CR-ST-2: Curator's Reception Room

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Curator's Reception Room
Operation Lucent Arrowhead: Roaming the Exhibition
Previous CR-6 (Story)
"How fortuitous that we made it in time for such an important event! Now come with me, please—"
Male Tourist icon.png
Tired Spectator
Male Lungmenite icon.png
Enthusiastic Spectator
Salaryman B icon.png
Newbie Investor
Nobleman A icon.png
Seasoned Investor
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Destitute Noble
Leithanian Nobleman B icon.png
Haughty Broker
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Community Hawker
Dossoles Tourist Male icon.png
Sly Stranger
Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Blank icon.svg
Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Community Singer
Blank icon.svg
Officer's Subordinate
Blank icon.svg
Galería Krysztauowa Night
Dossoles Downtown
At the opening ceremony, El Capitán receives news that the community residents are marching on the Galería Krysztauowa. He then declares an imminent terrorist threat, using this as pretext to forcibly subdue everyone at the scene.

<Background 1>
Tired Spectator (Yawns)
Reynell really knows how to grind gears. A perfectly good art gallery opening and he has to hold it late in the night. Now I'm stuck here, waiting it to finish in the morning.
Enthusiastic Spectator I bet Reynell's gonna show us something totally out there, don't you? Why the all-nighter otherwise?
Tired Spectator Whatever. I was looking forward to the street art community festival anyway, and that got cancelled for no reason. I've got nowhere else to be.
Newbie Investor Reynell's taken the joke too far. Keeping the concrete details of this opening ceremony secret even from high-level partners like us...
Hrmph. I suppose playing to the gallery is his literal job.
Seasoned Investor You think of a joke that manages to drive over half of Terra's art investors scrambling to our Bunkerhill City HQ the way they have for the Galería Krysztauowa, and then I'll hear you whine.
Newbie Investor Yessir...
Destitute Noble This Kazimierzian on the brochure... I wonder if his salon really will get a painting or two of mine sold...
Haughty Broker This isn't Leithanien. It's all about your story, whether or not it's enough to excite the investors.
Destitute Noble Didn't you say to leave all that work to you?
Haughty Broker I kept telling you, dye your hair, learn some profanity, dress in tatty clothes, call yourself a rebel against the rotten system of nobility, and they'll all eat it right up. But you won't do any of that. So what can I even say?
I'll give you one last tip. It can't beat a rebel spirit, but there's people who still like the down-and-out noble as a sell. Whether or not it's enough get the investors stirring all comes down to you.
PA Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. Our opening ceremony is about to commence.
Repeat. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. Our opening ceremony is about to commence—
Reynell saunters up to the podium erected in the Galería's front plaza.
He calmly surveys the crowd before him a few times, especially the ones in seats closest to him. He confirms to himself that all expected have shown up, and then clears his throat.
Reynell Everyone, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening—please, take your pick, depending on when you usually sleep.
[The crowd applauds.]
Reynell Thank you to everyone who applauded, and thank you to those who didn't. You have, after all, sacrificed your own precious sleep hours to admire this magnificent dawn with me, here in the City of Two Suns.
Newbie Investor Hrmph.
Reynell Thank you for your warm welcome.
Thank you for joining me as together, we make history. A small part of it for sure, and possibly of no note to ages far from now, but to all of you here, it will be one you remember for the rest of your lives.
[The crowd applauds again.]
Haughty Broker What a smooth talker.
<Background 2>
[The street art community are marching towards the Galería while singing.]
Community Resident God save Bolívar, and God save Dossoles
Our tourists fork out money with their brains full of air ♪
And the future of this city is one and same ♪
Community Singer Hermano[note 1], you need some fresh lyrics. Let me accompany for you, I'll write you something a bit more topical.
God save the Coalition, and God save Kowalski ♪
The army brass gets in bed with all our slumming millionaires ♪
On the night when the freak nightmare beast comes to play ♪
<Background 1>
Reynell Everyone, welcome to Dossoles, and welcome to Galería Krysztauowa.
Before we get to the main course, I'd like to introduce to you all this event that marks a new age.
I'm sure not all of you are for the Galería or the opening ceremony—I'm sure a lot of you sitting there are thinking, "this is just some forced antic by a Kazimierzian failson."
You would probably care more for something lucrative, so I have it laid out here before you, to satisfy your curiosity and greed.
Ladies and gentlemen, please bring out your personal terminals, and raise them high in the air.
[The crowd follows and cheers]
Reynell You proclaim yourselves individuals of refined and discerning taste. You keep up with the trends.
Portable terminals. An invention to stand with the greats. An escape for people from the guilt of wasted time, bringing news to every corner of every city, connecting them all together as one.
And it's on this rich future vein I'm willing to build a drilling platform in the name of art, and stuff your wallets full with the golden coins and crisp paper bills it gushes forth.
It is with great pomp and circumstance that I introduce to you this groundbreaking invention, which will soon make waves throughout the intercity net...
The Collector's Virtual Art Piece Project.
<Background 2>
Community Hawker Bro, how come I've never seen you before?
Sly Stranger What are you talking about? I live right upstairs from you!
Community Hawker Oh, you're that one guy, uh... Pisto?
Sly Stranger Yeah, you got it.
Community Hawker Didn't you go to get treated though?
Sly Stranger Who cares? Does getting treated give Reynell the right to storm into our neighborhood and wreck our shit?
Community Hawker Damn straight!
Sly Stranger How about it? Let's head over to that gallery and throw a real party? Should we go big?
Community Hawker No duh we go big!
Sly Stranger Now you're talking! We can't give a guy like that a single inch!
<Background 1>
Newbie Investor Collector's Virtual Art Piece? This is what you did with our capital?
Reynell Ah, think about it. Soon, some artists will cease to work in paints and brushes. They'll sit before their terminals, creating works for the intercity net that you'll be just as able to invest in.
I can take any painting in the Galería's collection, make a one-for-one copy of it on the intercity net, and you'll be able to see its every detail on your terminals, whenever you want.
No one will be able to steal or duplicate the painting. All rights to the virtual artwork will lie with you. Sell it, destroy it, it's all up to you—
Newbie Investor —This is blasphemy against art!
Reynell What was that, I'm blaspheming against art? Look at that grizzled, big-bellied investor beside you. If you want blasphemy, well, he's the master.
You people don't care what creators conceive or convey, you just want the rights to the interpretation in your greasy grip, to easily manipulate prices against market trends.
Haughty Broker You do the same thing, and so does your father!
Reynell When have I ever tried to claim that Szczepan Kowalski does not blaspheme against art?
I know at a glance that the man beside you eagerly agreeing with everything you say is desperate for you to beg others to blaspheme against his art for only a prettier penny, isn't he?
Haughty Broker You're mad.
<Background fades out and in>
Tired Spectator Is arguing with the audience part of his opening ceremony?
Enthusiastic Spectator Look, he made a name for himself as a maverick, you can't deny that, can you? Can you, sir?
Mateo ...
Enthusiastic Spectator Hmph, how dull. All he knows is fiddling with his terminals.
Mateo Heh.
(Subdued) What a surprise, this bunch isn't any better. Hypocrites.
El Capitán covers the ominous glint in the corner of his eye, and puts on an expression of indifference before anyone can cotton on to him.
Reynell Ladies and gentlemen, I am about to present the very first batch of CVAPs in all of Terra.
Beneath the podium, the crowd hushes for a spell.
They've had an ample taste of Reynell's zero amenity to reason, but a man without reason is still a man, one who'd naturally want to maintain the privileged life he enjoys. Or to put it another way, he needs money too.
The issue is the difference, and the difference is that the layperson who abides by the rules makes money in ways everyone can accept, and be amicable while doing it. The unreasonable sod, meanwhile, has a nasty habit of looking down on the rest while churning their cash.
But no matter. As long as the sod still seeks money, the layperson will always find a chance to pick every last scrap of the madman's innards clean.
Newbie Investor (Whisper) Sir, what should we do?
Seasoned Investor (Whisper) Let's see how this plays out.
(Whisper) See what collectibles he can wheel out for us.
(Whisper) The intercity net isn't enough to sustain a new field of investment, but there's a chance this madman can strike some actual treasure.
(Whisper) We've got ways to get what we want, anyhow.
<Background fades out and in>
Reynell These pieces brim with the kindness and hospitality and brightness and sheer beauty I've come to feel during my time in Dossoles. And so, they possess the geist of commemoration, one to forever elude comparison.
I proudly present to you all—"El Capitán Molesto"!![note 2]
Non-Fungible Future.png
Newbie Investor How... How is this worth anything?
Haughty Broker You're out of your mind! A rich kid with brainrot!
Destitute Noble It's over. It's all over. There's no art salon here. Why do I paint for a living...?
Enthusiastic Spectator Wait, bro, that virtual artpiece or whatever, that one... I think Reynell based it on you?
Mateo Me?
El Capitán stands himself up, first looking at the terminal in his hand, then at the show screen, and finally at Reynell, whose line of sight meets his.
Reynell Capitán Mateo, in light of how jolly our first meeting was, I have one more gift for you here.
You are going to be the model for the first CVAP in the entire history of Terra.
Come, pick one. I'd be glad to grant it to you, free of charge.
<Background 1>
All eyes in the venue land on El Capitán.
He does not immediately respond to Reynell. His first order of business is one more glance at his terminal.
And finally, he sees the news he's been waiting for this entire time.
Mateo No need, Señor[note 3] Reynell. You keep it for yourself.
So sorry, everyone, but I have urgent news to announce.
Enthusiastic Spectator Who're you?
Mateo I am a representative of the Bolívaran Coalition Government in Dossoles, señor.
The latest news indicates a terrorist threat targeting the gallery is imminent. I ask you all to follow my instructions to get to safety.
Reliable information suggests that rioters are charging our location at this very moment. Do please follow the soldiers under my command to shelter in the gallery.
Vague, on the horizon, are a notable number of silhouettes seemingly charging for the Galería, apparently emerging with an indistinct jumbled chorus of singing.
Commanding Officer Come with me, señor.
Seasoned Investor No! I need to find Candela and—
[The officer knocks the investor out cold.]
Commanding Officer Not now. You, grab him.
Officer's Subordinate Sir.
Mateo Let's go, Reynell.
Reynell Mr. Mateo, you really have furnished my opening ceremony with a tremendous surprise—
[Mateo punches Reynell's light's out.]
Mateo Men. I want you to haul him away, off to his favorite balcony to watch the sunrise. I'll have a talk with him later.
Oh, also, remember to make him climb the stairs himself.
Commanding Officer We've managed to intimidate—sorry, convince the majority to accept our arrangements. We're relocating them to the Galería Krysztauowa interior now.
There's a few troublemakers unwilling to listen to us. You see...
Mateo Troublemakers?
Once the majority are inside, I want blades against their throats. See if they have the stomach to make trouble then.
Commanding Officer Sir.
Mateo What about the street art people?
Commanding Officer They'll be here in a few minutes. Our plants there have succeeded in instigating them. Now we just wait for them to reach the plaza and carry out their atrocities, and they'll substantiate the terrorist attack claim.
Mateo Dawn is coming. We need to hurry.
<Background 2>
Sly Stranger The gallery is just after the turn there!
Community Hawker Whew, I can't wait to give Reynell a shock.
Sly Stranger I like it! We'll smash up his gallery and loot every last piece of stupid crap in there!
Community Hawker Huh?
What's your deal?
Sly Stranger What...? What's my deal? Didn't we say we were gonna go big?
Community Hawker When I said go big, I meant we were gonna turn his gallery doorstep into our own arts festival and completely flip Reynell's opening ceremony. What was your idea of going big?
Sly Stranger I...
Whatever, I'll go scout ahead!
[The stranger runs off.]
Community Hawker Tecno!
Tecno What's up?
Community Hawker That guy there said he lives above me, but I'm not buying it—
Tecno Go on...
Community Hawker ...
Tecno What's up?
The hawker's jaw drops wide open. He points a finger at the gallery-front plaza just a turn away.
Background-Galería Krysztauowa Night.png
There's a podium there, and seats, and even jackets left on those seats by the audience...
But not one person is present.
Not a one.


  1. "Brother" in Spanish
  2. "The Annoying Captain" in Spanish
  3. "Mister" in Spanish