WB-ST-2: Believe My Belief

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Believe My Belief
Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow: Case Investigation, Onsite
Previous WB-4 (Story)

For vengeance, for loyalty, for the people.
Yumen Fortress
Yumen Suburbs
Yan Inn
Yumen Arena
Zuo Le finally catches up to Jieyun, but is once again stopped by Huai Tianpei. Lin Yühsia begins to see the whole picture based on the available clues, and the reactions of others.
Background-Yumen Desert.png
I was born by the River.
Dad told me that the River links the entire world. Build a good boat, and you can go anywhere.
Dad hated the snow. People can't go out when it snows, so "business" stops and the whole family starves. That's how I got my name.
I didn't know what "business" was, only that Dad would come home at the end of each month with a sword in one hand and stuff for the family in the other, including a present for me. Mom would sort the stuff and wash dad's bloody clothes without a word.
Then one day, a group of people wearing armor broke into the fort. Dad lived on the River all his life, and that's where he died.
I only remember the leader. He didn't look happy at the total victory he'd just won, he only gazed at the River dyed red with blood, lost in thought.
There was only one thought on my mind.
I wanted to take revenge.
I found out where he lived. I left home, going from the easternmost edge of Yan to the westernmost.
I learned that the land was more than just the River. There were mountains, streams, forests, plains.
People lived in many different ways, and dealt with many different hardships.
The river fort was too small. Dad might have chosen a different path if he had came out and seen all the land under Heaven.
Dad was wrong. There were only so many places you could go in a boat.
Finally, I came to Yumen. He stood atop the walls with that same expression. I began to understand.
I should take revenge.
<Background 1>
Chongyue ......
Qiubai That's about it.
Huai has the sword. The kung fu lunatic is too much for Zuo Le to deal with.
Chongyue He waited three years just to fulfill the promise... interesting man.
How are Taihe's injuries?
Qiubai He's still unconscious.
The one who wounded Taihe was the same one who attacked Wei Yenwu. She got away in the chaos and was too fast for me to catch.
Zuo Le closed the Sword Forge. Many martial artists are... under observation.
Catastrophe lies before us, while the relationship between the military and jianghu has broken down. Yumen is only going to face even more chaos.
Chongyue I could hardly reproach him for being impetuous.
Qiubai You must take action yourself.
Chongyue General Zuo entrusted the garrison to me. I can't very well openly defy him.
Qiubai You know I'm not just talking about what happened these few days.
You'll be leaving soon. You must answer to those who looked up to you before you leave.
Or did you think you could dodge the questions that you cannot answer clearly?
Chongyue ......
People think that you're my student. Sometimes even I forget where you came from and treat you like I would Zuo Le and the Record Keeper.
Qiubai I've never called you "master."
Chongyue I'm not your master.
You're a natural. Most of what you could do with a sword, you learned on your own. There was little I could teach you.
Qiubai You hid my identity from the others, allowing me to stay at Yumen.
Chongyue I can't very well abandon a child to the barrens...
Qiubai You never thought I would try to kill you? Or did you think I could never defeat you?
Chongyue You didn't have to beat me, if you wanted revenge.
Just slip some poison into my food, or push me off the wall.
I worried that you wouldn't be able to let it go, even after killing me.
Qiubai ...I would have called you a hypocrite, if I hadn't hung around you for five years.
Chongyue Five years. It's been that long?
Qiubai Not so long from your point of view, is it?
Chongyue Why would you say that?
Qiubai Your appearance hasn't changed the slightest, and you still have that sad, depressed expression on your face, as though you've grown tired of seeing everything that happens in the world. The slowest burdenbeast would realize that you're no ordinary man.
I always thought the stories about long-lived races were a myth. Turns out there's one right next to me.
Chongyue You knew.
Qiubai I just never cared.
I wanted revenge. How long you could live didn't matter.
And thinking about you not being an ordinary mortal is just looking for excuses.
Like you said, climb the mountain one step at a time. All other thoughts are just distractions.
Chongyue Can one truly let go of one's obsession with vengeance, one's obsession with victory and defeat, even when one's wish is fulfilled?
Distractions make your sword slow.
Qiubai We mortals need our obsessions in order to keep living... you know that.
Chongyue You weren't so forceful when we first met.
Qiubai You taught me a lot these five years.
Chongyue Only the basics of kung fu.
Qiubai As you said, you can only teach so much, but how much one learns is up to oneself.
Chongyue ......
Qiubai You should go and see those who remember you.
Far too many have an obsession with you.
Chongyue ......
<Background 2>
Jieyun The big man is gone...
[Zuo Le catches up with Jieyun.]
Zuo Le Stop right there.
Jieyun You again...
Zuo Le If you're not in league with those criminals, why did you steal the sword? What is your connection to the man at the clinic?
Jieyun I don't know them, and I don't know who he is.
Zuo Le You don't understand what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself in.
You've never lived in a nomadic city, and you know nothing about Yumen. Someone told you where the sword was and got you to steal it.
But you don't understand what kind of trouble it would bring.
Tell me. Things may still be salvageable.
Jieyun I told you, I'm not acting under anyone's instructions. I'm just repaying a debt.
Zuo Le Even if the price is your life?
Jieyun Stop following me.
Zuo Le Whatever the truth is, I can't sit aside and let you put yourself in danger.
I'm trying to help you.
Jieyun ......
All your words won't change anything. You're not a good person.
Zuo Le I'm under orders to investigate. You're the one who stole the sword. You may have your reasons, but that's no excuse for distorting the truth.
Jieyun The man who arrested all the smiths at the forge can't be trusted.
Zuo Le They tried to cover the Shanhaizhong's escape.
Jieyun They were there to protect it!
Zuo Le All involved must be investigated until they are cleared of suspicion. We face the double threat of Catastrophe and criminals. I must abide by my duty to Yumen.
Jieyun My clan only makes weapons for strong and healthy Anasa who have reached the age of sixteen.
Those who receive a weapon swear to protect the young, the elderly, and the sick of the clan.
You say things about not letting me put myself in danger, about protecting a city, but you point your weapon at the common people.
Zuo Le This is my duty...
Jieyun Shifu was right. You people think that you're always right, just because of your lofty justifications.
Zuo Le ......
[Huai Tianpei joins in.]
Huai Tianpei I slowed down on purpose, only to find that no one was following.
You two started chatting while I still have the sword?
Zuo Le There's been a misunderstanding, sir. I ask that you return the sword to its rightful master.
Huai Tianpei I heard you two arguing and more or less have an idea what's going on.
This sword belonged to the Grandmaster, but this girl sneaked it out.
I'm sure he doesn't rely on any single weapon. Don't tell me he sent you after it because he missed it so much.
Zuo Le I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say.
Huai Tianpei Causing trouble for him would delay his retirement even more... but I promised to help this girl here.
What a headache.
Zuo Le ......
Huai Tianpei Ah-ha.
I can't really be bothered with complicated questions, but I have a quick and simple solution.
Both of you have some kung fu. Why don't you two fight it out, here and now, and whoever wins gets the sword. No weapons, hand-to-hand only.
Zuo Le Ridiculous! How can something so important be determined so callously?
I'm not fighting–
[Jieyun pushes herself off Zuo Le's grasp.]
Jieyun ...I'm in a hurry.
<Background 3>
Fist and foot as one in points of five; catch and parry, barrage to open.
Even within an inch there lies right and wrong; focus elsewhere only negates effort.
[Lee walks in.]
Lee Oh?
The day has barely begun to break. The inn's workers wipe down the tables and prepare food for the day in the kitchen.
Lee rises to the call of fowlbeast in the backyard–and the sound of fists cutting through the air.
Lee Like father, like daughter.
Waai Fu Uncle Lee...
Lee It's been a while since I've seen you practice this form. I thought maybe you had some sort of divine inspiration that helped you rise above forms and moves.
Waai Fu Don't tease me like that.
The only way to get better at martial arts is to practice. There are no magical secrets.
Lee You're right.
I remember how you got on the wrong side of a gang the first time you went out on an errand for the company.
When I arrived, all I saw was Triads lying unconscious on the ground, while you stood there like nothing had happened.
You were only sixteen...
Waai Fu I started learning kung fu before I learned to talk.
Lee You remember?
Waai Fu He told me...
Lee At least he taught you well in that regard.
Waai Fu Like they say, your teacher can show you the door, but you have be the one to walk through it.
Well, I suppose being shown the door is important too.
Lee Maybe this was the only thing that he felt he could do as a father.
Waai Fu ......
Lee I'm not trying to defend him. He wasn't a good father, but you shouldn't let that stop you from living the life that you want.
Consider your kung fu a gift. You can always tuck it away if you don't like it.
Pursuit of kung fu mastery was his path, but it doesn't have to be yours.
Waai Fu I have nothing against kung fu, and of course I have my own life.
I graduated magna cum laude with a degree in mechanical engineering from the Lungmen University of Science and Technology. I'm an employee of Lee's Detective Agency, and field operator for Rhodes Island.
Lee But not the first hero of justice to graduate from LMUST.
Waai Fu I could be, if needed!
Lee Then tell him the next time you see him.
Waai Fu Uncle Lee, you...
Lee You wouldn't just pick up a form that you haven't practiced for a long time for no reason.
Considering his irresponsible behavior all these years, it would be more than understandable if you wanted to pick a fight with him.
It's okay if you lose. I doubt he was any better at your age.
Waai Fu ......
<Background 2>
Zuo Le is young for a Candleholder, but he has seen his share of cases.
However, there has never been one where he could not fight back, nor has he ever been taught what to do in such a situation.
Does he have a guilty conscience? Or just not willing to take advantage of an injured girl?
All Zuo Le does is block the attacks as they fall on him.
They both fall to the ground, their faces covered in dirt, but the girl continues to strike with all that she has.
It looks like a fight between children.
Huai Tianpei (Shakes head and sighs)
The girl wins.
[Huai walks toward Jieyun...]
Huai Tianpei Catch.
[...and throws the stolen sword to her.]
Huai Tianpei Go and repay your debt, then come back and pay your medical bill.
[Jieyun rushes off.]
Huai Tianpei Here's your sword, boy.
[Huai returns Zuo Le's sword.]
Huai Tianpei You didn't fight back because you knew she was hurt. No shame in that.
Zuo Le ......
Huai Tianpei No need to give me that look.
The girl promised me she'll come back. I trust her.
If she goes back on her word, I'll catch her for you.
<Background 4>
[The cell door is opened...]
Lin Yühsia You can go now.
[...allowing Yaoye to walk free.]
Du Yaoye Why are you looking at me like that?
Lin Yühsia Looks like you're unharmed.
Du Yaoye Surprised? Or disappointed?
Lin Yühsia I didn't want anything to happen to you.
There was a misunderstanding. Sorry to get you into trouble.
I've explained it to them. Everything is fine.
Du Yaoye Hold on.
A soldier told me that the armband, the one you gave me, was evidence retrieved from outside the city the day before.
Are you going to explain it to me or not?
Lin Yühsia Why should I, if you already know the story?
Du Yaoye's fist stops in midair. Lin Yühsia makes no motion to block or dodge.
Du Yaoye We've only just met. I can understand if you don't trust me.
You wanted someone to help you check out the Sword Forge, that's fine.
But you shouldn't have used my friend as a pretext.
Lin Yühsia Sorry...
Du Yaoye Stop.
You don't get to apologize to me. I won't forgive you.
Lin Yühsia Fine.
Du Yaoye Is this how Lungmenites do things?
Lin Yühsia It's how I do things.
Du Yaoye ......
Well, I'm not going to come away empty-handed from this. What did you find?
Tell me everything you know.
Lin Yühsia I became certain of what I had only suspected.
Starting with the attack on the Messenger, something was off about everything we've seen.
It wasn't a coincidence that you ran into the Shanhaizhong at the Sword Forge. It's proof that Meng was in league with them.
Du Yaoye So it was him?
Lin Yühsia He is the only one with both the motivation and the means to plan all this.
Du Yaoye I don't understand why he would do it...
What else do you know about my friend's whereabouts?!
Lin Yühsia Not much. I sent someone to look into it.
In the worst case scenario, all of Yumen could be in great danger.
I hope this is not his goal, or that he has a plan...
<Background 1>
All these years, Meng Tieyi has rarely stood outside his workshop to gaze upon it.
Inside, the yard has always felt cramped. The walls and door look more impressive when one looks on them from outside.
There are only a few days left of the month-long market. The streets are busy as ever, making the lonely Sword Forge feel conspicuous in comparison.
The "Closed" sign has fallen to the ground, replaced by red and white sealing tape.
A rivet has fallen from the door. He has never noticed, nor has anyone told him.
Meng Tieyi *sigh*...
Am I getting senile? I couldn't even get this one last thing done properly...