NL-ST-1: Flourishing

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Near Light: Kawalerielki
Next NL-TR-1

The beginning of the Major signifies the start of another sumptuous feast. The knights maintain their social etiquette before the games begin, a last-ditch show of chivalry.
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
An Audience Knight
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Kawalerielki Arena Tribune Night
Champion's Hall
K.G.C.C. Office
Kazimierz Ghetto
Kazimierz Lounge
Nearl Estate Living Room
The opening ceremonies of the Major are about to kick off. In Kawalerielki, the Grand Knight Territory, a storm is brewing.
<Background black>
"The city is a man-eating behemoth, but still we must dwell in its bowels gratefully."
"We wait until life digests us, until our flesh and bones are excreted, so that whatever remains may become nutrients to feed the city as it lurches onwards."
"That is the flourishing of civilization."
<Background 1>
[The audience cheers as everyone's favourite announcer, Greatmouth Mob, opens up the match.]
Greatmouth Mob Welcome to the Kazimierz National Arena! Welcome... to the Kazimierz Major! I am none other than your old friend –– Greatmouth Mob!
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob After a long qualifying stage, this is the moment all of Kazimierz has long been waiting for –– the first match of the Kazimierz Major starts today!
Dueling, jousting, and assorted miscellany! Three categories, eight major events, forty-three minor events! Countless knights and knightclubs will take their share of gold and glory!
[The audience cheers.]
<Background 2>
An Audience Knight How did Mob end up as the MC? Think he greased some palms behind the scenes?
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight Like he bribed his way in? How much do you think something like that would cost?
An Audience Knight Mob's never been the type to keep his mouth shut. What if he let something slip, right here on the big stage?
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight Hah. You hear about that loudmouth, the Bearded Cage? Heard he "badmouthed" a pretty big deal of a knight during the Major...
...and that was the last anyone saw of 'im. Want some popcorn?
An Audience Knight Pssht. Probably just took the fall and resigned. A by-the-book trick.
A Popcorn-Clutching Knight *munch* I shed... dish-appeared... *munch*... not resigned. You get it?
An Audience Knight Huh... No shittin'?
<Background 1>
[The audience cheers as Mob announces the Major's lineup.]
Greatmouth Mob Today's Major features eight big knightclubs, sixty-four of the normal ones, and two unaffiliated, independent knights!
The Kazimierz Major is a showcase of the beauty and majesty of our knights for all of Terra to enjoy!
Our first match will pit the Bladehelm Knightclub against the Cloudhaze Knightclub! How many points will the ten knights from each side take home to their clubs?!
A big prize pool is getting bigger as I speak! A portion of everything you spend at this arena will be added to the tournament prize for the knights to fight over!
Which knightclub will take the most trophies? Which knight will stand above the rest and become this Major's Knight-Champion?
[The audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob Now... LET US SEE FOR OURSELVES––!
<Background 3>
5:43 P.M. \ Clear
The Grand Knight Territory Kawalerielki, Wall of Champions
Spokesman McKee How's the fit, Mr. Malkiewicz?
[Malkiewicz, now one of the Kazimierz General Chamber of Commerce's spokesmen, replies to his fellow spokesman McKee.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Good, thanks to you.
Spokesman McKee That's enough of that. Custom-tailored formalwear is a must for maintaining our image.
Do you still have the tailor's contact information? I believe you'll find his services most helpful.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......
Spokesman McKee Sir, could you please get me a glass of wine? Thank you.
What's on your mind?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Nothing in particular...
Spokesman McKee Ah, "maybe."
Maybe you haven't gotten over the incident with Mr. Czarny. Quite the shame, for all of us.
Spokesman Malkiewicz ......!
Spokesman McKee He was a conscientious one, who always put his best foot forward, whether as a company employee or as a spokesman for the K.G.C.C.
In fact, I only met him after becoming a spokesman myself. In terms of our work in the Majors, he was far senior to a fresh face like me.
He always treated those he respected well, yes?
Spokesman Malkiewicz Maybe...
Spokesman McKee Let's do away with these maybes, and lift our spirits instead.
Today is but the second day of the opening ceremonies, and a great day to open the Wall of Champions to the outside world. It would hardly fit the occasion for the resident manager to wear such a dour expression.
Spokesman Malkiewicz Yes, you're right... Sorry...
Spokesman McKee You should speak up more, Malkiewicz. And there's no need to be so stiff around me. It's certainly not conducive to our working relationship.
[Sounds of uproar can be heard from the outside.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz What was that? Did something happen outside?
Spokesman McKee Hmm.
I believe it's a guest of honor, a very important knight. Let me check the time... See, look how punctual she is. We need more knights like her.
Pardon me, I'll be right back. In the meanwhile, do avail yourself of your right to the open bar.
Spokesman Malkiewicz S-Sure...
Spokesman McKee The sweet release of libation is wonderful indeed. You ought to indulge in it.
[McGee leaves.]
<Background fades out and in>
Spokesman McKee Madam Droste, we meet again.
[Viviana Droste, the Elafian knightess better known by her title "Candle Knight," greets McKee.]
Droste Good evening. Am I late?
Spokesman McKee Not at all. I'm glad you could make it.
I do believe the glow of the Candle Knight will add a beautiful touch to tonight's opening banquet.
<Background 4>
6:15 P.M. \ Overcast
The Grand Knight Territory Kawalerielki – General Chamber of Commerce, Reception Room
Platinum ......
??? Ah, no need to explain yourself, Platinum. We didn't expect this to happen either... Just doing your job, of course?
You do what you have to do.
Platinum ......
I screwed up.
??? Ah yes, a screwup... But we aren't exactly nine-to-five office drones here. In our line of work, "screwups" are very serious.
Deadly serious, even.
Platinum ......
??? Luckily this time, you only let the Radiant Knight barge into the Infected quarter... Oh, but that did throw a wrench into Monique's work.
Her job was to make a little fireworks show out of those illegal settlements, and then bring the Pinus Sylvestris Knightclub to Area 0.
It was going so smoothly, but suddenly... from the slaughter came the Radiant Knight, and there went all our plans.
She's very unhappy now, you understand? We all know her temper, and if someone was to get in the way of her bounty, you know how troublesome that'd be.
Platinum I didn't know what Monique was doing.
??? No, you did know. Besides, whether you knew or not is no excuse.
After all, your job was to "track the Infected." Did I not say a long time ago that our jobs would be changing?
Platinum ......
??? Now now, what's with that icy expression? Oh, were you perhaps born with that face, little pegasus?
Platinum ......
??? How seriously can I take someone who submits seventeen or eighteen time-off requests a month? ...Ah, forget it.
Count your lucky stars that the whole thing about the Radiant Knight rushing into an Infected quarters to fight off a group of mysterious assassins didn't make headlines in the major news outlets.
Though the media are still our valued partners, suppressing these kinds of things costs a lot of money. And let me tell you, they don't pass up on these juicy opportunities.
Platinum ...I'll accept responsibility for these losses.
??? Your self-awareness is commendable, but you can't afford to "accept responsibility" for many more mistakes. After all, the Board of Directors only pays you so much, yes?
Platinum Sorry.
??? Hah. Enough of that. Playing the villain isn't exactly my strong suit.
We're still work partners, right?
Platinum If you think so, then so it must be, Lord Roy.
[The one Centaurea the Platinum is talking to reveals himself to be Roy, one of the Lazurites of the Armorless Union.]
Roy Tisk tisk. When you call me that, doesn't it seem like we're strangers? "Platinum" Centaurea... See, doesn't hearing that make you feel uncomfortable? Why don't we go with a nickname instead, my little pegasus?
Platinum Kazimierz has many pegasi.
Roy It's fine as long as you know I'm referring to you... Oh, right. There's just one more thing, though it's not a very big deal.
Platinum If you're talking about it, there's no way I can treat it as anything less than a big deal.
Roy Then it appears that you misunderstand me. I'm willing to talk to you about all sorts of things, from small talk to important matters... Haha.
Mm. I heard you spared the life of Szewczyk's runt?
Platinum Czarny was already removed from his post at that time. I wasn't in the mood to listen to him and kill a kid.
Roy Ah, so frank. That's fine.
Though I also feel bad for Czarny, that isn't the real issue here... Put simply, Szewczyk has gone missing.
Plastic Knight does not come from an esteemed lineage. He's just another tournament upstart.
Though we didn't have any plans to remove him from the picture, he is the property of the Roar Guards Co., and it never bodes well to let someone else take the initiative. We'll definitely get complaints from the K.G.C.C.
Platinum Did you find out who did it?
Roy The Infected.
Platinum I don't understand. How could a few Infected knights accomplish all this?
Roy Who knows, little Platinum? That's exactly what we're trying to figure out right now.
But there's one thing you shouldn't misunderstand.
Platinum Oh do please illuminate me.
Roy What we face... is not just a few meager Infected, but rather all the Infected of Kawalerielki.
Mieszko Industries just delivered eight new plates. The purpose of the plate called Area 0 will soon be brought to light.
I've mentioned this before, right? We're going to be real busy.
Platinum I understand.
Roy Good, as long as you understand. *cough* *cough* Hmm...
Platinum ......
Roy *hiss*... It's too damn hot today, don't you think? How nice it must be to not have to wear a helm...
Platinum .......?
Roy Hm, you can't see what's different about me?
Platinum Oh.
You dyed your hair?
Roy Everything, including my tail. What do you think? Looks good, huh?
Platinum Yes, it suits you well.
Roy What's the meaning of that annoyed look in your eyes?
Platinum Don't think I have to answer personal questions, do I?
Roy But you see, you hold the title of "Platinum." White hair, clad in pure white. Monique is Victorian, natural blue hair, lazurite attire. An absolutely perfect fit.
But look at me, all dark and drab. Standing next to Monique, I'm so out of place, like I'm a janitor or something.
So out of consideration for our public image, I also decided on a color for myself, heh.
Platinum ...You...
Roy Hm?
Platinum As long as you're happy.
<Background 5>
1:22 P.M. \ Clear
The Grand Knight Territory Kawalerielki – Urban Crevices, Infected Gathering
[Sona the Flametail Knight of the Pinus Sylvestris knightclub returns in a hurry...]
Sona I'm back!
[...with Justyna Valentine the Fartooth Knight welcoming her.]
Justyna Took you a while, Sona.
Sona Rude. Some stuff happened along the way.
Justyna ......
Ashlock's mentioned it before. Back then, during that "Industrial Incident," was it the Radiant Knight that helped you?
Sona Ahaha... Is this the celebrity effect? Feels like everyone already knows...
Justyna She...
What kind of person is she?
Sona Oh, that's adorable. I thought you weren't interested in gossip.
Justyna My hometown...
Back home, there's an arena.
There were never any tournaments in that small arena. It was just built because that's what you do, you have an arena in a town.
But back then... was when I started to look up to the knights. It was also where I grew up hearing legends of the Radiant Knight.
It's been many years.
Sona Really? You never mentioned that before.
Justyna And when did you tell me about what you were like as a kid?
Sona Fair. Maybe that is something we should talk about later.
Justyna It was a long road.
The road to the Grand Knight Territory was so very long. I didn't come all the way here to reminisce about my old home.
Sona We're just chatting, alright? No need to be so uptight.
Justyna Just chatting, huh...
When the day comes that we can sit around a patisserie with nothing to fear, we can grab Ashlock and Wild Mane and chat the afternoon away.
Sona Good idea.
Justyna So... What kind of person is she?
Sona Well... To be honest, ermm, we only made eye contact. I have no idea if she even saw my face, busy as we were.
Justyna ......
Sona H-Hey, don't look so down! It's not like I could just strike it up with the champion in front of the Armorless assassins.
But, she still rescued an Infected like me, even with eyes on her.
Justyna Hmm...
Maybe she really is the Radiant Knight. The very same... as the Infected dream about.
Sona The what now–– Eh, whatever. How about the poor guy you rescued? The old one?
Justyna He...
??? You asking about me?
[Szewczyk the Plastic Knight, who does not wear his signature helmet, reveals himself.]
Plastic Knight My arrow's nocked, Infected.
You'll help me make those lowlife assassins pay the price.
<Background 6>
An Aged Knight Amiya, and the Doctor of Rhodes Island, please come in. Treat this place as your own home.
Your rooms are upstairs. The doctors are working up on the twelfth floor.
[Amiya and the Doctor, who are visiting Kazimierz prior to their advance into Victoria, appreciates the old knightess' greeting.]
Amiya Thank you, kind sir.
An Aged Knight Haha... There's no need to be so formal, Miss Amiya.
I never expected the leader of Rhodes Island to be such a lovely, young Cautus girl. Ah, to be young and full of promise.
Amiya Th-There's nothing special about me...
Doctor It's true, Amiya is the face of Rhodes Island. / Amiya's always making things happen.
Amiya D-Doctor...
An Aged Knight Haha, are you embarrassed?
What an adorable girl. If I had a granddaughter, I reckon she'd be about your age.
Amiya Oh...
An Aged Knight My my, her face is beet red.
But, I must apologize. Considering your unique status, I can't arrange an in-person meeting for you two.
Amiya Mhm... Don't worry, that's perfectly understandable.
An Aged Knight So... "Gravel."
[The Zalak slave knightess Senomy aka. "Gravel" comes to the old knightess' side.]
Senomy Your orders.
An Aged Knight This young lady here is a fourth-order campaign knight. You can call her "Gravel." She's very promising.
Gravel Hello.
An Aged Knight She will personally take charge of your safety while you are in Kawalerielki. Should you need anything, just let her know, and she will be of service.
We cannot allow any misfortune to befall our distinguished guests from abroad, not to mention such excellent partners as yourselves, during the Major.
Amiya We understand, sir.
An Aged Knight Thank you for your understanding. I've prattled on for long enough, so I'll leave you young people to your business.
An Aged Knight Gravel, please take good care of the Rhodes Islanders.
Gravel As you wish.
[The old knightess takes her leave.]
Gravel Now then... I'll be standing outside the door. If something comes up, just call for me.
Amiya Right, okay. Thanks, Gravel.
Gravel ......
Doctor Amiya. Hey, Amiya. Is she staring at you? / ...... / Excuse me, but did you need something?
Gravel There is one thing... Do you mind if I come a little closer? Yes, just like this, good.
Amiya –?!
Gravel Hm? What's wrong? Your face is beet red. That's just how I say hello, so don't think too much about it.
Anyway, I'm Gravel, a knight of Kazimierz. It's a pleasure. Hehehe.
[Gravel leaves.]
Amiya ......
What... What was that all about...?
Doctor She said it's how she greets everyone. / ...... / They have a rather interesting way of greeting people here in Kazimierz.
Amiya Err, umm... I have heard that sometimes nobles will indeed greet each other with a kiss... And, umm, seeing as how she's a knight...
That's probably all she meant with it, right? Probably...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor You're pretty nervous, huh?
Amiya Yeah... I guess I have been a bit nervous.
But, that old lady seemed a lot more easygoing than the other Adeptus knights we met earlier.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Amiya How about you, Doctor? Are you tired?
Of course you are. We've been tied up with business and all kinds of formalities since we got to Kazimierz.
At least you can catch your breath now.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I guess that's that.
Amiya Ahaha.... Doctor, were you able to take a breather as well?
It would be nice if all the people in charge of the medical mission were as reasonable as that old lady.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Amiya But, this is a rare opportunity for us.
It's said that every few years, the Grand Knight Territory will select a few of the most rapidly developing cities to merge with its own core city.
It's a remarkable feat, if you think about it.
Doctor The lights from the billboards outside sure are bright. / I always expected this city to be a lot more solemn.
Amiya Mm... It's been a bit of a shock for me as well.
Even though... I've always heard Nearl talk about her homeland, I never expected the heart of Kazimierz to be like this.
Doctor Want to take a look around? / Is there anything you'd like to buy?
Amiya Hwuh? Ah, um, n-not really... I just don't get to visit big cities like this very often.
After all, how many Infected get to look out over a thriving city from atop a high-rise hotel...
If Rhodes Island didn't manage to secure a medical business contract, we'd never get to enjoy this luxury.
The only thing is...
I can't stop wondering about Nearl... and how she's doing right now.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I was shocked when she suddenly announced that she was leaving Rhodes Island.
Amiya Mhm...
Ultimately, we should trust her. This is her decision to make.
I just hope she's safe and sound...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Amiya But, since Shining and Nightingale are with her, she'll be fine, right?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor She is the Radiant Knight after all, and this is her home.
Amiya Yup! Let's put our faith in Nearl.
After all, she is the Radiant Knight–a pinnacle of Kazimierz knighthood, right?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Amiya Oh, Doctor! Quick, look at that big screen outside!
Is that... Nearl?
<Background 7>
Maria Margaret, I'm done!
Based on the suggestions you made last time, I adjusted the center of mass and added a retracting function. Now, it should be able to...
Margaret ......
Maria What's on your mind?
Margaret Oh, Maria... Sorry, what were you talking about?
Maria You don't usually space out like that. What's wrong?
Margaret I heard some of the rumors while I was at Rhodes Island...
But this place... really has changed a whole lot.
Maria Yeah... We've sold off a lot of the furniture.
You know Uncle. Were it not for him, we might've moved somewhere else last year.
Yesterday, someone from the Knights Association came by again to harass us. Both you and I, we're always representing some knightclub, or the family. Otherwise...
Margaret Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Maria Hehe, now that's how a big sister should be.
Oh, right, here's your weapon. Master Kowal and I tuned it up for you.
But, you haven't had any matches lately, right? How'd it get worn out so badly? It's like a bomb went off next to it.
Margaret I never realized it before. The sheer number of Infected living in the Grand Knight Territory.
Maria ...Margaret?
Margaret gazes wordlessly at the skyscrapers in the distance.
She can't forget the dark, garbage-choked underground, or the flickering glow of flames.
Margaret Now, the Infected can become knights. The Blood Knight did something incredible. Judging by the results, he saved many Infected from misfortune.
But, this is not what a "knight" should be. The Infected should not be callously treated as playthings just because they suffer from a disease.
Maria ......
[Maria remembered about Sona the Flametail Knight, who crossed paths with her before Margaret's return.]
Maria Sona... might've just wanted to help those Infected as well.
The factory is running, the mines haven't stopped. The city is still developing, and more and more Infected will end up at the bottom.
They were all going to be exiled into the wilderness... but Pinus Sylvestris paid for them. Bought all those Infected with no home of their own.
That's what Master Kowal told me.
Margaret Except, that doesn't change anything. They still don't have a place in this city.
Maria Right... some Infected knights have done similar things before, but there's a limit to how many of the Infected poor the General Chamber of Commerce will allow to hide in the city.
Margaret ...and the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi Kazimierz will?
The ruling class is even more reluctant to watch the Infected walk openly in their city, and they'll also take measures.
Maria All the news talks about lately is the Infected, and Oripathy research conferences...
Margaret They're whipping up hysteria.
They media's trying to make ordinary people fear the Infected, even if it threatens to undo the stabilizing effect that the Infected Knights Act has had––
––and the scary part is, this kind of rhetoric from the media... almost always succeeds.
<Background fades out and in>
Młynar ......
[A hornless Sarkaz talks to Młynar.]
??? Don't always look so glum. No money falls into the pockets of the despondent.
The Radiant Knight is answering a higher calling, helping out the Infected hidden throughout the dark alleys of the city. How noble––
Młynar And then what?
Can she give them their lives back? Can she treat their Oripathy? Can she help the Infected fight back against the rest of society?
??? Who knows? Maybe she can.
Młynar Cut the crap, Toland.
Do you have nothing better to do? Why don't you leave the Grand Knight Territory and crawl back to your den of thieves?
[The hornless Sarkaz is revealed to be Toland Cash, a bounty hunter and Młynar's acquaintance.]
Toland Now that the two sisters are safe and sound, there's no more room for me here?
Młynar You've already been paid back.
Toland That little bit of cash was just a formality. You know exactly the currency we deal in, Master Młynar.
Młynar Who gave you permission to come in?
Toland Mmhmm, this carpet isn't half bad.. The Leithanian textiles are being auctioned off tomorrow, yes?
Młynar That's none of your concern.
Toland The origins of those two Sarkaz knights certainly raise eyebrows. As a Sarkaz myself, I do pity the fate of those "knights."
But I must remind you, this is no longer part of our business arrangement. My work here was done long ago.
I had my own reasons for coming to Kawalerielki, since it's not something I do often. I wanted to see if we could come to a mutual understanding–– but it seems that isn't possible.
Młynar ......
Toland Now now, don't make that face. Our relationship is already much better than it was before, Your Excellency.
After all, I'm just a no-name bounty hunter. To the Grand Knight Territory, I'm nothing at all. As for you–– Oh my, haha. Sorry.
It would seem that you're nothing as well. I guess that makes us two peas in the same sickly pod.
Młynar ......