Operation story: RI-1

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Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Desert Smoke
Aircraft B
RI Corridor

Before operation

En route to Gavial's homeland, the Rhodes Island aircraft comes under surprise attack.
Gavial and Ceobe wake the Doctor and the three go to the crash site, only to find it surrounded.
<Background black>
Everything you could ever want is right here.
The moment of peace you've longed for. A land without warfare, the embrace of your mother.
Your consciousness expands limitlessly, breaking its shackles. You are free.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor What is freedom?
Broadly speaking, to be free is a relative state, free from constraints. However, people who say this are often constrained by their flesh.
But you are truly free.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I'm free!
That's right, my dear friend. You are free, and you forever will be.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
You are a resolute stone in the river of time. Though your responsibilities, fate, desires, and attachments may all be washed away, you, and only you, will always exist here.
You are beholden to nothing, and nothing is beholden to you.
<Dialogue branch 1 starts here>
Doctor There is nothing better than this!
You understand everything. Right now, you are speaking to an unfathomable being. Gaze in awe and offer up your purest blood.
Or maybe you have merely been hit on the head and fallen into a state of unconsciousness. You are simply carrying out a meaningless conversation with an imaginary self.
<Dialogue branch 2 starts here>
Doctor I want to build my kingdom here!
A wise decision, my King. This place is broader than Terra itself, and you can build whatever you wish here.
First of all, let's found a country. How about naming it the Land of Existence?
The country raised on the banks of Nothingness shall last a thousand years——
Oh, pardon me. It seems that our noble cause must come to an end here.

Like a ray of light that shines through the curtains, a strong sense of discomfort suddenly invades your consciousness.

<Dialogue branch 2>
Doctor No, on second thought, I'm more of a masochist.
You love pain. You like exhaustion. You enjoy plunging into the flames. You relish getting hurt.
Smart people are forever seeking a failure that is just right, some loss that can be aptly contained. They believe this is the best way to help themselves grow.
Do not become conceited, my dear Secretary of the Nothingness Department.
Well then. Firstly, let's grant you some of that pain that you love oh so much——
From every nook and cranny of your flesh, comes the sensation of extreme soreness.
<Dialogue branch 1>
Doctor Responsibilities. Fate. Desires. Attachments...
Soldier, you have borne countless pains, witnessed innumerable failures. There is little that brings you joy.
But that is exactly what has allowed you to come this far. They are a poison, shackles upon your self. They will never let you know peace.
Some things can never be taken back. Some things you need not burden yourself with.
<Dialogue branch 3 starts here>
Doctor You're right. It's time for me to rest.
Yes, my dear. That is how it should be.
Relax. I will sing to you a lullaby, and you shall rest in eternal sleep, undisturbed forevermore.
And yet, just as you fall into slumber, a powerful sensation assaults you——pain!
<Dialogue branch 3>
Doctor No, there are people waiting for me.
Ah, I see. I do admit they are all good children.
But did you ever consider that even without you, those kids will still be able to move forward? You are not responsible for them.
Your responsibilities. Your fate. Your desires. Your connection to them. Are they but a delusion of yours?
...Fine. Since you have already made your decision, I shall grant you a surprise. That's right, it is none other than the pain you love so much!
From every nook and cranny of your flesh, comes the sensation of extreme soreness.
<Dialogue branches end here>
What follows is a distant yet familiar voice.
??? ...D-Doctor!
Amiya? No, no. This voice is far more mature than Amiya's.
??? Still sleeping after all this time, huh? Why do you do this to me?
[Sounds of beatings are heard.]
...Far more violent, too.
You feel several slaps on what seems to be your cheeks. It would appear they are willing to practice what they preach.
??? That didn't do the trick... Hmm, what should I do? Since Amiya isn't here, guess I'll just give the Doctor a few rounds of the whirlwind.
??? Whirlwind? Is it fun? I want to play too!
It seems they are preparing some extreme measures now. Also, the voice that just cut in carries a hint of innocence.
The problem? In this situation, the wonderful trait of innocence belies a sense of commitment.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor No, I want to go back!
Oh, woe. Some journeys cannot be undertaken by your will alone. You have already lost the chance to step out on this journey.
Fret not, however, for such chances remain plentiful. Now, let us open our eyes...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Open my eyes
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Wake Up, Doctor.png
Ceobe Gavial, how do we play the whirlwind?
Gavial What you want to do is grab the person's legs or hands, then start spinning in a circle.
When you're ready, just let go.
Ceobe It sounds really fun! I want to try!
Gavial Sure. I'll just catch the Doctor after... Oh?
Doctor, you're finally awake.
Ceobe Ah, it's the Doctor!
Gavial Kay, don't tackle the Doctor like that. Crush those organs and that one won't stay with us for long.
Ceobe Oh, sorry, Doctor!
<Background 1>
<Dialogue branch 1 starts here>
Doctor Are you both alright?
Gavial I'm fine. This isn't high enough to scare me.
Ceobe I'm fine too!
<Dialogue branch 1>
Doctor ......
Gavial Uh oh. Don't tell me you tripped and lost your memory again, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch 2 starts here>
Doctor I have amnesia.
Gavial Don't forget, I'm a doctor too. The real, medical kind.
<Dialogue branch 2>
Doctor And who might you be, Ma'am?
Gavial But if you're cracking jokes, I guess you're good.
<Dialogue branch 2>
Doctor Was that you who just slapped me?
Gavial Sure did.
<Dialogue branches end here>
Gavial Anyway, Doctor, let me catch you up on what happened while you were napping.
Short version is: we crashed.
Ceobe We fell from a very high place! Whooooosh——! Kaboom! Like that.
Doctor Please elaborate. / ...... / I want the whole story!
Gavial Tch, fine. Basically, Doctor, you're bad luck. During the attack, something exploded by your seat and you slammed into the wall there and passed out.
Don't worry, I took care of your wounds. Nothing major. Besides, you're healthier now than when you first showed up at Rhodes Island. Nice work, Doctor.
Ceobe Urk... Sorry, Doctor. I should have caught you, but the loud noises scared me...
Gavial Can't blame you for that. To be honest, I never would have expected these bastards to have anti-air weapons.
Doctor So you thought someone would attack us?
Gavial Sure. Did I forget to tell you? My people love to fight, not that any of them could take me.
Doctor What about the others?
Gavial When we were going down, everybody else jumped early to stabilize our altitude.
Ceobe and I jumped last, to stick with you.
Oh, and Lancet-2 should still be on the aircraft.
Doctor Where's the aircraft?
Gavial I think it's that way. Should be just over the hill.
Doctor Let's go check on it.
Gavial Sure.
<Background 2>
Gavial See? The aircraft's right there.
Oh? That's a lot of smoke. It's not in good shape.
I guess it's still fixable, though.
Ceobe Doctor, Gavial, there's people with the aircraft!
Gavial Hm? That's...
<Background fades out and in>
Lancet-2 Please do not approach me. Though I am responsible for protecting Rhodes Island property, I am just a medical tool... Nnng...
Archosauria A Hey, I think this machine is talking.
Archosauria B Yeah, not only did such an amazing machine fall from the sky, there's another machine that can talk inside it!
Archosauria C Do you think there's a person inside?
Archosauria A No idea. Why don't we bring it back? Leader's sure to like it.
Archosauria B Sure, let's take it!
Lancet-2 Help!
[Gavial rushes to save Lancet-2 from the unidentified Archosaurians.]
Gavial Stop right there!
Archosauria A ...&% (Who's there?!)
Gavial You got a death wish? Laying your grubby hands on our stuff.
Archosauria A ...¥%%# (Who says it's your stuff? It fell from the sky!)
Archosauria B #%...& (Yeah, that's right! Finders keepers!)
Gavial Keh, they have a point.
Doctor Gavial, what're they saying?
Gavial Hm? Ah, right. I forgot you guys don't speak the language.
We're in Sargon, but no one here speaks standard Sargonian.
I'll translate anything anyone says to you.
And for the rest, just use your intuition!
Archosauria A ...&*# (What are you whispering about, you bastards!)
Gavial I said: if this stuff is yours, I just have to beat you up and it'll all be mine!
Archosauria B &&......! (What? This woman is so damned full of herself. Get her, boys!)

After operation

After the fight, Gavial realizes she is up against the minions of an old acquaintance. Then, the aircraft's engine is stolen.
That's when Tomimi, a girl who worships the ground Gavial walks on, appears. The party decides to split up.
<Background 2>
[Gavial single-handedly beats the unidentified Archosaurians.]
Archosauria A Cue. Titecuani! She... she's something.
Gavial Whaddaya know, you guys are pretty strong! Shame you had to run into me, Gavial!
Archosauria B Wait... wait, what did you say your name was?
Gavial Ga-vi-al!
Archosauria A Gavial?!
Archosauria B Wait! Look close! That face, that hair! You're Gavial, aren't you?!
Gavial I feel like I just said I was!
Archosauria A It-It's Gavial! Gavial's back! Brothers! Go, hurry! Tell Clan Leader Eunectes!
[One of the Archosaurians run off.]
Gavial What? Eunectes? Hey! Get back here!
Tch. Ran off.
<Background fades out and in>
Lancet-2 Thank goodness! If you'd been just a little later, they would've taken me.
Gavial Where's our pilot guy? Uh, his name, uh, Dylan! Where's Dylan?
Lancet-2 He tried to fight some of the Archosauria in the middle of it all. They knocked him out.
Ceobe Oh! Gavial, I found Dylan here!
Gavial Good. Drag him over. I'll take a look at the damage.
Ceobe Okay!
Gavial Say, Lancet-2, you can fix this aircraft, right?
Lancet-2 Yes! Closure input lots of aircraft knowledge into me before we left.
In principle, following a successful emergency landing, the tools provided should be sufficient for a repair.
Gavial Kay, I asked you to drag him over, not to LITERALLY drag him over.
Ceobe Oh. Sorry.
Gavial ...Looks like they didn't get any kills on us, huh? Wow, who knew this guy's underwear would be so gaudy... heh. Yeah, let him have his beauty sleep and he'll wake himself up.
Lancet-2, you were saying? Only what?
Lancet-2 Only, the Archosauria we just met stole the engine.
Gavial Hah? The engine?
Lancet-2 Correct. Before they noticed me, I sighted them from the deck. They found the aircraft's engine, pulled it out, and carried it away with them.
Come see for yourself.
<Background 3>
Gavial Hoo, boy. Yeah, that's a hole. I don't really get how these things actually work, but, uh, I'm guessing this means it won't fly now?
Lancet-2 Yes, it won't fly now.
Gavial Oh? Doctor, you don't look too good.
Doctor None of this looks too good. / ...... / Kal'tsit's gonna kill me!
<Background 4>
A short while back
Kal'tsit A letter?
Gavial Yeah. From my homeland. They're holding the Mahuizzotia again soon.
Kal'tsit "Mahuizzotia". Strength and honor?
Gavial Huh, you know it? Yeah, it's what they call the ceremony where they choose the next Great Chief.
Kal'tsit I haven't heard anyone use that language in a long time.
As I recall, though, you left your homeland and then came to Rhodes Island.
Gavial Yeah... hell, no, I'm not going out to be the next Great Chief. Just, the brat seems like she really wants me to come back for a bit, and I haven't been back in a bit, and...
Kal'tsit I also recall you saying that you left because you were ostracized. If so, the election of the chief shouldn't concern you at all.
Gavial Yeah... hell, no, I'm not going out to be the next Great Chieftain. Just, the brat seems like she really wants me to come back for a bit, and I haven't been back in a bit, and...
Kal'tsit Homesickness?
Gavial Maybe a little, yeah.
Kal'tsit And why are you requesting to bring Dr. {nickname}? From a biological standpoint, the Doctor couldn't pass for one of you.
Gavial The Doctor's been working so hard, y'know? I figured it'd be a nice little vacation.
Kal'tsit And what was the purpose of this aircraft requisition form, Blaze?
Blaze Gavial's old place is way out in the middle of nowhere Sargon! Who'd walk that far?
Kal'tsit So instead of walking, you want to use a low-altitude aircraft and risk detection by the Sargon authorities.
Blaze Wait, lemme explain! When I say nowhere, I mean we looked at the maps and Gavial's is one of the lest densely populated regions of Sargon. From the intel we've gathered, Sargon doesn't even station any forces there.
Kal'tsit You're correct that the region is Sargon's in name only. You've done your homework.
And now, seeing as you've made all your plans, why have you come to me?
Blaze B-Because any and all paperwork passes through you...
Kal'tsit ......
Gavial Are we good or not, Kal'tsit? If not, we'll forget it and move on.
Blaze (Quietly) Doctor, maybe we should just call it off. There's no way Kal'tsit's gonna agree...
Kal'tsit Fine. I've approved it.
Blaze Seriously?!
Kal'tsit Gavial, you've never properly introduced us to your hometown before.
And considering your standing as a core member of Rhodes Island, and the initiative you showed in making this proposal, we can afford to grant Dr. {nickname} this leave, given accompaniment by an elite operator.
Blaze That's what I like to hear!
Kal'tsit Further, I will treat this operation as an on-site field investigation. You may freely select any off-duty operators.
<Background fades out and in>
Kal'tsit Amiya has been very busy as of late. She is not allowed to go, whether she wants to or not. You will have to tell her this yourself.
Keep in mind that you are technically entering Sargon territory. Rhodes Island has very few offices in Sargon. Don't make trouble for yourselves, or for Rhodes Island.
Further, Rhodes Island's low-altitude aircraft are tremendously important to us, and Sargon is a rough environment. I trust you to bring the vehicle back safe and sound, Dr. {nickname}.
<Background 2>
Gavial Ohhh. Now that you mention it, yeah, that sounds about right.
Hey, relax, Doctor! This is my homeland. I know it like the back of my hand. Lancet-2, we've just gotta find the kiddos who stole the engine and steal it right back, yeah?
Lancet-2 Yes... They definitely seemed to have some understanding of technology, at least. They hardly damaged anything else in the removal process.
In the event we do get the engine back, I should be able to guide you through reinstallation.
On that note, there's some emergency maintenance I must carry out before any of this ends up exploding. Please hold...
Gavial Huh? Them? Technology? First I've heard of any of us getting along with technology. We're all knuckleheads by nature.
Lancet-2 Specifically, only enough to know how to pull out the pipes and cables, but...
Gavial ...Wait, hold on. I bet if they're her minions...
Ceobe Gavial, I'm hungry!
Gavial All our food reserves should be fine, right?
Lancet-2 They should be fine, yes.
But some systems were damaged by the emergency landing. The storage compartment is currently sealed. I'll need some time to unlock it again...
Gavial Hang in there a little longer, then, Kay.
Ceobe But I'm hungry nowww!
Gavial Fine, then. Let's go and...
??? Gaaaaviiiiaaaaal!
Gavial Huh? Oh, crud. I know that voice.
??? Wow, Gavial! You're actually here!
[A female Archosauria who knew Gavial rushes into her and hugs her tightly.]
??? Gavial, your hair's gotten long!
Gavial, your clothes look really good!
Gavial, you have a weapon now! How come? It doesn't look very good for hitting people!
Gavial Gurgh! Yes, Tomimi, it's me, you're not imagining it. Just let go of me first!
Tomimi Okay!
Gavial, have you been eating okay out there?
Did you really become a doctor?
Gavial ...*Sigh* What are you doing here, Tomimi?
Tomimi So I saw a thing fall out of the sky, and I went to see what it was, and then I saw you!
Oh, is your disease thing better yet? I read that people outside can get Stone Disease really bad. Are you okay?
Gavial I'm fine, I'm fine. Never better.
Archosauria Gavial! You're really back!
It's good to see you alive and well after all, Gavial!
No mistake, you need to be our next Great Chief!
Gavial Dream on. I'm only on leave. Came back to see how things are going.
Doctor Gavial, didn't you say you were ostracized from your tribe?
Gavial Yeah. Why?
Tomimi Gavial, who-who is this person?
Gavial Huh? Tomimi, you can speak standard Sargonian now? Pretty fluently too.
Tomimi Yep! I learned it just so I could speak with you, Gavial!
Gavial Not bad. I guess I'll write to you in Sargonian from now on, then.
Tomimi ...So, um, Gavial, who are all these people?
Gavial Oh, this one's Dr. {nickname}. Doctor, for short. Counts as my boss, I guess?
And then the rest are all friends from work.
Tomimi Gavial's boss... are you actually stronger than her?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor No.
Tomimi So how'd you get to be Gavial's boss, then?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Tomimi Gavial, this one looks pretty weak to me.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Yeah, way stronger!
Tomimi No way!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial I've got bigger problems, Tomimi. Zumama's people stole our aircraft engine after the crash. She's got minions now?
Tomimi What's an aircraft engine? Is it like one of those motory things? Wait, um... huh? Zumama?
Gavial What about her?
Tomimi Ah, um, Zumama's the chief of a tribe now. There's a lot of people who think she'll be the next Great Chief, too.
Gavial Aah... So that's how it is. Could've been her crew that took us down, too. She's the only one who was into those weird wacky gizmo weapons in the first place.
Tomimi ...Yeah, yeah! If you wanna find Zumama, the ceremony's starting tomorrow, and every aspiring Chief is gonna be at the Temple. Zumama'll be there for sure.
Gavial So all we gotta do to find her is head there, huh? Ha! Perfect.
Hey, didn't you say your cute little noggin wanted to compete for it too? Go on, show me how far you've come in all these years!
Tomimi (Quietly) I still want you to be the Chief, Gavial.
Gavial Huh? Whawazzat?
Tomimi N-Nothing!
Doctor ......
Lancet-2 Doctor, emergency maintenance has been completed. Are we setting off now?
Gavial Nice work, Lancet-2. Yeah, we're heading to the Temple next.
Tomimi Wowww! The machine talks!
Lancet-2 I like to think I'm ready for it, but it still hurts my heart a little whenever I get that sort of reaction. Not that I technically have a heart...
Gavial Aircraft won't explode now, right?
Lancet-2 It won't, but it's not exactly ideal to just leave it here...
Gavial Yeah, true. I don't want Kal'tsit giving me the death stare either.
Tomimi I-If I send, um, some of my people out to take it back to my tribe, would that help?
Gavial Your tribe? Huh? Hell, I didn't realize. So our little girl's a full-grown clan leader now, huh?
Tomimi Yes! It actually used to be your tribe, Gavial.
Gavial Well, damn. No wonder I recognized a couple of faces...
Tomimi Oh, also! Gavial, we changed the tribe's name now! "Wilderness's Will" is now "Gavial's Will"!
Gavial Hah?
Tomimi Because we all think you're the best, Gavial!
Gavial Uh—*cough* *cough*—okay, whatever. I'll leave you to it.
Tomimi Did everyone get that?
Archosauria Yeah!
Lancet-2 Ah, in that case, I think Mr. Dylan and I will stay with the aircraft.
I understand you're going to meet a large number of people. I would only cause problems if I went.
And the aircraft does need guarding.
Gavial What? You're not gonna go see the ceremony? It's a hell of a treat.
Lancet-2 Don't worry about it. I prefer the quieter side of things, anyway.
Gavial Suit yourself. I guess it'll be just me, the Doctor, and, uh, Kay going, then.
Tomimi And me! And I'll bring some of my people with us too!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Off we go!
Lancet-2 Please wait a moment, Doctor. What about Kay?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial What's up, Doctor?
Hm? Wait up. Where'd Kay go?!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor What about Kay?
Gavial Oh, huh. You're right, she was just here. Where'd that little rascal run off to?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Archosauria When you say Kay, do you mean the one jabbering away over there like she's half-possessed?
<Background 1>
Ceobe I'm not gonna let you hurt the Doctor, Reunion!
Nooo! Don't steal my honey biscuits! Get back here!
<Background 2>
Lancet-2 Kay appears to be fighting the air... Um, this could be a case of poison-induced hallucination.
Gavial Oh! Shit! I forgot to warn you! There's a hell of a lot of mushrooms and fruits growing wild along the road here, and more than most of them you can't eat. If you do, you end up like that.
Forgot the kid was even wilder than me. I bet she snuck off while we were busy talking and helped herself to the buffet.
Uh, damn it. Okay. Go tie her up and take her back with you, Lancet-2. She'll be fine after a while, probably.
Lancet-2 Leave it to me~
Oh, one last friendly reminder. Our surroundings are quite hot, but such environments are prone to drastic nighttime temperature swings. Please bring the necessary supplies with you.
Gavial Oh, nice catch. Doctor, Tomimi, you two make sure you grab what you need from the aircraft.
It's a long way to the Temple from here, and the rainforest won't have anywhere decent to sleep. Get ready to spend the night in the open.