Operation story: RI-2

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Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Archosauria A
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria B
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria C
Jungle Entrance
Acahualla Temple

Before operation

On the way, Tomimi explains the local situation to the Doctor.
At the same time, an argument over tails catches Gavial's attention.
Acahualla Birdseye.png
<Background 1>
[Gavial and company traverses the dense jungles of Acahualla.]
Gavial Rainforest's same as ever, huh.
Tomimi It's been a really long time, hasn't it, Gavial?
Gavial Never liked this place. Air's stifling, and the ground gives too easy. Can't place a single firm step.
Tomimi A lot of tribes have moved into the rainforest, though.
Gavial That so? ...Hey, Doctor, looks like you're up. How'd you sleep last night?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Decent.
Gavial You adapt fast, huh, Doctor? Hell, I thought you wouldn't be able to stand roughing it out here.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Haha. Your eyes say it all.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I've never felt more alive.
Gavial Yeah, I'd believe you if you weren't trying to rub your temples.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Didn't I tell you, Doctor? Gotta be ready. It's not about to get any easier.
Here. Scrounged up what I could find nearby to make some soup. Go on, it'll wake you up.
Hey, speaking of which. Never realized it until I went looking, but actually, there's a hell of a lot of medicinal plants that grow around this rainforest.
Tomimi ...Gavial's actually taking care of people...
G... Gavial, I didn't sleep good either...
Gavial Huh? And you call yourself an Archosauria?
Tomimi Archosauria... *wail* Gavial doesn't remember our original name...
Gavial Hmm? Oh, crap, I did forget. I mean Tiacauh, don't I.
Damn, I don't think I've used that word at all since I left. Doctor, you make a note to yourself. We don't divvy ourselves up by race here.
I mean, from that perspective, uh, lemme think... I'm an Archosauria, Zumama's a Phidia[sic], and there's also Liberi... yeah, that's your three, more or less.
But we all count ourselves as Tiacauh. Means "one valiant in war" in our language.
Also, not that I think you're gonna need it, but you might like to know we call this place Acahualla. "Land where the forest overgrows."
Alright, enough bawling your eyes out. Get your people in gear and let's move.
Tomimi (Whimper)
Rhodes Island. Doctor...
Gavial Oh, yeah, right. So, a company is...
Tomimi Ah, I know that! Since you left, Gavial, I've been learning about the outside world!
Gavial Oh yeah? That adds up. You dress different from how you used to, too, now that I think about it.
Tomimi Yep! This is really fashionable on the outside!
Gavial I don't really get fashion. Is she right, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I've seen it in magazines.
Tomimi Yeah, so the Doctor's seen it too!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Tomimi Gavial, your friend doesn't seem like a fashion expert either.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I have no idea.
Gavial Haha. There's something even you don't know, huh.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Oh, yeah, Tomimi, how about you introduce the Doctor to our place? I've been away for forever. I don't know what's changed.
Tomimi Sure!
Okay, let me think. What should I tell an outsider...? Right, let's start with the tribes.
Sargon Map.png
Tomimi Look at this map. Here's where Gavial landed, and here's the path we took.
This big forested area is our Acahualla.
Gavial's Tribe.png
Tomimi Traditionally, every tribe of Acahualla, big and small, joins in this ceremony where we choose the next Great Chief.
Oh, and the ceremony a trial by combat. Whoever beats all the other challengers and earns their recognition gets the right to challenge the current Great Chief.
If they defeat the Great Chief, they become the new one.
Now the power of the Great Chief? Every tribe listens to what she says, for starters!
Gavial Sounds like nothing's really changed, then.
Tomimi Something has!
One day, the last Great Chieftain Juan drank too much and his wife chased him to the edge of a cliffside. He jumped off it and never came back. Our last ceremony was to pick his successor.
But some stuff happened with Gavial and we never chose a Great Chief. And ever since Gavial left, none of the tribes have really gotten along with each other.
So now we've all been stuck fighting each other.
<Background 1>
Doctor A former Great Chief...?
Tomimi Wuh? That part's actually normal for us.
My dad said Great Chief Juan was one of the longest Great Chiefs ever. We'd usually get a new one every two or three years.
Whenever we lose a Great Chief's, we do the ceremony to pick a new one.
Doctor Now what was that about Gavial?
Gavial What? Oh, yeah, I never told anybody at Rhodes Island about that stuff.
I beat every single comer to the whole damn thing and then I left.
Doctor Because they ostracized you? / Every single one?!
Gavial Yeah. I was pissed. Went and knocked all their lights out.
Anyway, that's another story. Any especially strong tribes running around?
Tomimi Yes.
A bunch of them are pretty powerful now.
Eunectes Tribe.png
Tomimi First is the one that Zumama leads, the Eunectes tribe.
She settled her tribe in another part of the rainforest near a lot of ore veins. She has a hold on most of our metal resources.
That tribe always liked making weird tools and weapon things. They've absorbed a lot of the small tribes that surrounded them.
Flint Tribe.png
Tomimi Second is Kemar's Flint tribe.
The rainforest Tiacauh don't live quite the same as the rest of us. They're a lot more scattered. Normally, they don't even communicate with us.
But because we have no Great Chief, a lot of tribes ended up going into the rainforest.
Kemar's is one of them now.
They were confident enough in their own power to take a piece of territory for themselves.
Inam's Tribe.png
Tomimi There's one more tribe that's pretty notable. I think you recognize them too, Gavial. Inam's tribe.
Her tribe's called the "Inam Committee". The people in it act kind of weird. None of them really like fighting people, but they all like doing business.
There are a lot of them too. Don't underestimate them.
<Background 1>
Gavial I can picture it right now. Zumama setting her tribe up next to a mine. Yeah, ever since way back, she's loved making those weapons of hers or whatever.
Wouldn't have thought she'd be bossing a clan now, though. "Eunectes" has a nice ring to it!
Tomimi Yep. Zumama's Eunectes tribe is the strongest one too, now, and everyone thinks she's gonna be the next Chief.
Gavial Not surprised. Kid's been pretty capable for a long while.
Tomimi So, um, Gavial, are you really not gonna be the Great Chief?
Gavial Nope. There's stuff on the outside I've gotta do.
Right, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Yes.
Tomimi Stuff on the outside, huh...?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Lancet-2 Hmm. Is Gavial straightforward, or just cruel...?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You can stay if you want.
Gavial Hey, there'll be a day when I come back here. But it's not today.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Hey, you said you were gonna go for it in your letter, right? And you were confident, even?
Tomimi Um, mm-hm!
I trained a lot for it!
Gavial Then I'm looking forward to the show!
[Sounds of fighting are heard at the distance.]
Gavial Hm? Do I hear fighting?
Over that way. Let's go see.
<Background fades out and in>
[Two Archosaurians are seen arguing with each other involving their fists.]
Archosauria A Will you say it or not!?
Archosauria B Like I would!
Archosauria A Keh, you've got backbone.
Gavial Oh, hey, they're fighting. Doctor, we can leave ‘em. Let's just go. This happens all the time.
[The Archosaurians continue to argue.]
Archosauria A You're done for, Thin-Tails. I'm gonna make you admit Thick-Tails are where it's at!
Archosauria B Yeah, in your dreams! Like I'd ever give in!
Gavial Huh?
Hey! What's-your-face over there. What did you just say?!
Archosauria A Who're you? Don't tell me you're a Thin-Tails too?!
Gavial Like hell I am. But did I catch that right? You think thick tails are better?
Archosauria A What? Obviously! Take a look at mine! Sturdy! Strong! Plump and plush! What's better than a nice thick tail like this, huh?!
Gavial Tch. Whelp, can't pretend I didn't hear that shit!
Take a good look at my thin tail here. Slim, refined! Clean, distinct contours! Hell, I can actually grab things with it! Now this is a tail!
Archosauria B I hear that! Thin tails for life! *Cough,* *cough!*
Archosauria A Huh? You kidding? You can't even see a tail like that behind your ass!
Gavial Yeah, shout out to yours! I bet your ass loves when it can't sit down ‘cause your tail's so fat!
Doctor What are they arguing about?
Tomimi Ah. Gavial's arguing with that one there about thin versus thick tails.
It's a pretty common topic for us. You might say the tail is an Archosauria's greatest pride. People compare them. Whole tribes have even formed on how thick or thin their tails are.
I think the one fighting with Gavial might be a Thick-Tails.
Archosauria A Xolopitlipol! Brothers, come out!
Today's the day! We will make it known that thick tails reign supreme!
Tomimi Oh. That's a lot of people. Um, Doctor, I'm going to help Gavial.

After operation

Following that hiccup, the group finally reaches their destination: the venue where the ceremony will be held.
<Background 1>
Archosauria A Gyuh! That... That reaper's whirlwind... And that hairclip... Y-you're Gavial!
Gavial The one and only!
Archosauria A Damn it. Just our luck, running into you.
But don't get ahead of yourself, Gavial! Not even you could shake our faith in thick tails!
[The Archosaurian runs off.]
Gavial Yeah, you're such hot shit! Keep running!
Doctor, let's move. I can sort them out the next time I see them.
<Background fades out and in>
Tomimi Gavial, how come you let them go?
You used to chase down every last person in a fight and beat them until they saw stars.
Gavial Yeah. I used to do that.
But nah, now I just think they're kind of cute. Right, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor No idea what you're saying, but I agree.
Gavial Might sound strange coming from me, but this place is full of nothing but boneheads.
Ah, whatever. Have to think all the goddamn time outside. I almost miss it here.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Hey, Doctor, don't tell me you're a thick tail lover?
'Cause we're not gonna see eye-to-eye on that!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Cuter than you breaking them in half.
Gavial Hah! Well, thinking they're cute won't stop me beating the tar outta them.
They're not... uh... what's the word...? Mutually exclusive!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Tomimi Gavial... you really have changed.
Gavial Mm? Hold on, Tomimi, you little brat.
Tomimi Eh?
Gavial I go away for a couple years and I come back to find your tail's even fatter.
Tomimi Wh-wh-whuh?!
Gavial Gonna try and tell me you're with thick tails, too?
Tomimi No no no no! It's not like I wanted it to grow so thick!
*Whimper* I want a nice, thin tail just like Gavial's...
Gavial Well, shucks. *Clicks tongue* What a poor kid you are.
Though watching you fight back there, your Arts are pretty strong now, huh?
Tomimi R... Really?!
Gavial Yeah. Come over to Rhodes Island and be an operator. Should be no problem for you.
Tomimi Ope... rator?
Gavial Operators are, uh... Well, I guess it's a job. Like me, I'm a Medic Operator.
I remember you were still learning from the shamans when I left, right?
Tomimi Yep! I've been disciplining myself every day for you, Gavial, so one day you'd come back!
Gavial For me?
Tomimi Oh... um, by that, I mean, for when you come back so I could help you out! Like I did just now!
Gavial Well, damn. You really did help out, then. Well done.
Tomimi Eheheh... I love when you compliment me.
Gavial Cool. Let's keep moving then. Do I remember the Temple's just ahead?
Tomimi Mm-hm.
<Background fades out and in>
Archosauria A Eunectes has to be the Great Chief, c'mon. Look at how strong the whole tribe is.
Archosauria B Yeah, and she's top of the pile. Everyone said if not Gavial, then Eunectes, and now Gavial's gone...
Archosauria C Hey, over there!
Archosauria B No way... Gavial?
Archosauria A Hey, Gavial! You're finally back!
Gavial Whoa! Long time no see, huh!
<Background fades out and in>
Archosauria A Hey, that feather on your waist is nice! Where'd it come from?
Archosauria B Traded one of my weapons to Inam for it.
Archosauria C Man, your tribe really has it good. Inam can get her hands on anything. I wish I could be with you guys too.
Archosauria B Too bad. Inam hates crowds. But if there's anything you guys want, you can go through me!
Archosauria A Deal! ...Hey. Look over there.
Archosauria C Is that... wait, it's Gavial!
Archosauria B She's actually back?!
Archosauria C Gavial! So you weren't dead!
Gavial Alive and well, baby!
<Background fades out and in>
Archosauria A Brother, come on. Stop trying to make a show. You've got the Stone Disease and all. Just go back home and lie down, okay?
Archosauria B Who cares! What's a little disease in the face of the ceremony?!
Archosauria A A little disease is still disease! And think about how bad it'd be for us if you went out there and showed everyone the rocks growing on your tail!
Look, Gavial might be gone, but now Zumama's sure to be the next Great Chief!
Archosauria B That's the part I care about! I need to witness the moment Zumama becomes Chief!
Damnit, I should have listened to Zumama... huh? Brother, look over there!
Archosauria A It couldn't be. Is that... Gavial?!
Has she come back to become Great Chief?
Archosauria B ...I'm sorry, but now I HAVE to see the ceremony.
Archosauria A Yeah. I don't think anyone can miss this now.
Tomimi Huh? Those two look like they're from the Eunectes tribe...
<Background fades out and in>
[The Archosaurians of Acahualla rejoice upon learning Gavial's return.]
Archosauria B It really is Gavial! You're finally back!
Archosauria A I always believed in you, Gavial!
Archosauria C Hey, everyone, look! It's Gavial!
Archosauria Gavial! Gavial! Gavial!
Gavial Whew, what a rowdy bunch... Looks like we oughta pick up the pace.
Tomimi Mm-hm! Everyone loves the ceremony, after all. And everyone loves Gavial too!
Oh. Gavial, look at that sign there.
Gavial Lemme see. Tch, goddamned scratchy handwriting... Oh, look at that. It says "Mahuizzotia."
Tomimi We're here.
<Background 2>
Gavial Wait. What gives with the music?
And for that matter, why do I recognize it...
Wait! Doctor, this is an AUS song, isn't it?!
[A loud cheer is heard.]
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Definitely.
Gavial Well, damn.
I'm not totally sure myself, but I've definitely heard people playing this before.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Snap out of it, Doctor! Don't just walk in!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Is it?
Gavial Lots of AUS fans at Rhodes Island. That's gotta be it.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Tomimi Ah. Yep, this is an AUS song.
Gavial How do you know what AUS is?!
Tomimi Around this time last year, a bunch of strange people calling themselves AUS came here from the outside.
They held a concert at Inam's tribe first. After that, a whole lot of Tiacauh started treating them like heralds of the Mahuizzotia.
Gavial Huh?
Tomimi Later on, they were asked to stay for a long performance in the Temple surroundings.
I got to hear them once. Their music really was powerful, and beautiful... you could feel their awesome Arts, too.
Ever since, lots of Tiacauh fell in love with this kind of music.
And then suddenly one day, they disappeared. Everyone said they'd gone back to their ancestors' embrace.
But I knew they'd only left, same as Gavial had.
The music playing right now should be coming from those "speaker" things they left here. I think they also left behind some of their albums?
Gavial Speakers?
Tomimi Yep. They need Arts to function, so only priests and shamans can actually use them, and most of them are in Inam's tribe.
Gavial Hahaha! Now that's a band of freewheelers.
Can't deny, their songs really get up in there. I haven't even stepped in and they've got my blood running hot. I think I'm beginning to like them!
Let's go, Doctor! We're gonna hear some music and enjoy a hell of a show!
[Gavial and co. listens to AUS' song as another cheer is heard.]