Operation story: RS-1

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Tschäggättä icon.png
Burly Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Out-of-Breath Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Exhausted Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Frantic Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Female Kjeragian B icon.png
Irritated Mother
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Burdenbeast Herder
Kjerag Noblewoman C icon.png
Female Kjeragian A icon.png
Spectating Passenger
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Shocked Villager
Female Kjeragian C icon.png
Passionate Villager
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Meddlesome Villager
Mischievous Child
Runaway Fowlbeast
Mount Karlan Path
Train Car
Train Compartment
Kjerag Street 2

Before operation

Leto and the Viscount travel together and board the train to Lake Silberneherze. Receiving intelligence that something could be amiss on the train, the spy Trilby Asher boards, while Degenbrecher leaps on in search of someone. Let this most thrilling train ride begin.
<Background 1>
[SilverAsh's special forces, the Tschäggättä, practice in the snow, fighting against their trainer.]
Burly Tschäggättä Hrrh! Hah!
Out-of-Breath Tschäggättä *pant*... *pant*...
Exhausted Tschäggättä Hah...! Hraggh!
[One of the Tschäggättä rush forward.]
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä Take this!
Tschäggättä Haah—! Charge!
[They continue fighting until...]
??? Have none of you had anything to eat today?
Exhausted Tschäggättä Ma'am... W-We can't anymore. We're spent...
[Their trainer, Degenbrecher, step forwards to admonish them.]
Degenbrecher Get up.
What did I teach you?
Stand up, and grip your weapons tight!
[The Tschäggättä immediately rise up.]
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä Yes, ma'am!
Out-of-Breath Tschäggättä *pant*... *pant*... Hargh!
[The Tschäggättä warriors swings their weapons at Degenbrecher, but fail to defeat her.]
Degenbrecher Too slow, and not enough force. Your Arts are too rushed, and your tactics too inflexible.
There's some synergy among you. That's about it.
Overall, you're still too weak.
Burly Tschäggättä Of course we're no match for you...
Exhausted Tschäggättä *huff*... *pant*...
A compliment from you makes this training more than worth it.
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä That's not enough! One day, I'll shatter a boulder with a single bare hand just like you, ma'am!
Out-of-Breath Tschäggättä Just you alone...
Degenbrecher ......
Looks like you've had enough rest.
Do it again.
Tschäggättä Huh—?!
[Just then, a different Tschäggättä warrior runs towards Degenbrecher.]
Frantic Tschäggättä Ma'am! This is bad!
Degenbrecher Don't panic.
Frantic Tschäggättä *pant*... *pant*...
Degenbrecher What happened?
Frantic Tschäggättä There's trouble!
Things are looking bad at the foot of the mountain... We can't handle it on our own!
It's real serious, ma'am! You should head right over!
<Background 2>
[An excited child runs around the train carriage's corridor.]
Mischievous Child Whoa! It's starting to move!
Hahahahaha! Mom, hurry!
[The child trips and falls onto the floor.]
Irritated Mother That's why I told you not to run around on the train! Are you hurt?!
Mischievous Child (Shakes head)
Look, Mom! A foreigner with a funny hat!
Irritated Mother Don't say things like that! And don't point at people! The Saintess has no patience for rude children! Now apologize!
Mischievous Child I'm sorry...
Irritated Mother I am truly sorry, Sir. You'll have to forgive my boy.
Foreigner With a Funny Hat No bother.
Please excuse me. My seat is just up ahead.
<Background fades out and in>
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ......
[The mysterious foreigner observes the packed train car.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat (The train is, evidently, above capacity.)
(Roughly half locals and half sightseers. Hm, peculiar for a sightseeing train.)
(The sacks in the corner at the back seem strange, too... There's movement inside. Contraband livestock, perhaps?)
(Hm, no other abnormalities, and no strange characters worth keeping an eye on...)
(Intelligence mentions nothing other than a train ride to Lake Silberneherze. Indeed, there are no apparent clues.)
(I should find the opportunity to inspect the cabins...)
*Thump* *thump*.
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ......
For the past few moments, he has been feeling a kind of strange tremor in his seatback.
Is there perhaps some strange beast that kicks seatbacks on Kjerag's trains?
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ............
*thump* *thump* *thump*.
As though dissatisfied with his indifference, the kicking intensifies.
After a moment, the child sitting behind him pokes his head out.
Mischievous Child Mister Funny Hat, Mister Funny Hat.
Are you some kind of train freak? I saw you two days ago, too!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat You saw me...?
Mischievous Child Yep!
Mister, did you fall in love with trains because you had never seen tracks or trains?
Foreigner With a Funny Hat Ahem.
Mischievous Child Mister, why did you clear your throat? It's okay. I'm not gonna make fun of you.
This train is really amazing. I love it, too! Mom told me that it's all thanks to the amazing Saintess and Sir Enciodes and how Kjeragandr has blessed us all!
How about... I lend you my model train? We can play trains! We'll drive a train together!
Irritated Mother Put your toys away! Go back to your seat and stop bothering strangers!
I'm truly, terribly sorry that he bothered you again.
Rest assured, I'll teach him some manners!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat No, it's fine.
(This hat...)
(Does it really look so strange?)
<Background fades out and in>
Harold There are quite a few passengers today. It seems this new Kjeragandr statue is very popular!
Every time I get on the trains here, it reminds me of the arenas of the Kazimierz Major—Yow! Something bit my toe!
Leto Is this... a fowlbeast?
Runaway Fowlbeast (Biting hard)
Harold O-Ow-Oww, please have mercy, fowlbeast!
[The fowlbeast flaps off.]
Leto You're going to just let it go?
You sure that's alright? I'm pretty sure pets aren't allowed on the train.
Harold Indeed, that's the rule, but not everything is inspected so closely. They do cut their fellow countrymen some slack every now and then.
Relax. This kind of fowlbeast is usually kept in sacks. It should be no problem.
Let us speak of other things. Come, young lady, my cabin is just ahead.
[The two head towards Harold's cabin]
<Background 3>
[Leto flops down onto the comfy seat.]
Leto Phew... Hah!
Finally, a seat! It was so crowded back there!
I didn't expect tickets for this train to be so hard to come by. Thanks for the help, dedushka!
Harold It was the least I could do, young lady.
Leto No need for the fancy title. Just call me Rosalind.
Harold As the young lady wishes... "Rosalind." It's a name that suits you well. A riveting sound to it.
Leto It is pretty great, isn't it? My mamochka picked it.
What do I call you?
Harold My name is Harold. Of course, you can also keep calling me 'dedushka,' if please you.[sic]
You're very lucky. Had you missed this train, you likely would not make it to Lake Silberneherze in time.
Leto For real?
Hehe, good thing I made it, then.
You're heading to Lake Silberneherze too, aren't you? What are you doing there?
Harold I believe I've already answered this question?
Kjerag's landscapes are truly magnificent. Of course I must feast my eyes upon the sights she has to offer.
Leto You can't fool me. There's not a single guy in your whole gang who looks like a tourist.
Harold We don't look the part to you?
Leto Nope.
Uh, you look more like you came looking for trouble.
Harold Ah, haha. Us? Perish the thought!
I'm so enamored of Kjerag's scenery and culture. I'm even contemplating spending my retirement here!
Yes, right, so long as there are no major issues, we shall remain nothing but tourists, naturally...
Leto And what if—
Harold —How about you, Rosalind?
You speak the Kjerag tongue fairly well for a tourist. Is this your first time here?
Leto Somebody's changing the subject hard and fast!
Harold Hah.
Leto Whatever. I didn't get to this part, did I?
You could call me half Kjerag, even if I don't really feel like one at all. I grew up in Ursus with my mamochka.
Harold Oh, so your mother is Ursine?
Leto Yep, but she told me I was born in Kjerag, and my papa is from here...
I don't remember much about anything that happened when I was a kid. I guess you could call this a vacation.
Harold Hmm, I see.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask since we met...
What is that box you are holding, Rosalind?
Leto Oh, this...?
Harold Forgive me. If that intrudes upon your privacy in any way, you need not answer.
Leto It's okay. It's not really a secret or anything. I'm just figuring out how to explain it...
It's something that... my mamochka left to me.
Harold My...
Please accept my condolences.
I am sorry to raise such a painful topic, Rosalind.
Truly sorry.
Leto Hmph, what's so painful about this?
I'm here to fulfill Mamochka's wishes.
<Background 4>
Degenbrecher ......
Burdenbeast Herder Madam Degenbrecher, I...
Degenbrecher Everything is okay now.
I've taken care of everything that needs taking care of.
Burdenbeast Herder Thank you so much, Madam.
If it wasn't for you, who knows what would have happened to me? Thank Kjeragandr I'm still alive.
Degenbrecher This is all that I can do.
Sorry. It's not... a pretty sight.
Burdenbeast Herder *sigh*. There wasn't any other way...
Tschäggättä Ma'am, you have blood all over you. Maybe you should clean up first?
Degenbrecher Later.
Time is of the essence. Even though I may have solved the problem for now, I can't guarantee this will be the end of it.
The most important thing is to find the one we're looking for.
Tschäggättä But, ma'am, we got news that they're already leaving the station.
Asking the railway to stop the train would only cause a panic.
Degenbrecher Stop the train?
There's no need for that.
Tschäggättä What else can we do?
Degenbrecher Look down.
[Conveniently, the aforementioned train is right below them.]
Tschäggättä Wait...
The train is about to pass right under us!
Degenbrecher Yes.
[Without hesitation, Degenbrecher runs and leaps into the air.]
Tschäggättä Wait, m-ma'am?!
Her figure as she descends upon the train seems both lighter than snow and heavier than stone.
<Background black>
[Degenbrecher lands on the train roof with a solid thud.]
Degenbrecher ......
Right then.
Where might they be?

After operation

Leto tells the Viscount about her past and he is deeply moved. The Trilby Asher begins his investigation aboard the train, and running into Degenbrecher only makes him all the more certain that something is amiss.
<Background black>
In my memories, I see a vast field of snow
I remember when I was little, I sat on a wooden bed. The fireplace crackled, while a snowstorm blew outside.
The sound of the wind whispered into my ears. There was a large hand stroking my head, and there was someone putting me to bed.
And I drifted off to sleep in that warm, calming sensation.
I used to think that was Ursus.
But Mamochka told me: Nyet, Rosalind, that wasn't Ursus.
That was Kjerag wind.
That was Kjerag snow.
That... was where I was born.
<Background 3>
Harold So... It wasn't until you entered secondary school that you learned you were born in Kjerag?
Leto That's right. Mamochka never told me before. I thought she was kidding at first!
I don't remember much of my childhood. All I can picture is snow everywhere... And there's snow everywhere in Ursus, too!
How was I supposed to know?
Harold Hm, now that you mention it, they are alike in that way.
However, from what I remember, Ursus is colder than Kjerag.
Leto Hm... That is true. Ursus's colder.
Have you been?
Harold Hah, many years ago.
I didn't have much chance to sightsee, though. What a shame!
Leto Then I'll be your guide the next time you visit.
Forget the rest of Ursus, Deity Grypherburg is a sight in itself.
Harold Very well. Seems I may have to get myself a couple of coats to keep me warm.
But until I have the opportunity to visit Ursus and take you up on the offer, let me be your guide instead.
I'll start by telling you about this train's destination—the newly built statue of Kjeragandr.
It is built atop the island in the middle of Lake Silberneherze. Very conspicuous. You'll see it as soon as you step outside the station.
Of course, for you, the statue is not the point of your trip...
You came to Kjerag for something more important than sightseeing.
Leto Yeah, sure did.
I need to take a good look at the Kjeragandr statue for my mamochka, though. It's... It's something she stressed before she left us.
Then, I'll head up the mountain next to Lake Silberneherze.
I need to take the box to the peak.
Harold What's inside?
Leto No idea. She never told me.
She just said I had to dump what's inside on the mountain, and that she'd be satisfied if I did.
Harold Coming to your foreign homeland all by yourself only to fulfill your mother's wishes...
What a kind, faithful daughter! It moves my very soul!
Leto Eh, that's really too much.
Harold What are your plans after that?
Leto After I take this up the mountain? I'm not too sure. I might travel around.
I might... lookk for my papa.
Harold Is your father still in Kjerag?
Perhaps I could offer my assistance in searching for him?
Leto For real? But I don't even know his name, and I don't remember what he looks like.
But Mamochka told me he was very handsome.
Harold Aha, a handsome fellow.
Leto Yeah! I guess he used to be a famous, handsome guy. Like, pretty popular, too.
Oh, right, and she told me my eyes look just like his.
Harold A famous, handsome man from Kjerag? Hm...
Leto Do you know anybody like that?
Harold Hmm...
To have a daughter your age, he could only have done the deed while studying in Victoria... Hm...
No. No, no, no. That would be far too outrageous...
Ursus in those days... Could it be...?
Leto Could it be what?
Harold Uh, hah, I must give this some more thought.
Leto I really hope we'll be able to find him.
Harold You're hoping for a touching father-daughter reunion?
Leto Ugh.
Not exactly.
All I want is to see what this bastard who's been gone for over a decade even looks like.
<Background 2>
Conductor Welcome aboard the new Saintess Express. Our train has reached cruising speed. You may appreciate the finest natural sights that Kjerag has to offer through the windows on both sides of the train.
During our journey, we have a variety of local Kjerag delicacies available for purchase!
From all our favorite treats like yogurt snacks to the ever popular burdenbeast blind boxes, and even Karlan Trade's limited edition mountain ice waters, everything we have on offer is produced locally, handpicked by the Saintess herself, and guaranteed to be of the finest quality!
Please feel free to browse our selections...
Foreigner With a Funny Hat Excuse me. I have a question.
Conductor Ah, what can I get you today, good sir?
Foreigner With a Funny Hat I'm not buying anything.
Conductor These delicacies are not to your fancy? How about this limited edition mountain ice water?
This is the Tri-Clan's official drinking water, and it's the Saintess's personal favorite. We don't have many in stock today. A rare opportunity. It can be yours right now for just four francs!
Spectating Passenger Holy Saintess... four francs? I could buy out a restaurant for that price!
Conductor It's a little pricey, but just look at the packaging. This clean, pure sensation. It's a perfect fit for your splendid appearance!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ...I'll pass.
I'll... take a blind box. Thank you.
[The foreigner hands the woman some coins.]
Conductor Thank you very much!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat How long until the next station?
Conductor This train is a nonstop limited express. The next stop will be the terminus, Lake Silberneherze.
We are about two hours from our destination!
If you would like to stop somewhere during our journey to better take in the sights along the way, we also offer regular trains that stop at every station on the route!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat Okay, thank you.
Conductor You are very welcome.
Foreigner With a Funny Hat (......)
(Blind box? Are these trinkets really so popular?)
(It's just a meaningless ornament, no matter how I look at it.)
(Still two hours to go. That's more than enough time.)
(Next... Hm?)
[A fowlbeast flaps by his feet.]
Runaway Fowlbeast ......
Foreigner With a Funny Hat A fowlbeast?
Runaway Fowlbeast (Pecks fiercely)
Foreigner With a Funny Hat What...?!
Runaway Fowlbeast (Fly everywhere)[sic]
(Attack all over)[sic]
Shocked Villager Eh, my fowlbeasts! How did they get out?
Passionate Villager Where? I'll help you catch them!
Meddlesome Villager I'll help, too!
Mischievous Child Mom, I want to catch fowlbeasts!
Foreigner With a Funny Hat (...Not good.)
[The man tries to sneak away but...]
Mischievous Child Hey, mister! Where are you going?
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ......
Mischievous Child Why don't you help?
Catching fowlbeasts is so much fun!
[...The child drags him back in.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ............
<Background fades out and in>
[The foreigner exits the previously fowlbeast-infested train carriage.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat (Phew.)
(To think mere fowlbeasts and a toddler could be so fierce together.)
(Seems Kjerag isn't to be underestimated.)
(But this does give me a legitimate excuse to check the train cars.)
[The man knocks on a cabin door.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat Good afternoon, sirs, have any of you seen any runaway fowlbeasts?
No? Thank you. Sorry for disturbing you.
[The man slides the door shut.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat (Nothing out of the ordinary here.)
(Nothing strange in the car up ahead, either. Only the last few cabins left.)
(Looks like this will be another futile journey.)
<Background fades out>
[He knocks on another cabin door and slides it open.]
Foreigner With a Funny Hat Excuse me, have you...?
<Background 3>
Leto ...If I find him, I'll make him pay for that decade!
Look at this. Before I came here, I had Natalya and Anna—they're my friends, you see. I asked them to help me math all this out.
Living expenses, education, medical—oh, and this "emotional absenteeism" fee that Natalya came up with. It's all here.
Doesn't matter how good-looking he is! It's not like that ever fed me!
Harold Hahahahaha, emotional absenteeism. Not bad. Very good. I approve!
[Harold notices the man at the door.]
Harold Hm? A guest? Please...... come in...
Foreigner With a Funny Hat ......
...Have you seen any escaped fowlbeasts?
Leto Fowlbeasts? Oh, I saw one earlier...
Harold Ah, right, of course! We did see one!
Come, come, come, good sir. Let us head outside and discuss that fowlbeast in the greatest detail!
Leto Huh? What detail is there to a—
[Harold anxiously leads the man out of the cabin and shuts the door.]
Leto What the heck? Why are they acting so funny?
Hm... Victorians. I hope everything's okay...
<Background 2>
Harold Alright, kind sir, shall we discuss the fowlbeast?
I'm very curious what kind of fowlbeast would require a Trilby Asher coming to me in person.
"Trilby Asher" I did not expect to find you on this train, Lord Viscount.
Harold Oh, please. I could say the very same. Minus the viscount bit.
Why is it that I've never noticed that the Trilby Ashers had such an interest in sightseeing? Or is it that your early retirement has finally been approved?
"Trilby Asher" ......
Harold Seems not.
"Trilby Asher" No need for the interrogation, My Lord.
I'm merely doing a routine investigation on certain rumors that I've heard.
Harold Now, I can't say I buy that.
"Trilby Asher" You and I both help lift the weight off Her Grace. We should have more trust in one another.
What about you, My Lord? What is your purpose here? And the young lady with you... Is she Ursine?
She looks a little familiar.
Harold Trilby Asher...
I must say. If that was an attempt to make a move on the lady, it was rather behind the times.
"Trilby Asher" ...No.
That is not my intention at all, but thank you for the reminder.
Harold As for me. I am, of course, sightseeing.
"Trilby Asher" Are you?
Harold Mind your words now. We should have more trust in one another!
The Kjeragandr statue ceremony is in two days. I received an invitation, and I thought I ought to do a little sightseeing before the unveiling.
I bought two small Saintess sculptures that I am bringing with me on the day. Pretty well-made, if you ask me.
Anyway, enough chit-chat. I see no... "fowlbeasts" here.
You should get back to work, Trilby Asher.
[Harold returns to his cabin.]
"Trilby Asher" You too, My Lord.
I hope you haven't forgotten why we're here.
<Background fades out and in>
"Trilby Asher" (This is the last one. Nothing out of the ordinary.)
(Except Viscount Craigavon and the girl with him...)
(That one traveling with the Viscount... Who exactly is she? It seems I must look into this once I get back.)
(But first, I should finish checking this last cabin—)
[He knocks on the last door and slides it open.]
"Trilby Asher" Pardon—
You Picked the Wrong Room, Mate.png
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher Hm?
"Trilby Asher" Please excuse me.
[The Trilby Asher quickly shuts the door.]
<Background 2>
"Trilby Asher" ......
No, that's impossible.
The intel says she is training new recruits in the mountains. She can't be here.
She shouldn't be...
[He opens the door again.]
You Picked the Wrong Room, Mate.png
Degenbrecher Need something?
If you need something, out with it. Or is it so much fun to open random doors?
"Trilby Asher" ......
[He shuts the door. Again.]
"Trilby Asher" (—?!)
(It really is her...?! The Black Knight who works for the Silverashes...?)
(There are bloodstains on her hands. Who forced her hand?)
(...This is bad.)
(But this also means the intel's not wrong. There's trouble on this route.)
No, before I consider that...
[He takes out a piece of paper.]
"Trilby Asher" Who are the intelligence officers in charge of watching Degenbrecher...?
Ah, there we are.
For them to miss such an important piece of information... They can expect to see a court-martial.
[The cabin door opens again, but this time not by him.]
Degenbrecher Intelligence officers, you say?
Don't blame them. There aren't many who can keep up with me.
"Trilby Asher" Thank you for speaking up for them.
[Degenbrecher slowly steps out of the cabin.]
Degenbrecher It's the truth.
Now, tell me what you're doing here.
Surely you must have already come up with an excuse or two?
Trilby Asher?