Operation story: CR-8

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Male Bolívarian soldier D icon.png
Irate Soldier
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Grumbling Soldier
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Community Hawker
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Community Artist
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Destitute Noble
Salaryman B icon.png
Newbie Investor
Nobleman A icon.png
Seasoned Investor
Dossoles Tourist Female icon.png
Excited Tourist
Blank icon.svg
Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Dossoles Police Officer
Penthouse Roof
Galería Krystauowa staircase
Penthouse Pool
Galería Krysztauowa Interior Damaged

Before operation

The clock is ticking. Ela, who is temporarily separated from her squad, decides to head up to the top floor alone. She finds unexpected aid when encounters a group of routed soldiers, successfully reaches the balcony before time is up, and begins the final showdown with the already-insane Capitán.

<Background 1>
Irate Soldier Sir! We've brought the hostage!
[The soldier brings Diaz to Mateo]
Mateo It really is you, old man.
Irate Soldier He put up a fierce fight and even wounded one of our men, but we didn't hold back. We made him bleed.
Mateo Alright, you did a pretty good job out there. Now get back to work.
[However, the soldier doesn't move and sweats nervously.]
Mateo What is it?
Irate Soldier Capitán, the fact that this old man made it up to the sixth floor means that there must be a lot of them. We might not... be able to...
Mateo Might not be able to what? Let me be clear with all of you: if this doesn't come together, we're done for!
Irate Soldier One other thing. I have no idea what this guy was doing, with all these wires running inside the wall...
Mateo Stop asking questions and get back to work.
Irate Soldier Yessir...
Mateo Alright, Diaz. What brought you and your men over to the Galería?
Diaz You already know the answer to that, Mateo.
We've rescued the hostages, and your minions have been taken out. It won't be long until all of Dossoles knows that it was you who orchestrated and staged this terrorist attack.
Basically, you're finished.
Mateo You can't fool me.
Diaz You can't think you're going to ship those art pieces for a quick buck, can you?
Listen, of all the trucks you brought, only a single one is loaded, and we've already got the driver and guard. Your get-rich-quick scheme is ruined.
Mateo What?!
Diaz If you don't believe me, just ask the men you sent downstairs. We already knew about the bombs, so let's wrap things up here before they blow.
Mateo The bombs... Reynell, when are your bombs supposed to go off? Give me the time.
Reynell ...
Mateo Tell me when the bombs go off, Reynell.
Reynell ...
[Mateo angrily grabs Reynell by the collar.]
Mateo Talk! Are you a deaf-mute now?!
If you're that desperate to get blasted to pieces, I can fulfill your wish right here and now–
Diaz Ten o'clock.
Give it up, Mateo. You'd better figure out what you're going to do, because there's not much time left.
Mateo ...
Diaz If you have a shred of sanity left, let me out of these cuffs.
There are four bomb caches in the building, three of which we have under control. They'll be defused in no time. We're short the one in the ventilation shaft of Reynell's office.
Mateo Miserable old man, if I find out you're lying to me, you're dead meat!
The Capitán swears viciously and grabs the terminal before striding over into the shadow by the wall of the office.
The old firefighter looks up at the sky; Reynell finds his usual posture, leaning comfortably beside a huge painting.
An awkward silence lingers over the balcony.
Reynell Diaz.
Diaz So you can still speak after all.
Reynell How do you know when the bombs are supposed to go off? Who told you?
Diaz Why? Are you upset you can't use explosives to turn your investors' money into scrap paper?
Reynell It doesn't make a difference. There's another node in the ventilation shaft.
It might not be enough to destroy the artwork downstairs, but it is enough to turn this whole gallery into rubble and send that money up in smoke.
Diaz It's also enough to end the lives of the men up here on the balcony.
Reynell In the face of what I'm about to accomplish, does that really matter?
<Background 2>
[Ela runs up the staircase where Diaz was.]
Ela Diaz!
Though she has already steeled herself, Ela can't help but feel a chill grip her heart the moment she sees what's in front of her.
A large hole has been dug out on the side of the stairwell, and the multitude of metallic appendages protruding from it sprawl over the ground, a number of them crushed by people who had fallen to the ground.
But even more conspicuous is the blood spilled on the floor of the stairwell.
A trail of blood that has already begun turning black around the hole it emerges from extends all the way upstairs.
Before Ela can pick up her terminal to report the situation, the ground beneath her suddenly starts shaking.
<Background shakes>
Ela ...Oh no!
[Something explodes and the Galería's roof starts to collapse.]
Ela *Cough,* *cough*...
[A transmission comes in.]
Fuze Ela, what's going on up there?
Ela It's as you feared. The explosives in a half-connected state went out of control and started detonating, causing a small-scale collapse.
Fuze Are you hurt?
Ela I'm fine, but the site of the explosion doesn't look good. It might get in the way of–
Ela walks down a few steps. Before she can finish her sentence, the gravel and rubble tightly choking the stairwell come squarely into view.
Ela ...
Fuze What happened just now? What exactly is the situation up there?
Ela (*deep breath*) The collapse caused by the explosion has completely sealed off the stairwell between the fifth and sixth floors.
Considering that Reynell bastard designed only one stairwell to the upper levels of Galería Krysztauowa, and his elevator is out of commission, I'm cut off from the rest of you.
Iana Doc and I are here at the explosion too–– My god, what is this...?
Fuze Solutions first. Can the stairwell be cleared with the tools you have?
Ela tries to push the large slab of concrete in front of her.
Ela ...Not easily.
Fuze Wait for me, I'll be there in a second. Tecno and Miłosz are also on the way. We're going to find a way to clear the rubble.
Ela But... It's 9:35 right now. We're running out of time.
I'll break through and make my way up. You guys follow after me as soon as you clear the rubble. If you can't do that in time, I'll at least find a way to get Diaz out safely.
Iana Wait, Ela! That's way too dangerous!
Doc Think this through carefully, Ela.
Fuze I'll give it to you straight – clearing through the debris might take longer than expected.
Ela My point exactly. We can't sit around waiting for Diaz to get blown to pieces, can we?
Fuze Are you sure you can do this?
Ela Of course. I trust all of you, and I also trust in myself.
Fuze ...
Sounds good to me.
Ela Iana? Doc?
Iana (*smiles wryly*) Looks like nobody can stop you.
Doc Please be careful.
Ela Thanks.
[The transmission cuts off.]
Ela Hm, static?
My communicator seems like it's about to die. Fuze, after we get out of this mess, make sure to charge it up for me.
<Background fades out and in>
Grumbling Soldier I've about had it with this stupid place. Climbing stairs on my first day, and now I'm still climbing stairs on my last.
Irate Soldier If you want out, then pick up the pace.
Grumbling Soldier Also, what was that loud noise with the tremors just now? Seemed like the whole building was shaking.
Irate Soldier Quit wasting time. Hurry up and head down–
The soldiers, eager to head downstairs, suddenly run into Ela in the not-so-wide corridor.
Both sides immediately raise their weapons.
Ela aims her muzzle at the leader, but her target is the only one among the soldiers who does not respond.
Irate Soldier Out of the way, Reynell's bodyguard. We're short on time.
Ela What a coincidence. I'm in the same boat.
Grumbling Soldier Wait, didn't el Capitán tell us to–
Irate Soldier Shut up.
Bodyguard, you saw the hole in the wall and those wires on the sixth floor, didn't you? What is that?
Ela Explosives. Reynell planted enough explosives in the building to flatten the whole place. Now, out of my way.
Irate Soldier Coño[note 1], I knew it!
The irate soldier heads down the stairs with increased urgency, while the others stand there in a daze, not having grasped the link between the art gallery and the bombs.
Ela also pays them no heed. She tries to push past the group of soldiers with her shoulders.
Irate Soldier Hold on! This isn't right!
Stop that woman right now! Hurry!
Despite their bewilderment, the soldiers still subconsciously spring to carry out the order, grouping up to surround Ela.
Ela What are you getting at now?
Irate Soldier Coño![note 1] The path right under us is blocked!
You know how to get out of this place, right? Take me with you! Hurry! Otherwise, we're both going to die here!
Ela swears under her breath.
The men in front of her clearly can't be reasoned with, yet she is the one caught in the most disadvantageous position.
[Just then, a transmission comes in on the soldier's transceiver.]
Mateo I finally got through! Hurry up and report! Now!
Irate Soldier ...
Mateo Conchetumare![note 2] Did everyone go deaf today?!
Irate Soldier Sir... Have you known about the explosives in the art gallery... this entire time?
Mateo It was news to me too! Just give me your report, now! We have ways of dealing with the explosives!
Irate Soldier There's nothing to report.
Mateo WHAT?!
Irate Soldier If I had to say something... it'd be that the only staircase going down is completely sealed off. Over.
The soldier slams the communicator into the ground in a fit of rage.
Irate Soldier No one is taking orders from el Capitán anymore, so you'll get us out of here, right? You must know the way out?
Ela You've got it wrong. I'm going upstairs to save a life, not running for my own.
Irate Soldier Drop the act already! There's no way you're fooling all of us. You must know the way out!
The leader's words become more and more jumbled, but the routed soldiers start to understand, one after another.
Laying the GRZMOT mines, getting out of the blast zone, then swiftly coursing her way out before the soldiers can act. Ela has planned it all out in her head.
Her actions might invite another group of pursuers, but there is no other option. With each second she wastes here, Diaz's peril continues to grow–
Ash Grenade out! Brace for impact!
<Background fades out>
At almost the same instant the order leaves her lips, Ela leaps and vaults over the stair handrails.
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Just on the other side of the ignored wall, a grenade soars through the air and finds a place to lodge itself, ripping apart the surface.
The soldiers, their attention drawn away by Ela, do not notice the wall behind them until they are bowled over by a surge of shattered bricks, sweltering heat, and shockwave.
Before they can turn their weapons to the gaping hole in the wall, or even stand, the well-trained squad has already rushed in under the cover of their ballistic shields.
Ash Go, go, go!
Tachanka Laying suppressive fire!
Blitz Hostile down!
Stragglers at three o'clock!
Frost Hostile down! One more below us! Watch for friendly fire!
[After an intense fight, Team Rainbow takes out all the Bolívarian soldiers.]
Tachanka Clear.
Ash Good work.
Ela, are you alright?
Ela Cohen, Tina, Kötz, Alexsandr...
Blitz See, I told you Ela would be inside. We couldn't have come at a better time.
<Background 2>
Ash Ugh, looks like we have a good number of stragglers on our tail outside the stairwell... How's the situation on your end?
Ela I was just on my way to the roof to free the hostage. Explosives go off at ten o'clock.
Ash Where are the others?
Ela The smaller explosion before sealed off the only staircase.
Ash Understood. We'll trace your steps after we finish off the hostiles pursuing us.
Ela Hey... Thank you all so much, really.
Words aren't enough.
<Background 1>
Reynell To be honest, Diaz, I was rather fond of what you people were doing in the street art community.
Diaz And you think now is the time to bring that up?
Reynell If not now, when? Which side would you take on the subject of explosives?
Diaz You've lost your mind.
Reynell I'm being serious. You've got some good stuff over there.
Diaz Are you not afraid of death at all?
Reynell I've already fulfilled my life's calling. What is there to be afraid of?
Then again, you seem pretty composed yourself. At least, nothing like that lily-white captain over there. Why is that?
Diaz I found a place where I truly belonged, and lived out a long enough life there.
If I manage to survive this mess the two of you joined hands to make, I'd like to see my community rise again from the ashes. If not, all I can say is, too bad.
Reynell You have that much confidence... in the street artists?
Diaz Simple answer. They're my family, and I know them well. As long as we're together, anything is possible.
Reynell ...
Diaz What, do you not have any people like that around you?
Reynell I did... But when we were together, we only ever did what I wanted...
Diaz Mateo, your people should've told you what you need to know on the phone, so you should understand the situation.
Hurry up and let me disarm the node. At least that way, neither of us has to die.
Mateo Not going to happen, old man.
Mateo turns to Reynell, who is leaning to the side, a somewhat twisted expression on his face as he grabs a golf club.
Mateo Reynell, you wouldn't want your carefully-crafted fireworks show to go to waste, right?
Reynell ...
Mateo (*takes a deep breath*)
We'll make a two-in-one deal. You promise me that you'll blow this place to bits at the scheduled time, and I'll let you and the old man over there hold onto your lives.
Reynell ...
Mateo I know you're the only person who can access the elevator in your office. Nobody else, not even Miłosz.
Now, all you need to do is give me the elevator key and let me go down, and I'll let you and the old man leave. Considering...
Mateo glances at the clock above his head. It reads 9:50.
Mateo ...we have plenty of time.
Reynell ...
Mateo Don't go quiet on me now. You two were so chatty a minute ago?
Reynell blinks a few times.
Reynell You really want me to say what I think?
Mateo Of course.
Reynell Mateo, do you know my greatest fear? What I'm most worried about here?
Mateo The elevator key, now––
Reynell My greatest fear... is that the filthy blood flowing out of your corpse could seep into the rubble and pollute all the art.
[Mateo grabs a golf club and smashes it into Reynell's face.]
Mateo Shut up! And give me the key!
Diaz Mateo, stop! What are you doing?!
Mateo Don't move, or I'll mess you up too.
Reynell Urk... *cough*, *cough*!
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Reynell It's fine, Diaz... Let this sad little man, *cough*, blow off some steam.
Mateo The key! Don't make me say it again!
Reynell You know, Mateo. I just thought of the perfect analogy.
Mateo I didn't ask, you–
Reynell You're like a bloated burdenbeast that has broken into a solemn memorial hall, stinking up the whole place without a care in the world, so proud of yourself as you watch everyone cover their mouths and noses with their handkerchiefs.
You feel like you're the one in control, since they're all acting that way because of you.
Just like right now. You think that as long as you offer me a deal, I'll give in to your coercion because I'm desperate to escape. You think that old Diaz and I will watch you disappear down the elevator, and despair as we struggle to get downstairs. Isn't that right?
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, a burdenbeast is nothing more than a domesticated animal.
Mateo I said, shut up–
Reynell If you're in that much of a hurry to make it downstairs, I'd suggest jumping down the elevator shaft–
Mateo SHUT UP!
<Background 1>
In a fit of rage, Mateo strikes Reynell with a heavy blow to the back.
Diaz, his hands still bound, tries to rush up to Mateo, but is kicked away.
Reynell Don't get too excited... The two of you can settle down...
After all, we're going to become monuments to Galería Krysztauowa in a few short minutes.
Mateo lifts the golf club in his hand high up into the air again, this time taking aim at the back of Reynell's head.
Ash Frag grenade out!
<Background shakes>
Frost Throwing flashbang!
<Background fades white>
Mateo Who's that?!
For a moment, a loud boom and a blinding light fill the spacious balcony.
After the dizziness and tinnitus gradually fade away, the people on the balcony see a woman – furious, yet nevertheless silent – step out from behind the wall.
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There once was a painting there, now replaced only by the smoldering remnants of a frame.
The canvas, blasted to pieces, swirls around the woman as if her silent rage had converged into a firestorm.
Ela Successfully broken through to the balcony on the top level of the art gallery.
Three individuals on the balcony: Diaz González, Reynell Kowalski, and...
...a sad little clown.
Everyone, cover me. This will be our final mission.

After operation

The balcony is about to be engulfed in an explosion. Ela and company manage to escape successfully, but Reynell, who was planning to remain on the balcony, decides at the last minute to save himself. After the crisis is resolved, the artists decide to throw their own celebration in the gallery.

<Background 1>
[Team Rainbow fires at Mateo and successfully defeats him.]
Mateo Haha! Ahahaha!
Well done, well done! But, now what? What will this accomplish? Now, all of us are doomed to die here together!
Ela ignores the man who lies collapsed on the ground and howls like a beast in the throes of death as she swiftly walks over the edge of the balcony.
Ela We're going to bend the rules a bit for the next part. I'll grab one of the hostages and rappel through the windows below, and I need a volunteer from us to do the same.
Blitz Well, shoot. Forgot to bring the stuff with us when we left Rhodes Island.
Ela Seriously?!
Blitz Calm down, I was just cracking a joke. But, there's a better way.
Ela What better way?
Blitz Put this on. It's a multi-functional jet-gliding backpack we had Closure make for us back at Rhodes Island.
Ela Looks like one of those life vests you can get on airplanes.
Blitz That was the inspiration for its design, but as for what it does, thanks to Closure, it not only expands into a glider for distance, but also has a jetpack functionality for landing.
Ela And you're sure this thing works?
Blitz How else would we have been able to get inside this building from the sixth floor?
[The Galería begins to collapse.]
Blitz In any case, put it on, give the handle on the bottom a good pull, leave the top one alone, and it'll get you safely to the ground. This one's yours, Ela.
Ela Thanks for the help.
[Ela puts the backpack on.]
Blitz Mr. Diaz, this one's for you.
The old firefighter neatly straps the backpack on himself.
Blitz And as for Mr. Reynell here...
Blitz shoots Ela a questioning glance, but Ela simply shrugs her shoulders.
Ela I promised someone that I'd save this guy's life, if I had the chance.
Blitz Then, this one's for you.
Reynell catches the backpack but simply stares at it without putting it on.
Blitz Sir, I think you should put it quickly. I like jokes as much as the next guy, but it's best not to joke around too much with your life on the line.
Reynell Perfect. I recall that Ela over there said not too long ago she couldn't protect a man who plays jokes with his life.
Back then, I said that she had the wrong idea, since I still had work to do.
But now... My work is all finished, so...
Does it really matter if I joke around with my life?
Ela Just put the damned thing on and stop being an idiot.
Reynell shrugs as well before putting the backpack on.
Blitz Follow my lead. Everyone who hasn't used one before, pay close attention.
Reynell retreats two steps, watching Blitz plummet from the edge of the balcony, wobbling around in midair as he flutters his way down.
Next up is Diaz. The tall man with the accent somewhat similar to Fuze's pats him on the shoulder before helping him pull the handle.
The people on the balcony leave one by one, until only Reynell and Ela remain.
Reynell still seems to be hesitant, so Ela activates both of their jetpacks before pulling Reynell to leap off the balcony.
<Background fades out>
Ela Wait, Reynell, what are you doing?!
Reynell As I said, what's wrong with joking around with my life?
Reynell takes off the backpack and goes into freefall.
Ela's shout resounds in his ears and she seems to grab onto his leg for a moment, but gravity quickly pulls him into its embrace.
Reynell does not know whether it is the swimming pool or cold concrete that will greet him at the end of his trip, but this time, he has no safety rope or backpack.
He tries to taste the difference between his weightlessness in this moment and bungee jumping, whether or not he is trembling, and whether this trembling is commensurate with the destruction he has wrought—
But before he can form any conclusions, he feels a round object squeeze its way into his hand, followed by a blunt pain in his back.
Forced to open his eyes against the strong wind, Reynell vaguely catches a flash of Originium Arts, simultaneously feeling a number of small, hard balls pressing against his body in a struggle against gravity.
Reynell ...Golf balls?
He does not know if he was suddenly gripped by an urge to survive, or if the golf balls are exacting one last insult upon him, but whatever the case, Reynell accepts it.
The golf ball in his hand emits a similar light, drawing an increasing number of other golf balls in the vicinity towards his back like magnets, slowing his fall.
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Reynell, after plunging into the swimming pool, bobs up and down a few times in the water before finally floating to the surface—
More precisely, a mat of densely packed golf balls is floating atop the water's surface, with Reynell lying on his back atop it.
He stands up steadily from the floating golf ball mat, even hopping back onto dry land in a single step.
<Background 3>
Reynell Miłosz, Miłosz! Where are you? I know you're here!
[Ela runs over.]
Reynell Ela, where's Miłosz?
Ela No idea, haven't heard from him—
[Reynell saunters off.]
Ela Stand still. Where do you think you're going?
Reynell I need to find Miłosz. I need to get to the bottom of this.
Ela You think you can just walk away?
Reynell What are you going to do, arrest me?
Ela Nobody here has that authority, but you should at least give an explanation to the people swept up in this situation.
Reynell Swept up?
I never intended for any of you people to be "swept up" in the first place. This was meant to be an artwork of destruction, harming nobody but the investors who deserve it.
Mateo, drunk off his ambitions, and Diaz, who can't mind his own business...
Oh, and of course, you. Your people were responsible for bringing us, step-by-step, to the situation we are in now.
Ela What does that make you then? An honorable rebel? An artist?
Reynell Why, both, of course.
Ela I'll give it to you, you certainly are a rebel. But there's not an honorable cell in your body. You're rotten to the core.
What was that stunt you pulled on the balcony? Throwing away your only shot at being rescued was your idea of rebelling?
What do you think death is? A way to show how world-weary you are? Is it cool to tiptoe around the brink of death?
Making me, Miłosz, and all the other people who still care whether you live or die worry. Is that your idea of rebellion?
Reynell You're grasping at straws just to give yourself a way to vent your frustrations—
Ela Sure, of course you'd disagree. You think it's all a bit of good, dumb fun that doesn't matter in the end, and wasting other people's investment money was your real form of rebellion.
Reynell Ah yes, won't someone think of the investors' money? You must have a fantastic solution that doesn't involve anyone getting hurt—
Ela Don't you know, nobody will see your explosions as any lamentation of art? All they'll see is a raving lunatic.
You've got your father's inheritance money. You've got dozens of ways to express yourself, to satirize, to rebel. But you've chosen the laziest option, the one least likely to ever reach any hearts.
Reynell That's simply their inability to understand–
Ela What's the point of your so-called art and rebellion if nobody can understand it?
You hate your father, sure, but have you actually thought through how to really rebel against him? Or are empty gestures of rebellion enough for you?
Reynell Hah, who even cares at this point? Probably only you.
Ela ...You're awful.
Reynell As if that's news to you?
Ela Oh no, I always knew you were...
[Ela grabs Reynell by the collar.]
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Ela An awful jackass, through and through.
You're allowed to care about nothing, that's your prerogative. But Miłosz cares! He went so far as to tell me what happened to your mother, just to get me to help you!
Reynell Miłosz?!
Ela He told me that your mother was a true artist, and that you used to take after her when you were younger!
Reynell Used to...?
Ela What else? Do you think you resemble her in the slightest now?
A man who loves art would destroy the works of countless masters just to show how much of a rebel he is?
Art can be for truth, for good, for beauty, for fighting evil, or just for art's sake. Doesn't matter. It means something different to everyone.
But, if making your so-called art means burning everyone else's work, and maybe even their lives... Isn't that just pure evil?
A round of explosions, a landscape of wreckage, a lump of chaos. Is that the "art "you say you're dedicating to everyone?!
Ask yourself: what would your mother have thought of all this? Would she be proud of what you've done?
Reynell ...
Ela Seriously, Reynell...
Grow up already.
<Background fades out>
Ela throws a punch, and it lands squarely in Reynell's face.
Reynell's whole body wobbles, and he falls straight back into the swimming pool.
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Ela steps away from the side of the pool, but Reynell still feels the gaze of another pair of eyes.
A blurry figure seems to be standing on the other side of the pool, looking at him from afar. He cannot discern if the look on that man's face is one of concern or sadness.
The morning sun is dazzling, and he can't see clearly. But, he feels with certainty that the gaze resembles his mother's.
He turns his eyes toward the sky, no longer looking at that figure.
The man lingers for a moment, before leaving quietly, wearing a sorrowful expression.
Perhaps, he never would be the son who makes his mother proud. Perhaps, that man would not be willing to remain at his side.
In the end, he is still alone.
When he thinks on this, all the paranoia and grievance that had tormented him all this time suddenly seem insignificant.
He left in the end. In this moment, that is the only thought on Reynell's mind.
<Background 3>
Blitz Everything inside taken care of?
Iana Yes.
The Dossoles police sure took their sweet time. But they rushed over very quickly the moment they heard the danger had passed.
Especially when they say "just leave the rest to us." Really makes them seem like the most reliable force in the world.
Blitz Hah.
What about the blocked stairwell? Did they clean that up too?
Fuze They have some people who specialize in Originium Arts for that purpose. Feels a bit like cheating.
Blitz Heh. You'll get used to it soon enough.
Fuze I'm curious though, how did you come to show up at that exact time, precisely on the floor above the blockage point?
Frost The timing was pure coincidence. As for why we managed to thread the needle location-wise... Tequila sent a message to the Mayor at the same time he reached out to us.
When we arrived at the Mayor's office, she was already observing the scene live from multiple angles, both inside and out.
Iana Wait, she had eyes on the inside among the hostages?
Tachanka More or less. She told us a frontal assault wouldn't work, then generously gave us the green-light to jump in from Dossoles's tallest building.
In fact, we wanted to drop in right on the balcony to give that captain a good scare, but didn't have the altitude to make it. Gotta work with what you have.
The assembled crew turns to look at the balcony on the top floor of the art gallery. The fires have already been extinguished, and all that remains visible is the Captain's limp arm, dangling precariously in the air.
Doc Looks like the guy's luck ran out.
Before Doc can finish speaking, the arm suddenly springs to life, fingers curling as they claw at the air, seemingly being dragged away by something.
Doc I take it back. He didn't fall off the edge, didn't die in the conflagration, and even managed to get saved by the police in the end. The guy's got the devil's luck.
Catapult Ela, the Dossoles PD want you to take Reynell over. I think they want to give you a special thank-you letter and put you on TV or something.
Ela I have to be seen on TV... with Reynell? Forget it.
Catapult Yeah, that's what Ernesto said too.
He also said, don't get too cozy with the government here unless you plan on settling down in Dossoles. If you catch Ms. Candela's eye, things are only gonna get extra tricky for you.
Ela Well, have them take Reynell away themselves.
Catapult That works. They don't seem like they have much else on their hands right now anyway.
Ela Alright, let's head out and take a look around. This city might be all about the glitz and glamor, but it's not without its flashes of real brilliance.
Ash It's not bad. When you stop by Rhodes Island to resupply, we'll show you around.
Blitz Speaking of Rhodes Island... Doc, when you visit, I'll need you to put on a few extra pieces of clothes, plus a hood.
Then I'll take you to HR to ask for a bigger budget for our team, and you just nod along with whatever I say. Act natural, especially when I call you by your name.
Doc Huh?
The people who had arrived on Terra previously, as well as Catapult, were stunned for a few moments before all breaking out in laughter.
Ash See, there's this Rhodes Islander who–
Blitz C'mon now, Cohen, where's the fun in spilling the beans this early?
Ash (*smiles wryly*) Fair enough.
In any case, it's great seeing all of you again.
Ela Sure.
It really makes me realize... just how long it's been.
The sky is clear, and a gentle breeze blows in from the artificial sea. Though the draft is hot and humid, it is somehow also quite refreshing.
A warm, friendly din comes from Galería Krysztauowa behind her.
<Background 4>
Community Resident ...
Where am I...?
Destitute Noble You're finally awake.
Community Resident What are you doing in my house?! Oh, wait, this isn't my house, it's...
Shit! G-Give me a hand! We need to evacuate everyone! There are bombs in the building!
Destitute Noble You've been out cold this entire time. Both the Capitán and Reynell have been arrested, the bombs have been defused, and it's time to celebrate.
Community Resident Huh?!
Other dazed locals also began sitting up, one by one, looking around in confusion.
The exhibition hall has become a lively carnival for artists.
Most conspicuous of all is the center of the hall, now converted into a dance floor where people are romping and reveling.
And all around the dance floor without borders, graffiti on self-extending canvas, sprawling cables laid out for rock 'n roll, popcorn movie reels...
Even the food carts are available to all. Artists, hostages, and even the police officers who are here to handle the case stop by.
Community Artist Broooo, you've gotta try this extra-deep dish demon pepper pizza, fresh out of the oven! They aren't even charging for it!
Dossoles Police Officer ...
Community Artist Don't just stand there all stone-faced – this food's so good it's gonna make you cry! ...Hey, I'm doing you a favor here and you're still giving me that stink eye. What, you from Siracusa or something?
Dossoles Police Officer What does being Siracusan or not have to do with anything? I just realized, you're the little shit who spraypainted my police car!
Community Artist Huh... Now that you mention it...
Meh, what's the big deal anyway? Here, try a bite of this pizza first!
Dossoles Police Officer Hmph. If you didn't do a good job getting everyone evacuated, I would drag you down to the station.
The police officer takes a big bite of the pizza, and remarkably, a streak of tears actually flows down his cheeks.
Dossoles Police Officer It's just the pure spice that makes you cry, isn't it?!
Newbie Investor Where are you flying, tired fowlbeast♪
Towards tomorrow's wind♪
Community Hawker I thought you were just another greedy jerk, but it turns out, you can rock out after a couple glasses of wine, huh?
Newbie Investor What are you on about...? I was the lead singer in my alma mater's rock band! If only the folks back home didn't put so much pressure on me... You think I like nodding along and kissing ass?
Seasoned Investor ...
Newbie Investor The old fart's not around, right? Lemme tell you straight-up, that guy loves surprise inspections more than anything else, peeking at what you're doing on your terminal. If you're not working, he takes it straight out of your salary!
Last time, I shut off my terminal just as he was coming by. He got mad and started demanding that I turn it back on. But lo and behold, it was nothing but pages and pages of work! He was so mad, he tried to kick my chair! Hah!
Seasoned Investor The hell did you just say?!
Newbie Investor Huh? You tell me. That's the whole truth right there.
Here you go, boss!
The drunk man pops open a bottle of beer with his ear, an act that wins him raucous applause, and pours it all over the livid old man.
Excited Tourist We really struck the jackpot this time! We not only got to see Reynell's announcement, but also visited the Galería, and now we even got to participate in a pop-up street artist festival!
(*whispers*) This is probably a bit of an exaggeration, but we might not have had the same luck without Mateo–
Diaz Are you serious, amigo?
Excited Tourist N-N-No, of course not! I was just making an off-handed remark!
Diaz We're all adults here, so watch what you say.
Excited Tourist G-Got it! Let's head over to the dance floor!
[The tourist runs off.]
Tecno Papá, why are you sitting over here instead of joining in the celebrations?
Diaz Because I'm getting old, and already had my share of excitement this morning. Wouldn't want to get in the way of the youths.
Tecno I'll go do my own thing then?
Diaz Go ahead. Have a good time with the others.
Tecno shrugs and heads towards the dancefloor, her small frame quickly disappearing into the crowd.
The old firefighter squints his inebriated eyes, involuntarily tapping along to the rhythm of the music as he watches the never-ending parade of people on the dance floor.
That is, until a man approaches him from the other end of the exhibition hall, exuding an aura completely incongruous with the gaiety and joyousness of the event.
Reynell Hey, Diaz. Congratulations, you got to hold your party at my place after all.
Diaz Got a problem with that?
Reynell I'm not so stingy. Plus, I'm not going to let a little provocation get to me.
Diaz Sounds nice. Wanna take the dance floor for a song or two?
Reynell ...I'll pass.
Diaz Oh, your "dance partner" isn't here. He doesn't seem to want to dance with you anymore.
Reynell Nonsense.
What about you, then? Why are you out here drinking by yourself? Where's your dance partner?
Diaz You're asking the wrong guy.
If I wanted to dance, I'd have my pick of anyone in this hall right now. Anyone, except for you.


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