Operation story: GT-HX-3

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After operation

Skadi tries to exchange the "Treasure Key" for information about Specter from Kal'tsit.
However, Kal'tsit was obviously displeased with the results of Skadi's unauthorized actions.

<Background 1>
Skadi Stop right there, Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit You're back.
So, did you think things through, or...?
Skadi You wanted this, right? Take it.
Kal'tsit You acted unilaterally, without permission.
I do not interfere in the private affairs of our operators, nor do I ask them what they did in their free time – as long as they do not tarnish Rhodes Island's reputation.
I hope that whatever you did does not cost you your position in Rhodes Island, Skadi.
Skadi I'm not here for your snide remarks. I'm well aware of the rules. You needed something from me, and I need something from you.
Kal'tsit What do you want from me then?
Skadi Information.
Treasure Key.png
Kal'tsit Do you consider the information I have to be worth as little as this key?
Skadi I can crush this stone in my palm in a heartbeat. I'm sure you don't want that.
Kal'tsit What I do know is that you went to Dewville in Kazimierz under pretenses of being on a mission, and even got into a conflict with a fellow operator.
She kept quiet about what happened both there and at Rhodes Island for your sake. But in fact, I never assigned any such mission to you.
Hmm? The core has already been filled with blood. This is not your blood. You wouldn't dare shed your own blood onto this soil.
Skadi It's Grani's blood.
Kal'tsit You've already done something like this...
Skadi I'll repay her. You don't need to remind me.
I know this is what you need. A key, a core, a memory block... whatever it might be. I just have to obtain it.
"Skull," "Flamelung," "Yellow Smog"... I took them all out.
Otherwise, they surely would have taken this item. You wouldn't be able to barter with them, because you can't give them what they want.
You need this "stone," and I need the information you have.
<Background 1>
Kal'tsit What a farce. I don't need any of these... components... to form the full picture.
You're bound to Rhodes Island by contract, and you're bound to me likewise.
Skadi You give me what I need, and I give you what you need.
Kal'tsit I rarely see you this aggressive. Where's your usual laziness and snark?
You want to know where Spectre's Originium nerve agent came from.
Skadi ...How'd you find out?
<Background fades out>
Kal'tsit (Ægirian) "Abyssal Hunters are bound by blood."
There's nothing I don't know.
Skadi ...Give me the info.
<Background fades in>
Kal'tsit Very well. As long as you follow my every order, I might even decide to help you. The condition is, as long as you follow my every order.
Skadi I only follow those who are trustworthy.
Kal'tsit I never go back on my word.