Operation story: CR-6

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Perro Punk A icon.png
Community Guard
Perro Punk B icon.png
Operating Crew Director
Male Kuranta B icon.png
Community Electrician
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Operating Crew
Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Irate Soldier
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Slacking Officer
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Harsh Officer
Male Bolívarian soldier D icon.png
Officer's Subordinate
Victorian Boy icon.png
Small Child
Old Ursine Woman icon.png
Elderly Woman
Bodyguard icon.png
Galería Security Officer
Salaryman B icon.png
Galería Staff Worker
Blank icon.svg
Early-Arrival Tourist
Blank icon.svg
Reluctant Tourist
Blank icon.svg
Unfamiliar Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Strange Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Ailing Painter
Blank icon.svg
Weak Musician
Blank icon.svg
Extremely Feeble Singer
Blank icon.svg
Sturdy Sculptor
Underground Club
Slum Towers
Leithanian Back Alley
Vyseheim RI Office
Mansion Room
Penthouse Roof
Galería Krysztauowa Night
Galería Krysztauowa Interior

Before operation

El Capitán sends his men to the community under the guise of a fire inspection. Its residents escape under cover, but the prep work on the arts festival meets a destructive end.

<Background 1>
[A guard rushes to report to Diaz.]
Community Guard Tecno, Papá[note 1], there are soldiers putting up barbed wire downstairs.
Tecno Soldiers? What are they doing here?
Community Guard They showed us warrants. They say they're here to investigate fire hazards.
Diaz What?!
Tecno Uh... Is that something the military handles? Isn't this a job for those dumb civil servants?
Diaz Tecno, take the elderly and children away from here. Go to the Rhodes Island office and get Ernesto.
Everyone else, come with me, and bring weapons. Don't count on getting a good night's sleep.
Tecno I-I'm staying!
Diaz You have the best Arts of us all. You're the only one I can trust to get them out of here.
Tecno But...
Diaz Tecno, I'm giving you an important mission. Protect them, at all costs.
Tecno Okay... Papá.
<Background 2>
[Diaz approaches the wave of soldiers.]
Diaz May I ask your purpose here?
Commanding Officer Diaz González, I remember you. You came to Dossoles and became a firefighter after you left the Singas army.
You fought fires for five years, putting yourself in danger countless times, and earning just as many commendations.
How did you fall so far as to end up in this stinking place?
Diaz I'm a firefighter. It doesn't matter where I am. I'm always fighting fires. A fire in a luxury hotel is still a fire, and so is a fire in a back alley.
If there's a fire, I can and will fight it.
Commanding Officer Hah... The way I see it, you're one of us, Diaz. I'm sure you'll cooperate, right?
Diaz Enough. I know what it is you're scheming. You call this a fire safety inspection, but you're just trying to chase us away.
Commanding Officer This is all in the interest of safety. You don't want a repeat of that disaster a couple years ago, do you?
Diaz Get out of here. I have things under control. You don't get to tell us what to do.
Commanding Officer Oh, that simply won't do, Diaz. This puppet show has drawn the eyes of the entire city. What happens here is about more than just you now.
We'll make sure that your show doesn't have an adverse effect on the public at large.
Diaz I told you to get lost!
Commanding Officer Oh, you don't get it, do you? We're here to conduct an inspection. We came prepared.
[More soldiers appear.]
Commanding Officer Alright boys, make sure you check every last one of them. Don't let any potential danger slip through your fingers.
Anyone who gets in the way of our inspection is endangering public safety. Show them no mercy.
Officer's Subordinate Yes, sir!
<Background 3>
Tecno Coño...[note 2] These thugs.
Small Child Tecno, I'm scared... Where are we going?
Tecno Some bad guys forced their way into our neighborhood. It's not safe here. I'm taking you to Ernesto.
Elderly Woman What about the others...? Are we just going to leave them here?
Tecno Papá told me to look after you... He said... he'd stay and take care of the rest.
They're coming this way. We need to hurry.
<Background fades out and in>
[The soldiers start smashing the power boxes.]
Community Electrician What's this about?!
Irate Soldier Inspect all of the puppets' power lines. If you find anything risky, tear them all out.
Community Electrician Hey, it took me forever to put all this together. Leave those alone!
Irate Soldier Out of the way, public nuisance.
[The soldiers keep smashing...]
Community Electrician Come on, man. Don't do this. Be reasonable. You're looking at half a year's worth of blood, sweat, and tears... Don't ruin it. Please, don't...
Irate Soldier Like I give a shit how many months you put into this. I should lock you up right now for this flagrant violation of electrical safety.
[...and tearing...]
Community Electrician Stop—!
[...and breaking...]
Community Electrician ...
[...until it's totally destroyed.]
Community Electrician No...
Officer's Subordinate Conchetumare[note 3], enough with the wailing.
Community Electrician *whimper*... Don't!
<Background 1>
[The Bolívarian soldiers march inside one of the buildings.]
Harsh Officer What the hell is this place? Some kind of hideout? Didn't expect it to be this clean.
Officer's Subordinate Sir, the puppets are right outside the window. Open them up and you'll see.
Harsh Officer Take a look, see how much foam and wood they stuffed in them? What if they were to catch fire?
Tear them apart!
Operating Crew Thugs, all of you! You should rot in hell!
Operating Crew Director Ugh... What a bunch of beasts... So thoughtless...
[The soldiers punch the director]
Operating Crew Director Ugh...
[The director collapses.]
Operating Crew Boss!
Harsh Officer What are you people doing?! Didn't I tell you to round them up and bring them to the field? Get the lead out!
Officer's Subordinate His people are putting up a struggle. It's been difficult to get them under control.
Harsh Officer Then follow my lead and start cracking skulls, you idiot!
Operating Crew Director ...
Harsh Officer See? Look how calm he is now.
Operating Crew Bastards... You bastards...
Harsh Officer Now get them out of here. Those puppets are huge, it's gonna be plenty of work taking them apart.
<Background 3>
[Tecno and the others are running down the alley.]
Tecno We're almost out. They probably wouldn't expect us to come this way...
Abuela[note 4], watch your step, the ground is slippery. Let me help you.
Elderly Woman *sigh*...
Small Child Tecno, will we ever come back?
Tecno Of course. This is our home.
Small Child But those men tore everything down... If we come back, we'll have to spend so much time to get everything back to how it was.
Tecno They'll pay for that. I swear...
When we get back, I'll help you put everything right. I promise...
Elderly Woman Quickly now. It's still a long walk to the office.
Small Child Abuelita[note 5], I'll help you.
Tecno Stay close, everyone.
Everyone Alright.
<Background 4>
[Someone knocks at the door of the RI office. Catapult opens it.]
Catapult Tecno? Ellie? Come in, hurry! What are you guys doing here?
Tecno Where's Ernesto? I need his help.
Catapult He said he had something personal to take care of and went off on his own. He's still not back.
Ela and I are the only ones here now. What's going on?
Tecno Coalition forces have surrounded the neighborhood. They're tearing down our puppet show under the guise of a fire inspection... Papá told me to bring everyone here to lay low.
Ela Tecno... What's the situation over there now?
Tecno I... I don't know. On the way here, all I could hear was the sounds of them breaking everything... A lot of people were crying, and I don't know if they were hurt or not...
Iana Those thugs...!
Tecno I... I need to go back. I'm worried about Papá. He was acting brave, telling me to leave and let him deal with the soldiers...
But... he's not nearly as strong as he used to be... He's old now, even if his tongue is as sharp as ever.
I have to go, Ela.
Ela Don't cry, Tecno. We'll go with you.
Fuze We will help you.
Ela Doc here will stay and take care of the elderly and the children. Don't worry about them.
Doc Ela, Tecno's people here are all fine. They don't need me.
It's the ones in that neighborhood who need my help. I'll go with you.
<Background 1>
[Ela and the others drop inside the building through the vent.]
Ela These vents are way too long.
Iana I'm covered in dust. *cough*.
Tecno How is it, Doc? Can you get down?
Doc I have pretty broad hips... I think I'm stuck.
Tecno Give me your hand. I'll pull you out.
[Tecno pulls Doc out of the vent entrance.]
Doc The vents may be great for you guys to crawl around, but I have a hard time just squeezing myself into them.
Tecno They have the place completely surrounded, and they're covering the way we came out, too. The vents are our only path.
[Doc activates his transceiver.]
Doc Fuze, give me a sitrep.
Fuze It's more complicated than we thought. They have a large number of troops standing guard outside the neighborhood. I had to break off, but the explosives are in place.
Ready to detonate.
[The transmission ends.]
Ela (Deep breath)
Tecno How is it looking outside the window?
Ela There are way more men than I anticipated... They took everyone outside.
Tecno Is anyone hurt?
Ela Yes...
[Tecno freezes.]
Tecno Then, is anyone...?
Ela No. Don't worry. They're alive.
Tecno Phew... That's good to hear.
Iana Ela, there are snipers on the roof. We need to take care of them first.
Ela Doc, you and Tecno stay here. Wait for our signal before you act.
[Ela and Iana run ahead.]
Doc What are you looking for, Tecno?
Tecno The storage device. All our design documents are stored on it. They destroyed our puppets, but as long as we still have that, we can rebuild them someday.
Doc I'll help you look for it.
[Suddenly, a Bolívarian officer enters the room.]
Slacking Officer Well, I thought I was just up here for a smoke. I didn't expect to run into a few sneaky musbeasts.
Tecno I'll deal with him. Go get the storage device. It's in the top shelf of that cabinet.
Doc Alright.
[Doc obeys and lets Tecno handle it.]
Slacking Officer Señorita [note 6], maybe you should let your friend take me on instead. A little girl like you can't land a finger on me!
Tecno Oh yeah?
Doc *sigh*... You shouldn't have taunted her...
Tecno Didn't your mother ever teach you not to look down on people?! Time to teach you a lesson!
[Tecno kicks the soldier...]
Slacking Officer Agh! My leg!
Tecno Little girl? I'm a little girl because I'm short?
[and punches his face...]
Slacking Officer My nose!
Tecno Little girl? Vete a la chingada![note 7]
[and punches right in his gut.]
Slacking Officer Ugh—
[The officer collapses.]
Tecno Dealt with him. Did you find the storage device?
Doc Bad news. There's nothing on the top of the cabinet. Someone took the device.
Tecno Who... Who could've taken it?
<Background 2>
[The soldiers have captured Diaz.]
Commanding Officer You can stop glaring at me, Señor Diaz. I asked you to cooperate with us. You only have yourselves to blame for all these wounded.
Diaz Pfft. You can drop the act. Who are you trying to fool?
Commanding Officer Hold him down!
Oof... fearsome fellow. If I didn't have my men here, you might've actually cut me down.
[The officer punches Diaz.]
Diaz Hmph...
Commanding Officer I'm afraid I have some bad news. Our inspection turned up a lot of serious hazards. Especially those puppets.
Once activated, they could have a serious adverse effect on the whole neighborhood's energy supply, maybe even the surrounding neighborhoods.
That's why I gathered all of you here, to give you a warning.
Diaz Who... sent you?
There are plenty who think fondly of this place... and just as many who want to get rid of us...
But all they ever do is come at us... They don't spare a thought to what we do.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
Mateo Once you're there, your top priority is to destroy those puppets. And do it in full view of everyone.
Cut off water and electricity, drive them out of the place... That comes later. For now, we provoke them, anger them, and then...
Draw the fires of their fury where they must burn.
I'll be waiting there for good news.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Diaz Except him...
Except that man...
Commanding Officer Do you really have to ask, if you've already figured it out?
Is this all of them?
Diaz ...
Commanding Officer Do it.
The moment the officer gives the order, the soldiers standing by swarm in. The puppets' bodies are rapidly torn apart, their materials and internal wiring scattered all across the ground, until only their heads lean against each other.
Their once swift pupils fall from their eye sockets, exposing the torn wiring inside.
There is a deafening silence among the assembled crowd. Many choose to look away, unable to bear witness to this atrocity.
Only Diaz looks on without so much as a blink. His eyes are filled with fury.
Commanding Officer Oh, right, I found this... storage device on one of your shelves. I had a man check it for me. Your design documents are all in here, along with a bunch of other things.
Diaz You've destroyed enough already. Won't you spare us this?
Commanding Officer We have to eradicate all threats, Señor Diaz.
An almost inaudible weeping can be heard in the silent crowd. Even a man as headstrong as Diaz is unable to keep his eyes stony.
[Someone suddenly runs towards the officer.]
??? Give that to me, you thug!
[A flash of Arts causes the soldiers holding Diaz to let go.]
Commanding Officer Who's there?!
[Tecno kicks the officer.]
Tecno Out of the way!
Commanding Officer Coño. She snatched it.
What are you idiots doing? Who let this punk in here? Seize her!
[The soldiers beat up Tecno.]
Tecno You...
[Tecno falls to the ground and the soldiers grab ahold of her.]
Commanding Officer Stop resisting, and hand that over!
Tecno Let go of me!
<Background flashes>
Commanding Officer Trying to use Arts?
[The officer punches Tecno.]
Tecno Ugh...
Commanding Officer Hand it over!
Tecno Pft, in your dreams.
[Tecno kicks the officer.]
Commanding Officer You dare kick me?!
The officer, after getting a kick in the face from Tecno, angrily shoves her to the ground and attempts to snatch the device back, but the Durin keeps a tight grip on it throughout the whole ordeal.
After multiple fruitless attempts, the officer gives up. He stands up, expressionless, and stomps violently onto Tecno's tightly clenched fist.
Again and again, until his sole is dyed solid crimson.
Commanding Officer Still won't let go, huh?
Tecno I... I won't... Take it from me... If you can...
The moment he lifts his knee again, a red beam shines from the roof of a building up above, with a small red dot landing on his forehead.
[Doc approaches the officer.]
Doc Try stomping her again.
If you want to know what it feels like to have three bullets enter your body at the same time, go ahead.
[Tecno unsteadily stands up.]
Tecno What... took you so long?
Doc I'd die if I leapt from the fourth floor of a building.
Tecno Hrmph.
Doc Take your men with you, sir, all of them. Or you'll have more than bullets waving hello.
Commanding Officer ...
Fine, we completed our objectives... No reason to waste any more time with you.
Notify all units. We're pulling out.

After operation

Ela tries to confirm Reynell's innocence only for him to choose not to defend himself. The community residents are outraged when they learn about this, and with El Capitán's spies fanning the flames, the residents decide to march toward the Galería.

<Background 6>
[Ela enters Reynell's office.]
Miłosz Miss Ela? What brings you here?
Ela Where is Reynell?
Miłosz He's playing golf on the balcony...
[Ela walks off without another word.]
Miłosz Wait, Miss Ela!
<Background 7>
[Ela approaches Reynell, who is playing golf.]
Reynell My apologies... Did the shot just now hit you? Why are you so angry?
Ela Something happened in Diaz's community yesterday.
Reynell Something happened? What do you mean?
Ela Haven't you heard? Their arts festival performance has been ruined.
Reynell Why does this sound like an accusation?
Ela Miłosz asked me to persuade the community to push back their performance so that it doesn't conflict with your opening ceremony.
Reynell Right, I asked Miłosz to talk to you about it. So you think that... because you weren't amenable to the proposal, I asked someone else to do this.
Ela I saw Miłosz talking to that captain several times when I was your bodyguard. His drug warehouse is under your name.
Looking at it now, your relationship isn't nearly as tense as it seemed. He's even on your ceremony's guest list.
I've had my suspicions that I didn't investigate, but now that this happened, I have to work out what's going on.
Reynell Tell me, Miss Ela, did you come to me with a prejudiced answer?
Ela No prejudices here. I want to hear your explanation.
Reynell No... My communication with that man is not about cooperation. It's more... It's to watch him play the fool.
So many have come up short when working against that community, and I was thinking perhaps he too would get a taste of his own medicine at their hands.
Ela What?
Reynell That's the truth. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, but I didn't order him to do this.
Ela Maybe you didn't intend for this to happen... but did you think of the consequences beforehand?
You sent a leader of an armed force to deal with a bunch of unarmed civilians.
Reynell I never expected this to...
Ela Or maybe you never cared!
You built this extravagant museum for the sake of your ego. Is that not enough? Why do you keep harassing people that have nothing to do with you? Over and over again?
Why? Do you really need any of this to prove yourself?
[Miłosz arrives to intervene.]
Miłosz Enough, Miss Ela. It's time for you to leave.
Ela Mr. Miłosz, I've been meaning to ask. How can you stand spending so much time around this monster?
Miłosz Get out.
Reynell Enough, Miss Ela. If you insist on making someone the mastermind of this tragedy, then let's just say you have the man.
But it's time for you to go.
Avg 48 i02.png
The man turns and stands firm. Ignoring Ela, he shifts his center of gravity, twists his shoulder inwards, then swings his club elegantly.
The golf ball draws an arc in the sky, and although it should have landed roughly a meter from the hole, it strangely changes its trajectory midair and slips into the hole.
Ela picks up a golf ball from the basket and lifts it up under the sun.
Ela I noticed it a while ago. Doesn't matter how strange your trajectory is, your shots always land in the hole.
Mr. Miłosz, as the man closest to Reynell, can you tell me why?
Miłosz ...
Ela Have you ever tried a single drive on your own merit, Reynell? Ever tried to draw a real curve in the sky?
Reynell Many times.
Ela How did they go?
Reynell It's exhausting. There are no holes in the grass. It's a futile exercise.
Ela Well, that's too bad.
Ela lets out a sigh and throws the golf ball in her hand. It tumbles in the grass for several revolutions before slowly drifting into the hole.
<Background 8>
[Capitán Mateo stands outside the Galería at night.]
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
[Capitán Mateo contacts his commanding officer on the transceiver.]
Mateo How did it go? Is it done?
Good. Even the timing of the evacuation was perfect. This is the first time you've executed something so beautifully since I came to Dossoles.
Those four?
Don't worry about them. Didn't you put that punk out of commission?
The whole community must be furious now. They can't stop them.
Now hurry up and get back here. We still have bigger fins to fry. Once this is dealt with, it'll be smooth sailing for both you and me.
What do you mean half the force? We'll use all the forces at our disposal. This will make or break everything. Get it together.
Right, send everyone back to the Galería. Have them stand by for orders.
The more the better. The cost is no object when compared to the potential profit.
Oh, and one last thing.
Remember to send a couple smart, glib-tongued fast runners to get those in the community riled up. We wouldn't want them to flame out disappointingly.
[He ends the transmission.]
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 8>
Mateo Phew...
El Capitán breathes a long sigh.
Although the stage and seats have been set up outside the Galería for its opening ceremony, there is hardly anyone in attendance yet.
Early-Arrival Tourist Huh? This is so boring. I thought there'd be something warming up the party if I got here earlier!
Reluctant Tourist Still a few hours to go. Nobody's here yet! We didn't have to rush over!
Mateo Hah.
Early-Arrival Tourist What are you laughing about?
Mateo There might just be a surprise for getting here early.
<Background 1>
[Doc is bandaging Tecno's injuries.]
Doc That was heavy-handed of them. This is all I can do right now. It may be difficult for you to... perform more precise tasks with your right hand in the future.
Tecno Precise tasks?
Doc Like writing or painting... Sorry.
Tecno It's not your fault.
Doc Remember to come get your wound redressed tomorrow.
[Tecno leaves the room.]
Doc If only I had gotten down there just a minute sooner...
Fuze Don't blame yourself. The people here are much faster and physically capable than us. It's not easy to give chase.
Doc I know that, but the officer did it right in front of me—
[Ela walks in.]
Iana Ela, you're back. What did Reynell say?
Ela He didn't order this, but that doesn't mean he's totally unrelated.
Doc What do you mean? Are you defending him?
Ela Reynell contacted the captain and told him that as long as he could take care of the "troublesome elements" in the community, he would get the development rights to the neighborhood.
Iana How is that not him giving the order?
Ela But he also told me that his goal was to see the captain make a fool of himself for offending him. He knows the people of the community are capable.
Doc Why doesn't he come take a look at what happened to the place himself, then? How could he say that?!
Iana Calm down, Kateb.
Doc Even if I could calm down, what about the people in the community?
Go take a look outside. How are they supposed to calm down once they hear Reynell's excuse?
Avg 48 i04.png
The four of them feel a tremendous sense of despair as they walk amongst the crowd.
The members of the community sit despondent on the sides of the street, all of them look as though their souls have been sucked away.
Once, this was where they poured their enthusiasm, hard work, and inspiration, but there is nothing left here now.
Looking around, some are slowly lifting their heads up to stare at the blank expressions on each other's faces.
But more of them simply sit there, unsure of what else to do.
Tecno Ela, Ela!
<Background 2>
Ela Tecno?
Tecno Is it Reynell? Is it that bastard who sent the Coalition assholes to lay waste to our hard work? Just for the sake of his opening ceremony?
Ela Tecno... There are a few things we need to confirm first, but I don't think...
Unfamiliar Community Resident You don't think what?! You used to be his bodyguard. Of course you're making excuses for him!
An eye for an eye, I say!
We should take to his Galería...
Tecno Have everyone bring what's left of the festival. Once we're there, we'll smash that bastard Reynell's Galería with—
Unfamiliar Community Resident You don't think that makes us look too weak?
Tecno Weak? What else do you want us to do?
Unfamiliar Community Resident We should be charging the Galería to make Reynell and his secretary pay for this with their blood.
Iana (Quietly) There's someone in the crowd fanning the flames. Looks like somebody wants this escalated.
Ela Everyone, please calm down...
Ailing Painter But... We probably can't take them on... I've had a bad back for years. I can't do violence.
Weak Musician Me too. I have a herniated disk...
Extremely Feeble Singer The only thing I can hurt anyone with is my sincerity. My body doesn't stand a chance.
Sturdy Sculptor Well... I've trained for a few years, but I've got hemophobia...
Iana (Quietly) Maybe things haven't gotten quite that intense just yet...
Strange Community Resident We can't be this spineless, can we? Are we just gonna sit and do nothing after all they did to us?
Weak Musician It doesn't sit right with me... Why is his opening ceremony allowed to go on after they destroyed our arts festival?
Extremely Feeble Singer Papá... What do you think?
[Diaz sighs and closes his eyes.]
Diaz Come. Get your things. We're going to that glass building.
Tecno We aren't actually going there to fight, are we?
Ela Mr. Diaz, wait...
Diaz No, I'm telling you to bring your sound equipment and instruments... We lost our venue, so we'll use Reynell's Galería.
They don't want to see us dancing? We will make them watch us dance.
A massive roar goes off. The crowd is suddenly riled up, like a pile of dry hay set alight by a match.
Iana (Quietly) What do we do now...?
Ela Let's... start by keeping an eye on them...
[Ela and Iana back off.]
Strange Community Resident (Quietly) Uh... Did we get the job done?
Unfamiliar Community Resident (Quietly) No idea, but either way, they are going to the Galería.
[The strange resident activates his transceiver.]
Strange Community Resident (Quietly) Report, the musbeasts have emerged from the hole.
<Background 9>
[Tequila approaches a Galería employee.]
Tequila Señor, where do I put this vase?
Galería Security Officer Oh, that goes to Exhibition Hall No. 3.
Tequila Gracias[note 8].
Galería Security Officer You're going the wrong way. Hall No. 3 is that way.
Tequila Perdón.[note 9] I'm new here.
(I've searched almost the entire museum. They've got heavy security detail everywhere except this area. I've racked my brains for so long, but none of my ideas got me inside.)
(Dammit. Even though all the leads pointed me here...)
(Someone's coming...)
[Tequila hides.]
Galería Staff Worker The opening ceremony is about to start. Señor Miłosz requested everyone to leave the Galería and attend the opening ceremony in the plaza.
Galería Security Officer What? Even us?
Galería Staff Worker He was clear that not a single one of us is to stay in here.
Galería Security Officer Alright... Let's go, hermanos.[note 10]
[The officer leaves.]
Tequila Strange... Reynell is making everyone go to his conference...? What is he trying to do?
This place doesn't seem all that special either compared to the other places.
Ernesto takes out a few glass balls from his pocket and places them gently onto the ground. Although they should normally be stationary on a flat surface, they all begin to roll in the same direction.
Tequila The floor is slightly slanted...
(Knocks on wall)
Just as I thought. Here's a secret door.
Let me guess... Maybe this unremarkable painting?
[He slowly pulls back the painting...]
<Background 6>
Miłosz The conference will start in two hours, and some early arrivals are already seated. Have you decided what you're talking about during the ceremony?
Reynell Doesn't matter. It's all to buy us time, anyway. Let's just pick something from the proposals we got. That CVAP thing looks good to me.
Miłosz What will we use for the background picture of the presentation? A painting from the Galería?
Reynell Use a picture of Mateo.
Miłosz If you humiliate him like that, knowing him, he'll likely have an outburst.
Reynell Why are you worried? I invited him exactly because I wanted to humiliate him. Besides, do you think I still care about his tantrums, after all this time?
Miłosz His rage is nothing compared to the despair that those below will feel when the Galería explodes.
Reynell The wealth that was invested into this place and the money-grubbing ambitions of the arts market... It's all going up in one big explosion.
All that worthless trash sold at astronomical prices... Grotesque creations with their expressions and messages warped...
True art left untouched in storage, only ever seeing the light of day when resold...
Look at what those greedy men have done to them. Now, these pieces will at last find a proper home in the flames.
Miłosz The art market will be in chaos the next few years...
Reynell That's what I want... Every time those investors think back on this day, they will shudder and quake...
They'll see the true value of the arts, never again to be mere merchandise for trading.
And the artists who suffer for it will finally be free of this market madness.
Miłosz ...
Reynell It's a shame my mother and the old bones aren't here...
Miłosz Reynell...
Reynell Come sit with me a little, Miłosz.
Let's wait for tomorrow together.
<Background black>
Tequila So dark... There's not even a bit of light here...
Good thing I brought a flashlight.
Wh-What's this...?
With the flashlight's beam, Ernesto finds packaging bags scattered across the hidden room's floor. The flammables inside are all neatly placed against the wall.
They are piled on top of one another, reaching all the way to the ceiling.


  1. "Father/Dad" in Spanish
  2. "F**k" in Spanish
  3. "Motherf**ker" in Chilean Spanish
  4. "Grandmother" in Spanish
  5. "Granny" in Spanish
  6. "Miss" in Spanish
  7. "Go f**k yourself!" in Mexican Spanish
  8. "Thanks" in Spanish
  9. "Sorry" in Spanish
  10. "Brothers" in Spanish