SL-TR-1: Baa Baa Black

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Baa Baa Black
So Long, Adele: A Holiday at the Hot Springs
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SL-TR-1 map.png
Strange creatures have appeared – stand in the mist, and take a look around!
<Decorative Geyser> Units standing around it are unaffected by vapor, and will produce Pure White Steam when attacking.
<Steam Soda Bottles> When defeated, creates Pure White Steam in the surrounding area.


Recommended level
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
0 0 0
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 10 5 11
Deployable devices Steam Soda Bottle.png Steam Soda Bottle
Static devices Decorative Geyser.png Decorative Geyser ×1


First clear
3 Stars
Originite Prime.png


Normal Hot Spring "Mischievous Rascal" ×11


All Operators below cannot be changed and the Support Unit cannot be used.
Squad composition
  • Bryophyta (Elite 1 Level 20, Skill-P2.png Power Strike β Level 5)
  • Spot (Elite 1 Level 30, Skill-Spot1.png Secondary Healing Mode Level 5)
Automatically deployed
  • Adnachiel (Elite 1 Level 10, Skill-A1.png ATK Up α Level 5)
  • Eyjafjalla (Elite 1 Level 30, Skill-Eyjafjalla1.png Duetto Level 5)
  • Humus (Elite 1 Level 50, Skill-Humus1.png Cutting Wastes Level 7)
  • Melantha (Elite 1 Level 10, Skill-A1.png ATK Up α Level 5)
  • Bryophyta, Humus, and Spot are considered to have 200% Trust.
  • Adnachiel, Eyjafjalla, and Melantha are considered to have 0 Trust.
