CF-ST-1: Nightmare

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A Flurry to the Flame: Soubo Mountains
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Madness guides an old man, pointing him in the direction of fate.
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Soubo Lake
Soubo Cliff
The nightmarish forest is once again shrouded in darkness. The aging hunter once again pursues his quarry. His madness wipes away all, until he glimpses a destined shadow.
<Background black>
Live, no matter what.
Live, whatever it takes.
<Background 1>
[The vision shifts in and out.]
??? Wake up, old timer.
Wet. Warm. Soft. The soil is flowing.
Silent. Gentle. Slow. The mind is sinking.
Aged Hunter Urgh...
??? Get up.
It'll get away.
The scorching moonlight pours down upon his skull. The soil beneath him seems to boil. The heat chases his fading consciousness out of the void. He opens his eyes to the stinging pain.
[Someone helps out the aged hunter.]
??? Yes. That's it. Stand up.
Aged Hunter How... how long have I been out?
??? Five minutes.
Aged Hunter Five minutes. I've wasted too much time.
??? One second can be the difference between life and death.
But this time, you have time.
Go to the lake. Retrieve your spear.
The hunter's spear—his companion, his lifeline—lies half-submerged in the lake.
He does not remember why he laid it down. It was akin to laying down his own life.
He pulls it out from the mud. The blood on its tip remains fresh.
??? You should wash your face. You've been chasing it for three days and three nights.
Aged Hunter Only three days. I'm not that old.
Where did the beast run off to?
??? It's wounded. It can't have gone far. It must be licking its wounds in some corner of the forest.
Aged Hunter The forest...
<Background 2>
He casts his gaze towards the forest.
The tree trunks reach upwards like spinal columns, with ribs spreading out like branches and countless slabs of meat hanging from them.
Dark fat piles up in the air, filled with sanguine fluids threatening to pour out at any moment.
??? You're scared.
[The aged hunter stops shivering.]
Aged Hunter Nonsense.
??? You're filled with doubt.
Doubt as to whether it's you moving forward, or the forest quickly approaching, with fangs bared.
You want to turn around and run.
Aged Hunter Impossible.
??? Don't try to hide it. I see it all.
But I'm not here to dispute your fear.
The forest is a monster. Everything about it is worth fearing.
Aged Hunter A monster...
??? A monster straight out of a nightmare, spreading its gaping jaws wide, tearing life to pieces. That's the true face of the forest.
Aged Hunter Yes, so it is.
??? But it is not undefeatable.
Do you remember the last you saw of me?
Aged Hunter I do. I'll never forget.
??? Are you angry?
Aged Hunter Yes, so angry that I'm trembling from head to toe, my nails digging deep into my palms.
??? Yes. Be angry. You need that anger.
You will feel fear, panic, and pain, but rage will wash it all away.
Nothing can stand in the path of your fury. Your wrath will sweep away the forest.
Aged Hunter Yes. I shall rage, pull the forest's fangs from its jaws, and cut off its claws.
I will do to it what it did to you.
??? Good. There are blood trails over there. Take a look.
[The aged hunter checks the trail of blood.]
Aged Hunter Tch...
It's still warm. It bleeds. Its wounds have reopened.
The trail stops here.
??? See the scratch marks on the trees? Observe carefully.
Aged Hunter I don't need you to tell me.
The marks are deep. It must have clawed at it many times, ripping away the bark.
At the edge of the marks are blood-soaked hairs. There are more on the ground.
??? These creatures are becoming more and more cunning.
Aged Hunter It knows the blood will give it away. It rubbed sawdust into its wounds to stop the bleeding, then cut the existing marks deeper to hide its trail.
??? But a beast is just a beast. A bar of graphite will leave its trail on paper, no matter how thin it is.
Aged Hunter The fruits of the cockleweed cling to the fur of passing animals, hitching a ride on them.
Look at the path they have laid for us. Ha...
It entered that cave.
[A roar is heard.]
Aged Hunter What's that? I've never heard such a sound...
??? Looks like we have a new friend.
Aged Hunter The sound of its voice excites me. Could it be...?
??? Be patient. A hunter should stay focused on the quarry at hand.
[The aged hunter runs off.]
<Background 3>
[The aged hunter walks through the cave...]
Aged Hunter I know you're in there.
[ the cornered, injured "beast" snarls.]
Aged Hunter Your wounds hurt. You're bleeding. Why won't licking stop it?
How does it feel to be the prey?
Do you remember the lives you tore apart with your claws and fangs? Did you ever imagine how they felt?
Now, you're just like me, tired and hungry. This is the end for both of us.
There is nowhere to run. No choice but to fight.
Ah, I understand now. Perhaps you need some stimulation.
[The aged hunter pulls his spear.]
Aged Hunter (Squeezes the sharp spear point, allowing the blood to flow down his arm)
Do you smell that? It's the scent of blood you love so much. The scent of life. You can't wait to bare your fangs at it.
Kill me, and this body is yours to do with as you please.
But can you manage it?
[The beast lunges at the aged hunter and bites him...]
Aged Hunter Brute! Still with such strength!
Blasted thing... Get your stinking mouth away from me!
[...and pounces him to the ground.]
??? Defeated so easily.
Look at you. How pathetic.
All that talk of killing the beast, yet here you are, powerless before it. Even as it lies wounded and near death.
Pounced on and torn apart like a rag. What a fitting end.
Have all those years of fighting done nothing temper you, Yoshitaka?
Aged Hunter No... I'm not done yet.
??? You want to take it down with you.
I was an idiot to think you could.
Aged Hunter I can still...
??? No, you can't. You'll die here.
Aged Hunter I... won't...
??? Then raise your spear and stab it! Plunge it into its body!
One! Two!
[The aged hunter, now known as Yoshitaka, stabs the beast pouncing him with his spear.]
??? Yes! That's it!
You need anger so hot you'll disregard your own life and everything else.
Aged Hunter Yes, for your sake, I need anger so hot I'll disregard everything else.
??? For my sake!
Kill it!
[Yoshitaka stabs the beast again.]
??? Yes, that's it.
Now stand.
Make it fear you.
Aged Hunter Shut up!
[The beast retaliates.]
Aged Hunter You! The claws and fangs of this terrible forest.
Did you think you were a hair's breadth from killing me?
Did you think I'd given up?
I'm here! Come at me!
Kill me!
The hunting spear pierces the beast's throat, and the man's aging body falls to the ground.
[The same roar from before is heard.]
A flash of lighting reveals a great shadow beneath the sky. Blazing flames slash through the dark clouds.
He trembles from head to toe, his nails digging deep into his palms.
Aged Hunter Yes, that's it. That must be it.
A monster I've never seen before... So that's what left you in that state.
Of course no ordinary beast could have bested you so easily. Of that I have no doubt.
For you...
I will recite your name the moment my spear pierces its heart.
He closes his eyes.