Operation story: CV-4

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Salaryman B icon.png
Bank Employee
Davistown Bank Manager icon.png
Bank Manager
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Boorish Brute
Salaryman B icon.png
Bored Bank Employee
Salaryman B icon.png
Indifferent Bank Employee
Male Davistowner B icon.png
Rude Ruffian
Blank icon.svg
Anxious Elderly Woman
Davistown Diner
Abandoned Building
Davistown Bank
Chernobog Downtown
Davistown Mine
Davistown Streets Night

Before operation

The water pipes inside the diner burst, causing serious property damage. However, Helena's insurance claim application is rejected by the bank, so Jessica steps in to help. In the evening, everyone gathers around the dinner table to reminisce about the good old days.
<Background 1>
[While Helena cleans up the table...]
Helena I feel weird saying this, but if the heating's still chugging along and the stove's lit too, why does it feel so cold? The bank's not up to something again, are they?
Woodrow I hung them up all night and my socks still ain't dry.
[The sound of water dripping is heard.]
Woodrow Hm? What's that noise?
Helena How many times do I have to tell you to shave, Woody? Every time you take a sip of water, you spill droplets all over the table.
Woodrow What are you on about? I ain't had a drink since I came in.
Helena Then where did all these water stains come from?
[The water drip gets louder.]
Woodrow Your diner's just getting old and rickety. Just like my brain these days...
Like, am I remembering this wrong, or has there always been a huge water stain over there?
[Water leaks out from a nearby pipe before it bursts, prompting Helena to check it out.]
Helena The pipes— The water pipes ruptured?!
Oh my god... No way my run-down old floorboards can handle all this water damage!
Woodrow Go and turn off the valve, then look for something to catch the water leaking in. I'll take care of things upstairs!
[fades out and in]
[Helena returns after patching up the pipes.]
Helena My poor waist... I can barely even stand up straight. How're things looking up there, Woody?
Woodrow I suggest you grab a chair and sit down before I tell you. You ain't as spry as you used to be.
Helena Spare me the theatrics and just lay it on me. I've seen it all by now.
Woodrow It's flooded up to my knees, and all the furniture's ruined.
Helena ...What about my clothes in the wardrobe? Are they okay?
Woodrow Your favorite color is red, right?
Helena I hope this is good news...?
Woodrow Mm, perfect. The water from the pipe's all rust-colored, so I'm guessing all your clothes will be, too.
Helena ...So, what the hell were you doing up there all this time?
[Woodrow puts a box in the table.]
Woodrow Grabbing all this.
Helena Oh... I almost forgot about this box. Where'd you find it?
Woodrow Where else? In the wardrobe. Not like you have anywhere else to hide stuff. I also grabbed a few things off your nightstand.
Helena *sigh*... At least there's no water inside. Now let's take a look...
...Here's the insurance policy. Should cover today's damages. Also the deed to the land, the house, and... my passbook.
Woodrow Why're you still hanging onto that? You know you'll never touch none of that money.
Helena Would you throw it away, if you were me?
Woodrow ...
Helena See, you get what I'm talking about, don't you? What he saved up all these years wasn't just the money. It was his conviction too.
Woodrow Tch. Sentimental old fool.
Helena We're all old fools here, Woody. Compared to the fickle future, the pieces of the past we've built up over the years hit that much closer to home.
Woodrow Says you.
Helena ...Look, it's the novel that was sitting on the nightstand, too. Ain't been opened for the longest time.
[Woodrow takes a look at the novel book.]
Woodrow The same old clichéd love story about a rich girl and some farmer.
Helena Why you gotta be so grumpy? Ain't got nothing nice to say?
Woodrow I've got plenty. Like, good luck at the bank tomorrow.
Helena ...You should thank your lucky stars I've mellowed with age. So, what about you? Any plans for tomorrow?
Woodrow I'm gonna bring Jessica along to have a talk with someone.
Helena A talk?
Woodrow Yup, just your normal talk.
<Background 2>
[The brute cowers as Woodrow loads his gun.]
Boorish Brute P-Put the gun down, yeah? If you've got something to say, old man, I'm listening.
Woodrow What're you so scared of? If you ask me, I'm as gentle as they come.
So, you wanna chat? Let's chat. You and the bandits out there have been meeting up in secret these last few days. How about you share what you talked about?
Boorish Brute Let go of me, old man! I said... I said...
Rude Ruffian You spineless wimp!
Boorish Brute I...
Woodrow Give him a good kick, Jessica.
Jessica Umm, okay...
[Jessica pushes her shows to the ruffian's pants.]
Rude Ruffian What are you doing? Wiping your shoes on my pants?
Woodrow ...Forget it, Jessica. How's your aim?
Jessica N-Not too bad, I think.
Woodrow Perfect. Can you thread a bullet right between his ears?
[Jessica steps back, takes aim, and fires the gun at the ruffian, narrowly missing him.]
Rude Ruffian Aaaaaargh!
Jessica S-Sorry, sir, my hand is... still a bit shaky. But it's not like I hit you with that last one, so you can stop screaming.
Woodrow It's fine. You'll get it after a few tries.
Jessica A-Alright!
[Jessica loads the gun, scaring the ruffian into confessing.]
Rude Ruffian It... It was...
Woodrow It was what?
Rude Ruffian It was because they've been short on manpower these days, so they're trying to recruit us. I figured, seeing how none of us on the plate can repay our debts anyway, might as well give some folks a chance to dig themselves out.
Woodrow You're talking about converting people to a life of banditry?
Rude Ruffian It's.. It's not like I forced them or anything. They were ready to jump ship before I even finished talking.
Woodrow C'mon, like I said, what are you fellas so afraid of? Just tell me the truth.
Rude Ruffian ...Says the man waving a gun in my face. What if we say something that pisses you off?
Jessica Where are those bandits hiding now?
Rude Ruffian H-How would I know? They're so damn slippery...
Woodrow ...
That's enough, Jessica.
Boorish Brute Just let us go already, old man. You can take anything you want from this room, please...
<Background 3>
Woodrow Color me surprised. These punks actually have some pretty nice stuff. Even got some bottles of beer and champagne in the corner.
Jessica Did we seriously just... let them walk away scot-free?
Woodrow All I care about is finding those missing people. If these punks wanna leave the plate, that's their call. I'm ain't gonna judge them for it.
Jessica But, I think...
Woodrow Want something to drink?
Jessica I think I'll pass.
Woodrow ...Hm. Mellow, full-bodied fragrance of hops, and a refreshing aftertaste... Where the hell did they get such quality booze?
<Background 4>
[A bank employee returns to Helena.]
Helena ...
Bank Employee My sincerest apologies, Helena, ma'am. After a preliminary review and discussion, we cannot accept your compensation application. The damage to the water pipes in your incident photos is clearly manmade.
Helena Manmade? Wait... You mean, someone's messing with us again?
Bank Employee Considering your restaurant's revenue and liabilities, we have ample reason to believe that you deliberately damaged your own water system to cash out on the insurance plan.
Helena ...You think this is insurance fraud?
Bank Employee No, ma'am, we're simply saying it's a reasonable conclusion to make. As long as you can provide professional proof that eliminates that possibility, we'll be able to move on to the claims process.
Helena How the hell am I supposed to find a judge or a lawyer on this damn plate?! It's been ages since they all left!
Bank Employee My apologies, but we're simply following procedure. If that's all, then I'd like to assist the next customer. There's a long line behind you.
Helena Then... Withdraw the money from this passbook.
Bank Employee This passbook... Yes, this jogs my memory. You've already applied several times before, but can you prove that you came by this source of income legally?
Helena He sent me this passbook along with a letter, but by the time I arrived in Davistown, he'd already passed away! All his neighbors can attest to that!
Bank Employee Do you really expect that to hold up, legally speaking?
Helena ...Just gimme back my stuff. I'm leaving.
Bank Employee All your belongings are right here. Remember to take them with you, ma'am. Also, may I offer you a little reminder?
Helena What is it?
Bank Employee Based on the photos you provided, we can only guarantee one thing: the flooding to your restaurant has significantly reduced its value. Meaning it is no longer enough to offset your existing debts.
If you don't want to enter the compulsory liquidation process, I recommend you consider the following—
[Helena slams the table...]
Helena I've heard enough... Just keep your trap shut, bastard.
[...before leaving, just as Liskarm and Franka enters the bank.]
Liskarm Helena?
[In her anger, Helena is oblivious towards Liskarm and Franka as she walks by them.]
Franka Looks like she didn't notice us.
[Liskarm and Franka keeps walking.]
Franka Why are there so many people here today? What's the bank up to?
Anxious Elderly Woman This is the collection notice I received earlier this morning. It says that I'm insolvent and will be declared bankrupt soon, but I've been making my payments...
Bank Employee Ma'am, we've been extending your loan term so far, but we're no longer able to grant you leniency.
The good news is that after liquidating your existing assets, your remaining balance will be only two thousand gold certificates. Which I'm sure you'll have no trouble procuring?
Anxious Elderly Woman Please, can you extend it just another two months? No, one month is enough.
Bank Employee Unfortunately, no. We can't push it back even a single day.
If you're unable to make your payment, we'll have no choice but to begin the compulsory process.
All your property will be confiscated, and you'll have to leave Davistown within the time allotted. While continuing to pay your debt of roughly ten thousand certs, of course. Failure to do so will result in criminal liability.
Anxious Elderly Woman But I can't afford that! Whether it's two or ten thousand! Please, I beg you, just one more month's grace!
Bank Employee If you truly have no other options, then please take a look at this.
...The Pioneer Plan. If you apply now, you'll be able to enjoy a certain amount of loan forgiveness.
Anxious Elderly Woman But I'm already so old. Even if I went out the frontier, what could I possibly do?
Bank Employee Are you in any position to worry about that?
Will you continue to carry your debt at the risk of criminal liability and lose the roof over your head, or would you rather shed some of your debt and start a new life on the frontier? ...Do you really need to hear my opinion?
Anxious Elderly Woman ...
I'll sign it.
Bank Employee Excellent. Please head to your right. My colleagues there will help you get signed up.
Next customer!
Franka What... What the hell is this...
Bank Manager If you two are here to discuss business, please get in line—
Oh, if it isn't Miss Liskarm and Miss Franka. How are you doing? Have you finished looking over the list?
Franka You've got some explaining to do! Why are you forcing people out into the barrens?
Bank Manager By signing the agreement, they can shed a lot of their existing debt and start over without that weight on their backs. Isn't that the best possible outcome?
Franka ...And what about the list? How are any of these people supposed to be bandits? They're just a bunch of destitute old folks who don't want to be run out of their homes!
Bank Manager Once they go bankrupt, their houses no longer belong to them, but rather to us, the creditors. What else would you call it when someone takes advantage of the lack of police to squat on someone else's property? Is that not a crime?
Franka So your so-called "law and order" is just driving out poor people who can't pay up?
Bank Manager There's nothing "so-called" about it. That is law and order, Miss Franka.
<Background 1>
[While Helena is cutting vegetables and tells her story with Jessica listening...]
Jessica Insurance fraud?! ...They're declaring you bankrupt?!
Helena That's why I didn't wanna talk about it. I feel like I'm gonna pop a blood vessel.
Jessica If the bank is purposely depreciating the value of the diner, how much are they slashing it by?
Helena I've been going back and forth with them for a while now, but seems like they're settling at fifty thousand certs.
Jessica If it's only fifty thousand, I can... lend you the rest.
Helena Just like you secretly "lent" money to Leone?
Jessica Sylvia told you?!
Helena It's been eating her up inside, so she told me this morning. Don't worry though, I can keep a secret.
Jessica ...
Helena If you want to lend me money, of course I'd accept it. But who knows how long it'll take to pay it back, if ever.
Jessica I don't mind, even if you never pay it back.
Helena No, stop it... Don't say things like that. I'll definitely find a way to return the favor someday.
[Jessica wrote a cheque.]
Jessica Here. When the bank comes to collect, give them this check. Sorry...
Helena *sigh*... And why are you apologizing? It ain't like you're the one borrowing money.
[Helena takes the cheque.]
Helena By the way, one other thing. Leone was too embarrassed to tell you himself, but he wanted me to pass this on.
Jessica He found out about the money?!
Helena You silly girl... I told you, your secret's safe with me. Why would I tell him? He just wants to treat you to a meal.
Seems like bandits ain't the only thing Woodrow's been tracking. He's got a good catch of fowlbeasts. Miles and Benny'll be there too.
Jessica Oh, okay then...
Helena You don't sound too happy about it.
Jessica That's because... Actually, I saw a lot of people outside the bank on my way here. They were signing agreements... to head out to the frontier.
I asked around, and it seems like it's a way of shedding some of their debt.
But why do they have to abandon everything and risk their lives to start over in a place with nothing, just for a little bit of debt relief?
Can they... even survive that ordeal?
[Helena didn't answer as she continues cutting the vegetables.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Helena returns with a plate of meal.]
Helena And last but not least, the main course. Garlic-crusted fowlbeast with roast potatoes.
Jessica Whoa, that smells amazing...
Woodrow I'll have this piece.
Helena Put it down, Woody. That's for Jessica.
Leone You heard her. She's the star of tonight's feast.
Jessica It's no big deal. I just saw what was going on in Davistown and felt that I couldn't sit back and watch... As for the food, I'm fine with whatever, really. I even had some biscuits earlier, so I'm not that hungry.
Woodrow See, she's fine with it.
Helena No means no. Benny, this one's for you.
Benny Oh, wow... Th-Thank you very much.
Woodrow Tch...
Jessica ...
Woodrow What's so funny?
Jessica N-Nothing. It just occurred to me how different you seem, compared to when we first met.
Miles Yeah... He's been like that for ages. When he first strolled in town, he immediately pissed off pretty much everyone in the mines. We all thought that this grumpy, sharp-tongued asshole was here to cause trouble.
Jessica And what happened after that?
Miles Then, he met Helena.
Leone He really should be thanking her. If it weren't for her warmth and willingness to put in a few good words for him with those unlikable fellas...
But chat a bit today, and you'll find common ground tomorrow. In the end, she discovered his more... charming side, and showed it off to the others.
There was even a song going around at that time, probably written by one of her admirers. Still remember how it goes, Miles?
Miles Oh yeah, I almost forgot... Right, there was that song. I think it's coming back to me.
Leone Give us the intro, and let's sing it together—
Helena Who gave you jerks permission to sing in my restaurant—
<Background fades out and in>
Leone ♪I wandered here alone, not a penny to my name♪
♪My hometown far behind me, miles and miles away♪
♪The barrens stretch before me, as far as I can see♪
Miles ♪And who's waiting at the end, who indeed but she♪
♪She spread her arms, spread her heart, showed me that pretty face♪
♪And from that moment on, I found my dreams in her embrace♪
Jessica Is this song... about Helena?
Woodrow Who else?
Jessica If you ask me... the 'her' it mentions might not be a specific person, but rather a broader idea.
Leone What sort of idea?
Jessica Maybe this "she" is a home filled with everyone's dreams. Davistown itself.
Helena Hey, that makes sense!
Think about it. The second verse talks about her "body," right? That's the energy tower. Her "hair" is the white smoke coming from it, and her "burning heart" must be the plant's furnace.
And, in that section you fellas just sang, with her "arms" and her "embrace"? Ain't that just like those two long railroad tracks... embracing everyone here?
So many pioneers carved out this piece of land, bit by bit, with the tools in their hands. It'd become the place they started their families and businesses in.
And after that, even more youngsters arrived with their dreams and aspirations, following the footsteps of the previous generation and pitching in their youth and passion.
"She," and only "she," is worthy of everyone's admiration.
Leone I knew it... I knew it!
It all makes sense now!
Helena Anyhow, no way in hell anybody's pinning all their hopes and dreams on my body.
<Background fades out and in>
The engineer has nothing more to say. His eyelids droop and his head tilts back slightly, the restaurant owner's words whisking him back to the past.
Starry Skies.png
He remembers the soot-stained faces of his coworkers when they went home after a long shift. He remembers how his neighbors would greet him in the morning when he left for work.
He remembers the cool and refreshing beer foam escaping from the rim of his glass, and the warmth on his cheeks from the children's kisses.
His thoughts are wild and turbulent, but they fill his heart with warmth and comfort.
Just like the song he is humming right now. Completely tuneless, yet moving nevertheless.
<Background black>
Leone ♪And who's waiting at the end, who indeed but she♪
♪She spread her arms, spread her heart, showed me that pretty face♪
♪And from that moment on, I found my dreams in her embrace♪
The others in the room stop what they are doing, and make no other sounds. Only the engineer's voice is allowed to fill the entire restaurant.
After a while, the boiler worker's coarse voice joins the song, and the restaurant owner begins to hum along softly.
Even Woodrow, whose attention had been seized by the food on his plate, cannot help but tap his fingertips against his knees to the beat.
Only Jessica feels gripped by an inexplicable unease, as if there is a dark shadow in her heart that will not go away.

After operation

In the middle of the merriment, Leone's son suddenly announces that he is leaving Davistown. The atmosphere instantly chills over, and everyone leaves unhappy.
<Background 1>
Leone ♪She spread her arms, spread her heart, showed me that pretty face♪
Miles ♪And from that moment on, I found my dreams in her embrace♪
Helena I still remember when you fellas got together to sing that, back in the day. Your voices lit up the entire room... Felt like your singing cleared up the winter fog that year.
Jessica Always the same song as just now, ma'am?
Helena Haha, hardly. They knew all sorts of songs. The miners came from all over, bringing so many songs in so many languages.
Jessica Umm... Does Woodrow also know how to sing?
Leone He ain't much of a talker. Whenever we all get together, he just stuffs his face. Like now.
Woodrow *cough* *cough*... Helena, when are you gonna crack open the bottle of champagne I brought back?
Helena Shoot, I really am getting old, huh? Nearly forgot.
Jessica Umm, about Miles... He...
Leone Don't worry about him. Said he wanted to take a stroll, so he did.
Just pop the cork and pour him a glass. We can toast when he comes back!
Helena Alright, without further ado—
The cork shoots out with a pop, golden wine and silver foam splashing out at the same time. The sweet aroma spreads across the room, and wondrous befuddlement sparkles in the eyes of everyone at the table.
Helena Here, Jessica, you're the star tonight, so the first glass is for you.
Jessica Thank you...
Helena Next up is you, Woody. Thanks for helping her talk some sense into that stubborn old burdenbeast.
Woodrow Don't mention it.
Helena This one's for Miles... This one's for me... And last and definitely least is you, Leone. For killing us with worry all this time.
Leone Okay, I deserved that.
To be perfectly honest, I actually—
Helena If you got something to say, better wait for Miles. You ain't gonna leave him out like that, are you?
Leone Ah, yeah, makes sense.
The table that had been lively all evening falls quiet, and the spilled champagne seeps silently into dark, unseen places.
Past bowls and plates.
Benny Excuse me...
Jessica What is it, Benny?
Past cups and saucers.
Benny Actually... there's something I wanted to announce to everyone...
Leone Was wondering why you were so quiet today, but I guess you had something brewing. Waiting to snatch the spotlight from your dad at the dinner table?
Helena Benny, why don't you wait for Miles too?
Past empty wine bottles.
Benny No... I think now's the best time.
Until it flows over the table's edge, and seeps into the floor.
Benny I'm leaving.
Leone Hah, guess you finally got sick of us noisy old farts. Can't you wait for Miles to get back, so we can share one last drink before we say goodbye?
Benny No... I meant I'm leaving Davistown.
Leone Look at this kid, getting drunk without touching a drop of champagne.
Benny No, I'm perfectly sober.
It's something I've been meaning to get off my chest... But I never got the chance, so I'm saying it now.
Leone ......
[Miles returns.]
Miles What's wrong? Why's everyone look like it just started raining?
Benny Miles, I...
Helena Benny just said... that he wants to leave Davistown.
Miles Wh-What?
Woodrow How long you been thinking about this, boy?
Benny About a year or so...
Last month, Ms. Selena from next door came over and said that her daughter in Ironforge City managed to find a caravan willing to come through here. She said she was planning to go with it to follow her daughter.
She asked if I wanted to come. She thought it'd be a waste of my talents to stay. No matter how much I learn here, I wouldn't have a place to use any of it.
She told me... she didn't want me to become the next Sylvia.
Helena What about your living expenses? Tuition? Where are you gonna live?
Benny Don't worry, there are plenty of boarding schools in Ironforge City willing to provide scholarships so I can study there.
Miles Benny... why wait so long to discuss this with us? It's a big decision... You know better than that.
Benny ...I'm sorry, Miles.
Woodrow He ain't asking for our input.
Just letting us know the decision he's made.
Helena ...Have you thought this through? Weighed the pros and cons? Who knows, this place might perk up once it gets moving again. You can always decide then.
Benny I don't want to wait that long.
The only reason you're all willing to stay put and pray things get better is because you remember the good old days.
But I don't. This place has been a dump for as long as I can remember.
...My adoptive father worked so hard for this place, throwing away everything else without hesitation. My brother took his place as a pillar of the family, and wanted to join a mercenary group when he came of age. To earn money to send back home.
But a few years later... Those people sent his belongings back, with no explanation in the attached letter except a few lines saying they're sorry.
There should've been another path for him back then. Just like... there should be one for me now.
....Am I wrong?
Woodrow So when are you leaving?
Benny ...Tomorrow. I know I shouldn't have waited this long to tell you, but if I don't say it now... I'll never get another chance.
Cat's in the Cradle.png
The boy glances across the table at his father, mustering the courage to look him in the eyes. He desperately hopes to see anger and resentment.
That would make him feel a little less guilty, a little less conflicted.
But his father simply hangs his head and remains silent, completely at a loss for words.
Helena Leone...
Leone It's fine... It'll be alright...
It's not a bad idea...
You should leave... You deserve it...
Helena gives Leone a few pats on the shoulder, but he simply continues to mechanically repeat a few words of approval, prompting her to shake him a bit harder.
Leone It's fine, Helena. I'll be alright... This is how it should be...
Woodrow Then, I wish you a safe journey. Take care of yourself, kid.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
[A campfire burns as a Blacksteel mercenary sits in front of it.]
??? Why's it so damn cold here?
I picked up some wood we can burn. Feel any better yet?
Judging from how you curled up into a ball, I'm guessing you've never been through anything like this? *sigh*... How could your folks think you'd make it as a mercenary?
Huh? You decided on it yourself? But why? Did you get in a fight with your family?
Oh... There are people you want to protect, and problems you want to solve, huh? Mm, sounds pretty ambitious, if you ask me. I'm a bit jealous, to be honest.
Most people you see out here in these ruins, on the battlefield, were pushed here by circumstance. Myself included.
Driven by poverty. By injustice. By darkness and violence. We often pick up our weapons and rashly open fire, without worrying about what we're aiming at.
Right up until we finally step in a puddle of mud and look down at our footprints, only to realize that what we just stepped in... was a river of blood.
When that happens, I'm sure there's some noble ideal that can keep you from collapsing in defeat. Too bad I never found out what it was... I was only in it for the money.
My family owes a lot of money. And my little brother, well, he's damn smart. If he'd been born rich, he'd be at the top of his class.
But if he stays back home... the only future he's got is as a debt collector.
Jessica ......
I... I don't think that counts as being in it only for the money. You're doing it for your family... That's noble too.
??? Eh, who can say? But for now at least...
[Sounds of explosion and people cheering are heard in the distance.]
??? We're doing it just to survive.
Jessica The attack's about to begin...
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Helena Stop drinking already, Leone.
Leone ...Can I sleep at the diner tonight?
Helena If you want.
Miles (*whispers*) Poor fella... Just look at him... *sigh*...
Helena (*whispers*) It's just like seven years ago...
Leone What, you guys gonna talk about Carl now? Don't mind me. No need to tiptoe around it.
This is already the second time... The second time...
Twice now... So why're you avoiding me? You think... you think I can't handle it?
<Background 6>
[Jessica takes Benny back to Leone's house.]
Benny Thank you for bringing me here, Jessica. You can head back now.
Jessica I... still don't feel very good about this.
Benny I don't think your boss would be happy with how you're always fretting over us.
Jessica I just... can't bear to stand on the sidelines when there's something I can do.
Benny Still, you helped Dad keep the house, so thanks again.
Jessica But the reason he finally sold his shares... was because of you.
Benny I know. He had to give up what was most precious to him just to keep a roof over my head. But with me gone, he'll finally be free to do what he really wants.
In that sense, the house was never the obstacle. It was me and my brother.
...Do you remember my brother?
Jessica You're talking about Carl? I've heard you and Helena mention him before.
Benny Yeah, we know him as Carl... But over at Blacksteel, he went by a codename—Blackplate.
Jessica ...Blackplate?
<Background 1>
Miles It's water under the bridge, Leone. Why dredge it up now...
Helena No point trying to stop him, Miles. Just let him talk. He never brought it up, so we didn't say nothing. But now that he wants to look back, it's our job to let him.
Miles ...I suppose.
Leone I didn't ask for these thoughts... But in the dead of night, do I really have any control over what pops into my head?
The more I dwelled on it, the more painful it was. The more painful it was, the less it made sense... But, Benny figured that all out a long time ago.
He was right. Every step Carl took was never really his own choice. Because I was too stubborn, too arrogant. I ended up running everything dry... our money, our lives, and our choices.
When I was little, there was a miner who'd always complain how nothing was easy anymore when you're middle-aged. You run outta energy and can only focus on a few things at a time.
So you gotta be smart, gotta keep your eyes on what really matters. Stop being greedy.
But when it was my turn to grow old, I just refused to accept it. I grabbed the wrong end of the rope, and held on for dear life. Told myself I was a brave warrior, fighting the good fight against fate itself...
And what do I have to show for it?
Fought my way into a mountain of debt. Fought for a Davistown on its last legs. Fought for my eldest to die on the battlefield. My second son saw right through me, so why wouldn't he run the hell away?!
Miles Leone, we all know how much the mine means to you...
Leone Then tell me, how much?! Because I haven't a damn clue at this point!
All I know is that I should've held onto those little hands back then. The hands of my children...
I was a damn fool. How could I not see the writing on the walls when I heard that complaint?
I should've etched those words into my mind...
<Background 6>
Benny My dad might be an old fool with the memory of a sieve, but I'm not.
I recognized you the moment I saw you. The emblem on your uniform and your gear. It's the exact same one I saw on the bag with Carl's personal affects.
Jessica He... He was your brother... I never realized...
Benny Did he never tell you his real name? Or did you simply forget all about him?
Jessica I remember him... I didn't work with him for very long, but how could I forget?
Benny You actually worked with Carl?
Jessica In Chernobog. We were left together to scout out the strength of the enemies hidden in the ruins... I was there when he was injured. I-I was so flustered at the time, my mind went completely blank. I-I...
Benny You were there when he died.
Jessica Y-Yes... I was.
Benny But you still didn't know his real name.
Jessica Actually...
<Background fades out>
Actually, the time I spent with him was very short.
Actually, I was so scared back then that I barely remember a thing.
Actually, mercenaries always keep a few secrets close to their hearts, that they don't readily disclose to others.
Actually... there is no "actually" at all. Jessica knows this very well.
<Background fades in>
Jessica ...I'm sorry.
Benny It's alright. That wasn't the point I was trying to make.
What I wanted to know is, have you ever seen a silver ring inlaid with diamonds?
It belonged to his biological mother, and he always carried it with him. But it wasn't in the bag sent back by your company.
If you watched him die... then surely you know what happened to it. Were you the one who took it? If so, give me back my brother's things.
Jessica No... I-I have no idea. I've never seen him with a ring like that... Maybe it got lost.
Benny ...How could Carl possibly lose that ring?
<Background 4>
Bored Bank Employee Finally done with the last one... Let's take a look. Oho, number 120.
Indifferent Bank Employee With just a few strokes of the pen, a hundred and twenty people have been sent to the frontier.
Bored Bank Employee Well, you better keep that pen moving or you'll be next.
Indifferent Bank Employee Sylvia, mind getting the lights? I'm going to go lie down for a sec.
[Sylvia turns off the lights.]
Sylvia A hundred and twenty people...
Sylvia's stress and anxiety make her habitually reach up to fumble around her collar. As soon as she feels the familiar ring resting atop her chest, she hastily gives it a squeeze.
The ring's unyielding texture digs into her palm, yet gradually calms her down as well.
Just like that embrace seven years ago. It was so tight she couldn't breathe, yet it eventually placated her surging tears.
Sylvia Carl... What should I do?
What else... is there for me to do...?
<Background 7>
Benny Since you don't know where it is... Head back, Jessica. Thanks for sending me off.
Honestly, I'm grateful that you convinced Dad to choose the house. Now, even if I decide to leave... he won't be left with nothing.
At the end of the day, those shares did nothing but make him feel a bit better. Not a damn thing.
Jessica If... If he ultimately wasn't able to keep the house, w-would you still have chosen to leave?
Benny ...I don't know. I don't want to be an obstinate fool, but... I don't want to be an ingrate either.
Alright, this is goodbye for real, Jessica.
[Benny walks away, but Jessica follows him.]
Jessica ......
Benny Why are you still following me? What do you hope to accomplish? What can you even do at this point?
Jessica I-I'm not sure myself... All I know is... I don't think you should leave like this.
Benny Please, go back already. I'm begging you.
You're holding a golden nail in your hand. It's extremely valuable, but... please don't use it to repair paper houses.
In the end, no matter how hard you work at it, all you'll be left with are a few extra holes.
Paper that thin will crumble under its weight anyway.
Go back to where you belong, the house swathed in silver and gold. Find a place where you can drive that nail in. That's where it truly belongs.
Jessica ......
Benny So please, just stop following me. Alright?
[Jessica stops following Benny.]
<Background 6>
Jessica ......
??? Has Benny gone back yet?
Jessica Yes, Woodrow. I saw him home.
[Woodrow reveals himself.]
Woodrow Then why ain't you heading back, too?
Jessica I won't be able to fall asleep even if I do. I wanted a little bit of time to myself.
Woodrow What the hell did that brat say to you?
Jessica Just something... very reasonable. It reminded me of...
Woodrow Oh?
Jessica It reminded me of a few things. A few things I should've already known.
...Ever since I was little, helping others was like grabbing a little yellow toy fowlbeast in a crystal-clear bathtub. All I had to do was extend my hand, and I'd be able to prevent the tub from spilling over.
But that's because the faucet built with the wealth and authority bestowed to me only dispensed the warmest, clearest water. That's why everything around me always looked so pristine.
But as soon as I stepped out from that bathtub, from my family circle, I came face-to-face with... reality.
...Reality is a murky quagmire. When you reach in, you have no idea what you'll pull out. Or what you'll touch.
Woodrow There's no reason for you to agonize over this.
To be blunt, nothing you did meant a damn thing to Benny's final decision.
I watched that kid grow up. He's been full of good ideas since he was little. Great ideas. He...
He really takes after someone I once knew. When he sorts things out in his head and makes up his mind, he'll set off in a straight line and never look back. He'll clear a path forward, but no way back.
Jessica Sounds like... an extremely determined person. Almost irrationally so.
Woodrow Hardly. He was the most rational person I know: the source of all our problems, as well as the solutions, can only be found on the road ahead of us.
Jessica I... I'm a bit jealous of people like that. Being that perceptive at a young age must save you a lot of unnecessary detours.
Woodrow Don't ever envy people for that, Jessica.
Jessica ...Why do you say that?
Woodrow Because they'll end up bald. Not a single strand of hair.
Jessica ...Thanks for the reassurance.