RS-ST-1: Waiting Room

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Waiting Room
The Rides to Lake Silberneherze: Platform No. 3
Next RS-1

The beginning of the journey, the beginning of the plan.
Victorian Winter Soldier A icon.png
Lead Soldier
Male Victorian Soldier icon.png
Stern Soldier
Victorian Winter Soldier B icon.png
Seasoned Soldier
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Common Kjeragian Man
Female Kjeragian A icon.png
Common Kjeragian Woman
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Burdenbeast Herder
Female Kjeragian B icon.png
Curious Woman
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Bold Man
Mountain Burdenbeast icon.png
Feisty Burdenbeast
Rude Burdenbeast
Mount Karlan Foothills
Kjerag Manor Room
Hoff Angrsaal Boudoir
Victorian Barracks A
Train Compartment
Kjerag Train Station
The statue of Kjeragandr nears completion as the mountain snows draw close. Leto's travels take her to Kjerag, where at the train station she happens upon an invited Victorian Viscount.
<Background black>
Great Kjeragandr, we walk beside Her.
The clouds Her feathers, the wind Her wings.
She bestows upon us sunlight and sweet rains, flesh and furs.
Benevolent Kjeragandr, we hold love for Her.
The mountains Her bones, the rivers Her tail.
We walk upon Her back, we sleep soundly in Her arms.
Background-Mount Karlan Path.png
Merciful Kjeragandr, we sing praises to Her.
When we are afeared, it is She who soothes us.
When we are imperiled, it is She who saves us.
Kjeragandr blesses Her faithful, blesses Her mounts and beasts, that we may live in peace apart from calamity, in eternal serenity.
— "Kjeragandr"
<Background 1>
1100, Kjerag, Paleroche territory, at the foot of Mount Karlan.
[Victorian soldiers are trudging through the snow.]
Stern Soldier ......
Lead Soldier Faster!
Don't forget what we're here to do! In the back, keep pace!
Stern Soldier Aye!
[The soldiers march faster.]
Lead Soldier Halt! Gather up!
Form up!
[The soldiers sort themselves into position.]
Stern Soldier Sir! Reporting in! Second Squad in formation, sir!
Lead Soldier Very good then.
Has Third Squad reported in?
Stern Soldier Sir! Not yet, sir!
Lead Soldier ......
Stern Soldier Sir, it's possible that Third Squad has run into trouble...
Should we wait for them to catch up to us?
Lead Soldier No. I had a feeling something like this might happen. Whoever's here first has to be the first to strike!
Stern Soldier Aye!
Lead Soldier I don't think I need to go over the plan again.
This is an expedition, a right proper Victorian battle! A battle for glory!
Stay alert! Do not underestimate the enemy! We will prevail! Failure is not an option!
Stern Soldier Yes, sir!
Lead Soldier Good, keep those spirits up! Second Squad, march on!
Our objective—the stockherd's inn at the foot of the mountain!
We must not let these provincials drink us under the table! This time it will be them who taste defeat!
Stern Soldier YES, SIR!
[The soldiers march onward with renewed vigor.]
Common Kjerag Man ......
What are those Victorians up to this time?
Common Kjerag Woman Testing their alcohol tolerance, I think? It's been a whole lot of times with Riley's boys. I hear they're always drinking till they vomit.
By Kjeragandr...
Victorians... If they've got all this free time, then what are they even doing?
<Background 2>
Sciurus Hmm...
No, this one's no good.
"Dremomys"...[note 1] Hmm, doesn't sound half bad...
What do you think, Yucatan? How do you like "Dremomys"[note 1]?
Yucatan Sounds good.
Sciurus Ugh, don't you have anything else to say?!
Every name I suggest, you just say it sounds good!
Yucatan ...Really?
But I really do think that all the names you suggest sound good, Rus.
Sciurus Nope, can't trust you. I'll need to go over them again. I mean, we're talking about our first...
What I'm trying to say is that I'm definitely going to pick the best name!
"Dremomys"[note 1] is the one to beat for now. "Tamiops"[note 2] sounds pretty good too.
Oh, right! We can also pick a nickname! Something like... "Nut"!
[The door opens and another Zalak walks in.]
Ratatos Pipe down already. I could hear you shouting from outside.
And what's this about a "Nut"? Picking out names for your kid?
Yucatan Good day, Matriarch.
Sciurus No, definitely not...!
M-Mind your own stupid business!
Ratatos Alright, no more teasing.
Kjeragandr's statue is done. We'll have a ceremony for it in a couple of days.
And I'm afraid I'll be very busy with everything involved in that. You two are going to have to handle anything that might pop up in our territory.
Sciurus I can handle it! Just relax!
Ratatos If my darling little sister is handling it, there's no way I can relax.
Sciurus I'm not gonna mess anything up this time. You won't get to yell at me.
Ratatos Yucatan, do make sure your wife doesn't wear that gormless look on her face out in public.
Yucatan Haha...
Sciurus Laugh it up! I'm telling you, Ratatos, I've got my own plans this time!
And when they come to fruition, that Enciodes is going to owe us Browntails a favor, just you wait and see!
Ratatos Oh?
[Ratatos seems surprised and then smirks.]
Ratatos Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
I'll put my faith in you for now, but here's a word to the wise: try and keep a level head.
Kjeragandr's statue, the Victorians, not to mention Enciodes's scheming...
*sigh* A lot of big things to worry about.
I'm afraid... we're not exactly in for a peaceful time here.
<Background 3>
Arctosz Outrageous! The Victorians have gone too far!
You need only say the word, my Saintess, and I'll gather my men and chase the louts out of Kjerag!
Enya Please calm down, Sir Arctosz.
The Victorian soldiers are only here to congratulate us on the completion of Kjeragandr's statue.
Arctosz What kind of congratulating needs two thousand men? It's a pretense!
They set up camp at the foot of Mount Karlan, those faithless bastards! Surely it would anger Kjeragandr to allow blasphemers at the ceremony!
Enya ......
Arctosz My Saintess! Are we really going to let them do as they please on our land?!
Enya You are not wrong. I am well aware that they hold no reverence for Kjeragandr in their hearts.
Arctosz Then we should—!
Enya That is precisely why we should not.
Do you believe that our statue of Kjeragandr was built only for the faithful to revere?
Arctosz I, well...
Enya Look. Look upon the statue.
[Enya opens the metal window guard, revealing...]
Kjeragandr Watching the Snow Realm B.png
Enya Three years ago, we accepted the proposal of the Silverash clan, and it was decided that atop Lake Silberneherze we would build a statue of Kjeragandr.
She would be solemn and stately. She would be merciful and magnanimous.
She has become that which lifts the spirits of the people of Kjerag. She has become a symbol of Kjerag to the outside world.
As anyone should have predicted, there will be more visitors to Kjerag in the future, and with them will come many unavoidable challenges.
Arctosz You say that, but—
Enya There is no 'but', Sir Arctosz.
The people of Kjerag's faith in Kjeragandr is unshakable. That is incomprehensible to outsiders.
Faithful or faithless, one who comes before this statue will find oneself bathed in Her light.
Arctosz But, Great Saintess, that isn't what's happening here!
If they were just ordinary tourists, I wouldn't be sounding the alarm! But those men are the Victorian Army! It's not the same!
Enya Are they an "army", or are they a "noble's guard"?
Or might they be "Victoria" herself?
They've come to Kjerag on a mission of congratulations. We have no reason to refuse or rebuff them.
Arctosz Well...
They're clearly up to no good here, so just in case...
Enya ......
<Background 3>
Enya As it stands, I still do not endorse some of Sir Enciodes's overly risky decisions.
Despite all the growth that they have brought to Kjerag...
Arctosz What has Enciodes been up to these past three years?
He's been making smaller moves on the mineral export issue. Could this Victorian business be another one of his disastrous schemes?
Enya ...I cannot say.
Arctosz You cannot say?
Enya I cannot say, Sir Arctosz.
Whatever Sir Enciodes is plotting behind our backs, it will all be in the manner that he sees most fit. I and the Vine-Bear Court alike would not be familiar with his line of thought.
Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing.
Arctosz You mean to say...
Enya I'm just stating the facts, nothing more.
The ceremony must go off without a hitch. For now, we'll make our preparations. Whatever we can do, as best as we can.
Arctosz ......
I understand.
Enya You need not be so worried.
Whatever may come...
Kjeragandr will protect Her people.
<Background fades out and in>
Enya ......
[The chief maid approaches Enya.]
Kjarr What is on your mind, Saintess?
Enya I was pondering what Arctosz said, about Kjeragandr's statue...
I hope the ceremony goes smoothly.
Kjarr It will.
"Kjeragandr will protect Her people", no?
Enya I still hope we won't need to bother Her this time.
Kjarr You wish for Her to simply watch?
Enya Kjerag must learn to face risks and challenges.
A child can't spend its whole life in its mother's arms, Kjarr.
Kjarr ...That much is true.
[Kjarr briefly pauses.]
Kjarr Ah, yet another chat has turned rather morose.
Speaking of the statue of Kjeragandr, I've half a mind to give that Arctosz a slap.
Enya Why?
Kjarr He got that big statue's face out of some ancient records, correct? The one it's got right now.
Did he really have to say "Kjeragandr's appearance is preserved in these books! You are not to deviate from them!"? Who says my...? *cough* Who says Kjeragandr's face is so wide?
Definitely deserves a slap or two!
Enya ......
Kjarr Saintess?
Why'd you turn so quiet?
Enya ......
Kjarr No, you're just teasing me again. Surely.
Could I...? No, could Kjeragandr... actually have such a wide face?
<Background 4>
Enciodes In two days, the Saintess will perform the early morning blessing, in celebration of the completion of Kjeragandr's statue.
Here is your invitation, My Lord.
[Enciodes hands over the paper.]
Victorian Viscount Ah, Sir Enciodes, haha, that is how Kjerag's folk address you, yes?
You are far too kind. We had come specifically for this purpose, and I would not have dared to trouble you for a special invitation.
Worry not, my boys and I will arrive on time, all to celebrate the completion of our statue of Kjeragandr... O Blessed Kjeragandr!
Enciodes ...You seem to have adapted well to life in Kjerag.
Victorian Viscount Kjerag's scenery is a beauty, her dishes unique, and her people most lively. What's not to like?
Not for nothing does Her Grace so often praise Kjerag's natural bounties. I dare say it's lived up to its reputation!
Enciodes ...Her Grace flatters us.
To have esteemed guests from afar praise us in such a way is an honor for Kjerag and the Silverash clan both.
Victorian Viscount No need to be modest, Sir Enciodes.
Though we came here to congratulate you on the completion of the statue, I can say that I've been thoroughly captivated by Kjerag's charms during my stay.
I hope that Her Grace, magnanimous as she is, will allow me to extend my pleasurable stay in Kjerag after the ceremony.
Enciodes ......
Victorian Viscount Sir Enciodes, surely you'll permit me to do some sightseeing, yes?
Enciodes ...But of course.
Considering that My Lord is eager to gain a deeper understanding of Kjerag, I see no reason to refuse.
Though I would note that in this season, Kjerag's winds are bitterly cold, and many unseen dangers lurk atop the mountains.
You and your guards will need to bundle up warmly. I would also request that you steer clear of certain dangerous areas during your tour, so as to avoid blizzards and frostbite.
Victorian Viscount Truly a most considerate warning!
Kjerag really is a bit too chilly, but don't you worry, Sir Enciodes. That's hardly a problem for us. A thick coat should do the trick.
Of course, speaking personally, I prefer to relax in a warm cabin with a roaring fireplace to traipsing about a snowy wonderland atop some mountain. With some fondue afterwards.
Oh, that flavor, mmm!
Enciodes I am relieved to hear you say that, My Lord.
Victorian Viscount Relieved? Oh, heavens no, I wouldn't go that far.
I'm afraid you can't feel too relieved, Sir Enciodes. You should keep your wits about you.
Enciodes Please, elaborate.
Victorian Viscount Oh, your relationship with Her Grace notwithstanding, I'm afraid there are many things that I'm not at ease to speak about.
Our friend so kind to those of lower station, with such affection for Kjerag... but is this affection returned by the worthy? Patience certainly has its limits.
And if our cooperation within Kjerag continues along a rough path, well, should Her Grace decide her patience has reached an end...
I'm sure we would both rather not let things come to that, Sir Enciodes.
Enciodes ......
I understand your meaning, My Lord.
As for that 'cooperation', I will give you my response within the next few days. I will not keep Her Grace waiting too long.
Victorian Viscount Alright...
I'm looking forward to hearing some good news from you, then.
Enciodes You'll be the first to know.
Having handed over the invitation, I have no further need to trouble you, My Lord.
I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony in two days.
[Enciodes leaves the barracks.]
Victorian Viscount ......
Seasoned Soldier That Kjerag fellow didn't even offer a "hello" as he passed. What a stuck-up prick!
Victorian Viscount It's just a show he's put on for me.
Seasoned Soldier A show? You men of learning, spending your days playing your games...
Harold, I can tell you've been in a bad mood these past few days. Is he giving you trouble?
Harold Perish the thought! Sure, the lad's got some skills, but nothing to lose sleep over.
Alright, enough of that. No use trying to hide from what's coming, so let's go do what must be done!
Seasoned Soldier Good to hear that you know what you're doing.
If that's all, then I best hurry off first. *hic* I'm counting on you to handle those fancy nobs, Harold!
[The soldier walks off.]
Harold Wait, just a moment there, did you lot go drinking without me again?
Just one moment! Set the drink aside, did you finish the fondue I was only halfway done with?
<Background 5>
[The train steadily speeds along the tracks.]
Leto Zzz... *snore*...
(Kjerag) Grüezi...[note 3] Ha det...[note 4]
Zzz... Zzz...
Mamochka...[note 5]
Don't worry... Zzz... I can do it...
*unintelligible Kjerag*
*snore*... Zzz...
[The train horn blows.]
Leto Whoa!
Who's there?! Who has the guts to ambush me—!
How long have I been asleep...?
Ugh... My butt hurts. This ride's real bumpy, feels like my whole body is shaking apart.
[Leto readjusts her position.]
Leto Mmm—hah. That's much comfier.
The girl sits upright, picking up the book she was using the pass the time, which had rolled under the chair at some point, and stuffing it into her bag.
She does a big stretch, spotting something out the carriage window.
Leto So this is Kjerag...
It's just snow.
And mountains.
It's got a few more of those than Ursus, but other than that, what's the difference? Snow everywhere, dry and cold.
I don't see what's worth you always[sic] going on about...
[A tune chimes as the train grinds to a halt.]
Attention passengers, the train is arriving at the terminal—the base of Mount Karlan, Kjerag.
All passengers, please prepare your luggage and alight in an orderly fashion.
For those passengers continuing on to the city, transfer at Platform 2, or take the bus.
For those passengers continuing on to Lake Silberneherze, or to see the newly completed statue of Kjeragandr, please transfer at Platform 3.
Welcome to Kjerag! We wish you a pleasant journey!
Leto Whew! Here at last!
<Background 6>
[Hundreds of people roam around the train station.]
Leto 'Scuse me, pardon me, sorry about that!
Whew, finally made it out...!
Wow, crazy, the station is way too crowded!
[The Ursine girl takes a map out of her pocket.]
Leto Alright, let me see, get off the train and turn left, leave through the ticketing gates, and then...
...Hey, what's the deal with this map?!
Feisty Burdenbeast Moo—!
[A large animal brushes by Leto.]
Leto Whoa! Wha-What the hell!
Feisty Burdenbeast Moo—! Moo—!
Leto Huh? A burdenbeast? Why's there a burdenbeast in the station...?
You look like a real tough one.
Burdenbeast Herder Hoho, young lady, could this be your first time in Kjerag?
Leto Not bad, muzhchina.[note 6] How'd you figure that one out?
Burdenbeast Herder Hah, I have an eye for foreigners, I pick 'em out with just a glance.
You could say that this burdenbeast's our own Kjerag specialty, one named by the Great Saintess herself!
They're called, uh, what was it again... Oh right! They're called 'BangBang Burdenbeast'!
Leto 'BangBang Burdenbeast'...?
Feisty Burdenbeast Moo, moomoo—
Burdenbeast Herder That's right, that's what they're called!
Look here, young lady. Over here.
If you want to take the burdenbeast for a ride, just press this button here, and the pen opens.
Feisty Burdenbeast Moo!
Burdenbeast Herder Alright, settle down, settle down.
We've been taming these beasts for a long while now. Each and every one of them handpicked, and they're smart to boot!
Wherever you're heading, just put the fare in that pouch on the burdenbeast when you get there, and you're solid!
Leto Haha! Sounds fun! Can I really ride this burdenbeast down the street? That's super cool! I'm in!
Hey, muzhchina,[note 6] what happens if someone just... doesn't pay?
Burdenbeast Herder I think you'll find, young lady, it's not quite so easy to cut and run in Kjerag!
Didn't you see the disclaimer over there?
Feisty Burdenbeast Moo—! Moomoomoo!
Leto Let's take a look...
"In the case of any breach of contract by the customer, the company holds no responsibility for attacks by the supplied burdenbeast, or any other bodily injury or loss/damage of property"...
Will the burdenbeast take the cash itself or something?
Feisty Burdenbeast Moomoo!
[The burdenbeast snorts, aggressively stomping the ground.]
Feisty Burdenbeast Hrrmh—! Hrrmph—moo!
Leto Well alright then! That's exactly how you should handle faredodgers!
I'll definitely give it a try if I get a chance later!
Burdenbeast Herder That's great to hear, young lady.
Well, I won't keep you any longer. Welcome to Kjerag!
[The herder walks away.]
Leto Oh, wait a sec, muzhchina...![note 6]
He sure walks fast. I was going to ask him which way I should go...
<Background fades out and in>
Leto If I cross over there... Hmm, that should be right, right?
Platform 3, Platform 3...
<Background swipes right>
[Victorian soldiers march into the train station.]
Seasoned Soldier Halt! Gather up!
Form up!
Stern Soldier Yes, sir!
[The soldiers line in formation.]
Curious Woman Why are there soldiers in the train station?
Did something happen?
Stern Soldier ......
Seasoned Soldier Attention!
Stern Soldier Aye!
Bold Man No need to worry, last time I saw them buy some knickknacks to take home. Maybe they just came for some sightseeing.
Though it looks like their uniforms aren't very warm. You see? That young fellow over there's so cold his nose is running!
Stern Soldier ......
Harold (Dammit, wipe your nose already!)
(Where are those coats I bought you? Why aren't you wearing them?)
Seasoned Soldier (Harold, please! Those coats you bought... they've all got "I ♥ Snow" stitched on!)
Harold (What's the problem? I think they look great.)
Leto (I think they look great too.)
Seasoned Soldier (Alright, you keep wearing yours then.)
(Hey, wait, who's the kid?!)
The Ursine and the Victorian.png
Leto Me? Oh, don't mind me, you guys keep talking.
I was just curious as to why there was a big crowd blocking the way, so I had a look-see... When I heard you all talking I couldn't help but join in.
Harold No need to apologize! You are a lady of excellent taste!
Leto Excellent taste... You mean me? Haha, you sure can call them like you see them!
I was just looking at those coats myself! The "I ♥ Snow" is a little kitschy, but they really are super warm!
Harold *cough*!
Seasoned Soldier I gotta say, Harold, you're right. The lady really does have excellent taste.
Leto Say, dedushka, you're not just ordinary tourists, are you? What are you guys doing in Kjerag?
Harold Dedushka? Ursine for grandfather, I believe? Fair enough, I suppose you're about the same age as my no-good daughter back home.
As for what we're here to do, haha, we're just here for sightseeing, same as you.
Leto I'm not just here for sightseeing though.
Oh, right, do you know how to get to Platform 3?
Harold Platform 3?
Leto Yeah, I'm supposed to transfer there to get to Lake Silberneherze.
Harold Hmm...
Leto I'm guessing you don't know either then? Damn, I better go ask someone else then—
Harold Hold!
Leto Huh?!
Harold If it's Platform 3 you're after... then you've come to the right man!
If you were to ask who knows best the nooks and crannies of this terminal, I, Harold Craigavon, would be your answer!
Leto Oh, wow! Are you for real?
Harold Entirely. I would never lie to a lady.
Since I took my first step off the train one month ago, I have found myself a captive of this bustling terminal!
I've whiled away the hours perusing every shop, to the point that I was invited to cut the ribbon for the opening of that souvenir shop there!
I dare say that the burdenbeasts here treat my fellows and I a touch bit kinder than your average tourist!
Leto Huh... You sure about that?
I mean, look, the burdenbeast you're talking about is nibbling on that guy's clothes.
Stern Soldier ......
Rude Burdenbeast Mmm! Moo!
Stern Soldier ............
Harold It's as you say, this little fellow is a pea in our pod.
Leto Hahahaha! I don't think your man was expecting to be stuck in that particular pod!
<Background 6>
Leto Hah... Whew, you're too much.
Alright, that's enough of that. I need to hit the road. Hope I can get to Lake Silberneherze before it's dark...
[Just then, a tune chimes as a train arrives at the station.]
Harold Hold it. Listen.
Did you hear that, young lady?
Leto Hear what...? That platform announcement?
Harold Correct. It happens to be announcing the arrival of the train at Platform 3.
And it seems that I, coincidentally, am headed the same way as you.
Leto You are?
Harold To put it more plainly, my destination is the statue of Kjeragandr atop Lake Silberneherze.
Not just my destination, mind you. All these upstanding young fellows as well. We're all getting on that train.
In two days' time, everyone will be gazing upon that grand statue... And that's precisely why we're here.
Leto ...Oh?
This Kjeragandr statue they built, is it really that amazing...?
Harold Perhaps so! As a tourist myself, I do think it will become quite the popular attraction.
Now, with that all said—I'm hoping I could have the pleasure of your company on our little tour, young lady?


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 From the Latin name of the red-cheeked squirrel
  2. From the Latin name of the Asiatic striped squirrel
  3. "Hello" in Alemannic German
  4. "Goodbye" in Swedish and Norwegian slang
  5. мамочка, "mommy" in Russian
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 мужчина, "Sir" in Russian