Operation story: IS-8

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Female Siracusan A icon.png
Rossati Mafioso
Mafioso icon.png
Rossati Mafioso
Siracusa Restaurant
Siracusa Alley
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Siracusa Courtroom
Siracusa Streets

Before operation

The show has come to an end. Some stand closer together, others drift apart.
<Background 1>
Waiter Here's the pizza you ordered.
Lavinia Grazie.[note 1]
[Leontuzzo walks toward Lavinia's table.]
Leontuzzo Is someone sitting here?
Lavinia Yes.
Leontuzzo Great, glad to join you.
Lavinia I said the seat's taken.
You should go and continue your famiglia's work. Don't bother a commoner like me.
Leontuzzo Lavinia...
Lavinia ......
I'm not blaming you, Leon.
I don't blame Bernardo either.
If there's anyone to blame, it would have to be me.
It's my fault I was born into this country and still cling to these fantasies in my heart. I have no reason to blame either of you.
Leontuzzo I'm not trying to reason with you at a time like this.
I know full well that comforting words mean nothing right now.
Even though I'm a victim just like you, it's only natural that you see me as a perpetrator.
All I can tell you is... I still haven't given up.
That's all.
There are too many things going on in the city these days. Do keep an eye out, and stay safe. If you run into any problems, give me a call.
Lavinia ......
[Lavinia's phone rings. She picks it up.]
Lavinia Segretario[note 2] Rubio.
Rubio Are you free right now, Your Honor?
<Background 2>
Croissant Folks on the street seem mighty jumpy.
Sora What happened yesterday was a pretty big deal.
Croissant You really gonna go talk to that director?
Sora Yes. There are some things I need to set straight with him, no matter what.
Croissant But–
Sora It'll be fine. Keep doing what you need to do, Croissant.
Texas I'll be there. Don't worry.
Croissant ......
Exusiai In that case, I'll be Croissant's bodyguard for the day!
Sora Thanks. I appreciate it.
Croissant If things go south, you give us a holler.
Sora Will do.
[Sora and Texas splits up to meet with Bernardo.]
Croissant ......
Exusiai Croissant, you're thinking about the whole business with Texas again, aren't you?
Croissant Readin' me like a book, huh?
Exusiai You can say that again.
I'm the same, after all.
I know what Sora is thinking. If Texas really wants to stay, she's going to respect her opinion.
And I agree with that.
I still want my sister to meet my friends.
At least, if there's any way to get Texas out of Siracusa safely, you'd want to find it too, wouldn't you?
Croissant Yeah... Reckon I can't hide anything from you.
Exusiai Probably couldn't hide it from those two either.
Just like we can understand what Sora is thinking, they understand what we're thinking.
Croissant But this is still Siracusa... and Texas is tanglin' with some of the biggest shots in the country. I got no clue what I'm even s'posta do.
Exusiai Oh? I thought you would've already figured it out.
Croissant Huh?
Exusiai Uhh... Speaking of big shots in the country, didn't we meet one of them yesterday?
<Background 3>
[Someone knocks the door.]
Bernardo Come in.
[Sora and Texas enters.]
Bernardo Welcome, Signorina Sora. Signorina Cellinia.
Texas ......
Why are you dragging Sora and the others into this?
Bernardo Sora's resume coming across my desk was honestly a coincidence.
Of course, it could also be something of an inevitability.
After all, Compagnia dell'alba is a pretty well-known troupe in Siracusa.
But what most fans don't know is that the troupe's director is actually the don of Famiglia Bellone. That, of course, is a secret.
After all, I have handed the famiglia's business in this city to my son, and I'm no backseat driver.
Signorina Cellinia, Signorina Sora, I've been directing this troupe for six years.
I hope the two of you can at least believe that my pursuit and love of the arts has nothing to do with my business.
I too would like to see Signorina Sora shine dazzling-bright onstage, if I could, then let the two of you finish your heartwarming reunion.
Texas But, you don't particularly care if she does get dragged in, do you?
Bernardo Haha.
Texas Drop the pretense, Bernardo.
No matter how you try to sugarcoat it, even if meeting Sora was just a coincidence, how could I expect you to care about her safety?
Enough jokes.
Bernardo Lovely, Cellinia. This is the first time I've seen you angry since you got back to Siracusa.
Sora Director, there's something I need to know.
Bernardo By all means.
Sora Is the agreement between the two of us still valid?
Bernardo You're talking about–
Sora That even if I found Texas, I'd stay with the troupe and continue performing.
Bernardo Oh?
And here I thought you came to terminate our contract.
Sora What I can do is totally insignificant in the face of the conflict between families.
It'll be too hard for Texas to protect us in all that chaos.
And I trust that you are a man of your word, at least.
So, to cut to the chase, I'm willing to stay here and be your hostage.
Bernardo Your bravery never ceases to impress me, signorina.
But there's no need to be nervous.
I didn't call you here to castigate you. In fact, what happened at the theater was meant to be a healthy exchange of pleasantries with the Rossatis.
What you've accomplished has already surpassed my wildest dreams.
And so, I'd like to inform you–
That the contract between us is terminated.
You're free to go.
<Background 3>
Bernardo From now on, Cellinia is no longer under Famiglia Bellone's protection.
Is this bargaining chip enough to satisfy you, my friend?
Wallach Satisfy me?
You think I'd forget who brought her back in the first place?
All I want to know is, what was the point of this? From the very beginning?
Bernardo You should thank my son.
He was the one who convinced me you were someone to cooperate with.
Wallach Leon? Hah, I see.
Bernardo I've always been optimistic about Famiglia Rossati's development.
Cellinia was just the one who built the foundation for our cooperation today.
Wallach In other words, even if Leontuzzo didn't come to me, you would have.
Like father, like son. Touching.
Bernardo Heh. I just hope my son can learn a thing or two from your drive.
Wallach Listen, Bernardo, other people might fall for your tricks.
But I won't.
Bernardo Of course, Wallach. I did these things only to show you who really stands in your way.
Wallach Oh? Is my biggest obstacle not sitting right in front of me?
If you think you can get me to betray my donna, keep dreaming.
Bernardo Perish the thought. No. This is a reminder.
Deep down, you know the truth.
Cellinia's visit has greatly affected Giovanna.
Everyone in Siracusa respects Salvadore, but respect isn't blind obedience.
Salvadore's era ended seven years ago. In this day and age, are you still willing to serve Giovanna to protect his legacy?
You could've soared higher and farther.
Wallach The Donna works for the greater good.
Bernardo Is the greater good she wants the same one you want?
Famiglia Rossati used to dominate Columbia, standing on equal footing with the Texases.
Coming back here to Siracusa, they're pushed around by the other eleven famiglie.
Shouldn't your Rossatis rise above the other famiglie, and drag Signora Sicilia down from Grey Hall?
Wallach Stop talking like you know me, old man.
Bernardo I don't know you, but I know people like you, and I know the look in your eye.
Not a single man alive could ever get comfortable with the stagnant cesspool that Siracusa has become.
You understood that when you saw Cellinia walk out of that room alive, didn't you?
Wallach Even if that's true, even if what you say is right.
That's something for our famiglia to figure out.
Aren't old-fashioned famiglie like yours the most reluctant to get their hands dirty?
Are you telling me this is what Siracusan dignity means?
Bernardo Wrong again, Wallach.
I invited you here to share an opportunity with you.
An opportunity to overthrow the existing order in Siracusa, and establish a new one.
Wallach ......
Why the Rossatis?
Bernardo Sixty years ago, Signora Sicilia brought back two things from Laterano: "Guns, and order."
Today, people think a unified decision of the Dodici Famiglie created Grey Hall.
But they forget how Signora Sicilia got the Dodici to sit down together.
Absolute power.
Alberto is too prudent, too analytical. He's been cautious his whole life.
And prudence isn't what I need to take on Signora Sicilia. What I want...
Is a friend who's also looking to overthrow the existing order.
Think about it carefully, Wallach.
This is the best opportunity you're going to get.
Wallach ......
[Bernardo hangs up.]
Wallach Is the Donna here?
Rossati Mafioso Over in that room.
Wallach ......
Go and tell her that I'm going to deal with Cellinia by abducting her friends.
Rossati Mafioso Are we seriously going to do that?
Wallach What you should be asking instead is–
Is this really what you want the Rossatis to be?
<Background 4>
Croissant You sure the guy we met yesterday was all that wonderful?
Exusiai Yeah, I've got a hunch!
Croissant Why would such a heavy hitter be hangin' around this town though?
Exusiai I think it makes sense. If I were in his position, I'd do the same thing!
Croissant Hearin' it from you does make it more convincing, somehow.
But how d'ya know he's at the courthouse?
Exusiai Hmm... Oh, there you are.
[The Sankta pastor from before, who turned out to be Agenir – the consigliere of Signora Sicilia herself, is sleeping with his sleeping mask on nearby.]
Exusiai Well, do you remember the last thing he said? It gave me the impression he'd normally be in court, not at church.
Right, sir?
Agenir ......
Exusiai Sir?
Agenir Zzz...... Zzz......
Croissant I'm thinkin'... we should leave him be...
Agenir Hrmm... Huh?
Oh, it's you kids.
Exusiai Hello there!
We came to ask you a few questions.
Agenir Hahaha! Good, good. Take a seat. It's never a bad day to talk to the youths.
Croissant We got a friend who's all mixed up in a contract with of them families. They got her doin' all kinds of things for 'em.
We've been noodlin' on whether or not there might be a way out for her?
Agenir Your friend's surname is Texas, isn't it?
Croissant ...Yes.
Agenir I've heard that Bernardo is a man of his word.
As a don, he must never break his promises.
Croissant But even us foreigners can tell all this hubbub is the Bellone family tryin' to rile up Signora Sicilia.
We... ain't about to go stickin' our heads in all this complicated business. And to be honest, it don't got much to do with us, neither.
But we don't want Texas gettin' any payback from Signora Sicilia.
Agenir ......
Back then, Sicilia's fury towards Giuseppe for what he had done was just as great as her admiration of Salvadore.
Because it was the most direct challenge to the order she had established.
Sicilia accepts all comers within this order, but she will not allow anyone to upend the entire order.
Croissant So what you're sayin' is... There ain't no loopholes in this order, izzat it?
Agenir I used to think that, my child.
But there are no absolutes, when it comes to orders established by man.
Just as why me meeting you has nothing to do with Cellinia.
It was just because I happened to meet a fellow Sankta here.
Exusiai Heehee~
Agenir Before Sicilia, the land of Siracusa was not without order.
The only difference is the order that the families believed in came from themselves, and as no two famiglie could ever share the same order, they could only fight.
Sicilia's actions did not completely break this order.
Instead, it unified the orders among different families into a single, universal standard.
All the families were united into one.
And thus, Siracusa became Siracusa.
Now tell me, do you know what this means?
Croissant Yer sayin'... Siracusa, before n' after Signora Sicilia... never actually changed?
Agenir Clever girl.
The problems that existed in Siracusa in the past still exist today. I, no, we, are all aware of this fact.
But all these problems can be resolved by seeing Sicilia's fold.
Croissant Meetin' Signora Sicilia... that's a tall order.
Agenir That is one thing I will not help you with.
But, for her, there might be a way.
Croissant However?
Agenir The price may be too high to pay.
<Background 3>
Giovanna ......
Rossati Mafioso Donna?
Giovanna Hmm?
Rossati Mafioso You've been staring at that necklace in your hand since last night.
Giovanna This is a symbol of trust given to me by Signora Sicilia.
For picking up the pieces of Famiglia Texas, and leading the Columbian famiglie back to Siracusa.
Rossati Mafioso Oh, it must be pretty valuable.
Are you gonna use it to help, somehow?
Giovanna I'm still on the fence.
You said Wallach plans to attack Cellinia's friends?
Rossati Mafioso Yes. They stepped out a while ago, but when they get back, we'll have an ambush in place.
Giovanna ......
[Giovanna stands up.]
Rossati Mafioso Where are you going?
Giovanna To buy some chocolate.
<Background 2>
Capone Tsk, tsk. Turns out, your guess was right on the money.
Rossati associates have already started to infiltrate the block.
When those ladies from Penguin Logistics get back, I'm afraid they're gonna die a gruesome death.
But, lemme ask you a question, Lappland.
Lappland Lay it on me.
Capone I figured the Rossatis would try to rub out Texas.
But you're still a Saluzzo. You really need to send Gambino after that Sankta while you stay here and house-sit for 'em?
I never knew you were to give so much for the sake of friendship.
Lappland Am I that type?
Capone Definitely not.
Which is why I want to know, what the hell are you waitin' for?
You plowed that truck right into the courtroom, turned yourself in, and cleared her name in the process. Then you went on and forced the Saluzzos and Bellones together.
I got no clue why the two famiglie actually started working together. But there's gotta be another reason for it, right? You know that by helping the Bellones, you're also helpin' her.
And that's before we talk about how you gave her a hand in yesterday's assassination.
You say you wanna prove to her that Siracusa's a swamp you can't escape.
But it looks to me like you're tryin' to help her escape.
Lappland If I need to kill a few of her loved ones, or do something to piss her off, just to prove my point...
All that would show is how paranoid I am. Wouldn't get anywhere with that.
If it's real, if it's a fact, then it'll happen, even if I just stood by and watched.
But actually, even that isn't good enough.
I can't just get out of her way, I have to give her enough help so that in the end, she has to finally admit–
That all her struggling was for nothing.
Capone And doing it like that will bring you some satisfaction?
Lappland Dunno. All I do know is there's no other way.
Capone So basically, you don't know what to do either.
Lappland Yep. And I never said I did.
And you, Capone, you should be more like Gambino and realize that you'll never get the answer you want from me about the two of you.
Capone You already knew, huh.
Lappland He wants to stage his comeback by joining up with the Bellones, but what about you?
You're still standing here. Do you seriously think you're my vassal?
Or, are you hoping there's enough room for you on my path?
Capone ......
Lappland Give up that hope, or I'll kill you.
There's only room for one.
Capone What about Texas?
Lappland Texas... might just be the path itself.
Capone Hah.
Capone stays silent for a minute before turning and leaving.
Lappland Ahh, what a pleasant surprise.
<Background 5>
[Giovanna enters P.L.'s office.]
Giovanna I haven't been here before... but it looks like I'm in the right place.
So this is Penguin Logistics's little stronghold.
[Someone calls Giovanna. She picked it up.]
Sora Miss Caterina.
Giovanna Sora... Oh, right, I gave you my number before.
Sora Would it be better if I called you Miss Giovanna?
Giovanna Caterina will do just fine.
I like the name.
Sora Do all Siracusan mobsters like to work in the performing arts?
Giovanna Why not? We can't be fighting and killing each other all the time.
Are you all together right now?
<Background 2>
[A lot of mafiosi surrounds the office's perimeter.]
<Background 5>
Giovanna ......
Sora Miss Caterina?
Giovanna Never mind.
Sora, would you mind telling me more about your Penguin Logistics?
Sora Huh?
Giovanna For example, how it came to be, and how Cellinia joined.
Sora I'm not too clear on the details myself. After all, Penguin Logistics was already a thing by the time Texas saved me.
The boss mentioned a few times how he set up Penguin Logistics after he met Texas.
But when it comes to stuff that happened after I joined, I could talk for days about that.
We've been living together for years.
Giovanna *sigh*... I'd really love to chat with you more, if we get the chance.
There's a lot I'd like to tell you about Cellinia.
I also want to hear more from you about her life in Lungmen.
Sora If you ever get a chance to drop by Lungmen, we'd be glad to show you around.
Giovanna Really?
You're not worried about my business?
Sora What matters is you were once Texas's best friend.
Giovanna Cellinia truly is blessed to have met a woman as kind as you in Lungmen.
Sora If you ask me, she's blessed to have a friend like you in Siracusa who's always thinking of her.
<Background 2>
Giovanna Oh right, Sora.
Sora Yes?
Giovanna I had a flash of inspiration just now.
Sora Huh?
Giovanna I'm always thinking about how I want the grand finale to play out.
In my story, I thought she should meet her end just like a Siracusan would.
Surrounded, in a narrow alley, incinerated by a car bomb, so on, so forth.
These little excerpts from reality are so overused that they've turned into their own tropes.
I want to escape the tropes, and in this story, have her become the least Siracusan Siracusan.
I've been trying to find a "Siracusan" archetype, but haven't been able to define it.
That's the source of my writer's block.
But right now, it's starting to come to me.
There are no Siracusans.
Cellinia Texas finally disappeared in the conflagration, and nobody knew what became of her.
Sora Miss Caterina, are you...?
Giovanna I'll be back later. I have some presents for you girls.
[Giovanna hangs up as she confronts Wallach.]
Giovanna Wallach, if memory serves me right, you're trying to kidnap Cellinia's friends?
They're not even back yet, and you've gathered a whole mob?
Wallach I would have, if you didn't show up.
I'm extremely disappointed, Donna. No, Giovanna.
Giovanna Were you that impatient with me?
Wallach It's not a question of patience. It's just, why should we wait?
Why should we have to sit here and wait for the blessing of some antique?
We followed you to this country, waiting to become masters of this land.
And now, we have an opportunity.
Giovanna Are you so sure? You're certain victory is within your grasp?
Wallach Nope. I'm not even certain I can deal with that antique...
But I know Bellone really wants to bring us into a new age.
And I've got a hankering to make a big bet.
Giovanna How many are willing to follow you?
Wallach Seventy percent.
Giovanna What about the rest?
Wallach I'll convince them.
Or, you could do it for me.
If you decide to change your mind, Giovanna, you're still our boss.
Giovanna Looks like I brought up some good soldiers after all.
Sorry, Wallach.
Wallach Is Texas more important to you than Famiglia Rossati?
Giovanna I just... don't think this is how things should play out.
Wallach The way I see it, some things can only play out like this.

After operation

Giovanna collapses to the ground after an attack. Il Segretario di Sicurezza Alimentare[note 3] asks Lavinia for help, and Exusiai seeks out Agenir to ask a question that has plagued her for a long time.
<Background 6>
Sora Texas!
Texas What?
Sora Miss Caterina... I mean, Giovanna, might be in danger!
Texas What did you say?
Sora I just called her, and have a really uneasy feeling.
[Someone calls Texas. She picked it up.]
Texas Lappland.
Lappland Yo.
Texas What do you want?
Lappland I just wanted to give you an update on your old friend. She's somewhere near your little hideout, surrounded by wise guys from her own famiglia.
Texas ......
Sora Texas, we should go help her!
Texas ...I know.
Lappland Just a sec.
Are you seriously going?
You were all ready to make an enemy of the Rossatis to get out of here.
But now you're going to stay in the swamp just for her?
Think, Texas.
This is your best chance to turn around and walk away from it all.
Texas ......
[Texas hangs up.]
Texas Sora...
Sora You know, Texas?
This was supposed to be a little job I picked up as a way to go looking for you.
But, I soon came to realize that I'd fallen in love with Siracusa's performing arts scene.
People here have a certain arrogance to them, but they're much better than the materialistic Lungmenite businessmen.
And Exusiai won't stop raving about how she's going to find the best pizza in Siracusa.
As for Croissant... She's always been easygoing.
I just wanted to catch up with you. Maybe we can go back to Lungmen after everyone's had enough fun here.
Texas We'll go back to Lungmen eventually. The four of us, together.
Sora That's right, the four of us, together.
Well, actually, I just had a chat with Miss Giovanna and asked her to take a tour of Lungmen with us. So that'd make five.
Texas ...Okay.
<Background 2>
[A firefight broke out between the Rossati mafiosi who remained loyal to Giovanna and those who followed Wallach.]
A number of people have collapsed in an alley.
A number of wounds have appeared across Giovanna's body.
Everyone, including herself, knows there is no escape for her.
Wallach Give it up, Giovanna.
Giovanna ......
Got anything to drink, Wallach?
Wallach Go grab a bottle from the car.
Rossati Mafioso Yessir.
Giovanna I've thought about it before. If we would've been better off getting into certain businesses back in Columbia.
Originium weapons, designer drugs, military channels...
I've also thought about... if there were certain opportunities that I should've seized.
Getting on good terms with those officials, or even extending an olive branch to the Columbian government.
But in the end, I decided that some things had to be done in moderation.
We're too deeply invested, we're holding too much. I won't claim to be a good person, but at least we can't forget that there are some things we can't do.
You could call it principle, or you could call it stubbornness.

{{sc|Wallach|Times have changed, Giovanna.
A new era calls for new norms.
The so-called "morality and justice" of the old guard should be cast aside.
Even if we don't do it, someone eventually will. And when that time comes, we'll be the ones who get pushed out.
Or you think sitting around, watching Columbia's other famiglie get their mitts on these things is the right way to do it

Giovanna What would you do in my position, Wallach?
Wallach I'll control it all, new and old. Everything will be at my disposal.
We're not taking the world back to the old ways, we're turning away from them.
Rossati Mafioso Got the booze, Wallach.
Giovanna ......
Come on. Have one last drink with me.
Wallach Fine.
[Wallach gave the liquor to Giovanna, which she drinks.]
Giovanna This one's my favorite. You've been waiting a long time for this, haven't you?
Wallach It was supposed to celebrate your return.
Giovanna Hah.
Well, how about that. From here on, you're Don Rossati.
Wallach Giovanna.
Giovanna Do it.
Wallach ......!
The sound of sharp metal slicing through flesh appears in the alley.
It is quickly drowned out by the sound of the falling rain.
<Background 2>
Texas knows she is already too late.
The alley is scarred by traces of battle, and blood spreads out across the ground.
Her gaze goes to the source of the bloody water, where a familiar figure lies fallen.
Texas ......
Her heart quivers.
Texas Giovanna!
<Background 3>
Rubio We should be able to have a nice discussion over here, Your Honor.
Lavinia I won't become your accomplice.
Rubio Accomplice? That's a rather extreme choice of words.
Shouldn't you be thanking me for saving your life?
Lavinia ......
Rubio Forget it, just treat it as an act of kindness on my part.
The upside about you young folks is that you're go-getters. The downside is you tend to overdo it.
There's nothing I particularly need you to do for me, actually.
I just don't want to see an outstanding young woman like you fall.
Lavinia You? Really?
Rubio I think the Carracci incident has given you some misconceptions about me.
Lavinia No, I don't think it has.
Rubio I happen to care more about what's in front of me, that's all.
"The government is just the cloth draped over Grey Hall's round table."
Lavinia, everyone in Siracusa knows of Signora Sicilia's lament.
But I'd imagine there are few who understand the source of this lament.
Lavinia ......
Rubio Thirty years ago, there was a group of youths like you who naively believed they could free Siracusa from the famiglie.
But there was no end to the dark clouds that hung over the country, and they couldn't conjure up any support.
So they chose to try to win over a number of famiglie by catering to their interests, trying to fight... the thing they thought they could resist.
As for what happened to them... nobody knows.
Lavinia Nobody knows?
Rubio Try to picture this scenario, Signorina Lavinia.
Your father is a clerk who works for the city government.
One day, you get up, shower, and have breakfast as usual. That's when you realize your father forgot something at home, and your mother asks you to bring it to him.
It's the rainy season, and you're in a bad mood because you had an argument with your father. But then you think to yourself, it's partially your fault, and it would be better to just apologize.
But when you walk into city hall, you feel an unnatural stillness.
The place shouldn't be so quiet at this time of day.
Soon, you see blood seeping from beneath the doors of various offices.
And that's when you realize that streaks of blood are painted all across the floor.
Lavinia ......!
Rubio You find that everyone in city hall has gone missing.
What scares you even more is that not a single soul will comment on it, no matter who you ask. Even your own mother is completely silent.
It's as if the disappeared never existed in the first place.
After a while, people begin to appear at city hall again, and a bit after that, the normal hustle and bustle returns.
And you finally realize, that's all there is to it.
That's when Signora Sicilia's saying really starts to spread.
"The government is just the cloth draped over Grey Hall's round table." And naturally, the tablecloth can be changed at will.
When you've lived through it, you'll understand–
Anger. Of course the anger is there. But what happens after the anger passes?
After anger, comes nothing.
Just as you are now, not knowing who you can even vent your grievance to.
To Don Bernardo? To Famiglia Bellone? Or to Signora Sicilia?
No, of course not. They are all cogs in the existing machine, and you, as the gatekeeper to this machine, know better than anyone else–
It can't be shaken.
Lavinia And that's why you want to tell me... that all I can do is to cover my eyes and ears like you, pretending to be oblivious to everything that's going on.
Pretending I'm living a semblance of what you could call a life.
Rubio Signorina Lavinia, you are even more naive than my daughter.
And as someone who's experienced it all, my advice to you is the same as the last time you came to me–no matter what your ideals are, you must first live on.
And if you're really in that much of a hurry to die, at least find a successor first.
Sometimes, living to pass down your ideals can be even more difficult than dying a merciful death.
Lavinia ......
Rubio Oh right, I'll be taking up my new post in a few days, and Don Bernardo has arranged a speech for me to deliver to the whole city.
There's nothing I need you to do for me, but if you'd like, you are welcome to keep my wife and daughter company.
I do believe that isn't anything that would violate your principles.
<Background 4>
Agenir Hmm? You're not going with the rest of your friends, my child?
Exusiai Uhh... I have a somewhat personal question I'd like to ask you.
Agenir Oh?
Please continue.
Exusiai I learned a few things about you back when I was in school. Back then, both you and His Holiness the Pope were seen as promising young talents.
But after Signora Sicilia visited Laterano, you left with her. Didn't even hesitate.
Agenir You want to know why I left Laterano with Sicilia?
Exusiai Not exactly. What I'd like to know is, you must get along very well with Signora Sicilia, right?
Agenir That depends on what you mean by "get along." But if you mean in terms of understanding, it may be the case that nobody understands her as well as I do.
However, our personalities are actually quite incompatible.
At least these days, I am happier hiding in this city to avoid the headaches she brings me.
Exusiai Isn't that also part of getting along with someone?
Agenir That, I cannot deny.
Exusiai Then, how were you able to stay on good terms with her for decades?
Agenir ......
Exusiai Senior Agenir, I'm serious!
Agenir An excellent question indeed, my child.
You certainly ask much more interesting questions than your friend.
But first, there's something I'm curious about.
From the description you just gave me, you seem to get along very well with Texas.
Exusiai That's right, we're the best partners out there~
Agenir You don't doubt your friendship at all.
Exusiai Not even a little.
Agenir In that case– Ah, I see now. The reason behind your question.
Shared empathy allows you to treat people without reservation, but you still have doubts about the process of getting along with those who lack that empathy.
Moreover, it is not deception that you fear, but this doubt itself.
You are ashamed of this doubt when you are reciprocated with nothing but sincerity.
But at the same time, you are also afraid of how you will handle yourself if these doubts prove to be true one day.
Is that the case?
Exusiai Um, yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking!
Agenir I think every Sankta who leaves Laterano will encounter this problem.
When Sicilia came to visit Laterano, I was tasked with serving as her guide.
However, I did not leave Laterano with her because I was persuaded by her ideals, as the rumors claim.
Sicilia was still young at the time, and no matter how talented she was, it was impossible for her to instantly come up with a way to change Siracusa after but a brief stay in Laterano.
Her ideals were puerile and unrealistic, but they happened to resonate with some of my own thoughts at the time.
We discussed and argued our ideas day and night until finally, I decided to go with her to Siracusa to settle them.
Exusiai Discussing, and arguing...
Agenir Yes.
Even after coming to Siracusa, we never settled the arguments between us. As a matter of fact, our views on Siracusa have never quite lined up.
But this does not prevent us from understanding what the other is thinking.
Exusiai So, the key is discussing and arguing?
Agenir Haha, what do you think?
Exusiai I don't think that's right.
I don't think Texas and I ever had any serious discussions about anything. I'm not even sure when it happened, but we somehow became really good partners.
Agenir You're a perceptive one, my child.
In the end, what kept me bound to Sicilia was not ideals, convenience, or even emotions.
But time.
Exusiai Time?
Agenir The passage of time will bridge most gaps and bind people together, regardless of what they think about it.
You'll always be good partners, won't you?
Exusiai Of course. Always and forever.
Agenir Then, all you need to do is keep moving forward.
You will experience many different things, as will she.
Perhaps your stories will individually have very little in common.
But as long as your lives intertwine at some point...
Well, you'll have nothing to worry about.


  1. "Thank you" in Italian
  2. "Secretary" in Italian
  3. "The Secretary of Food Safety" in Italian