after.
The Great Elder sits straight in the middle, Arctosz and Ratatos stand to one side, and Enciodes to the other.
The gulf of difference is stark.
Great Elder Former Tri-Clan Councils always had us sit together, talking of the year's crop of affairs, of whose house had done more, and of whose required assistance after blights of snow.
I had not foreseen such a topic at today's council... *sigh*.
Arctosz You'll want to really grill Enciodes about that.
Enciodes No need for such aggression, Arctosz.
As the Great Elder said, the Tri-Clan Council should be no place for us to blame and reproach each other.
Ratatos I wonder if you've heard one about the pot and the kettle, Enciodes.
Great Elder Enough, enough. Given we are all here, we shall commence this meeting of the Tri-Clan Council.
By Kjeragandr.
Everyone By Kjeragandr.
<Background 4>
Great Elder I presume all three are aware of the purpose of this Council.
On Mr. Arctosz and Ms. Ratatos's proposal, last meeting, that the Silverashes would cede governing authority over the valleys and mining regions, for the Paleroches and Browntails to then administrate.
In addition, the Silverashes' withdrawal from the parliament of the Tri-Clan Council.
[The attendees discussed the proposal.]
Enciodes Gnosis Edelweiss has been expelled from his post by myself. I believe both of you know this already.
Arctosz What good does knowing that do? Gnosis is your aide. How could his actions not have been according to your instruction?
If you think pinning the blame on him will let you escape punishment, then think again!
[Enciodes interrupts Arctosz.]
Enciodes Arctosz, why come to such an arbitrary conclusion?
Arctosz Enciodes, there's much I can tolerate from you. You can open your factories in your territory, do your business, recruit your foreigners.
That is your territory. Whatever ghoulish form you twist it into, it's not my concern.
But never should you have led your railroad to Karlan, bringing the copper stench onto holy earth. And your mining up to Karlan's foot, extracting resources in secret, is beyond the pale.
What do you take the ground of Karlan for—what do you take the land of Kjeragandr for?
You even plotted against any inspection teams so that they wouldn't investigate your factories. My subordinates are still bedbound for it.
Is that what you want to say? That these are all the doing of that accursed Edelweiss, and nothing to do with you?!
Enciodes Gnosis was once my most trusted partner, and I mistakenly gave him too much power.
For that, I am deeply regretful.
What of you, Ratatos? Is there really no leeway to reverse course between us?
Ratatos *sigh* I really would love to help you, Enciodes.
After all, six whole years ago, it was me who paved your way back into this hall. Of course it hurts, pushing you out again by my own hands.
But in the end, when it's about all of Kjerag, I just can't defend you.
Enciodes Though I believe the Browntails have benefited, greatly, from business in Turicum.
Ratatos Am I denying that? It's not just money in our pockets, we can reap the rewards with our subjects too. Who wouldn't be a fan? Only sticks-in-the-mud like Arctosz.
But even though people talk behind my back thanks to it, crying witch about me, I still have a bottom line, Enciodes.
I don't know what you read or learned in those four years you studied outside, that drives you to abuse our trust to this point.
I was wrong about you six years ago, Enciodes. I'll pay for that in time—but you're going to pay first.
Enciodes Ceding the valleys and mines under our jurisdiction, as well as the Silverashes' seat at the Tri-Clan Council. These are your demands. Is it not an excessively high price?
Karlan Trade has already stricken its then-director in these affairs, Gnosis, off its register. The company's growth policy has recently mildened too, that much is plain to see.
Ratatos Too late, Enciodes.
If this price wasn't high, how would you ever remember it?
[Arctosz interrupts Ratatos to speak with Enciodes.]
Arctosz If you wanted to seek forgiveness, you never would've done any of this in the first place.
But since you have done it already, then today, here and now, you must pay something for it.
Are you handing over governance of the valleys and mines, or are you not? Are you seceding from the Tri-Clan Council, or are you not?
[The attendees discussed the argument between the three clans...]
Enciodes ......
[...before Enciodes speaks.]
Enciodes All I have done up to now was for the development of Kjerag.
That it would worsen our relations with the Paleroches and Browntails to this present extent, was never my wish.
And from the exchanges I've just had with the two of you, I see this worsening is already unavertable, and unredeemable.
I somewhat foresaw it, but to arrive at this moment in reality, at this time of grievance and ultimatum in this hall, still fills me with sorrow.
But I truly cannot bear to see a fissure arise in the three clans that govern Kjerag together.
Dissent in the three clans signifies dissent in Kjerag. It signifies, that Kjeragandr's people, are soon to lose their collective homeland.
Arctosz Enciodes, if you truly thought so, if you truly ever thought so for even one moment...
You would have sent yourself packing from Kjerag, back to your Victoria, and been a worry less on Kjerag herself!
Enciodes Arctosz. I, Enciodes Silverash, am the head of the Silverashes.
This means I must bear my responsibility for the future of Kjerag, and fulfil what is obliged of me.
I don't know what makes you feel I should have stayed in Victoria. Is it because those days of only two clans in parliament made you feel so much more powerful?
Not to mention, my reforms in the years I've led the Silverashes are a done reality...
The people of my territory haven't just gained from the way of life I've brought, they've continued to advance such lives by their own accord.
Even if I leave, the machines will still work, and the trains on the tracks will still set into motion.
Or do you truly believe that if I hand off the valleys and mines today, and cease operation of those factories and railroads...
That the people working there, the people benefiting from what it produces, will accede?
Ratatos That's your problem to solve, Enciodes.
Enciodes No, Ratatos. Maybe you have incredible trust in my problem-solving ability, but at base, this is not a problem I alone must face.
You wouldn't suggest that the Browntails' subjects have never profited any from these years Karlan Trade has done business?
How many people have the Originium stoves kept going through the coldest winters, procured from Columbia by Karlan Trade? There are no Catastrophes in our mountains, but the ice and snow still claim lives.
What is so disgraceful about the herders' prods, or the fertilizer that comes from Victoria?
Ratatos You brought about this situation today—including your constant embellishment of yourself—and now you're using that same situation to menace us, shamelessly.
Get it out. Say this is all your accomplishment. Say you're powerless to give those of Kjerag self-sufficiency, and that you're not afraid to have them mocking you. You, head of the Silverashes.
Enciodes Wrong, Ratatos.
To menace is the bluff of one who lacks confidence, while I—am only recounting the truth.
You deem Karlan Trade as a menace to Kjerag. That, in itself, is a mockery beyond the heavens.
Ratatos Keh...
You've got some gall by the sound of it, Enciodes. I remember. You've been good at talking this sort of talk ever since you were young.
Arctosz Don't waste your breath, Enciodes.
Today, you will...
Enciodes Would I not hand it over today, General Gulo would have directly "assumed" control of the valleys, having been stationed close by long ago.
Arctosz You...
Enciodes Don't be so quick to resort to force, Arctosz.
I can make commitments and decisions, accordingly, to your proposals.
Conflict has been far from my intent up to now. As the head, I will not put up with any losses either.
But if it's for putting this grievous state of affairs in check, for the alliance of the three clans of the snow mountains, then in the capacity of Kjeragandr's people, the Silverashes can make concessions.
—I am fully able to offer the valleys and mines, with both hands.
Ratatos You're serious?
Arctosz You can say a fine line! Enciodes, there's no one here who'll be taken in by your drivel!
Enciodes Hence why I say, Arctosz, don't rush.
Impetuousness will be your weakness, guardian axe of Kjeragandr, most pious soldier of Kjerag.
I can accept these conditions you two have devised. But it will not be handed to the Paleroches, nor the Browntails.
Arctosz Then to whom do you give it? What, Kjeragandr?!
Enciodes Completely correct, Arctosz, most faithful of the people of Kjeragandr.
Every inch of territory of the Silverashes, and of you all too, is fundamentally accorded to us by Kjeragandr's trust. We merely supervise it in Kjeragandr's place.
Ratatos ...Hold on, you can't be...
Enciodes It is as you imagine, Ratatos.
I've decided I will hear your demands, and give the Silverashes' valleys and mines in whole to the Vine-Bear Court, for the Saintess to handle its factories and pits.
Arctosz What?!
Enciodes So as to avert conflict between the three clans, Kjerag ought to have a leader who can hold the faith of both the three clans, and the Snow Realm's citizens, at once.
Though we've managed, I believe that having the vicar of Kjeragandr take control of Kjerag once again, as in times past, is a fair and reasonable thing.
I imagine that peacefully settling this issue, peacefully partitioning the Silverashes' assets, and peacefully avoiding a direct clash of the three families, is what we hope for by all rights.
Ratatos, Arctosz—I can give up my valley and mines on this one condition. What do you think?
Elders of Kjerag.png
A spell of silence. The attending nobles look amongst each other, trying to comprehend what purpose lies within the words.
The only sound, the scratching of the transcriber's pen, but that freezes too a few short seconds later, hung in the atmosphere.
The first to break the silence is a pencil as it carelessly clatters to the ground, alongside a stunned gasp from an unknown someone.
Immediately, consciously, low murmurs of discussion arise one after another, as if a pan of rösti in lowly heated oil.
<Background 2>
[Gnosis gazes over the horizon as two Kjeragian nobles watch him.]
Gnosis ......
Talkative Noblewoman Look! Is that the man from the Edelweisses...
Scathing Nobleman That Gnosis cur has the nerve to show his face here. I spit on him.
Gnosis ......
Talkative Noblewoman Good word, he's turned this way!
Scathing Nobleman Pah. See the look in his eyes. Heaven knows why Mr. Enciodes ever gave him such great responsibility, when his parents clearly plotted...
Talkative Noblewoman Tut-tut-tut, shush it, now! You'll anger Kjeragandr if you speak of these things atop Karlan!
Though you have to admit, his happy days are at an end. Mr. Enciodes obviously couldn't tolerate his conduct one second longer.
Scathing Nobleman Really? Did Mr. Enciodes finally pull him from his post?
Talkative Noblewoman Yes! Didn't you know? At the Council last month, he removed him from his office on the spot...
Scathing Nobleman He's already out, then? That's wonderful! His number was long up!
Gnosis ......
[Monch, an Itra employee of K.C., approaches Gnosis.]
Monch Sir Gnosis.
Gnosis I've warned that we should not converse on these occasions.
Monch Yes, my apologies.
Only... I received an urgent message. The train carrying Rhodes Island's delegation is almost at Karlan's foot already.
You had some interest in this company. Do you want to go and meet them?
Gnosis The Snow Realm has reached a major juncture. If they're external forces that have been drawn in, then I'll naturally meet them when the time comes. No need to go out of my way.
Besides... I'm merely an employee on probation now. What position do I have as pretext to meet them?
Monch ...Sir...
It really was disappointing to see how Enciodes acted, ejecting you as a figurehead just to appease the other two clans.
Gnosis Appease? Enciodes's thoughts are by no means as simple as that.
I've heard Rhodes Island really did succeed in slowing the exacerbation of Ensia's Oripathy?
Monch Yes...
Gnosis Hm. Then they do, in fact, have the resources to win the Silverashes' favor.
But the attention of Enciodes is both a blessing and curse. No easy judgments yet.
Monch You mean...
Gnosis There is no extraneous meaning to what I said.
Anyhow, presumably those in the company must have applauded and cheered, the same way those two dilettantes did just now, hearing I was gone.
Monch None of them understand your worth, Sir Gnosis.
Gnosis Using the word "worth" to describe a person implies that person can be weighed.
Monch Sir...
Gnosis By now, Enciodes should have proposed his idea for the Saintess to lead the Tri-Clan Council.
The meeting hall, at this moment, should be utter chaos.
Enciodes, in the end, this is the step you took after all.
Monch You're the one who understands Enciodes the most. Only you can stand in the way of his ambitions.
[Snow starts to fall.]
Gnosis ......
The wind's picked up. It's going to snow.
A massive snowflake sticks against Gnosis's shoulder, only for the frigid wind to pitilessly, immediately blow it off.
Kjerag's snowstorms are far from rare. They only need the clouds to gather thick enough, waiting just for a turning point.
And once the equilibrium of the air that supported those clouds is smashed, and loses its bracing power—
<Background 4>
Does Enciodes seriously mean for the Saintess to become Kjerag's queen?
Impossible! This is Enciodes we're talking about!
But he seemed serious about those ideas he spouted just now...
No matter how you put it, think how incredible it'd be if Kjerag could unite under the Saintess's leadership! Kjeragandr's land really should return to Kjeragandr!
The whispers amongst the bystanders come together, and momentarily, the roar of the wind outside the window is covered by the voices.
[Ratatos questions Enciodes of his suggestion to make the Saintess Kjerag's head of state.]
Ratatos ...Enciodes, do you have any idea what you're saying?
Enciodes I'm clear as could be.
Let us lay everything out in the open.
I originally held that, so long as results were had and the Silverashes' sincerity was clear to you all, you would discard your prejudices, and hand in hand with me, lead Kjerag forward.
If the three clans could act together, then regardless of any difference in earnings—
A country's stance upon foreign trade versus a company's stance upon foreign trade are completely divorced concepts, and the results obtained will be a world apart.
Maybe my pace was too fast, and led you to believe instead I was planning to submissively hand Kjerag to outsiders?
Arctosz As if you weren't? Enciodes, Karlan IS NOT your theater to act in! Kjeragandr will punish you for every lie you've spewed!
Enciodes In that case, that Karlan still permits me to stand here is my greatest proof.
Leave it at that. I know full well I can't change your thinking, but I don't plan to alter Karlan Trade policy because of your shortsightedness either.
Karlan Trade values Kjerag's mines and factories, but they aren't the totality of the company. Letting them bring the company into stasis is far less worth it to me.
If we let an eye for an eye go any further, then in the long run, we'll have spent excessive energy on uniting our views, and it'll have given outside threats a chance to hijack.
Like you, this is in no way what I want.
I ultimately resolve to hand over all executive power to the Saintess.
It will be for the Saintess to determine. I can accept this arrangement, and I believe all present can too.
Arctosz A heap of nonsense!
Who would believe words like these from someone trampling on the faith of Kjeragandr?!
Enciodes Trampling?
I know that's how you see it. Many harbor prejudice towards the change Karlan Trade has brought.
But labor is the very foundation on which Kjerag was stood.
Forget not that should they still have work at noon, the Browntails' people pass on kneeling in prayer to Karlan.
And if things are busy, they certainly do not take the monthly visit to Karlan to hear the teachings.
Ratatos Ha. Enciodes, pulling some hamfisted strawman like this isn't one bit persuasive.
What next? Are you going to say that everything you've done to Karlan is by Kjeragandr's counsel?
Enciodes "Kjeragandr," Page 1, Line 1.
"Her tears are the ice eternally unmelting, Her back the unbreaking mountain, Her breath the cold wind of winter, Her smile the warm light of spring."
"When She awakes, shall the mountains summon Her, and the sky cast down lustrous spectra."
No one has ever said that the Holy Mount can truly stand for Her.
Mt. Karlan's uniqueness is owed to the Vine-Bear Court being situated on it.
If you denounce me for harm of the Vine-Bear Court's interests, I will readily concede that. Besides, I have brought my full good faith.
And in addition, "those who toil will hold power, and those who idle will suffer."
I have never gone against Her teachings.
Arctosz Utter, utter tripe!
The Vine-Bear Court is Kjeragandr's representative upon this land, and the Saintess of the Vine-Bear Court Her Terran speaker! How do you think you can change this with a mere few utterances?!
Great Elder, will the Vine-Bear Court suffer these wild lies?!
Great Elder Naturally, I have to protest what Mr. Enciodes says.
However, day in and day out, the scholars wage countless disputes over interpretations of Her words. The Vine-Bear Court is not a place of outlawed dissent, by any means.
Enciodes Who is right, and who is wrong? Far be it from you or me to have the final say, Arctosz.
Page 3, Line 5.
"In the beginning, Kjerag had but one untamed settlement, so until She lifted Her head from amidst the mountains."
This time, following Enciodes's start, some nobles present notably begin to recite alongside him.
"She became as human, and lived in survival with the untamed. Yet they feared Her might, and honored Her as Divine."
"More came to gather at Her side, and so was Kjerag born, and She, its first ruler."
"Under Her guidance, did Kjerag flourish and thrive in bountifulness."
Arctosz ......
Enciodes Arctosz, tell me. What does Page 321, Line 1 say?
Arctosz "...After She held the kingdom for three centuries, there came one sudden day when She passed the ruler's title to Her helper, and vanished amidst the blizzard."
Ratatos "Henceforth, Kjerag was given unto the people's hands."
Enciodes Everyone, we are all of Kjerag, and all Her people.
It is exactly as I said before—
If there is someone able to determine how we should proceed, then it is not I, nor you, nor Ratatos.
This someone must be Her speaker, the Saintess.
That we do not trust each other won't matter.
The Saintess will determine for us, and show us towards the future.
Or do you mean to admit, somehow, that you don't trust the Saintess to make the fairest ruling, that you don't trust Her speaker upon the land?
In an instant, the attention of every noble there focuses onto Arctosz.
Arctosz You...! Enciodes, how dare you!
Ratatos ......
Enciodes, if you're hoping this level of provocation will rouse any reaction in us, then that's far too disappointing of you.
Enciodes ......
Ratatos The Saintess was born a Silverash, that we all know.
But her character is equivalently common knowledge.
She is still Kjerag's Saintess. From the moment she received the glory and duty of Kjeragandr, the people of Kjerag have been witness to her every word and action.
Her conduct has been impartial, ever since she took up the title. As things stand, how can we be skeptical of her simply for her common birth?
Arctosz ......
Ratatos It's like you just said. Kjeragandr was broad of heart, and resolved to give Kjerag's future to Her people.
But you. You, Enciodes, choosing only now after all this time to bring up Kjeragandr, expounding on Her virtue and benevolence. Is that not out of some ulterior motive, really?
You are the one disrespecting the Saintess, Enciodes, coming in with sophistry to coerce and take advantage of her people!
Enciodes That's a grave accusation, Ratatos, far graver than your criticisms of Karlan Trade.
It seems our continuing this discussion further will only add to the maelstrom of conjecture. Given so, we may as well ask the Saintess to come here, and we'll set things straight in front of her.
Arctosz Hmph, no objections. With all three clans gathered here, I expect there won't be any room for your tricks.
Enciodes Well, then. In the interest of fairness, may we trouble the Great Elder in our humble request of the Saintess?
Great Elder So be it. I'll go and ask her. Exercise patience, please.
<Background 5>
[Enya Silverash, the Karlan Saintess, looks out to the windows with her chief attendant Kjarr (who, unbeknownst to her, was actually Kjeragandr Herself) beside her.]
Enya ......
I think it might be snowing outside.
Kjarr What's so strange about that? The snow never stops falling on this mountain.
Enya Something's different.
...So, Enciodes proposes the three families hand their power to me, for me to decide Kjerag's future?
Kjarr Indeed.
What do you think of it, Enya?
Enya I...
[The Great Elder enters the room...]
Kjarr Well met, Great Elder.
[...as he approaches Enya.]
Great Elder Enya. Here you are.
I imagine you've probably heard about the assembly's affairs.
Enya If you mean the transferral of power, yes, I already know.
There's been progress, then, if you've come for me now?
Great Elder Keen ever since you were little, young one.
It's reached the point where the clans' views clash like fire and water.
Before this Council convened, Silverash gave me a hint or two... that under the current situation, the plan he'd suggest may well deescalate.
Enya ......
It seems you don't approve of my actions last Council after all, Great Elder.
Great Elder Enya, oh, Enya.
Come... child, look outside. Could you know the years it took, for the frost and snow to finally cover these mountains?
And could you know, how many years had to pass, for us to have this pure and holy summit where we stand?
Enya ...I understand.
But—"Her tears are the ice eternally unmelting, Her back the unbreaking mountain, Her breath the cold wind of winter, Her smile the warm light of spring."
If everything was Kjeragandr's gift, then why must Kjeragandr's people still fear the blizzard?
Great Elder ......
...In that respect, you and him do seem alike... yet different, too...
Enya Um, pardon me...?
Great Elder Nothing, just an old man thinking aloud.
What you say is correct, Saintess.
You've spent all your time atop this summit, and the mountains have bowed to Kjeragandr's speaker in turn. To think so is quite right.
However, in snow this great, built up over so many years, how many of Kjeragandr's people would be buried, should it ever collapse?
Enya ......
Great Elder To me, Kjerag's peace of mind has always come first and foremost.
I trust, Saintess, that you are the same.
Hum... it's about time.
The three are still in the hall awaiting you. You cannot appear too soon, but I wouldn't advise you be too late either. Now is the perfect time.
Kjarr May you both come this way, please.
Enya Alright.
<Background black>
Enya Kjerag's peace of mind...
Letting this snow carry on building underfoot, without a place for us to clear a way... will that be peace for Kjerag?
Kjeragandr, I pray, watch over your people...
Background-Hoff Angrsaal.png
"The Saintess arrives."
In the wake of the blizzard sweeping the mountain, the clear, sharp bell strokes come as if from the heavens to the ears of Kjeragandr's people.
Where she passes, no noble fails to stand, offering the most formal etiquette, chanting the most devout prayer.
Background-Karlan Square.png
"Frost and snow have fallen by your will, to bring to Kjerag blessings."
[The gate to the main building opens...]
<Background 4>
[...as Enya enters with cold wind blowing behind her and the gate closes. She walks to her brother Enciodes' side.]
Enciodes Saintess, it's been long.
Enya With your litany of occupations, you've neglected worship, Sir Enciodes. It truly has been long.
Enciodes You requested an investigation of the valleys and mines prior, Saintess. I could not, of course, neglect that.
Once all this is settled and done with, I will personally lead a procession in worship to Karlan.
Enya Your faith in Kjeragandr is apparent throughout. Why be so elaborate in proving it?
Enciodes That's a fine jest, Great Saintess.
Enya ......
I hear a sister of yours has come back to Kjerag.
Enciodes You're well-informed, Saintess. She should be on the path to Karlan with an honored guest at this very moment.
Enya A guest?
Enciodes Indeed. Up till now, my sister has been receiving treatment at a medical firm called Rhodes Island, for her Oripathy.
For the coming Grand Ceremony, I've invited one of said firm's leaders to visit Kjerag, as a gesture of thanks.
Enya You care much for your sister, Sir Enciodes. Truly, it is admirable.
Enciodes ...You flatter me, Saintess.
I presume you already know of my proposal. What do you think of it?
Enya What are Sir Arctosz and Lady Ratatos's considerations?
Arctosz I, Arctosz, with my faith in Kjeragandr visible to all, say that let alone merely having the Saintess be the mediator of the three clans—
Ratatos Hold it, Arctosz!
Arctosz —I could hand my position as head to her, and what shame would it be?
Enya And you, Lady Ratatos?
Who could possibly say no in this moment?
Who would dare say no in this moment?
Ratatos ......
For the Great Saintess to be the arbitrator of the three clans, in this present situation, is indeed the best option.
Enya ......
I understand.
As the three clans' heads all submit to this, and are willing to entrust themselves to me...
I shall—
[Enya pauses for a bit, before...]
Enya Respond in kind to all, and assume the duty of guiding Kjerag.