MN-ST-3: Silent Departure

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Silent Departure
Maria Nearl: Jousting Arena
Previous MN-8 (Story)

The sound of the cannon salvo cannot hide the silent anger of self-discipline. This season's Major will not be peaceful.
Kazimierz Streets
Kawalerielki Arena
Nearl Estate Living Room
Picking up the pieces, the knights set out on a new quest.
<Background 1>
[Someone contacts Platinum.]
Platinum It's me. The spokesman incident is over——
??? ......Platinum.
Platinum ...Who are you? I'm looking for the director...
??? Doesn't matter. You should have received the authorization code for this terminal.
Platinum Since you know about this channel, you aren't one of the two Lazurites. So...
??? Just keep your suspicions to yourself and refrain from looking too hard.
What I am saying next will be between the "Armorless Union", and nothing to do with the "directors".
Platinum ......Alright.
??? A squad of campaign knights crossed into the Twilight Wood in secret. This went unnoticed by the General Chamber of Commerce, so it likely has something to do with the Radiant Knight.
Platinum Silverlance...?
??? The Lazurite will take full responsibility for this matter, don't trouble yourself.
Platinum Haah? Since when are they so responsible?
??? Your mission is to monitor the Radiant Knight in their stead.
Platinum The Radiant Knight... that's a pain.
——So they've got an even bigger pain over there?
??? Still unclear. The ripples from a single stone spread far. The return of the Radiant Knight has brought us a lot of trouble... In fact, we're devoting too much of our attention on her.
...One more thing.
No matter what, do not take action against the Sarkaz with the Radiant Knight.
Platinum Those two Sarkaz... You seem to know a lot about them.
??? The Confessarius and the Radiant Knight also belong to another "company". Will this matter be so simple...? I'm not sure.
Platinum ......
<Background black>
??? Just handle your own tasks properly and don't mess up like before.
We'll be busier.
<Background 2>
[Malkiewicz holds Czarny's phone, and it suddenly rings.]
Corporate Employee Ahh... It's the phone again... Are they looking for Mr. Czarny?
But Mr. Czarny... has been gone for a while.
[Malkiewicz picks up the call in Czarny's stead.]
Corporate Employee ...Hello?
Deep Male Voice The spokesman?
Corporate Employee Ah, no. Sorry, Mr. Czarny is currently——
Deep Male Voice I dialed the spokesman's number, and you answered.
Therefore, you are the spokesman.
Corporate Employee Huh? Wh-what? I don't understand——
Deep Male Voice Name.
Corporate Employee Me......?
Deep Male Voice Name.
Corporate Employee Err, please call me Malkiewicz. I used to work for Słoma Food Company, until Mr. Czarny invited me to work with him...
Deep Male Voice ......
Corporate Employee S-Sir? Is Mr. Czarny——?
Bold Female Voice Good day, Mr. Malkiewicz.
Corporate Employee Ah, sorry, Miss. I thought that——
Bold Female Voice I am the Director and CEO of Słoma Food Company, you should be familiar with my voice. Mr. Malkiewicz, you are now officially dismissed.
Corporate Employee Huh?
Bold Female Voice From now on, you no longer belong to the Słoma Food Company, nor the Mieszko Group——Please keep in mind at all times that you are representing the General Chamber of Commerce.
When the Major ends, you may choose to stay or leave. You will be generously compensated based on your performance.
Right now, there are three tasks waiting for you. You have no right to question them.
Firstly, ensure the smooth continuation of the Major. This is of the utmost importance.
Secondly, guide the public opinion regarding the Radiant Knight and related matters. We are not asking for "damage control", what we want are "benefits" on top of that.
Thirdly, some contacts from the Armorless Union will be arriving at your location within three minutes. Supervise them as they carry out their duties. If there are any issues, report directly to the General Chamber of Commerce's Board of Directors.
Corporate Employee Wait...! I don't want to be...!
Bold Female Voice Is there anything you wish to say? Spokesman Malkiewicz?
Corporate Employee I-I don't think...
No, I... I understand...
Bold Female Voice Very good. I wish you the best of luck.
[The caller hangs up.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Haa... A dream... This is definitely a dream...
[Platinum enters the room where the now-spokesman Malkiewicz is in.]
Platinum I heard the good news. Czarny's authority has been completely transferred to you, Spokesman... Malkiewicz, right?
What do we do next? You might need a minute. I don't mind taking a break.
Spokesman Malkiewicz I-I don't understand. Why me...?
Wait, wait. Aren't you the same, Platinum? Why did you allow yourself to be pushed into this position? What should I do...?
Platinum Who knows? Maybe they just wanted to see someone become as nasty as they are.
Don't think too much when you're in Kazimierz.
Spokesman Malkiewicz But... Just look at me... I can't even afford a decent suit. I...
Right, Mr. Czarny must have arranged some tasks for you. You should know what the Armorless Union is doing——
Platinum No idea.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Eh...?
Platinum I only know what I'm doing.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Th-then, what are you doing?
Platinum Oh... Usually people stop asking when I answer like that. You...
Never mind. I screwed something up a while ago and now I have to deal with it.
Five Knight-Assassins were made while hunting a target. Then they disappeared.
Spokesman Malkiewicz The Armorless Union w-went missing?
Platinum ...Are you really prepared to know the truth?
Spokesman Malkiewicz I... I have no other choice.
Platinum Really.
Pay close attention to the "Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub" then. They're more than just competition knights. They openly... oppose the Armorless Union.
<Background 3>
Flametail Knight ...The Radiant Knight has returned?
Ashlock Knight Word on the street is she descended from the skies and rescued Maria.
Flametail Knight Rescued?
Ashlock Knight The Knights Association... No, it probably came from higher up. They arranged that match for Maria. The audience all believed that it was just a thrilling performance, but those with discerning eyes could tell...
Ashlock Knight They were going at it for real. If the Radiant Knight was any later, Maria would be dead.
Flametail Knight ...Are they giving up the game already?
Ashlock Knight Maybe we gave them more credit than they deserved. These things happen in every season of the Major——They don't care.
Flametail Knight What they care about doesn't matter. I never expected them to understand, but to think they don't even want to keep up appearances...
What's important is that in Kazimierz, no one cares.
Ashlock Knight They're telling people we're out of competition for a while because of a training accident...
Flametail Knight ...That's ugly.
Ashlock Knight "That's ugly."
Flametail Knight ...Pfft. Hahahaha. Hey, what the hell's up with that? Isn't that totally good for us?
If they had gone through the National Council instead of scurrying around in the dark, we'd really be in trouble.
Ashlock Knight You... You let yourself go after just relaxing for a bit.
Flametail Knight Mhmm... Our opponents couldn't wait any longer and acted first, but ended up giving us the win instead. How could I not be happy?
When those two finish their jobs, we'll finally get to the main point.
Ashlock Knight ......
Flametail Knight What? Didn't you get your fill in the arena?
Ashlock Knight Tch...... The more I cross weapons with that trash, the more I hate those knight nobles. What disgusts me the most is that I used to be one of them.
Flametail Knight *Sigh* So complicated.
Ashlock Knight They don't have a penny's worth of dignity or faith. The knight nobles are total sellouts now.
Flametail Knight Don't get yourself worked up. This topic always does that to you. Don't worry, they'll get what's coming to them.
Though, before that, we should straighten out the enemy right in front of us.
Ashlock Knight ——The Armorless Union.
Flametail Knight We'll expose them out in the open for all to see, yeah?
<Background 4>
Maria Hey Margaret, how long has it been since you've been home?
Your room is still as it used to be! I clean it all the time... Oh, I think we sold the furniture though...
B-but, it's fine! At least——
Margaret Maria, just seeing you all makes me feel like I've returned home.
Maria ...Margaret.
Margaret Maria, your equipment...
Maria Oh! I went and borrowed your old stuff... Hehe, how is it? Fits me nicely, right?
Margaret Yeah, it's a nice fit. You've really grown up.
Maria Hehe... I'm as tall as you now.
Margaret You've worked hard, truly. I wasn't able to talk with you properly in the arena earlier...... I've really missed you, Maria.
Maria Ehh... Sis, you're making me embarrassed...
Margaret You've fought alone until now, but you survived, you've persisted.
I was aware what kind of impact my decision back then would have on Uncle and you, but I never thought that you would——
Maria Margaret!
There's something you absolutely have to do, that you'd never back down from, right?
Margaret ...Yeah.
Maria Then you didn't do anything wrong!
Besides... I was never able to become like you, tough inside and out...
But I've started to understand. At least, I can think about what Aunt Zofia has always said... I can think about what a knight truly is.
Even though I still couldn't become like you... I've been able to get where I am today, with everyone's help!
If there were ever any beliefs that I held on to, they came from you! Because I too am a member of the Nearl family!
B-But, Margaret, you can't ever leave again, not like how you left six years ago...
I'll follow you this time, no matter what happens to us in the end... I, I believe in you.
Margaret Maria, you... Heh, you've really grown up.
Maria ...E-Ehh? Where did all of that come from...?
Anyway, just go upstairs and have a look——
[Młynar appears, interrupting the talk between Maria and Margaret.]
Młynar ...Margaret.
Maria Uncle... this is...
Młynar Keep quiet.
Margaret. What did you come back for?
Don't you know what it means for you to appear here?
Margaret ......
Młynar You rescued Maria... But why did you return to Kazimierz?
Do you know how much your father and grandfather sacrificed to "send you out"?
Yet you dare to appear here so brazenly... Do you think that the Association and the corporations aren't watching your every step?
Margaret ...I will join the Major.
Młynar Impossible.
Margaret I will retake the glory that belongs to the knights.
Młynar Glory is meaningless.
Margaret Meaning is in the eye of the beholder.
Młynar Kazimierz has changed. They have changed.
Margaret —Yet I'm still here. We're all still here.
Młynar ......
Don't be greedy... Margaret.
I imagined you would calm down after leaving Kazimierz... But this is your answer?
You're wasting my time.
Margaret Uncle...
Młynar Enough.
In the time I've spent talking to you, a mountain of documents has piled up waiting for me to handle. Don't interrupt my work...
Leave Kazimierz before things turn worse. You've made a life for yourself elsewhere, just don't come back anymore.
Maria Uncle! How can you say that?!
Margaret Maria.
Maria Margaret...
Margaret Uncle Młynar, I understand your decision. I still respect you just as I did back then.
I also hope for your support.
Młynar —Understand?
You know nothing of what I've seen, what I've done. Yet you still hold on to your idealistic thoughts...
Margaret I was once lucky enough to catch a glimpse of hope. I have also experienced the shadow of war.
I'm merely choosing to continue believing in my faith, and to fight for it.
Młynar ...Kazimierz will not change one bit, no matter how much the Radiant Knight sacrifices, no matter how much she wins.
Margaret Of course. Of that, I'm very clear.
Młynar Even so...
Margaret Even so.
Młynar ......
...Draw your blade, Margaret.
Maria U-Uncle?!
Młynar If you insist on being so stubborn, I have no choice but to to teach you how to "give up" the hard way. To fall by my blade is far better than falling into the shadow of the Armorless Union.
Margaret ...As you wish.
<Background black>
[Senomy, a.k.a. Gravel, is talking with someone.]
Senomy Those stupid competition knights are just a bunch of trash willing to be manipulated for the sake of money.
If the young mistress of the Nearl family were to have an accident as well, don't even bother calling this campaign knight a knight anymore! I'll go flip the National Council's goddamned table myself!
——That's what the old man said.
??? ...Senomy, there's no need to mimic him so convincingly...
Senomy Ehh, but he specifically instructed me to convey the exact message.
??? You don't need to listen to everything he says.
Senomy He even said that if the Grand Knight didn't agree, he'd go greet the Radiant Knight himself, even if he had to hobble all the way there.
??? ......
Senomy He also said that if you sighed and cupped your forehead, reluctant to answer, he would——
??? Alright, alright... I know how unhappy he is. He hasn't changed at all, still causing a ruckus in the Court Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz every day over what few accomplishments he has...
Don't forget he is still an offender.
Senomy But the National Council, totally corrupted by the General Chamber of Commerce, has no right to convict my old man. They don't representing the citizens or the law at all. They're just representing themselves and the merchants behind them.
??? ...He taught you that as well?
Senomy No, I figured that one out myself.
??? *Sigh*...
Is that all?
Senomy Ah, there's one more thing.
??? ...Yeah.
Senomy The people from Rhodes Island seem to have arrived.