SL-ST-2: Rain, Rain, Go Away

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Rain, Rain, Go Away
So Long, Adele: A Holiday at the Hot Springs
Previous SL-TR-2

It'd be great if this weren't a dream... And if it is, then it's just a great dream.
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Little Black Sheep 4 icon.png
Coffee-Colored Creature
Little Black Sheep 2 icon.png
Gentle Creature
Little Black Sheep 5 icon.png
Merry Creature
Little Black Sheep 6 icon.png
Shrewd Creature
Little Black Sheep 1 icon.png
Solemn Creature
White Volcano
Siesta Fashion Street Night
New Siesta Streets Night
Eyjafjalla spends a dreamy night with two Little Black Sheep resembling her parents, a scene of midnight fantasy.
<Background 1>
The setting sun seems to be the last customer of the small shop. The one behind the counter is no longer a familiar old man, but a coffee-colored creature.
It cranks a grinder handle, and the aroma of coffee wafts into the air with bits and pieces of finely ground beans.
A record spins slowly as a loudspeaker sings leisurely.
Coffee-colored Creature Oh, welcome.
[Adele enters the cafe.]
Adele I don't think I saw you earlier. Are you new here?
Coffee-colored Creature I think so, because I don't have any memories from yesterday. I don't know why I'm here, but I thought I'd make a cup of coffee... Oh, would you like one?
Coffee has a nimbly wonderful flavor that comes only when you brew by hand. Now let's see... where did I put those newly arrived beans? I should have stored them myself...
Seems like it's behind some kind of guitar. Hm... talk of guitars is suddenly making me a little angry. How odd, what's got my heart frazzling?
Adele Guitar? Angry? Are you okay?
Coffee-colored Creature Never mind. Maybe it's because that guitar looks a bit boring.
Please, sit anywhere you like. The one you're waiting for will soon be here.
Adele The one I'm waiting for...?
Coffee-colored Creature Are you waiting? Or is the other? I can't tell.
[A gentle Little Black Sheep enters the cafe.]
Gentle Creature Oh, you're here.
Adele I... remember you.
Gentle Creature Good evening, Adele. So sorry I'm late—did you remember to have breakfast today?
Adele Yes, I did.
Huh? Why do you ask?
Gentle Creature Good girl.
You've changed your clothes. are you ready?
Adele Clothes...? Huh, isn't this Mutti's[note 1] coat...?
Gentle Creature Pack your things and let's go shopping. We'll go buy some things we need to climb a volcano.
<Background 2>
The sun inches down bit by bit as the streetlamps along the path light up like stars. Adele's vision is a little fuzzy, as if she has seen a sky like this somewhere, sometime before.
Was there a short street in that small town on Leithanien's southern border, or on the road back home from her school in her memories?
She can even remember the smell of the air then. Slightly moist, with a hint of sunshine and plants growing, exactly the same as now.
Adele Is this your shopping mall?
Gentle Creature Yes. We have to make some preparations before we climb the volcano.
Adele I know there's many things we need to bring. A compass, protective clothing, a camera... A tent and some flint too, if we're camping overnight.
Gentle Creature No, we won't need those in here.
First, we need to buy enough "knowledge," "courage," and "curiosity." Check the prices before buying one of each, and lastly buy a little "luck."
But "luck" is very expensive, and often the fastest to sell out, so it's alright to skip it if you don't have the budget.
Adele I see...
The fluffy creature shakes itself, and several soda bottle caps fall from her wool. They clink and tinkle into the merchant's pouch.
Shrewd Creature Thank you for your generosity!
Gentle Creature Hm... I may need to buy a bit more "courage."
I have enough 'courage' to climb the volcano, but I need a bit more "courage" to leave home.
The fluffy critter shakes itself again, more caps falling out. The merchant opens its pouch, waiting for more.
Shrewd Creature Not enough, not enough.
If the pouch isn't full, I can't give you "courage," if the pouch isn't full.
Adele If you don't manage to buy "courage", will you be able to climb the volcano?
Gentle Creature It's alright, Adele. Things like this happen all the time. I've gradually become used to finding "courage" by and for myself.
Adele, let's get moving. We must be careful on our journey, and look after our things well.
Adele Things? But I didn't bring anything with me.
Gentle Creature Someone wants to steal the "photograph."
Follow me, and keep an eye on my package, okay?
Adele What did you just say? I didn't catch that...
Gentle Creature We can't go on like this Adele. Here, for you.
The cuddly creature shakes itself, and a fluff of wool falls out.
Adele What's this...?
Gentle Creature Go on, put it on your ear, and you'll be able to hear.
Now, we have to find the next one.
<Background fades out and in>
There is yet another fluffy critter covering a window in front of him with photographs. He turns his head at the sound of footsteps.
His fluffy back fidgets repeatedly, covering the window full of photos.
Solemn Creature Oh, um... you two... you're finally here.
Gentle Creature We have much to prepare. How's the weather looking?
Solemn Creature The sky is full of thick clouds, I'm afraid it might rain soon.
Gentle Creature Do we still have time?
Solemn Creature Not much left. We'll need to hurry.
Adele looks at the sky without a cloud in sight.
Adele Do you need me to buy an umbrella?
Gentle Creature No, Adele. Look, I'm an umbrella.
We can't let the "photograph" get wet, or be stolen. I'll keep it safe in my package.
Adele What is this "photograph" you're talking about?
Solemn Creature ......
Gentle Creature Shh. I hope you never find out.
And if you do, that it happens far, far in the future.
The solemn creature lowers his head.
Solemn Creature Let's go. We'll head upwards in a bit, and that's where we want to go.
You don't have enough wool yet, Adele. here, this is mine.
Adele Eh...? O-Okay.
The two creatures seem to have shrunk a little, and Adele looks just like one of them.
[Adele is taken to the air by the Little Black Sheep wool.]
Adele Um... Oh! The wool seems to be bumping me upwards?
Solemn Creature That means our trip is about to begin.
Gentle Creature How's the view up there?
Solemn Creature Always great before the rain falls.
Gentle Creature And how are you feeling?
Solemn Creature ...Always great before the rain falls.
Gentle Creature And you, Adele?
Adele I...
Gentle Creature Hm, you seem to be in a good mood?
The petite critter follows them, skipping and hopping.
Along the street, the lights, the clouds and the stars, it tries its best to get higher and higher.
Adele Wow... I think it's gotten stronger.
Will it come with us?
The fluffy critter doesn't answer, and she bites onto a corner of Adele's coat. Clink, clank, they step on the lights.
<Background 3>
Adele feels as if she's flying. People are come and go on the street—no, it is sheep that are moving to and fro.
Adele ——Oh! Be careful, you might run into someone.
Merry Creature They're selling flowers up ahead! I need to hurry.
Adele No need to rush still, your rainbow is all crooked. Here, let me help you straighten it.
[Adele corrects the merry Little Black Sheep's rainbow.]
Adele Alright, off you go.
Merry Creature Thank you, see you, so long!
Little Black Sheep shuffle through the streets one after another, going in and out of shops. The streets at night have taken on a different look.
Adele turns her head to look for her two companions who were separated by the waves of Little Black Sheep. As soon as she turns, she is greeted by the sight of two fluffy creatures quietly standing right behind her.
It is as if they have been waiting here for countless years.
<Background fades out and in>
Solemn Creature Adele, you have to plant a pebble when you return this time.
Adele A pebble?
Solemn Creature Yes, just like we did with a small hunk of rock before.
We buried it in the ground, which was originally in a very dark shade, until it met many different kinds of rocks.
Adele Let me guess. Because you bought a lot of "luck" for it?
The two fluffy critters continue jumping upwards, towards the sky, seeming more distant than ever.
Adele stands in between, her hands outstretched holding onto their wool.
Solemn Creature Well... that is one reason, but the important bit is that I water it with "love" everyday.
Gentle Creature And "memories."
Adele Can you buy those in shops too?
Gentle Creature No, little one. "Love" and "memories" are our own treasures.
They will grow on the paths you tread, in your embraces, and on the cheeks you kiss.
But sometimes they go unnoticed, so we always have to work hard to find them.
Solemn Creature That little stone traveled through many mountains underground, and followed the rivers through many a place.
Knocking and bumping into things, and finally we realized, we had no idea where it had gone. We lost it.
Adele Then, are you two... sad because of that?
Solemn Creature We feel regret.
Perhaps we shouldn't have planted it, or maybe we should have planted it somewhere we could see.
Every little stone is unique, and we lost what was ours.
Gentle Creature But I recall that it turned into lava in the end, warm and piping hot, and we all loved it.
Solemn Creature Yes, we loved it.
Adele ......
Then, that's all right... It managed to turn into lava in the end, and you didn't forget it.
I think this little stone was already fortunate enough.
Gentle Creature Maybe it's a dream. A dream, a story.
A story circling in my head, that needed us to tell you about it.
Adele Then, if you ever meet this rock again one day, do you think you'll be able to recognize it?
Gentle Creature Adele, my little rascal.
Will we still recognize it?
No, it has already turned into beautiful lava. Red hot lava rushing forward, never to look back again.
We will never ever meet it again, we will only be at its back.
Solemn Creature It will go to places we have never been, to see sights we have never seen.
And all we need is to remember this story, to tell it to you. You'll also have to plant your own little pebble, and then watch it take root and sprout, watch it go far away.
Gentle Creature Look, Adele. We've reached the peak.
Solemn Creature The little stones have already turned into lava. The eruption is about to begin.
Adele Is this story about to end too?
Solemn Creature Not at all, this is just the beginning.
It will turn into a cloud, and then fall back to the ground.
It will no longer be a rock, but a handful of warm and white volcanic ash.
Gentle Creature It is the little stones turning into nutritious volcanic ash that allows the land to bloom.
Our little stone will return. Someday, when that happens, we'll be able to see it again.
Adele Will that be a long time, or will it be soon...?
Gentle Creature Maybe we don't know.
Come, Adele. Hold onto me, we too will turn into clouds, and then fall back to the earth.
We're going to fly down together.
<Background black>
Adele hugs the creature by her side, and tries making a step—
She falls downwards, but it is slow and light, as if she is floating.
<Background 2>
She sees her hair flying around her, the other Little Black Sheep lightly jumping around the lights of the shops.
The wool on her body holds her up, enveloping her. An experience already in the depths of her childhood memories, her parents hold her up, and throw her into the sky to catch the stars above.
She falls onto the wool, fluffy and soft beneath her. The stars fall into her eyes, and her eyes grow hot.
Shadows come and go on the street, and Adele tries to get on her feet, wanting to share this fantastic feeling with the two fluffy creatures by her side.
Adele Phew... I...
Where are we going next?
I spotted many more little shops in the distance when we were above earlier. Should we go around and take a look?
I'll go look for places where we can find more bottle caps, so we can buy more of the things we want.
Adele's breathing quickens with her excitement.
Adele The Little Black Sheep from earlier mentioned a flower shop just ahead. My mother used to always place some flowers by my bed when I was young. Do you like flowers?
Those small and white flowers, that look like you two.
Look, just like the one on that Little Black Sheep.
The fluffy creatures fall silent, no longer replying.
The stars in the sky dim, and then light up as they open their mouths.
Gentle Creature Little one...
I know, the bedside flowers do smell really good. I love them too.
Adele Then I'll buy some and make garlands for you!
Just wait for me here, I haven't made one in a long time, I...
The remainder of Adele's words choke in her throat. She realizes the fluffy critters have stopped following her, the flowers and leaves from her staff fluttering around the two.
They take a few steps back, their figures melting into the night.
Farewell, My Love.png
Gentle Creature No, Adele. We have to go.
The clouds have gathered, and will never again disperse.
Solemn Creature Yes. It's time.
Adele Where are you going?
Gentle Creature We have to head back up the volcano before it starts to rain.
Solemn Creature Up the volcano.
Adele Don't go to the volcano... you'll...
Solemn Creature No, Adele. The rain will soon fall.
Gentle Creature If we don't go, everything we've done before will be for naught.
Solemn Creature You will drown if you stay somewhere low.
Adele, you have to go to the peak.
Gentle Creature It has a beautiful view, and also the truth.
Solemn Creature Adele, I hope that you can stay pure and focused.
This land is not at all pure, but there shouldn't be anything disturbing the heart of someone keen for answers.
We want to expand the boundaries of what humanity knows, together with you.
We're working our hardest for this reason, and you'll definitely stand on our shoulders to see a clearer and lovelier land.
<Background black>
Gentle Creature Adele...
So long, Adele.


  1. "Mum" in German
