RI-ST-2: Momentary Rest

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Momentary Rest
The Great Chief Returns: Great Chief's Path
Previous RI-6 (Story)

A waterfall has water, and an ocean has water. What difference does it make where you decide to fool around?
RI Operator icon.png
Acahualla Waterfall
Back at Tomimi's tribe, the bored pilot Dylan chats with Lancet-2.
The Doctor's team is taking a break under a huge waterfall when Ceobe bursts in and charges toward Zumama's tribe.
<Background 1>
Dylan Lancet-2, I have a serious question.
Lancet-2 Go ahead.
Dylan Isn't your battery running low?
Lancet-2 Oh, don't worry about that. Before we left, the lovely Ms. Closure fitted me with a brand new, extra long-lasting battery.
Theoretically, I could function for a week without needing a charge.
The aircraft is also carrying spare batteries, so you don't have to worry about me.
Dylan Okay.
Now where did Kay run off to? On our way back, the kiddo suddenly hopped to her feet and jetted away.
Lancet-2 It's true, we should be concerned about Ceobe's condition, but considering her strength and constitution, we don't need to be too concerned.
Dylan That's true.
Hah, I'm bored.
We fixed up the aircraft, patched up the wounded Gavial sent over, and now we've got nothing to do.
That we can't speak the local language is just a cherry on top. I should've gone to that ceremony with the Doctor.
Lancet-2 The aircraft is an important Rhodes Island asset, it's our responsibility to guard it well.
Dylan I'm just saying. I mean, I'm a pilot, I know the deal with the aircraft.
You're lucky, Lancet-2, you can just switch into sleep mode when you're bored. I was out for twelve hours yesterday, so I'm wide awake.
Lancet-2 Well, actually, I have no ability to feel "boredom".
Although I do understand what this feeling is, Mr. Dylan. The lovely Ms. Closure complains about these things a lot. And it causes her to behave in strange ways.
Dylan ...I think about this sometimes, Lancet-2, are we totally sure you and the other bots don't have a human crammed up in there anywhere?
Lancet-2 We don't. My interior is a precisely-designed circuitry construct. Do you want to see?
Although, since I have been programmed with a female personality, I may act out in unexpected ways when presenting my body to the opposite sex.
Dylan Err, I'll pass.
If was going to see anything, I'd definitely prefer a swimsuit at a time like this.
Lancet-2 A swimsuit?
Dylan Yeah, it's summertime. That's when you put on a swimsuit and go play in the water.
Lancet-2 In that case, I'll play an audio recording of various sea sounds for you.
Dylan No thanks, it'd only make me feel worse.
Lancet-2 ...Then maybe... Mr. Dylan would like to see me in a swimsuit?
Dylan Definitely not!
Lancet-2 Oh, sorry. I am only a robot, after all.
Dylan Err, I'm the one who's sorry. I didn't mean it like that.
Lancet-2 Don't worry about it. By the way, have you seen the sea, Mr. Dylan?
Dylan Um, I have. I'm thinking it was that time we loaned Master SilverAsh an aircraft last summer after a schedule change mixed things up. I flew him there.
It turns out, the place was a major vacation spot. Master SilverAsh made me a VIP guest.
Man, that's when I realized how us poor folks could scarcely imagine what the rich live like.
Here, I've got the pictures with me.
Lancet-2 You long for this kind of life, Mr. Dylan?
Dylan Hm? I mean... that was a really great couple of days, but if my whole life was like that, I don't think I'd ever get used to it.
I'm more of an instant-noodles-in-the-cockpit kind of guy. With an inverted sleep schedule to boot.
Lancet-2 Oh you can't do that. Let me formulate a healthy lifestyle plan for you.
Dylan No thanks, I'm good!
Lancet-2 Too bad. The lovely Ms. Closure created this feature for me, but no one uses it. Not her, not the Doctor.
Dylan Haha, sounds about right.
Oh, but that reminds me, the tribes here live so much better than I thought. They really want for nothing.
Lancet-2 Yes, life here is less convenient and comfortable than the world we know, but not to any significant degree.
According to my records, your health has improved in the past two days.
Dylan Really?
Lancet-2 Really.
Dylan Turns out returning to nature will do that for you. Heh. I guess this is the life that everyone came from.
Oh yeah, I just remembered, Gavial said something about a gigantic waterfall in the rainforest that way. I'd love to go there when the Doctor gets back.
Lancet-2 They may have already gone that way.
Dylan The Doctor is a good boss. And I know our friends wouldn't abandon us to go play under the waterfall!
Lancet-2 True. Then let's wait patiently.
??? Is there a "Dylan" here?
Dylan That's me!
Huh? You speak Sargonian?
Inam Yes. And you're here with the machine. Right, it must be you.
The one called "Doctor" asked me to give you this note.
Dylan Hm? Let's see here...
...Lancet-2, looks like we've got work to do.
Background-Acahualla Waterfall.png
Utage Wow! I could hear the roar of the water from so far away, I never knew waterfalls even got this big!
Gavial Hah, I didn't steer you wrong, did I?
Utage Sure enough. I guess I'll forgive you~
Blaze Haha! It really is an incredible waterfall.
Gavial Looks like Tomimi isn't here yet, so let's take a little break.
Utage Hooray! I can finally get some use out of my swimsuit~
<Background fades out and in>
Flint ......
Blaze You got a lotta fight in you, squirt.
Flint ......
Kemar, well aware of the language barrier, communicates with her stance, rather than words.
Blaze Heh. Seeing as I've got nothing else to do, we might as well go a few rounds.
<Background fades out and in>
Utage Blaze is really going at it hard with that girl over there.
Croissant Sure is.
Utage I don't see what's so fun about fighting.
Croissant ...I heard you singin' a whole 'nother tune last time you was fightin', Utage.
Utage Ahahaha. I guess you're right.
Hey, Croissant, that isn't a swimsuit, is it?
Croissant Ahahaha, ya got me. It's just some outdoorsy getup I snagged. Plenty waterproof, so we'n pretend it's a swimsuit.
Utage You're a real function over form kinda girl, huh?
But hey, it may not be a beach, but playing around a waterfall is pretty great too! It's got that real "back to nature" vibe. Too bad I didn't bring my camera.
Croissant Ya got that right. I ain't never been out in the wilds like this before. I'm havin' a ball!
Utage Hey...
Croissant Whassat?
Utage Am I seeing things?
Croissant Huh?
Utage Isn't that Kay?
Gavial How do you like the waterfall, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor It's nice.
Gavial Hah, I used to love coming here to bathe.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Looks like you've got a lot on your mind, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Meh.
Gavial You're cruisin' for a bruisin', Doctor.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial From here it's just a short walk to Zumama's tribe.
When I got that letter from Tomimi, I never thought things would turn out like this.
...Oh, Doctor, there's one thing that's been really gnawing at my brain these past few days. We're friends, right? I wanna ask you about it.
Do you think...?
Utage Doooctooor!
Gavial What's happening? I'm trying to talk to the Doctor here.
Utage Look over there!
Gavial Is that... Kay?
Ceobe I found it! The Mushroom Sea!
Bath time!
Gavial Looks like she's still off in la la land.
Utage But she's just so cute rolling around in the water like that.
Gavial Gah, stupid kid.
How about we just let her play for a while...?
Anyway, Doctor, what I wanted to ask was—
Do you think my tail's gotten fatter?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Yes.
Gavial What? Really? I guess I'm going on a diet when we get back.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Gavial Come on, Doctor, don't look at me like that. An Archosauria's tail is her most prized asset! This is my life!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I didn't notice.
Gavial Pfft, I knew I shouldn't have asked you.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial You don't know, Tomimi's tail wasn't always that fat. And I don't want mine to end up like hers.
<Background 2>
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor What do you think about Zumama?
Gavial Huh? What do I think about her?
I guess I think she's real tough, and she can make a helluva machine.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Let's talk about tails more.
Gavial I had a feeling you'd be down with tails!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
[Tomimi runs into Gavial.]
Tomimi Gavial!
Gavial There's Tomimi. You done with that thing?
Tomimi Yes!
Utage Hmmmmm?
Tomimi Wh-What?
Utage You're a cutie! Gavial, I never knew you had a friend like this. I thought you just hung around with other muscleheaded lunks like you.
Gavial That was uncalled for!
Utage She's got perfect skin, refined features, and a gothy outfit that really goes with her complexion.
Gavial Gothy? Is that in?
Utage Well, no. But it's popular with a certain crowd.
Tomimi I-I picked it up from a magazine. They said it's how they dress in the outside world.
Utage Oh, no, girl, honey. You've got a critically flawed understanding of fashion here. But that's okay. I mean, look at this place. I totally get why you'd come up with something like that.
But don't worry, you just let Big Sister Utage fill you with her bottomless, extra-thick fashion wisdom!
Gavial, I'm borrowing her!
Tomimi Wha? Whaaaaaaa?
Gavial Sure, knock yourself out.
Anyway, we're all here.
I'll see if I can get Kay to sober up...
Ceobe Break time's over! Kay is back in the fight!
Croissant Gavial, she's makin' a break for it again!
Gavial What?
Grr, everybody, get your clothes on! We're going after her!
Tomimi That direction... it's the way to Zumama's tribe...
Utage Hold on! Did you really change that fast?!
Wait up!
Why bother changing? Just go!