CV-ST-2: Sudden Impact

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Sudden Impact
Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures: Anemic Platform
Previous CV-4 (Story)

Go on, make your day even more exciting.
Davistown Bank Manager icon.png
Bank Manager
Blacksteel Operator icon.png
Blacksteel Engineering Team Member
Blacksteel Operator icon.png
Blacksteel Senior Operator
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Hard-hearted Hoodlum
Female Davistowner icon.png
Helpless Plate Resident
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Rabble-rousing Ruffian
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Rude Ruffian
Male Old Kuranta A icon.png
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Troublemaking Thug
Bank Employee
Underground Passage
Davistown Streets Night
Lab Corridor
Davistown Diner
Davistown Bank
Davistown Mine
Davistown Slums
Fort Barron
The Blacksteel landship is approaching. The team's members notice multiple fires on the plate as they wait, and Jessica heads out on her own to the rescue.
<Background 1>
Two weeks later...
Franka Hey, Teacher's Pet? We've been waiting here for nearly a whole day already.
Liskarm You saw the news that the Messenger brought us from HQ, didn't you?
Franka They said the ETA is tomorrow afternoon.
Liskarm And also that we needed to spend the day before preparing everything needed for the connection.
Franka The Davistown connectors were working fine to start with. Laura got it all up and running in half a day, and now we're just standing around with our thumbs up our butts.
Liskarm If you're cold, you're free to use the tent we set up, or warm yourself by the fire.
Franka What if I'm not cold... what if I'm afraid?
Liskarm Of what?
Franka I don't know. I just... really can't tell how this whole thing will go down.
Liskarm ......
Liskarm brings her communicator to her ear, looking slightly impatient.
It's not receiving any signal. This proves that Fort Barron, known to Blacksteel's operators as "the landship," has yet to enter transmission range.
Laura Not going to warm yourself up a little longer, Jessica?
Jessica I'll pass... It's almost dark. I'll feel cold regardless.
Laura You shouldn't worry too much. I mean, yeah, I'm real mad about the bank too, but the landship is almost here.
Jessica ......
Laura The boss isn't about to let those banker bastards make a fool of us.
Jessica ...Boss? Which boss?
Laura Mr. Cliff, of course! Who else?
Jessica He...
It's hard to say. I mean... in the end, he's a businessman.
Jessica silently looks in the direction of the platform. Instinctively, she reaches into her pouch and rubs the bullet inside.
Laura Hm...?
Look over there... Is that a fire...?
Jessica Where?
Laura Right on the plate, close to the mining district... Maybe they started a fire by accident while heating themselves up—
Hold on, no, there's not just one... Wh-What is this...
[Jessica rushes off.]
Laura Jessica?!
Communicator, Blacksteel... ship estimated to... arrive in...
Liskarm Acknowledged.
Jessica, let everybody know—
Jessica Captain, there are multiple distinct fires on the plate! I don't know what's going on, but I have to go check!
Franka Why now of all times... But we've already got the signal from the landship. Fort Barron shouldn't be far—
Jessica—Jessica! Where are you going?! Captain, what do we do?
Liskarm Let her go. We'll continue the connection mission.
<Background 2>
[Sounds of people hammering can be heard.]
Miles ...What's with all the ruckus at this hour?
[The sounds become more frequent...]
Miles Where's that noise coming from...
[...followed by harsher sounds...]
Miles Someone's pounding the plant?!
[...prompting Miles to rush outside.]
<Background 3>
[Sounds of rioting are heard outside.]
Woodrow ......
Woodrow grabs his firearm from under his pillow and listens closely to the commotion downstairs.
Helena Hurry up and get down here, Woody! Someone broke in!
[Woodrow rushes downstairs.]
<Background 4>
Leone Bleuch... Feels awful.
If I'd known... I wouldn't have drank so much.
I'm so tired. Maybe I'll just lie down here... That way, I'll freeze to death on the street by tomorrow for sure...
[Sounds of objects breaking are heard.]
Leone What's that noise? What's going on?
<Background 5>
[Hoodlums barge in.]
Miles What the hell is this?!
Blacksteel Engineering Team Member R-Run... These people just... barged in... and started smashing and looting...
Miles Who are they?
Hard-hearted Hoodlum Huh... So it's you, gramps.
Miles You're the one from the snowfield...
Hard-hearted Hoodlum I'm a pretty lucky guy, gramps. Shh, don't make a fuss. You'll attract others.
You were real lucky too, getting away from me, but I wonder how long that luck will last.
Blacksteel Engineering Team Member Run! You can't take him on!
[More hoodlums show up.]
<Background 6>
Rude Ruffian So you're here too, old timer. Good, saves us the trouble of looking for you.
Woodrow What's going on, Helena? I figured you'd have knocked them all out by the time I got downstairs.
Helena ...They've gotten a lot more reckless. They've really gone nuts.
Rude Ruffian Hey now, no whispering. If you've got something nice to say, you can share it with the class.
Woodrow You ignorant brat...
[Woodrow points his gun at the ruffian.]
Rude Ruffian Those bullets must be real pricy, yeah? So expensive... you don't even have all six rounds loaded.
Woodrow What are you getting at?
Rude Ruffian Makes sense. There ain't a whole lot of materials you can use on this plate.
I mean, if it weren't for that, how come you've been packing that piece every day for all these years, and I ain't never heard about nobody getting shot?
Woodrow ......
Rude Ruffian My friends, these two bastards are well past their expiration date. Put 'em out of their misery, then help yourselves to whatever you find.
[More ruffians enter the diner.]
<Background 4>
[Thugs run around, breaking and looting anything they see, as Leone watches.]
Leone What... What are you people doing?!
Troublemaking Thug Out of the way, boozehound.
Leone Wh-Who gave you the right to... to make trouble here... Ugh...
Troublemaking Thug Here, lemme treat you to another bottle. Now get some sleep.
[The thug hits Leone with a bottle, knocking him unconscious.]
Rabble-rousing Ruffian Heh, nice one. Died as he lived, with a drink in his face.
Troublemaking Thug Hmph.
Rabble-rousing Ruffian That's about everything there is to grab. Head to the next shop?
[The thugs run off.]
<Background fades out and in>
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor Are you okay, Leone? Let me help you up.
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor
Leone I'm okay... Just a little dizzy...
Look at how they smashed the place up... It wasn't just the display windows?
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor Forget the windows... They cleaned out the whole store.
Leone What the hell is going on tonight?
<Background 5>
[The rioters search for Miles, who is hiding nearby.]
Hard-hearted Hoodlum We're short on time here, gramps. Quit it with the hide-and-seek.
Guileful Gangster You're here, aren't you?!
Hard-hearted Hoodlum What a pain. This place is so cluttered... No room to move at all...
Guileful Gangster Get out here already, you old bastard!
Miles Mmm...
Hard-hearted Hoodlum Heh, surprised you could dodge that with your leg. Guess I didn't give you enough credit. Let's see how long your luck's gonna hold out.
[The hoodlum hits Miles.]
Miles Gargh!
Hard-hearted Hoodlum Heh, got you!
Honestly, you're lucky to die in this stinking place. Suits you just perfectly.
Miles *pant*... *pant*...
(Just a little more... Hang in there, old bones. It'll work... It'll definitely work.)
Hard-hearted Hoodlum Now I can finally say goodbye to you, old fart.
Miles Not so fast...
[Just before the hoodlum strikes Miles down, a pipe bursts, releasing hot steam to the room.]
Miles It's over for you, punks.
Guileful Gangster What's this... Steam?!
Hard-hearted Hoodlum It burns!
Miles You're right, though. This stinking place is my home, so of course it's a great fit for me.
Phew... No one makes trouble in my house.
[The rioters fell unconscious from the hot steam.]
Hard-hearted Hoodlum Nngh...
Miles You asked for this.
<Background 6>
Woodrow You're right. It's not fully loaded, and it took quite a bit of trouble to get these to fire in my gun.
Which is why... I ain't wasting any on you. It's not worth it.
The old man holsters his gun and removes his cufflinks. He then rolls back his sleeves to reveal his arms.
Helena Really, Woody? At your age?
Woodrow When's the last time you saw me use my whip?
Helena When you sold those stockbeasts to the caravan for supplies, outside the plate... So three or four years ago?
Woodrow Right. Only three or four years ago.
I'll take care of their leaders. Can you take care of the rest?
Helena Sure thing, leave it to me.
Woodrow Make it quick... There's still time before dawn. Maybe we can catch some beauty sleep.
[Woodrow prepares a lasso on his hands.]
Woodrow Too bad there ain't any trees around to hang you from. I could try it from the roof, though...
What's wrong? You got us surrounded, but none of you have the balls to lead the charge?
Rude Ruffian Don't get cocky, you old bastard. This show's just getting started.
<Background 7>
Leone What's the word on the street? What's going on tonight?
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor These are all the bandages I have left. It's not enough to wrap your head, but... press them against the wound. Helps stop the blood.
Leone I'm fine. Just tell me what you know.
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor At first, I heard some things from the east side of the plate. You know, where all the thugs gather.
They say lots of folks in town think that, since we ain't ever gonna pay the banks back... they might as well...
Leone Might as well what?
Panic-stricken Shop Proprietor ...Might as well rob everyone... then flee to the frontier for a fresh start.
You saw it. It's like they all went crazy. They're beating people up, smashing up stores, stealing everything...
Wait, Leone... Look. That's... the direction of your home...
Leone Dammit!
[Leone runs off.]
<Background 8>
[As the unrest grows outside...]
Sylvia Manager, I... I heard the situation outside is pretty bad.
Bank Manager Calm down, Sylvia. We're all safe here inside the bank.
They're a despicable bunch beyond redemption, but before us and only us, they're perfect gentlemen.
If you're afraid, get some sleep. By the time you wake up, you'll never see them again.
Sylvia What do you mean...?
Bank Manager Has no one told you? Our business partners will be here soon. Before you know it, those men will be useless to us.
Which is why when they suggested they'd leave town with some... souvenirs, we had no reason not to go along with it.
All we have to do is wait patiently, like we've done so many times. Hold tight, and everything will be as it should be—
Bank Employee Manager, I just got a transmission from Blacksteel! Their landship is arriving sooner than expected!
Bank Manager Tsk, not only are they here, they're here sooner than we thought...
But it's all the same to us.
<Background 9>
Woodrow Looks like you didn't learn your lesson.
Rude Ruffian Shit... Every damn time, it's either a lesson or a warning. You ever going to fight for real?!
[Woodrow shoots the ruffian on his hand, injuring him.]
Rude Ruffian My hand!
Woodrow If you're that eager to eat a bullet, I could oblige.
Left foot, or left hand? Pick one.
Rude Ruffian You have no idea... You can chase us off today... but there's more where we came from...
Not one of you is ever gonna get away...
[Woodrow punches the ruffian, knocking him down.]
Woodrow I'd worry about myself first, if I were you.
Rude Ruffian ......
[The sound of a landship whistle is heard in the distance.]
Woodrow What's that noise—?
<Background 10>
[A fire broke out on the neighborhood where Leone's house is located, sending the residents into panic.]
Helpless Plate Resident Fire! Help—!
Jessica Ma'am, is Leone still inside?!
Helpless Plate Resident I-I don't know. When I came out, the house was already on fire!
Jessica Please make way, ma'am!
Helpless Plate Resident What are you doing, girl?! You can't go inside. The fire's too strong! You won't make it back out!
Jessica Ma'am, please go find more people to help fight the fire. I'll go inside to look for Leone.
Helpless Plate Resident Who is he to you anyway? Why put your life on the line to save him?
Jessica An acquaintance. Now please, let me go!
Helpless Plate Resident That's it? Not even a friend? Don't do this! Ah—
[Someone runs toward Jessica...]
??? Jessica, why are you here? Wh-What are you doing?
[...who is revealed to be Leone himself.]
Jessica Leone?!
So you weren't inside...
Leone I saw it, Jessica. I saw it.
Helpless Plate Resident Leone, she said she was gonna run into the fire looking for you...
Jessica I-I thought you—
Leone Don't cry, my girl. I'm doing just fine.
Jessica B-But your house...
Leone It doesn't matter... It's okay... I can sleep over at Helena's.
Good thing no one else lives here. I had nothing but empty walls to look at anyway. It was suffocating... It's not so bad it got burned down.
Now... There's nothing to dwell on anymore.
[The sound of a landship whistle is heard.]
Leone What's that noise?
Jessica ......
What do I do...? What do I do...?
Leone What do you do? I told you. It's burned down. Let it stay that way.
Jessica What do I do... what do I do... what do I do...
Leone No, what do you mean, "what do I do?" What's wrong?
<Background 11>
[A senior BSW operator walks toward a BSW intelligence personnel.]
Blacksteel Senior Operator Tila, I see you going in and out of Mr. Cliff's office. Did Liskarm's squad screw this up?
Blacksteel Intelligence Squad Member No, there's an emergency situation on the plate, but they've completed their mission. The landship will connect to Davistown very soon.
Blacksteel Senior Operator Got it. All those debtors will know better than to hang around once we're there, so—
Blacksteel Intelligence Squad Member Watch what you say.
Blacksteel Senior Operator Sorry, my bad.
But what did the boss say about it? Don't tell me he had a change of heart just because people are making trouble?
Blacksteel Intelligence Squad Member Everyone is to proceed according to plan.
Blacksteel Senior Operator Alright—
[The landship's ramp is lowered.]
Blacksteel Senior Operator ...At last, looks like we're almost there.
<Background black>
First, there was a strange gust causing everyone's hair to flutter.
Next, there was the rumble they felt beneath their feet.
Finally, there was a loud boom in the sky, hundreds of yards away.
The Black Landship.png
Breaking through the dense fog of the winter night, Fort Barron has finally arrived after its two week journey.
Everyone is gathered on the streets or standing by the windows, watching it intently.
Whether they welcome it or reject it, it arrives.
Whether this has been a nightmare or a pleasant dream, they are all jolted awake.
<Background 9>
Woodrow weighs the gun in his hand. He's not very pleased at being interrupted.
He looks away from the vessel in the distance to find that the man on the ground has scurried away, leaving only a long, bloody trail.
Woodrow Heh... Should've shot his foot when I had the chance.