CR-ST-3: Galería Restaurant

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Galería Restaurant
Operation Lucent Arrowhead: Roaming the Exhibition
Previous CR-8 (Story)
"Tour? Oh, him. Yeah, he's a smooth talker alright. We wanted to put him in charge of procurement, but we haven't seen him since the first day."
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Community Artist
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Destitute Noble
Female Tourist icon.png
Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Mayor's Bodyguard
Blank icon.svg
A General Chamber of Commerce Employee
Prison Cell B
Dossoles Cruise Ship Deck 2
Dossoles Street
Galería Krysztauowa Interior Damaged
Reynell is deported, El Capitán goes on trial, and the Galería unexpectedly falls into the community's hands. Team Rainbow is stumped as they think on how to get home, and their future on Terra.

<Background 1>
[Someone enters the cell.]
Reynell If I recall correctly it's my lunch break now, so any interrogation will have to wait until—
Tequila I'm not here for that.
Reynell It's you...
What now? Does Rhodes Island want to trample on my corpse too? By all means.
Tequila I'm only here on behalf of Ms. Candela to inform you of Dossoles's decision on how to handle you.
The Dossoles Mayoral Office has determined that they will not try you for your crimes.
Reynell Let me guess. You're handing me over to the Coalition government?
Mateo's an idiot, but he's still the Coalition's representative in Dossoles.
Hmm... I've toyed with him so much the Coalition is probably itching to tear me apart.
Tequila That's an accurate reading of your situation. The Coalition government wants to haul you to La Unidad for a trial, just like Mateo.
Reynell A public trial? Great, I'm looking forward to it.
Tequila No, Señor Reynell.
You're being sent back to Kazimierz.
Reynell ...Come again?
Tequila The General Chamber of Commerce is pressuring Candela to send you back to Kazimierz.
Reynell COME AGAIN?!
Tequila Your father's KGCC contacts pulled some strings, and you no longer have to remain in Dossoles. So instead of heading to La Unidad, you can go home.
Reynell No... I'm not going back.
I'm not going back to that utterly despicable, depraved, and deplorable...
Tequila You don't have a say here, Señor Reynell. It's your own reckless actions bringing you wherever your final destination may be.
You have to swallow your medicine, be it sweet or bitter.
Reynell Old man... You're never going to leave me alone, are you?
Tequila Right, there's one more thing. You need to decide where your assets are going.
Reynell You say it like I have a choice in the matter. Hasn't Candela already used all the methods at her disposal to move them elsewhere?
Tequila There are some... fixed assets that nobody dares to take...
Just write any name on this transfer contract.
[Tequila hands him a piece of paper.]
Reynell Fine... I'll just write the name of whoever wanders by next—
[Just then, Diaz passes by.]
Tequila Señor Diaz, what are you doing here?
Diaz Identifying Mateo's men. The ones who were playing hostage earlier. And you? What did you call me for? Need something?
Tequila N-No.
Diaz Adios, then.
[Diaz leaves.]
Tequila Say... you... anyway, you haven't given a name yet, right? You can always take back what you—
Reynell I never go back on my word.
Besides... this isn't such a bad choice.
Let a genuine art lover have it.
[Reynell signs the paper.]
<Background 2>
Candela Reynell really put that old firefighter's name on it?
Tequila Yes. I confirmed it one last time as I was escorting him out of Dossoles, and he didn't change his mind.
Candela He really inherited none of his father's qualities.
Tequila Honestly, he would probably appreciate that evaluation.
Candela Of course, but I didn't mean it as a compliment.
Tequila Haha...
Mayor's Bodyguard Lady Candela. Your coffee, as well as Ernesto's.
[The guard sets down the drinks.]
Tequila The aroma is so strong! What beans did you use for this, Señor Booker?
Mayor's Bodyguard A triple dark roast blend Lady Candela has been drinking lately. Please enjoy.
Candela Any plans to catch up with old friends now that everything has died down?
Tequila I wasn't intending to bother anyone before I got to the city, actually.
Candela Indeed you wouldn't have, if that whole ruckus didn't happen. But you know how it is in Dossoles. Never a quiet day for us.
Tequila ...Yeah.
Candela Just like now, Reynell's antics have dealt a heavy blow to the Coalition government's influence.
La Unidad has been issuing letters of protest, but they can only dream of getting Reynell and his assets. Dossoles is not at their beck and call.
The other two factions are also itching to get their hands on him—
Oh, look at me. I seem to have slipped into a meaningless ramble.
Tequila No, not at all, this is very important information.
Candela Alright, Ernesto. Have a taste and see if this blend is to your liking.
[Tequila takes a sip.]
Tequila It's so strong... but the texture is fantastic.
Candela Do elaborate.
Tequila I can discern each bean's species and aroma, but I can't tell which bean has the biggest ratio in the blend.
All three aromas are fighting to come out on top, but soon they all converge into a strong and unified caramelized flavor.
Candela Precisely.
The main selling point of this blend is that the blend ratio isn't set in stone, but you still get that caramel flavor as long as their proportions are roughly balanced.
Tequila I see.
Candela So, does it suit your taste?
Tequila I...
Candela Still can't decide?
Tequila ...
Candela It's alright, the shop is just over there. You can always try a second cup, as long as you come back.
They'll even modify the blend to your ideal ratio, or you can ask them to brew you a cup with sparkling water.
Tequila Haha, you're joking.
Candela A joke? I wouldn't say so.
Because I really am looking forward to seeing what you choose, Ernesto.
<Background 3>
Catapult Yo, Ernesto. Your chat with Mayor Candela took forever.
Tequila I had no choice. We go way back and have too many things to talk about.
Catapult She must still like you if you guys talked for that long.
Tequila I guess so.
Catapult Hmph... always clamping up so fast whenever it's time to talk about you.
Fine, since you're so unwilling to talk, I don't have to ask you, hehe...
Tequila Rafaela won't tell you, even if you ask.
Catapult How did you know I was gonna ask her? Do you have mind-reading Arts or something?
Tequila It's written all over your face.
Catapult Ooh, scary man we have here.
Tequila By the way, I already knew this morning we would be late, and I appreciate that you've been waiting for me the whole time, but we've already missed our appointment with Diaz, you know?
Catapult —Oh, shit!
<Background 4>
[An KGCC employee comes to pick up Reynell.]
A General Chamber of Commerce Employee Well then, Mr. Reynell Kowalski. Please get in the car while I fetch your luggage.
Reynell sits in the back with a blank expression. The door shuts, and it feels slightly warm, so he takes off his coat and leans back as he begins to loosen his collar.
A strange noise outside the car interrupts him, and he turns to look out the window. The General Chamber of Commerce employee lies on the ground, unconscious.
He then hears a tapping noise from the opposite window, and follows the sound to see a familiar face standing outside the car.
Reynell rolls down the window and sees a pair of dark eyes.
Miłosz Mind giving me a ride, sir?
Reynell And where are you wanting to go?
Miłosz Hasn't that always been up to you to decide?
Reynell You've been following me for a while, so maybe this time you take the lead and decide our destination.
Do you really have nowhere you want to go, Miłosz?
Miłosz It'll be the same as before, no matter where we go, yes?
Reynell Things are different this time. I'm broke, aside from the two suitcases in the trunk.
Miłosz Then I'll drive until our fuel runs out, and we'll go wherever the car takes us.
Reynell Well... fine, you're the one in charge now.
Miłosz smiles at Reynell, and gets into the driver's seat, looking at the other face through the rearview mirror before starting the engine.
There is a blend of confusion, delight and a slight hint of hesitation on Reynell's face.
Miłosz You seem like you have something to ask me.
Reynell Why did you come back? Why didn't you leave?
Miłosz Don't you already know the answer?
Reynell Maybe my question was to confirm that answer.
Miłosz Don't be so sure. My patience might run out on you and you'll find I leave pretty soon.
Reynell But not today.
Miłosz No, not today.
Miłosz looks away from the mirror, starts the engine, and the silver car sets off.
<Background fades out>
Galería Krysztauowa's exhibition hall is still the same as it was the other day.
Shattered glass cases, scorched ground, cracks in the walls; colorful spotlights, wanton graffiti, and frantic music going wild...
Everything is the same except the additional presence of a big round table in the center of the room.
A grill sizzles on the table at the perfect temperature, emanating an enticing aroma.
Avg 48 i12.png
Diaz Well, why isn't anyone ordering? Not hungry?
Ela I didn't expect you to turn the place into a barbecue restaurant.
Diaz Hah. The building got bombed into a war zone, and the art can't stay here anymore. So I thought, we might as well turn it into a side gig instead of leaving it empty.
The TV stations in Dossoles lost their money-maker Reynell, so now they've started sticking their noses here and spreading rumors that none of our artists can cook and just survive on dried cactus.
So I have to show them what true Bolívarian cuisine is!
Fuze Then, I'll have one of those onion and mushroom meat skewers—
Tachanka Make it two.
Diaz Coming right up!
Ash Hmm... Mr. Diaz's really good at this.
Blitz I have to be honest, we've traveled all over Terra, but this is the first time we've tasted Bolívarian BBQ.
Iana Where have you all been?
Blitz We started from the Sargonian desert, and after a brief stay on Rhodes Island where we got our "Team Rainbow" moniker, we each went off to a few more places.
The rainforests of Sargon, the icefields of Sami, Columbia's mines and cities, villages in the Ursus taiga...
Frost Even so, we've only ever set foot on a small piece of these lands.
Tachanka My only regret is burying Levi Klitschko under the sands of Sargon along with his mad lab.
If you're homesick, you'll have to start thinking of a different way to go back.
Iana Have you found one?
Tachanka (shrugs) Not even a lead.
Fuze I guess you wouldn't mind a few more traveling companions on your quest?
Tachanka Hahaha. The more the merrier!
Doc Uh, Lord, what is that...?
Blitz Everyone, let me, on behalf of Lord, introduce this "Ursus Specialty Beverage"—
<Background fades out>
There is a sudden noise outside the window.
The members of Team Rainbow turn their heads full of food and drink toward the source of the noise, wondering what kind of trouble has erupted this time—
And then, the first one to realize what is going on shrugs in resignation.
<Background 5>
Community Artist Papá says it's our turn to dance our Vulpo minuet today, so turn off your classical music!
Destitute Noble But Tecno says she likes our triple meter waltz! Go and ask her if you don't believe me, she's over by the wall!
Community Resident Yeah, exactly!
Community Artist Come over here, Tecno. What do you make of this?
Tecno Hmph, don't bother me with this kinda stuff!
If you can spare the time to argue over what music to play, then maybe take a look at my work!
Community Artist Your work? But your hand...
Tecno Oh, just come over and you'll see.
Community Artist Wow! You... you drew this yourself?
Tecno Haha! I practiced a lot, and I'm finally used to drawing with my left hand—
Diaz Forget about the doodles and get your butt inside, Tecno! You have to try this "Ursus Specialty Beverage" before they down the last drop of it! It's truly something else!