RS-ST-2: Mountain Railway

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Mountain Railway
The Rides to Lake Silberneherze: Platform No. 3
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Facing the problem directly means dealing with surprises that pop up, like the steep and winding uphill slope.
Male Victorian Soldier icon.png
Stern Soldier
Victorian Winter Soldier B icon.png
Seasoned Soldier
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Kjerag Maiden icon.png
Victorian Officer icon.png
Sickly Soldier
Salaryman A icon.png
Karlan Trade Employee
Female KT Employee icon.png
Karlan Trade Employee
Kjerag Hotel
Manor Hall
Lake Silberneherze Shores Night
Karlan Trade HQ
During a banquet, the Saintess and Enciodes exchange sharp words, but still come to find crucial common ground. Afterwards, the regret-filled Viscount confides his true feelings to Degenbrecher. Three old friends chat away in the lobby of Karlan Trade headquarters.
<Background 1>
Slippery Soldier I'm back.
Seasoned Soldier ......
Slippery Soldier Lisburn, what are you standing around for?
Seasoned Soldier Nothing.
Slippery Soldier Oh yeah, I remember now. Old Turiels' daughter was cooking in the back kitchen, so you wanted some excuse to slip on over.
Look at you, acting like you're doing us a great service.
Seasoned Soldier She used to work as a chef in a nearby restaurant, so it makes plenty of sense to bring her onboard.
Slippery Soldier Whatever. More importantly, why's the food not ready yet?
Hey boss, how come the food hasn't been served yet?
Server Sorry about that.
The main reason is that we're a bit overloaded right now. Even though we've upped the kitchen staff, it's still not enough to handle the workload.
Seasoned Soldier In that case, I don't mind lending a hand!
Kjarr There's no need.
Slippery Soldier Who are you...?
Kjarr I am chief maid to the Saintess, Kjarr. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Slippery Soldier Hah, we're just a bunch of lowly soldiers. No need for the formalities.
Kjarr Lia?
Servant Yes, Madam?
Kjarr Split the accompanying servants into teams and have them take turns helping in the kitchen.
Make sure the banquet proceeds smoothly.
Servant Understood.
Seasoned Soldier But... we couldn't possibly have you–
Kjarr There's no need to worry, sir.
Though this banquet is hosted by the Lord Viscount, this land is still Kjerag, and you are all esteemed guests in the eyes of the Saintess.
As the Lord Viscount was gracious enough to extend an invitation to the Saintess, it is only natural that we servants lend our assistance as well.
Additionally... Pardon me if this may sound offensive, but it would be out of place for those whose hands wield weapons to carry plates.
Seasoned Soldier Ngh...
Slippery Soldier Calm down, Lisburn. The maid's right. We'd probably end up breaking a whole bunch of crockery if we tried to help.
Seasoned Soldier ...I know.
But, if there's any physical labor that needs doing, you just give us a holler, alright?
Kjarr Oh, come to think of it, the kitchen could use some extra hands to help them carry some groceries. I'm not sure if...
Seasoned Soldier I'm on my way!
[Lisburn enthusiastically runs off.]
Slippery Soldier Thanks, Madam.
Kjarr My pleasure.
Now that things are settled here, I won't further disturb your enjoyment of the banquet.
<Background fades out and in>
[The food finally arrives and the guests chatter as they enjoy the meal.]
Servant ...I'm back.
Kjarr Lia, I have one more favor to ask of you. Can you see if the kitchen has these items? If they do, I'd like them to make one additional dish.
I'd like... a fruit and cheese wrap.
Servant Pulling out the old home cooking?
But the Saintess normally doesn't touch that stuff.
Kjarr Now, now. Just listen to me.
[Kjarr points towards the door, where several well-dressed men and women are entering the dining hall.]
Kjarr Karlan Trade's employees seem to be arriving one after another.
Servant That's right. The viscount invited not only the Saintess and Master Enciodes, but also the elders of the Vine-Bear Court as well as the employees of Karlan Trade.
As extravagant as one would expect of a Victorian viscount.
The man's not all show either. He even invited Turiels, head chef of the Burdenpeak Hotel.
His foul temper isn't something that can be bought with money.
Kjarr It goes to show how well they've gotten on with our people during the month they've been in Kjerag.
<Background swipes right>
Sickly Soldier Chug! Chug!
Karlan Trade Employee *hic*... Chug, chug!
[The employee gulps down his drink...]
Karlan Trade Employee *braaaaap*...
[...before proceeding to pass out.]
Sickly Soldier Not bad, not bad! You mountain folk sure know how to hold your booze!
But you still can't out-drink me! Heh... hehe.
Who's up next?
<Background fades out and in>
Servant Urgh. Those men can get sloshed, even in a place like this?
Not to mention, quite a few have already ended up under the table.
Kjarr, what should we do?
Kjarr Well...
Getting on well is certainly a wonderful thing, but getting on too well can be problematic.
This sort of thing, however, ends up being a headache for certain other people.
<Background fades out and in>
Valais Gnosis, the Tschäggättä are in position.
I have them patrolling the front and rear entrances to prevent anyone from sneaking inside the venue.
Gnosis No need to be nervous.
Valais, send one team to go help in the kitchen.
Valais Understood.
[Valais walks away.]
Gnosis Care for a drink? If you dare, that is.
Sickly Soldier Th-This is some crazy strong stuff. We seriously doing this?
Gnosis As I said, up to you.
Sickly Soldier Haha, you got me. You've got guts, I'll give you that. Cheers!
[The two drink together.]
Gnosis Pour me another glass.
Sickly Soldier On it!
[The two drink a second glass.]
Sickly Soldier You're... not bad...
[The solider collapses in defeat.]
Gnosis Do we have a hangover remedy?
Kjarr Lia.
Servant Right here.
Gnosis Good.
[Gnosis drinks the remedy.]
Karlan Trade Employee Huh? D-Director?
Gnosis Enjoy your nap?
Karlan Trade Employee Uh, y-yes!
That one soldier with a stomach of iron... You managed to drink him under the table?!
Gnosis Yep.
Karlan Trade Employee That's crazy...
Gnosis Lay off the alcohol for the rest of the day. Go rest.
Karlan Trade Employee Th-Thank you very much.
Gnosis ......
Kjera Color me surprised. I didn't expect Karlan Trade's CTO to be such a good drinker.
I can hardly tell from your face that you just downed two bottles of strong liquor.
Gnosis Just some useless tricks I picked up when I was younger.
Kjera Did you frequently attend such occasions in your youth?
Gnosis Don't worry about it.
The banquet will start soon, and I'll have Karlan Trade's employees help move things along.}}
Kjera You're not going to join in the conversation, Master Gnosis?
Gnosis ......
Not at the moment.
It's their time now.
<Background fades out and in>
Enya ......
Enciodes ......
Harold Umm, you two——
Enya Why are you so taciturn today, Sir Enciodes? Is there something on your mind, or has coming to the banquet soured your mood?
Your usual quips and retorts are nowhere to be heard today.
Enciodes I appreciate the Saintess's concern.
But, it's simply that sitting at the same table as the Saintess is a terrifying affair, and I can only hold my tongue in her presence.
Enya I see. I did not think Sir Enciodes the pious type, but I stand corrected.
Enciodes I dare not speak out of line.
Enya Oh? There are things in this world that even Sir Enciodes dares not do?
Pardon the Interruption.png
Harold Um... Haha, look how nice the weather is today. Perfect day to be holding a banquet, wouldn't you say?
Why don't you two go–
Enciodes Given the Saintess's high praise, there are naturally many things I am afraid of.
I won't prattle on with the details, but take the ceremony for Kjeragandr's statue the day after tomorrow. For such an important occasion, all of Karlan Trade must come together as one, without a single misstep.
Enya That being the case, I would recommend you be thorough and circumspect as well, Sir Enciodes.
The completion of Kjeragandr's statue is of utmost importance to Kjerag. Not to mention, we are in the presence of our Victorian guests who are eager to 'congratulate' us. There is no such thing as too much caution.
Enciodes It is as you say.
The Saintess is well-versed in all things divine, and the multitude of preparations made for the ceremony are impeccable and well thought-out. In all respects, a true blessing upon Kjerag.
As for all other affairs, please rest assured that Karlan Trade will take care of the Vine-Bear Court's concerns.
Harold Now, then. It's certainly reassuring to see the two of you so young and promising!
As a reminder, we're not only here to celebrate, but also to discuss a collaboration––
Enya Seeing as how you're eloquent as ever, you seem to have no shortage of confidence.
You've been quite busy making a name for yourself, Sir Enciodes. Though I rarely go down the mountain, news of Karlan Trade's exploits are regularly reaching my ears.
But, please do not forget this, Sir Enciodes. For thousands of years, Kjerag has relied on hard work and pragmatism from generation to generation to develop our homeland into what it is today, not utilitarianism and reckless adventurism.
Enciodes The Silverashes will never forget Kjeragandr's admonition of Her people.
However, the Saintess must also understand that along with the people of Kjerag's hard work and pragmatism is an indomitable adventuring spirit, and a desire to ascend the highest summits.
Perhaps a little bit of this spirit is also what we need when it comes to dealing with external developments.
Enya I only hope that your enthusiasm does not lead you headfirst into danger.
Harold Haha, the young truly are so full of energy. But, the Saintess is correct. Sometimes, stability is, in fact, necessary.
I invited the two of you here because I wanted to––
Enciodes I am truly touched by the Saintess's concern.
Please rest assured that I will handle this matter, and not betray your expectations.
All things in Kjerag must inevitably answer to Kjeragandr's will.
Without sufficient faith, is it not true that I would struggle to take even a single step?
Enya ......
Enciodes ......
Enya ...You're just as awful as you ever were!
Enciodes Ditto.
Harold Gah, you two! If you have a disagreement, talk it through like adults! Don't go and ruin the peace!
Let's move on and discuss our cooperation––
Enya Sir Enciodes, your brain is as hard and stubborn as the purest Originium ice crystal.
Enciodes The Saintess remains unmoving and... speaks bluntly for the first time in a long while.
Enya I can't hold a candle to you in that regard.
But it seems that even after all these years, our great Sir Enciodes still has not learned to retain his capital.
Enciodes To what does the Great Saintess refer?
Enya Have your old habits not flared up again? Taking on every bit of risk with no regard for the consequences?
Enciodes The greater the risk, the greater the reward.
Enya I hope you won't regret your choices later on down the road.
Nobody's going to sneak money under your pillow today!
Enciodes Indeed, that won't be happening again.
No longer will I be woken by the jingling of coins, or have to buy candies and snacks on margin and pay back thrice the amount.
Enya I never asked you to pay me back!
Harold Please, you two––
Enciodes & Enya Just one moment please, Your Lordship.
Enya ......
Enciodes ......
Harold *sigh*... Fine, I suppose I'll drink to myself for now...
<Background 1>
Harold Holy Saintess, Sir Enciodes, I have no intention of involving myself in your private affairs.
But, if the Saintess has her own thoughts about Kjerag's present situation...
Then, reciprocating the Duke's offer may be the perfect option for you.
Enya What do you mean?
Harold Holy Saintess, might I tell you what I've found most impressive about Kjerag?
Enya Please do.
Harold I recall the time I paid a medical call to a herdsman, Leones was his name. A young beast in his herd had gotten lost while grazing.
I offered to help him search for it, but he declined and told me not to worry.
He had me wait until sundown, and left to have supper.
And so I waited.
After finishing the treatment, I set up a cooking pot over the grass with him. We lit the pot, and he found a good piece of cheese. You should've heard the sizzling sound it made when he threw it in.
I was sitting to the side on a short bench, still thinking about the young beast, when I heard a high-pitched cry in the distance.
This might be something you see all the time in Kjerag.
But for me, when I saw that young beast returning to the pasture at sunset; the way it found its way back to its mothers side, the two nuzzling against each other––
What I felt at that moment... was something I don't know how to describe.
Old Leones told me that burdenbeasts recognize the scent of their kin, especially foals, which are particularly sensitive to their mother's scent.
Even if they get lost, they'll always find their way back by following their mother's scent.
That blood bond reminds me of the way the people of Kjerag view their land.
It reminds me... of the way Sir Enciodes gave up Victoria in all her glory to return to Kjerag.
Enya I see Your Lordship speaks very highly of Sir Enciodes. It is true that he has made many achievements thus far––
But if you are comparing him to a young burdenbeast returning to his homeland thanks to his ties with his "mother" by the name of Kjerag, I find that joke quite droll.
Harold It is indeed thanks to Sir Enciodes's longing for his homeland that House Caster decided to fund Karlan Trade.
Moreover, the Duke believed that since Sir Enciodes greatly treasured the Kjerag blood flowing in his veins, he likewise would not come to despise the other half of his blood–
The Caster bloodline.
Holy Saintess, as I have previously stated, I am not here to stoke conflict.
But, at the inception of Karlan Trade, it was Caster who extended a helping hand to Sir Enciodes.
And now that Sir Enciodes has proven his worth, the Duke believes that it is time to collect a bit of interest.
Enya It appears that a few pieces of candy will no longer be sufficient, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes ......
Harold It's not so complicated, really. What the Duke wants is simply a show of sincerity.
Her Grace wishes to see this goodwill from Sir Enciodes, from Karlan Trade, and ultimately, from Kjerag itself.
A show of sincerity towards the Duke of Caster, and towards Victoria.
So long as this sincerity exists, then our future cooperation will only become more intimate.
Enya And if we fail to express such sincerity?
Harold ......
Harold puts down his tableware, then walks over to the window and opens it.
The cold wind laced with snow and ice instantly pours into the room. Even the burning stove is helpless to resist the chill.
He quickly closes the window once more.
Harold Haha, my apologies.
The Saintess's question was so incisive, I found myself wanting a breath of fresh air.
After staying in this warm room for so long, I had forgotten how cold it was outside, you see.
Enya ......
That being the case, Your Lordship could have simply entertained Sir Enciodes at this banquet. Why is my presence necessary?
Harold Well, you see, I've been eating and drinking remarkably well here. During my morning constitutional, my blood pressure had gone down even as my blood sugar was up a tad.
I wouldn't mind staying here for another year or so.
But you see, I find the Duke's incessant nagging quite bothersome.
Nowadays, Karlan Trade has become a pillar of Kjerag, and the kinship between the Great Saintess and Sir Enciodes runs deep.
I simply wanted to provide an opportunity for the two of you to sit down and talk things over.
I would like you to help me convince Sir Enciodes.
Enya I appreciate Your Lordship's candor.
However, everything that has a beginning must also have an end.
It is true that Kjerag owes much of its current standing to Karlan Trade; but if I, as the Saintess, were to say that I know nothing of this, it would simply be avoiding responsibility.
If you accept that I am the leader of this nation, then it must follow that I am also responsible for its current condition.
I cannot come up here and confidently proclaim that the ways of the past were wrong.
Sir Enciodes always boasts about how he was the one who chose Kjerag's current path.
However, to this day, everything in Kjerag is the result of decisions that we have collectively made as a people, of which I am but one member.
Sir Enciodes himself has no right to rebuke Kjerag, as she is today.
And the same is true for me.
Harold ...I see now.
It seems I really ought to try more of Kjerag's food while I still have the appetite.
Please come with me, both of you.
<Background 2>
Enciodes Once again, I must thank you for your hospitality today, My Lord.
Harold I hope my choice of dishes will both suit your tastes. They are traditional Kjerag dishes that I specially requested Chef Turiels prepare. Wow, this cheese wrap looks positively splendid!
Enya Cheese wraps? And, there are even fruit chunks inside...
Enciodes ...Truly, a traditional household dish.
Harold Dig in, my friends. Don't be shy.
Enya After you, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes Very well... if you insist.
[Enciodes takes a bite.]
Enciodes ...That smell again.
Enya You still remember it?
Enciodes Of course.
Gnosis should be here. Where is he?
Karlan Trade Employee Sir, there were these Victorian soldiers earlier...
Enciodes Soldiers?
It all makes sense now.
It would be unbefitting of the Saintess to personally appear before Victorian soldiers, no?
Enya Do as you will. Don't worry about me.
[Enciodes leaves the room.]
Harold Now then, I shall not take up any more of your time, Holy Saintess.
[Harold also leaves the room.]
Enya ......
[Enya takes a bite of the cheese wrap.]
Enya It really is that same smell.
<Background fades out and in>
Harold *sigh*—
At least the bit of silver lining is the Trilby Ashers can't accuse me of doing nothing.
I've done what needed doing, and the ceremony is about to begin. I suppose it's time to head back.
Oh right, can't forget to pick up souvenirs for the wife and daughter.
And also––
[Just then, Degenbrecher passes by the corridor.]
Harold ......
Alas, it would be remiss of me to leave any regrets behind on this trip.
<Background swipes right>
Degenbrecher ......
Harold Ah, there you are, Madam Degenbrecher.
I see you've found a lovely spot! Clean and—— Hey now, don't go!
[Harold steps in front of Degenbrecher.]
Degenbrecher If you want an audience, go talk to Enciodes. Or Gnosis.
I'll have nothing to do with your little games.
Harold Come now. That's no way to be talking.
With all this delicious food and drink in front of you, would it really kill you to exchange a few pleasantries?
For example, shall we toast?
Degenbrecher Nein danke.
Harold Oh? Are you a woman who can't handle her drink?
Degenbrecher I'm much better at handling men who try to ply me with drink.
Shall I prove it to you?
Harold Hahaha! No need, I'll take your word for it.
Oh, right. Lily's in fine shape now, thanks to your timely handling of the matter.
I've already arranged for follow-up care, and her little ones are in good health as well.
Leones said to leave one for you to name.
Degenbrecher ...I'm glad things worked out.
And I'll pass on that last part. Don't have much of a naming sense.
Harold Aha! In that case, why not let me do it for you?
Never fear. Naming is a bit of a science in Victoria, and I happen to have a bit of expertise in the field!
The little one is a girl, so my suggestion would be to name her Olivia Turnbottom Michelle Craigavon!
I put together my last name, my wife's maiden name, and my grandmother's first name, making her the same as my daughter's––
Degenbrecher I've changed my mind. Her name's Dolor.
Harold *cough* *cough* *cough*––!
B-But I wasn't finished yet, Madam Degenbrecher––
Degenbrecher Her name is Dolor.
Harold But, Olivia...
Degenbrecher Dolor.
Harold ..Alright, alright!
Dolor, umm, is also a fine name for a girl. 'Healthy and strong', right?
Even though I still think Olivia Turnbottom Michelle Craigavon has a bit more charm to it...
Nevertheless, I think Leones will be quite fond of the name, fitting as it is for a Kjerag girl.
Madam Degenbrecher, I also have another favor to ask of you, presumptuous as it may be. Please take a look at this... I'm afraid I'll be leaving empty handed on this business trip.
I would at least like to leave a little memento for myself, as a personal note.
As I said back at the station, I'm a huge fan of yours, see? Would you be willing to give me your autograph?
Degenbrecher You don't seem like the type to obsess over knightsports.
Harold You think too highly of me. Vulgar man that I am, far be it from me to avoid vulgar pleasures.
Though the arena is certainly different from the battlefield, the victors all have something that elevates them above the crowd.
It certainly is a fine pastime–– and I hope you take no offense to me saying that, as none is intended.
Degenbrecher That much is true.
Harold You say that, but you still refuse to give this poor old man your autograph, even as he's holding this card out.
I've treasured this trading card for a long time, you know. It was a limited release from the first time you won the Major. You never released another card...
It's a darn shame that I can't seem to win your favor no matter what.
That aside, when it comes to naming, there is something I've been curious about, and would appreciate if you could shed some light on the matter. Of course, you don't have to answer if you find it offensive.
"Degenbrecher" –– Is that your real name?
Degenbrecher You're certainly brave to ask, Craigavon.
Harold I'm a man of few talents, but courage is something I do carry.
Degenbrecher What if it is?
Harold Just consider it scratching the itchy curiosity of your fans, Madam.
After all, every angle of your being has been under the spotlight since the first time you won the Major. The origins of the Black Knight, and where her path ultimately led her... Countless eyes have been following you.
Which brings me to my next question, Madam Degenbrecher, is your contract with Karlan Trade about to expire?
I do wonder if you'd spare me the honor of inviting you to be a guest of Victoria? No doubt, the Duke would be more than glad to welcome your arrival, and perhaps, we'd even be able to discuss new horizons of cooperation...
Degenbrecher Uh huh. Is that all you wanted to ask?
If that's all you're here for, I've heard you out. Now, if you'd leave me in peace––
I've spent a decade in Kjerag.
I'm one of her people.
And I plan to live out my days here.
Good enough for you?
Harold Ah... Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to hear.
I had my own speculation about the answer, but I must admit, it was quite moving to hear it in your own words... Why, you didn't even try to dress it up with more local flair!
Degenbrecher True, I suppose you're dressed with a bit of color.
Where'd you get the fur collar?
Harold Ah, this is from a souvenir shop I'm rather partial to. It's quite warm.
Alright, alright. It's getting late and the banquet should be drawing to an end soon, so I won't pester you any longer.
Though I wasn't fortunate enough to win your signature, I do want to say one thing...
I enjoyed our chat very much, Madam.
<Background 3>
Kjarr Please watch your step, Sir Enciodes.
Chester Enciodes, I've brought the car.
Enciodes Thank you, Uncle.
[Enciodes and the others get into the car.]
Chester Are you returning to the mansion?
Gnosis Back... to the office...
Chester Enciodes?
Enciodes What he said. There are still some chores I need to take care of.
Enya Long time no see, Uncle Chester.
Chester Saintess.
Enya Just call me by name on these occasions.
Chester Enya... I'm so glad to see you safe and sound.
Enya The feeling is mutual. I'm relieved that you're in good health.
Harold Now then, I shall take my leave, Holy Saintess, Sir Enciodes.
Enya Very well.
My Lord.
Harold Yes, Holy Saintess?
Enya All else aside, I hope you have a wonderful time in Kjerag.
Harold ...Thank you for your kind words.
[Harold walks away.]
Enya Kjarr.
Kjarr Yes, Saintess?
Enya Please have the maids clean the mess.
Kjarr Oh, there's no need for that.
The good soldiers not only helped clean everything up, but even took away the leftover food. They said they were going to bring it to the Infected soldiers who weren't able to attend the banquet.
Enya This Viscount actually seems quite respectable. It feels as if he's playing the villain.
Though, I trust that's something Sir Enciodes here can relate to.
Enciodes You flatter me, Saintess.
Enya It's getting dark. Be careful on your way back.
Enciodes You too.
[Enya starts walking away.]
Enciodes Saintess.
[Enya stops.]
Enya Did you need something else?
Enciodes In the name of Kjeragandr, Kjerag has arrived where she is today despite the gulf between us.
What would Kjeragandr think, were She to look down upon Her land today? Would She condemn us?
Kjarr ......
Enya Are you getting cold feet?
Enciodes Of course not. The miracle three years ago will forever be engraved in the hearts of all Kjerag.
Even I must admit that Kjeragandr indeed is the bedrock of this land.
We are all but children playing atop Her body.
Enya If so, that question isn't for me to answer.
Perhaps, it's not for Her to answer either.
<Background 4>
[The car arrives at Karlan Trade's HQ]
Gnosis Alright, we're back.
I can go the rest of the way myself.
Enciodes Oh, really?
[Gnosis stumbles.]
Gnosis ......
...It was just a minor miscalculation.
Hold on, I need a moment.
Enciodes Certainly.
Gnosis No, not at the main door. Head around the side.
Enciodes What's the problem? Worried someone might see you?
Gnosis Someone might be working overtime.
Enciodes Who'd be working overtime at this hour?
Gnosis Me.
And you too, probably.
Enciodes Are you complaining that I haven't given you enough overtime pay?
Alright, Gnosis, sit down already. Nobody will see the drunken and indecent behavior of the CTO.
If you ask me, you're holding your own image to too high a standard.
Gnosis You're a lot more talkative after a few drinks, Enciodes.
If anything, you owe Degenbrecher more overtime pay.
<Background fades out>
[Somebody approaches them.]
Degenbrecher He actually owes me a few lives.
Too lazy to keep count.
The two leaders of Karlan Trade, squatting in the lobby of the company headquarters in the middle of the night to discuss unpaid wages?
Enciodes Gnosis is fighting on your behalf.
Gnosis Did the booze melt his brain?
Gnosis' Hangover.png
Gnosis It's not like I got sloshed for your sake––
Degenbrecher ......
Degenbrecher looks over at Enciodes, who only gives a shrug.
Degenbrecher What an embarrassment.
Degenbrecher hands the canteen of water she brought over to Enciodes, and the latter naturally reaches out to accept it.
The last decade has seen countless such moments.
Enciodes Do you still remember Walden's?
Degenbrecher Who?
Enciodes The first time you had to carry me and Gnosis back.
Oh, that banquet.
Degenbrecher Yes.
Where Gnosis got piss drunk and you didn't, yet you were worse for wear because of it.
Enciodes Look at him now. His liver is clearly a lot tougher these days.
At least he's not passing out all over the place.
Degenbrecher You sure this one's still conscious?
Gnosis Before you two start badmouthing me to my face, blurgh––
Can you bring me some hangover remedy?
The man slumped over on the steps does not lift his head, merely stretching his hand out towards his ill-spirited friend.
Degenbrecher raises her eyebrows, then takes a pack of pills out of her pocket and places them in Gnosis's hand.
She watches him open up the blister pack with practiced motions and swallow the contents along with a big gulp of water. After a while, she[sic] lets out a sigh of relief.
Gnosis That's a bit better.
But this doesn't seem to be the same medicine I took before.
Degenbrecher It's not a hangover cure.
It's a poison I made.
Enciodes put me up to it.
Enciodes Yes, quite right.
Gnosis Is that so? Then, why am I not dead yet? Doesn't seem like your poison's very effective.
How dull... Are you two not tired of this routine yet?
Degenbrecher I thought it was pretty funny.
It was more fun back when you actually believed it and tried to make yourself vomit.
Gnosis ......
That was years ago.
Enciodes But, that was a different pill, wasn't it?
It didn't look the same as the previous one.
Degenbrecher Riley sent it.
He often goes drinking with the Victorians and says this one works better.
Gnosis Enciodes, it seems that Degenbrecher has become the most popular of us three among the people of Kjerag.
Noticed the promotional pictures of the Black Knight hanging off the burdenbeast billboards by the station?
Hand-drawn, too.
Degenbrecher Is that a problem?
Enciodes Of course not.
I've become increasingly busy in recent years and have neglected many things.
Once the situation calms a bit, Gnosis and I really need to start going out more often.
Degenbrecher That's for sure.
If you don't show your face in public every once in a while, people will start to worry about your private life.
One popular line of speculation is that you've thrown yourself into work as you've been heartbroken over certain things.
There are quite a few variations too. Want me to give you a rundown?
Enciodes ......
Gnosis Hahahahahahagah–– *cough* *cough* *cough*–– * Bluuurgh––
<Background 4>
Enciodes I pray you don't choke to death laughing and vomiting at the same time, Gnosis.
If you could laugh like that all the time, our employees wouldn't be so afraid of you.
Gnosis *cough* *cough*– Don't worry, before I croak, I'll make sure to puke all over your shoes.
So, how did your discussion today go? Reach any agreements?
Enciodes When it comes to matters concerning Kjerag, there aren't actually that many differences between me and the Saintess.
Degenbrecher What about between you and the girl named Enya?
Enciodes ...The only problems worth talking about are those that can be resolved.
If I had to do things over again, I'd make the same decision every time. And she'd still never feel good about it.
We all know that deep down.
Gnosis Say what you will, but you'll never tell that to her face.
Degenbrecher You're not much different, Gnosis.
You're two peas in a pod.
Never saying what needs to be said to the people who need to hear it.
Gnosis ......
Enciodes ......
Degenbrecher Also, you should be playing dead right about now.
The lights of the office still shine bright in the night. The heating in the main hall is shut off, and silence spreads freely through the room, along with the cold.
A moment later, the silence is broken by the sound of Gnosis retching.
Gnosis Degenbrecher, I need another pill.
My head hurts.
Enciodes ...And a couple for me too. I might be a bit tipsy.
Both men stretch out their hands towards Degenbrecher at the same time.
That unflappable attitude that someone there knows the truth makes Degenbrecher tingle with irritation for some reason.
There are still many questions that cannot be answered.
But at least here, right in this moment, there's no need to show off, no need for pretense.
Degenbrecher heeds her own will, and slaps each of the two hands in turn.
Gnosis Gah...
Enciodes Oh?
Degenbrecher Stand up. Go home already, if you're drunk.
Don't squat here.
There's a lot of work to be done tomorrow.
Now, go.