Operation story: RI-EX-1

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Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Archosauria A
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria B
Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Archosauria C
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria D
Archosauria E
Archosauria F
Jungle Entrance
Acahualla Village B
Acahualla Temple

After operation

When their vehicle breaks down, AUS goes into the jungle for help.
The ladies and the music they bring get a big response from the locals.
<Background 1>
[The heavy metal band Alive Until Sunset are trekking through the vast dunes of Sargon in their car.]
Dan The scorching sun, the wilds, the golden sand, and the warm breeze! Woohoo! I feel a new song coming on!
Frost (Solo)
Aya Could the both of you quiet down?
Alty Please. It's not often we get such a peaceful environment with no one chasing us. Can't we just have a nice, quiet rest?
Aya But Alty, I can smell the sea from here. Are you sure we're safe?
Alty Aya, could you not spoil the mood for once?
Nowhere in the world is truly safe, but we have to learn to let ourselves relax sometimes.
Aya Maybe you're right.
So what's the next step? How are we going to broaden our path? We can't go back empty-handed.
Alty At least that doctor gave us an answer this time.
Alty looks at the "key" in her hand.
Dan Really? That looks like something special. And she just gave it to you? What did you trade for it?
Alty Knowledge.
Dan And was that a fair trade?
Alty I'm not sure. But I think that doctor wants us to put this knowledge to use.
Aya Wouldn't she know?
Alty We know a lot, she should just...
...If you think about it, the real trade was her using our curiosity to get us to act.
Dan So, that means she didn't pay anything?
Aya Hm...
Alty Hm...
Aya We've been cheated.
Alty More like baited.
Dan Directed?
Frost Guided.
Aya Is that doctor really so important?
Alty No. I think she's trying to tell us that her actions have no impact at all.
What matters is what we think and what we do.
Aya Then what about the key? Should we go?
Dan Ugh, this sucks. Could we not go?
Alty I'm thinking it's sort of like music... Our power should not be to force change onto others, we should just be singing our own songs.
Aya Sing for them. If it sounds good—
Dan Then they'll sing too.
Frost (Solo)
Alty Hah, then we will give even more knowledge, and the key, over to the one who is ready.
Aya And who will that be?
Alty I don't know.
Aya Maybe they haven't been born yet.
Dan That would be great!
Alty No it wouldn't, Dan. We... hm?
Aya What is it, Alty?
Alty The car's dead.
Aya Didn't you prep it?
Alty Yes, but we took that detour.
And I have to admit, it's really easy to lose your heading in the middle of the wilderness with no roads or signs.
Aya So basically, we're lost?
Alty I'm not sure that's how I'd put it. It's not so much that we're off course as it is we're carving a new path.
Frost We're lost.
Dan We're lost! That's a pretty good theme.
Aya You know, Dan, I really wish I could learn some of your optimism. So what are we going to do?
Alty It looks like there's a rainforest over that way. Let's check it out.
Aya So, who's getting out to push?
Alty We could take turns.
<Background 2>
Aya Alty.
Alty What?
Aya We've got a crowd here.
Alty Yes, we do.
[A throng of Archosaurians are gathering around where AUS stands in the middle of the Acahualla jungle.]
Alty But I don't know what language they're speaking.
Aya So should we just let them follow us?
Alty Do you have a better idea?
Aya We could kill them all?
Alty You think you can get Frost and Dan to go along with that?
Frost (Strumming and singing)
Archosauria A &*......%$ ....& (W-What is this sound? And why do I like it so much?!)
Archosauria B &%......% (I've never heard anything like it...)
Dan Hey, how is everybody?!
Can you tell me what language you're speaking?!
Oh, but I guess even if you told me, I still wouldn't know.
Archosauria C ......%&$ (Where did they come from?!)
Archosauria D $......&# (And why does this one look so weird? )
Aya Well, at least there are people here.
Alty I just hope there's a place we can resupply.
Aya Wishful thinking.
[Zumama aka. Eunectes approaches AUS.]
Eunectes You're outsiders?
Alty Huh? You speak Sargonian?
Eunectes Yes, it looks like you're definitely outsiders.
What are you doing here?
Alty Our car died, so we're looking for someone with the Arts to recharge it.
Eunectes ...Come with me.
Alty See, Aya, that was more than just wishful thinking.
Aya Fine. I guess the world is a magical place.
<Background 3>
Dan Hey hey hey! What's this?!
There's a village here in the middle of this primeval forest!
Frost (Humming)
Aya It's really amazing. You can see the influence of modern architecture on most of the buildings, but they still have that primitive beauty.
Alty It's odd, but very special.
Eunectes I am the leader of this tribe, Zumama. Most of my people can understand your language.
I can have some of our priests recharge your vehicle, but there are terms.
Alty What terms?
Eunectes I want to look inside your vehicle, at its structure.
Alty ...Is that all?
Eunectes Yes.
Aya Are you sure you won't break it?
Eunectes I'm pretty sure.
Aya Alty?
Alty It's not like we have a choice.
Eunectes So...?
Alty Agreed.
Eunectes Good. High Priest...
High Priest I'm here! ...Oh?
I know of you...
Alty I know of you...
I never expected to see your kind here.
High Priest Oh, honestly, I was thinking the exact same thing.
But I'm more interested in your vehicle than you!
Alty By all means.
Aya I said it before and I'll say it again. The world is a magical place.
Alty I have to say, I agree.
At the same time, Frost hooks her guitar up to the ceremonial speaker and improvises a solo.
Alty Nice, Frost.
Frost This village is inspiring me.
Dan Awesome, Frost, you really switched up the melody this time.
Frost Heat, repressed...
I'll call this song... "D"!
Archosauria A Where's that sound coming from?
Archosauria B What is it?I can feel it energizing me!
Archosauria C It must be the outsiders who just came! Let's go see!
Aya There are more of them, Alty...
Alty That's not good.
Frost These lives thirst for music! For energy! For...
Archosauria B What a voice!
Archosauria C Outsider, give us more music!
Aya Alty... I know it's unexpected, but I think the atmosphere here is actually really good.
Why don't we get out the amps and play together?
Alty I guess that would be fine.
Dan Yeah, can't let Frost take all the glory!
I gotta get in on such a badass track!
Alty Then let the locals feel the music of AUS!
<Background fades out and in>
[The Eunectes tribesmen cheers upon watching AUS performing live in their village.]
Archosauria A It's just a few notes, but I'm too excited to sit still!
Archosauria B It might be like what the priests do, it's called "music"?
Archosauria C I've never heard anything like it! Who are these people?!
Archosauria D I know, they must be "Cuicayotl"![note 1]
Dan "Cuicayotl"? What's that?
High Priest Oh, that's how you say "one who sings" in their language.
But it's been a long time since they had a "Cuicayotl" here, and you've won them over with your music.
And I must say, your music is vastly different from that of any other "Cuicayotl" I've ever heard before!
But no matter. I find yours a lot more fun!
Archosauria E "Cuicayotl", give us another song!
Archosauria F I'll give you anything! Just one more song!
Aya What do we do, Alty?
Dan Let's stay here, Alty!
Alty Well, I can't let you forget our goal...
But, fine. We've got time.
<Background 4>
Aya I never imagined there would be a Messenger here.
Inam And I never thought AUS, from all the magazine covers, would show up here either.
Alty Where's Zumama?
Inam She's making the speaker system you asked for. So I'll be taking you.
How long are you going to stay?
Alty Maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a whole year.
This place is doing it for us. I think we can have some fun here, at least.
Inam Then this is the right place for you to put on a show.
<Background 5>
Dan So cool!
Alty It's... some kind of temple?
Inam That's right. This is where all the tribes used to gather for the "Mahuizzotia", but it hasn't been used since Gavial left.
Aya "Mahuizzotia"?
Alty Gavial? That name came up at Rhodes Island... No, it's probably just a common name.
Inam You can perform here.
Frost We're going to give the people the best music they've ever heard.
Dan Yes, hahaha! Yes! We'll leave the mark of AUS right here!
<Background 3>
Two months later...
Inam AUS is unbelievable...
They actually did stay for two whole months.
If Gavial ever comes back, she's going to be blown away by the music we have way out here now.
The people fell in love with their rock and roll.
So what are they going to perform for us today?
...I wonder maybe if I'm their biggest fan.
The room is empty. All the toiletries and bedding are neat and tidy, with a piece of paper resting on the table in the center.
Inam They're gone?
There's a note on the table. Let's see...
"We left. Don't miss us. I hope you enjoyed the music. Also, we left all our records here for you. Have fun. –AUS"
...Heh, they really are unbelievable.
<Background 1>
Alty I don't think I'll ever forget that Acahualla place.
Frost (Humming) It was definitely unforgettable.
Aya But the people there are really noisy, and wild.
Dan Yeah? I love them!
Aya Of course you do. I don't think you'd mind if we left you there.
Dan I was definitely thinking about it.
Don't you think those people have a kind of natural, primal energy?
Out of all the countries and cities we've been to, I've never seen people like that.
I love 'em!
Aya Well, you're right about that much.
Frost They really get our music. They're the best audience we've ever had.
Alty I think Frost likes them too.
But we can't just show up and flip a whole civilization upside-down. We should stick to singing.
Aya Sing for them. If it sounds good—
Dan Then they'll sing too.
Aya Didn't we say that before?
Alty Who knows? We might've said it a million times already.
Let's go. Continue on our journey.
If we sing to the world, will she listen?
A few of the bandmates joke around for a bit, until the car goes silent.
Alty looks at the key in her hand, "Dr. Kal'tsit, can that Rhodes Island of yours give the world the answer it's looking for?"


  1. "Song"/"Music" in Nahuatl (Source: https://nahuatl.uoregon.edu/content/cuicayotl)