Operation story: RS-5

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Old Paleroche icon.png
Elder Devotee
Kjerag Warrior A icon.png
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Kjerag Youth
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Kjerag Elder
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Carefree Villager
Astute Merchant
Kjerag Manor Room
Mount Karlan Path
Mount Karlan Foothills

Before operation

Leto sobers up and ascends the mountain, finally meeting the Trilby Asher that Degenbrecher is searching for. The Elder Devotee informs his son of the truth, and Arctosz feels as if he's suffered a heavy blow, immediately taking off to look for Leto.
<Background 1>
[Arctosz finally wakes up.]
Arctosz Ugh...
What happened...? What's with all the empty bottles on the floor?
Odd. Why was I even sleeping here?
Elder Devotee Rosalind... you're a good kid...
...Arctosz... you... disgrace...
Arctosz Dad?!
Elder Devotee Eh? Uh...
[The old man gets up to his feet.]
Elder Devotee What did you wake me up for?! Can't an old man nap in peace?!
No, hold on, I...
Arctosz Dad? When did you get home? Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
What happened yesterday? How did we end up sleeping on the floor?
Elder Devotee Quit your yapping, it's giving me a headache.
[The door opens and Gulo runs in.]
Gulo Sir, Master.
I'm so glad you're both finally awake!
Arctosz Gulo!
What happened here?
Gulo The two of you got drunk, and didn't want to stop drinking, and our efforts to convince you to return to your rooms to sleep were in vain.
I could only feed two more batches of firewood to the furnace so it wouldn't get too cold in here.
Sir, do you not remember what happened yesterday?
Arctosz I... Wait, let me think.
Yesterday, yesterday...
I remember. I was to prepare for the banquet to celebrate the completion of Kjeragandr's statue.
The Saintess asked me to select the best drinks Kjerag has to offer, so I was tasting them one by one...
And then, after that... I don't remember much.
Elder Devotee Hmph, of course you don't.
You were so drunk you couldn't tell people apart, and even tried to toast to a pillar while hugging it.
At your age! What an embarrassment!
Arctosz Enough, Dad. Was I not doing it for the Saintess, for Kjerag?
Gulo's still here, so could you ease up on the scolding, before I lose any more respect!
Elder Devotee I always taught you respect is something you earn on your own, so why ask me to leave any for you?!
Forget it, I'll bicker with you no longer.
Gulo, where's Rosalind?
Gulo She went up the mountain first thing in the morning, Master.
Elder Devotee What?!
Gulo She woke up early, while the both of you were still sleeping, and she said to let you sleep a while longer.
I thought the same, so I didn't wake you.
Elder Devotee ......
I guess it's fine for her to just leave like that.
Perhaps this was Kjeragandr's plan for the Paleroches.
They met, they didn't realize, so I guess this means it was just not meant to be... indeed...
Arctosz What are you riddling about now, Dad?!
I vaguely remember a young girl coming here yesterday, but I did drink too much. I can't remember what she looked like.
You say her name was Rosalind? Hmm...
Elder Devotee ......
Arctosz, come here.
I should not hide this from you.
Same as you made your own choice back then.
What should be done next, is ultimately up to you.
<Background fades out and in>
[The disguised Trilby Asher wakes up.]
Guard? ...By Kjeragandr.
Three generations really drank the night away.
Even dragged me in with the other guards too.
It's been a long time since I drank so much.
And I didn't get any business done at all...
[He takes off his disguise.]
"Trilby Asher" ...Since going roundabout didn't work, let's just go head-on.
Judging from the direction, Rosalind probably went up the mountain.
<Background 2>
[Meanwhile, Leto arrives at the base of Mount Fugen.]
Leto Ohh—This is one of those snowy mountains!
It's even more spectacular up close. Kjerag's mountains sure are impressive.
<Background shakes violently>
Leto Ugh, I'm a little dizzy. Really went overboard on the drinks last night.
Wonder if those guys are awake yet. Why didn't the Doctor tell me how enthusiastic Kjerag people can be?
I should give them something as thanks when I get down the mountain later...
[She shivers.]
Leto Sheesh, it's freezing. The wind's pretty painful.
If I remember right... you're supposed to climb up this mountain on your own to prove your faith to Kjeragandr?
It's really tall.
But since I'm already here, I might as well try.
[Rosalind notices a crowd talking nearby.]
Leto Huh?
<Background fades out and in>
Foreign Tourist A The purest air from up in the mountains?
Sounds pretty good to me. Do you take cards here?
Alright, then give me two boxes. Send them to the Burdenpeak Hotel, room 606.
Astute Merchant You got it!
Foreign Tourist B Woah, Zofia... you're buying even more stuff.
Didn't you buy four boxes of mountain spring water yesterday? How are we going to bring it all back?
Foreign Tourist A Don't be silly! Who says we have to bring them home ourselves?
I'll send a box each to Młynar and Margaret. I probably haven't even bought enough yet.
Kjerag's air and water are plenty impressive. The Black Knight came here a good long while ago, so she should be living pretty well now.
Alright, enough of that. I hear you have to climb Kjerag's mountains yourself, as a show of devotion.
Come on! Let's get climbing!
Foreign Tourist B They do mention as much in the travel brochure.
Let's see who can reach the summit first, Zofia!
[The two race their way up the mountain.]
Kjerag Youth Riley, why didn't you tell them we have a cable car that goes up the mountain?
Kjerag Elder Hohoho. The tourists have their own ideas, who am I to tell them otherwise?
Kjerag Youth Fair enough...
Seems like tourists are the only ones who like to climb these days.
They're right though.
Kjerag Elder Come! Let's go take the cable car!
Kjerag Youth Really? Won't Kjeragandr see it as a lack of faith?
Kjerag Elder Nonsense! Kjeragandr granted us this convenience because She loves Her people!
Insisting on climbing would show a lack of faith in Kjeragandr!
Kjerag Youth Huh?
What do you mean, "huh?"
We're all Kjeragandr's children. As long as you respect Her and keep Her in your heart, She'll protect us all!
<Background fades out and in>
Leto ......
Whew. You can actually ride a cable car up the mountain?
Why are tourist spots the same everywhere...? I'd better follow the locals.
Even though I don't know what it means to have faith in Kjeragandr at all.
But Kjeragandr must be protecting Kjerag, judging by how things are going?
Hey, old man in front!
Can you tell me where to get cable car tickets? Thanks for pointing the way!
[Leto heads towards the ticket booth.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Not long later, the Trilby Asher also arrives at Mount Fugen.]
"Trilby Asher" Sir, please hold on.
Kjerag Elder Who are you? What's with the getup?
"Trilby Asher" I'm a reporter from Victoria, you see.
People praise the Kjeragandr statue, but surely building it must have been a waste of resources. I'm currently collecting some—
Kjerag Elder Get lost!
My son who works on the statue sends me money every month, and even calls me to tell me how good work is over there.
You foreigners are just salty about how wonderful our Kjerag is!
"Trilby Asher" Then, why hasn't he returned?
Kjerag Elder He said he signed some agreement, so he has to stay there.
What was it again?
Kjerag Youth Non-disclosure.
"Trilby Asher" Do you need an NDA to build a statue?
[The Trilby Asher leaves.]
Kjerag Elder I'm warning you, foreigner. Any more guff out of you and I'll give you a taste of my walking stick.
Huh? Where'd they go?
<Background 3>
[A villager is taking a stroll.]
Carefree Villager Hm~ Hmm-hmm-hm~ Praise Kjeragandr...♪
Brave Burdenbeasts~ Brave people~ Kjeragandr guides us~ To protect our homeland, hm hmm~♪
Hmm, Hm-hm-hmm...♪
[The villager stops...]
Carefree Villager Huh? The snow here doesn't seem right...
[...he falls...]
Carefree Villager Yow!
??? Careful.
[...but is suddenly yanked back.]
Degenbrecher There's a trap down there.
You alright?
Carefree Villager Oh, Madam Degenbrecher!
Where did this hole come from...? That Riley must have dug it out to catch game!
Many, many thanks. I would have fallen down the hole, if it weren't for you.
Degenbrecher You're welcome.
Carefree Villager Do you have business on the mountain today, Madam?
Anything we can help you with? I have plans with Riley, Leone, and the other guys to go up the mountain today, so just let us know if you need anything!
Degenbrecher I have a bit of work to do, but I'll be fine on my own.
Are you and Old Riley still drinking with the Victorians?
Carefree Villager Yeah, we've been competing to see who can drink more, and it's a tie, at the moment!
None of us are giving up, because it'd be an embarrassment for Master Enciodes and the Saintess if we lost to those Victorians!
Also, they just suddenly came in here and set up camp. What do you think is going on?
I've no proper education, but even I know a sudden flood of people here, all hale and healthy even, can't possibly be a good thing!
That's why Riley and I were thinking we could keep an eye on them for Sir Enciodes with the drinking, at the very least.
So don't worry. We'll definitely win!
Degenbrecher ......
Fine, it would be great if you could drink till they puke.
Just call me if you can't. Don't push yourselves.
Did you decide to watch the Victorians on your own?
Carefree Villager Hehe, we thought it up with the other villagers. All of us agreed to it!
We've been living much better these days, and since we now know how good things can be, we're not gonna let anyone ruin it for us.
But Madam, I should be honest with you, just don't get angry with me.
Degenbrecher Sure, go on.
Carefree Villager I just wanted to say, these Victorians we've been drinking with.
We've come to know them pretty well over the past month, and brushing the other stuff aside, they aren't bad guys.
They don't cause too much trouble, even when drunk, and sometimes they come over to help out with work.
There's a guy with bones about as old as mine. He only goes a little mad when he's drunk, but he doesn't do much other than strip off his clothes to try and swim in the snow. I saw his back then, it was in bad shape.
I don't know what he has suffered, but it hurts to even look at. It hurts to think about now.
Degenbrecher I might as well tell you this.
A Victorian Viscount has come to join the celebrations for Kjeragandr's statue, and he's brought his personal army along.
Most of them are veterans who have been fighting alongside him for a long time.
Carefree Villager Oh...
Degenbrecher There's no need to think too much, just enjoy your drinks together.
Carefree Villager *sigh* I don't get it, what's the difference between a personal and regular army?
But they did look far from young, and a few of them seem to have stones growing on their bodies.
That should be the uh, stone disease, I've seen in the news before?
Degenbrecher ...Oripathy.
Most of the time, nothing happens when you come into contact with it, so you needn't be too worried.
But you should still take some precautions.
You can go to Rhodes Island's office in the city or the newly built hospital for information on how to protect yourself.
Carefree Villager That we know, so don't you worry, Madam.
I just wanted to have a chat with you anyways. I wouldn't dare to disturb Sir Enciodes or Sir Gnosis.
Degenbrecher Oh?
You're saying I look idle?
Carefree Villager That's not what I meant!
I mean, them Sirs are busy with their big projects all day long, so it'd be no good for us to disturb them.
You help us out regularly, even though you're so busy too. We know you're on the same side as us. You're one of us!
Degenbrecher ......
One of you...
Carefree Villager Wait, no. I mean, those Sirs are our people too.
I'm bad with words, but you know what I mean!
Am I wasting your time, Madam?
Degenbrecher It's fine.
There's something I need to trouble you and the rest on the mountain for.
Carefree Villager Just say the word!
Degenbrecher Help me find a pretentious Victorian.
Carefree Villager A what?
Degenbrecher He wears a top hat and a black coat with the collar covering his face. Some gemstones too.
It's easy to spot such a conspicuous figure.
Carefree Villager What's this fella doing with that sort of outfit in Kjerag?
Degenbrecher Who knows?
Probably something stupid.
Carefree Villager Alright, leave it to us!
I'll send over Old Leones' Burdenbeast the moment we get any news!
<Background 1>
Arctosz Are you serious, Dad?!
The girl yesterday... She's, she's Rosalind? My daughter?!
Elder Devotee ...Sigh.
I doubt I'm wrong. The girl looks just like you, and Tatyana too.
My eyes are still good enough, I'm not wrong.
Arctosz Really...?
My... daughter...?
Hahaha! I did say she was a good kid! Good stature, and character even! Wonderful!
Rosalind, Rosalind... She looks like me?
Yes, like me, I remember now. She has the same hair color!
Her eyes and mouth are Tatyana's, especially her eyes... they're exactly the same! So pretty...
...Time flies. Little Rosalind has already grown so big, in just the blink of an eye...
Wait, did she go up the mountain?
When is she coming back? Will she come back?
Elder Devotee ......
Arctosz, there's something else...
Arctosz We can talk about that later. I have to prepare some gifts for my daughter!
I remember she loved baked sweet cheese and beast stew, when she was little, so I'm off to buy some now!
Tatyana... is she here too? Does she not want to see me? Then I, I...
Alright! No matter, I'll head straight up the mountain and give them to Rosalind!
And then I'll ask her about Tatyana...
Elder Devotee Arctosz!
Arctosz What is it?! I need to hurry—
Elder Devotee Stop right there!
Arctosz —!
Elder Devotee ...Just. Stay. You need to hear this.
Arctosz stops in his tracks from his father's yelling, and an ill omen stirs uncontrollably in his heart.
Perhaps it's his hangover, but a sudden headache descends on him, his stomach seems to drop to the floor, and his back feels as if something cold is creeping up on him.
Only now does Arctosz realize his father's back, which he has not seen in a long time, is slightly stooped, like a wilting tree, no longer tall and upright as he remembered.
But the dry and aged voice of the devotee continues, undeterred by Arctosz's panic.
Elder Devotee Rosalind told me she and her mother had been living in Ursus since they left.
She was too young to remember anything of this place.
She said she never knew who her father was, all the time she grew up.
And this time she's here not only to see our Kjeragandr's statue, but also...
She's brought back her mother's remains.
Ill omens always seem to bear out.
The wind and snow roaring outside their home, the flames flickering inside the furnace, and even their indistinguishable breathing all seem to freeze for a moment.
Arctosz ...What?
What do you mean?
B-But, Tatyana was so young. How could she...?
I don't believe it... how can that be...?
Elder Devotee I heard it from the girl myself.
Arctosz ......
Elder Devotee
Arctosz ......
Elder Devotee Fine, it doesn't matter what you want to say. There's no point telling me.
Your father is no perfect man, nor a saint, and certainly not the victim here.
This old man is too old to hear you out, let alone offer any advice.
I only wish to spend the rest of my days sweeping the dust at Kjeragandr's feet.
But you... should think carefully.
[The old man somberly leaves.]
Arctosz ......
Tatyana... Rosalind...
[Gulo scrambles into the room.]
Gulo Sir, Master!
Matriarch Ratatos is here, she says there's something urgent to discuss!
<Background fades out and in>
Ratatos Ugh. The place reeks of booze...
The ceremony's tomorrow, Arctosz. Don't you drink too much and ruin it all.
Arctosz I'm in no mood to play with you.
Just tell me what happened. You're not the type to make social calls, Ratatos.
Ratatos Heheh, you sure know me well.
Fine, I'll get straight to the point, Arctosz. I came here to tip you off.
I still recall that you married an Ursine woman, despite your family's objections, and even had a child with her?
Something happened to the Silverashes, and soon after your wife left Kjerag with daughter in tow. This affair was kept within the tri-clans, but it was no secret to us.
Arctosz Hmph, I see your nose is as sharp as ever.
Ratatos I'll take that as a compliment.
I'm here to tell you about your daughter, the girl named Rosalind.
Arctosz What happened to her?! You better not be taking advantage the situation!
She has nothing to do our clan business!
Ratatos I'm not here to settle any old scores, but her untimely return is really unfortunate.
Do you know where she is right now?
She's probably already in the sights of a Victorian spy.
<Background 2>
[Leto exits the cable car and onto the mountain path.]
Leto Finally!
But the cable car only goes up this far, and I have to climb the rest myself?
Well, the summit isn't that far anyway.
<Background fades out and in.>
[Leto is hiking up the mountain.]
Leto I could still see a few tourists earlier, but now there's no one else around.
White everywhere... Sheesh, it's a little scary.
??? ......
Leto Huh...?
??? ...How... unlucky...
Leto Wh-What was that?
??? ...Ever since I came to Kjerag... Not a single thing has gone smoothly...
Leto Who's that? C-Come out! Don't even think you can scare me!
Is that... a hole?
Who could be so bored as to dig a hole by the trail? No, this can't be just a hole...
It's a trap!
??? Sure enough. A trap indeed.
[The man who had fallen into the hole is revealed to the Trilby Asher.]
"Trilby Asher" Watch your step, Madam.
Also, if it's not too much of a bother, could I trouble you to pull me up?

After operation

On the summit, Leto questions the Trilby Asher on why she's been approached, but puts him on alert instead. During their stalemate, Arctosz reaches the duo, and falls down a cliff with Leto. Degenbrecher arrives afterwards, and stops the Trilby Asher in his tracks.
<Background 2>
Leto Grab my hand.
[Leto pulls the Trilby Asher out of the hole.]
"Trilby Asher" We met on the train back there, but I never imagined you'd save my life here.
How fortunate for you to be here to lend me a hand. Who knows how long I'd be stuck in here otherwise.
Thank you very, very much for your altruistic assistance, Madam Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina.
Leto Well, wasn't much. Don't mention it.
You definitely don't look like a local, so I'm guessing you're a tourist going up the mountain?
"Trilby Asher" Precisely.
Leto So why didn't you follow the main road, instead of falling into a pitfall out here in the forest?
What were you gonna do if I didn't happen to pass by?
"Trilby Asher" I was merely attracted by the scenic view, and didn't expect to run into a trap like this in the snow.
If you hadn't happened by... perhaps I would have stayed here for a while longer. I'd calm down first before figuring out a way to climb out myself.
But now I see how fortunate I am.
Leto Hmm...
"Trilby Asher" Madam Larina, are you going to continue your journey up the mountain?
Leto Huh? Yeah, I am.
"Trilby Asher" We could travel together for a while, if you wouldn't mind.
I'd like to admire the view of Kjerag's mountains from the summit as well.
Leto Sure.
I don't mind. Let's go.
We still have a long way to the top.
<Background fades out and in>
Kjerag Elder That was...
Kjerag Youth Riley!
I just checked our traps and saw a pitfall collapsed. Thought we caught something!
But when I took a look, there was nothing inside. Guessing it might have escaped.
Kjerag Elder Did you see the man who passed by earlier? Doesn't he look like the guy Turiels asked us to look out for?
Kjerag Youth You mean the one Degenbrecher asked us to find?
Kjerag Elder All dressed in black, pretentious looking, wearing a hat and hiding his face. No doubt about it!
Come! Let's hurry back and tell Degenbrecher!
<Background fades out and in>
[Meanwhile, Leto and the Trilby Asher continue their hike.]
Leto ......
Hey, uh... say, I still don't know your name.
Aren't you guys pretty particular about uh, introducing yourselves when you first meet?
"Trilby Asher" An oversight on my part.
You may call me John Smith. Or anything you prefer.
Leto John...?
The name John Smith...
"John Smith" What do you think of it?
Leto Sounds... right out of a spy movie I watched with the Doctor!
Yeah, that was definitely the name of the spy guy!
I remember he had a really pretty sidekick too, so John, you... Never mind, coming up to this make-out point all alone means you're definitely single.
"John Smith" ......
A fascinating coincidence.
Leto Right?
Alright, let's get back on track. I figure we still have a while to go before the summit.
I heard it gets colder the higher you go, and it gets harder to breathe too.
So, you tired yet? Need a break?
"John Smith" Please, don't worry about me.
Do you need to rest, Madam Larina?
Leto Nah, I'm good.
You've got some real stamina, huh, Mr. Spy?
"John Smith" ...Haha.
<Background fades out and in.>
[Meanwhile, Degenbrecher is heading towards the mountain. She contacts Enciodes using a transceiver.]
Degenbrecher Seems like you really deceived him.
Enciodes I fabricated no lies, Degenbrecher.
There's no slipping your average falsehoods by a Trilby Asher collecting information for his Duke.
But I'm fully aware that these types usually know "suspicion" best.
"The heir to the Paleroche Clan has secretly returned to the country" is a reality he first discovered by himself, so he'll believe it.
And will definitely be watching Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina.
Degenbrecher Your guesses are always right.
The girl's already on the mountain, and Ratatos has contacted Arctosz.
I hear tell the Trilby Asher is also on his way up.
He's hiding from me.
Enciodes No matter.
Just make sure he remains focused on the girl.
It's time for you to move as well.
Degenbrecher Fine, I'll treat it as after-meal exercise.
However, are you sure the Doctor won't mind you letting the Trilby Asher close to the girl?
Enciodes He's a spy, not an assassin. What he's after is information, not a life.
Degenbrecher Is that how you plan to explain it to the Doctor?
Enciodes To the Doctor, I shall offer my—apologies.
Degenbrecher You certainly owe them.
Enciodes How I act is unimportant. Rather, I'm more curious—
Degenbrecher, you remember the Doctor?
Degenbrecher Sharp's a good opponent. Stronger than most of those clumsy knights.
There's no harm in noting down someone who has the respect of a warrior like that and can also make you suffer.
Enciodes You're curious about the Doctor?
Degenbrecher You could put it that way.
Alright, the idle chatter stops here.
I'm going to work.
[Degenbrecher ends the transmission]
<Background fades out and in>
[Leto runs to the summit.]
Leto URA—!!!
We're finally here——!!
Hoo. We must have climbed a few hours?
I'm beat. No wonder everyone quits halfway. That was exhausting.
The view up here is really pretty... isn't that Lake Silberneherze over there?
Hahaha, the Kjeragandr statue looks smaller than my thumb from up here!
[The Trilby Asher shortly joins her.]
"John Smith" Lake Silberneherze freezes over in the winter, and resembles a pure and clear gemstone when viewed from this peak.
As such, the locals here believe the lake is a precious stone bestowed by Kjeragandr.
Truly a view you can only see from such a height.
Leto It does look like a gem.
Oh, you can even see the station over there!
Huh, there's actually plenty of railroads in Kjerag, but the trains all look like toys from here...
"John Smith" I wouldn't call this plenty for a country that's still developing.
It might seem like a lot, but that's because Lake Silberneherze and the Kjeragandr statue are here.
There might be more roads around Karlan currently, but the operating lines will all pass through and transfer here...
...They will, won't they...?
Leto Hey, John, you still with us? I need a favor?
Can you help me see if there are two trees growing into each other around here?
They should be old, with intertwining branches, and they look pretty strange too!
"John Smith" It would be my pleasure.
Leto Appreciate it!
[The two wander around the mountaintop.]
Leto You know, John.
Aren't you curious why I'm looking for those trees?
Or what I'm doing up here on the mountain?
I mulled it over... and decided to handle things the old fashioned way.
"John Smith" What...?
Leto 'Fess up, and don't move!
[Leto corners the man at the edge of a crumbling cliff.]
"John Smith" What is the meaning of this, Madam Larina?
Leto You're not supposed to say that line yet, I haven't even done anything to you.
Spit it out though. You've been following me for ages, just following. What are you after here?
"John Smith" I don't understand.
Leto Quit playing dumb!
I don't remember telling you my name.
"John Smith" This is a misunderstanding.
You know the Viscount Harold Craigavon and I have history together, and it was he who told me your name.
Leto Oh?
[Leto cracks her knuckles.]
Leto You think I'm stupid?
I never told him my full name either.
And you managed to climb up the summit without taking a single break. There's no way you could have fallen into a simple hunter's trap!
Even if you did, you could have just climbed out.
Anna and the girls always tell me to think before I act, but I have to say, sometimes there's no use in thinking too much either.
"John Smith" ......
You are much more careful than I expected, Madam Larina.
Leto So you admit it?
John Smith is probably a fake name too, right? Maybe... you really are a spy?
"Trilby Asher" What if I said yes?
Leto Then you'd be pretty bad at your job.
Cause even I could tell something was up.
"Trilby Asher" Your accusation is absolutely correct.
It's true. I have been quite careless, and life in Kjerag has made me so.
I have considerable freedom here, and there aren't many who pose a threat to me.
Leto Hah, look at you talk.
I'm warning you, you'd better behave. And don't move an inch.
You're standing on the edge of a cliff, and there's nothing but snow under your feet.
I just have to stomp my feet to send you falling, and I can't promise I'll catch you if that happens.
"Trilby Asher" Alright, Madam Larina. I'll come clean, yesterday...
Arctosz Victorian scum!
[Arctosz suddenly comes running out of nowhere.]
Arctosz Arctosz is here! You stay away from her!
Leto Whoa! Wh-Where did you come from?
Ah-ah-ah-ah, wait! Watch your footfalls, the snow—
[The snow crumbles and Leto falls...]
Leto Wahh—!
Arctosz R-Rosalind!
Grab my—
"Trilby Asher" ......
It's somewhat funny, but Arctosz is clearly charging towards me—
Could Rosalind really have come here for something?
No matter. He's coming, and I can only jump.
[The Trilby Asher narrowly dodges a swinging blade. Degenbrecher reveals herself.]
"Trilby Asher" ...The Black Knight.
Degenbrecher All rested up?
"Trilby Asher" Not yet.
Degenbrecher That's not good.
You'll be less fun to fight.
"Trilby Asher" Going straight into it?
Degenbrecher Problem with that?
"Trilby Asher" I'll get straight to my point too then.
You convinced the Viscount that everything on the train was a misunderstanding. I was only half-convinced at the time.
But now, I know that even the stately Black Knight tells lies.
Degenbrecher That only proves that you don't know me at all.
There's still time to turn around and go down the mountain for a nice lunch.
"Trilby Asher" I'm sorry, but I tend to throw myself fully into my work.