Operation story: RS-2

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Female Lungmenite icon.png
Spirited Tourist
Male Lungmenite icon.png
Trembling Tourist
Kjerag Nobleman C icon.png
Hospitable Villager
Noblewoman icon.png
Curious Tourist
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Kjerag Villager
Kjerag Noblewoman C icon.png
Kazimierzian Knight A icon.png
Annoyed Tourist
Seasoned Soldier
Train Compartment
Train Car

Before operation

Worried about the Trilby Asher, the viscount searches for him, only to stumble upon the Trilby Asher and Degenbrecher in a 'standoff.' Sensing the situation is awry, he turns and runs, with Degenbrecher chasing after him.
<Background 1>
Leto ...That's the honey drink I'm talking about. It's got a sweet taste at first, but I didn't expect it to hit me so hard after!
It wasn't really all that bad, though. My friend said I was honey drunk, but in the end, I was as sober as can be, and she was totally wasted.
Harold ......
Leto Hm? Hey? Dedushka?
Hey! Are you listening?
Harold Hmm... Oh?
Forgive me, Rosalind. What did you just say?
Leto She was totally blitzed on honey!
Harold Oh, right, right. Of course, on honey.
Leto Ugh... c'mon...
If you have something on your mind, you should just deal with it.
You're barely even here. How are we supposed to have a conversation?
Harold No, no, there is nothing more worthy of my attention than your story right now.
Please, tell me more about honey drunkenness. If I recall correctly, they do offer specialty beverages made with honey on this train.
Leto Alright, that's enough.
My eyes are pretty sharp. You've been acting weird since that guy in the hat showed up.
Is he your friend...? No, you don't look like friends.
So you must be enemies?
Harold Not quite.
Perhaps the two of us can just barely be described as colleagues. We don't work for the same department of the company, however.
Leto Okay, so he's a colleague you don't get along with, bumping into you on vacation.
Harold I love the way you describe it.
Right then, Rosalind. I'll admit I'm a little worried my colleague may not get his work done quite satisfactorily, so please excuse me for a short while.
By way of apology, I will secure for you a honey beverage. Its main ingredient is a Kjerag specialty, highland honey. Each and every drop is Kjeragandr's blessing, pure and unadulterated...
Leto Really? I'm pretty much desensitized to all that Kjeragandr marketing talk though...
Harold Without a doubt.
But you did tell me your friend said you get honey drunk, so I'd like us to make a promise to one other. One bottle per day, at most. Let's keep you from actually getting drunk on our trip.
<Background 2>
"Trilby Asher" There's no need for things to be so tense between us, Madam Degenbrecher.
Her Grace's heart lies with Karlan Trade, and she is also keenly interested in Kjerag's continued development. It is my job to keep an eye on all aspects of the country.
This is no different. There's no reason for you to be on alert.
Degenbrecher So your job description includes visiting train cabins?
"Trilby Asher" The changes this place has been through are quite shocking, are they not?
From what I understand, they've deployed Victorian rolling stock on this route extending from the foot of Mount Karlan to Lake Silberneherze.
But this series of trains has gone through significant modification since its initial deployment.
As the first to sow the seeds in all this, Her Grace is struck with admiration for Karlan Trade's technological improvements in these three short years.
Degenbrecher If Gnosis hadn't done all this, then Enciodes would've been in deep trouble after speaking up for him.
You're going to discuss technology with me?
You're talking to the wrong person, then. Better find Gnosis yourself. He might be interested.
"Trilby Asher" Most curious, Madam.
I did not expect to find you here, much less under these circumstances.
Who exactly is it that necessitated your personal intervention? What kind of situation could be so urgent and precarious that... you haven't even the time to change your bloodstained gloves?
Degenbrecher ......
I dealt with a small issue, that's all.
This is not the right time for your curiosity, Trilby Asher, and I suggest you abandon it.
I'm here looking for someone, and I don't want to dirty another pair of gloves for the time being.
"Trilby Asher" I mean no offense.
And I don't mean to interfere with your work in any way.
It's just... surely there must be someone important aboard?
Degenbrecher And if there is?
"Trilby Asher" If you wouldn't mind divulging some details to me, perhaps I could be of some assistance.
After all... finding people is one of the tasks that we handle on a day-to-day basis.
Degenbrecher You seem to be mistaken.
"Trilby Asher" I beg your pardon?
Degenbrecher Enciodes might be willing to turn a blind eye to you sticking your nose here. That's his choice, and none of my business.
But I don't share his patience.
Do you know what's so much nicer about Kjerag than Kazimierz?
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher The place is cold, but consequently, there aren't as many insects around.
The flying ones buzz around until you can't help but squash them dead.
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher Now you'd best behave yourself, or I will act in Enciodes's stead.
"Trilby Asher" Thank you for the advice.
Degenbrecher This is not advice. It's a warning.
Enough chit-chat. Are you through wasting my time?
[Degenbrecher shifts her gaze.]
Degenbrecher What luck, the man I'm looking for is eavesdropping on the other side of that door.
<Background swipes to the right>
Harold Erk.
<Background fades out and in>
"Trilby Asher" —!
Madam Degenbrecher—
Before can finish his sentence, a flash of cold, white light sweeps past his field of vision.
The pressure the Trilby Asher managed to exert is suppressed within himself. The signature hat on his head is suddenly split into two down its brim, at last revealing a hint of the fear the disguised spy is feeling.
The woman's hand rests on her weapon, apparently casually. Her gaze makes it clear to the Trilby Asher that—
Right now, he is prey to a ferocious beast.
Degenbrecher I don't want this train decommissioned.
Don't make me say it again.
Out of the way.
If you'd rather I make my own way, that would be fine, too.
<Background fades out and in>
[Harold sprints into another train carriage before hiding in a corner.]
Harold (This has certainly got to be a joke!)
(The Black Knight in the flesh... In Kazimierz, they would print the image of the bloodied Black Knight on rare foil cards!)
(Set the Trilby Asher aside... Even the Black Knight is on this train...?)
(Oh, and me—A Victorian viscount, personally named by the Black Knight as the one she's looking for. What a star-studded cast! Inconceivable!)
(I need somebody to tell me right now this is all some kind of impromptu entertainment... That's what I need!)
[Harold activates his transceiver.]
Harold Lisburn?
I need you to check for me right now if Karlan Trade has made any strange moves—
No, never mind. First, make sure our men are safe!
Seasoned Soldier Our men? They're all fine in the barracks. We all went back after we chauffeured you to the station. Saw nothing strange whatsoever.
But Jefferson and the lads are not yet back from their drinking contest... I'll have someone find them right now.
What's the matter, Harold? The way you're talking, is something up?
Harold Everything is fine for now. For now.
I hope I'm merely overthinking this...
Anyway, confirm their status and have them report in immediately! Even if they've drunk themselves to death, pick them back up and get them to report in before they drop dead again!
Seasoned Soldier Understood. I'm on it.
[The transmission ends.]
Harold ...*sigh*.
O Kjeragandr, if you're really omnipresent and omniscient as the people here say—
Now is the time for you to appear.
Please don't abandon a faithful traveler.
If I can't be a good, proper guest, I may have no choice but to be an unwelcome guest.
fades out and in
[Leto is talking on her transceiver.]
Leto So that's the gist of it.
The signal here is kinda wonky. I gave it a try, but I got almost no signal at all in the cabin. It's a little better in the corridor.
Good thing Aurora set this up for us ahead of time. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have a way to get in touch.
What could happen to me? Relax, I'm fine.
Alright! I'll leave it to you to get in touch with the landship. Say hello to the others for me!
I'll hang up now. Later.
[The transmission ends.]
Leto This should take care of it...
[Out of nowhere, Harold suddenly runs up behind her.]
Harold Rosalind!
Leto Waugh!
Oh, it's you. You spooked me...
What are you doing? Are you running from somebody?
Harold Terribly sorry, but now is not the time to discuss this.
Rosalind, why didn't you stay in the cabin?
Leto Uh, I wanted some fresh air.
Got a problem with that?
Harold Oh, not at all. Fresh air is a fine thing.
It's just—
[Harold spots the Trilby Asher and Degenbrecher in the next carriage.]
Harold ...A shame. Seems we won't have much time for an explanation.
Rosalind, you go on back to the cabin—Wait, no, you can't. The Trilby Asher has already seen you.
(Besides, he said she looked "familiar"...)
Leto Trilby Asher? You mean your colleague with the weird hat?
Harold Yes, exactly. That's him!
I ran into some small trouble, Rosalind.
Let me say this now. It was not my intent to bring you into this mess. However...
I don't want some strange man to come propositioning you because he's failed to find me.
Leto Huh? Propositioning?
I just ignore those weirdos. And if they can't take a hit[sic], I sock 'em right in the nose!
Harold Not a bad idea. If ever you find the chance, please do.
But there are certain men who don't give up simply because they've been punched in the face by a young lady...
So, I'd like to offer you an invitation to the dining car, to sample the honey beverages there and evade the stubborn flirts.
Leto Hm, so you mean you want to drink honey with me?
Harold Yes, let us proceed to imbibe the honey drink.
Leto And you want to run all the way there?
Harold Hah, yes, let us proceed to run all the way there.
Leto Heh, they've almost caught up to you, haven't they? I can hear their footsteps!
You really aren't hiding none of it.
Harold I said as much. I would never lie to a lady.
Leto Alright, I've got no idea what kind of ruckus you guys are stirring up...
But it sounds pretty fun. I'm in!
Harold Pleasure to have you onboard.
Then, without further ado—
Now! Quick, we have to run!

After operation

The Trilby Asher tries his hardest to stop Degenbrecher, only to find himself outmatched. Just as Degenbrecher reaches the Viscount, the train is pulling into the station.
<Background 2>
Spirited Tourist Look! You can see the mountain outside!
My god, it's way too close. Is that what the Kjerags call Karlan? Doesn't matter. It's gorgeous!
Trembling Tourist S-Say, can you close the window...?
Spirited Tourist Huh?
Trembling Tourist Th-The wind's too strong. I-I'm starting to have trouble even speaking.
[The woman shuts the window.]
Spirited Tourist Come on, exaggerating much? It's not that bad, you can take it...
Trembling Tourist Really? You seriously don't feel cold at all? Look at you. You barely have pants on—
[The woman slaps him.]
Spirited Tourist Hey, watch what you're saying, you hooligan.
The tights I'm wearing are thick enough to keep me warm! Not like that lame getup you're wearing!
Trembling Tourist Owww... Fine, fine, fine. Whatever you say.
Spirited Tourist Hmph, now get in here. I'm about to take a selfie!
[Just then, the sound of people running reverberate through the carriage.]
Trembling Tourist Huh?
Hey, did you hear something just now?
[Two people burst into the carriage and shut the door behind them.]
Harold Ladies and gentlemen! Good day! Good day!
Frightfully sorry for interrupting your leisurely sightseeing! Please head back to your seats for the moment and make way. We—
Leto Alright, cut it out with the fancy talk! We don't have time for that!
Sorry, everyone! Out of the way!
Harold Rosalind! That is no way for a lady to speak!
[Leto grabs Harold and drags him along.]
Harold Eh, eh, Rosalind, not so rough. You're about to tear my sleeve off!
Spirited Tourist Uh, what kind of Kjerag tradition is this?
Should we run up the train like them, too...?
Trembling Tourist That can't be a tradition, can it? Sounds so stupid. I'm not doing it.
Spirited Tourist Whatever, let's take our selfie!
Look at the camera! Three... Two...
[Suddenly, a second pair of people crash into the train carriage.]
Degenbrecher I've never been one for tag.
"Trilby Asher" I can't say I'm a fan either. Perhaps we can sit down for a nice conversation?
Degenbrecher You're the guilty ones trying to run.
And you'd better keep running. Don't stop.
[The Trilby Asher sprints away, leaving Degenbrecher with the two bewildered tourists.]
Degenbrecher Oh, by the way, the segment coming up in five minutes offers the best views. If you want to take pictures, there is a better opportunity coming up.
Enjoy your trip.
[Degenbrecher runs off.]
Spirited Tourist ......
Trembling Tourist ......
[The camera timer activates, snapping several photos.]
Spirited Tourist And who were those people?
Trembling Tourist No clue...
But you might just be right. Maybe Kjerag has some kind of tradition of running laps up and down the train...
Well, when in Londinium, as the saying goes...
Spirited Tourist ......
Trembling Tourist What's wrong, babe? You've been spacing out for a while.
Spirited Tourist My picture! My picture!
Trembling Tourist What about it? The lady just now said we should wait another five minutes for better scenery. Might as well listen to her.
Spirited Tourist That's not what I'm talking about! Look! I got a picture of that lady's face!
She looks kinda familiar. Like I've seen her before somewhere...
But that's not the point! The important thing is her outfit is just so cool!
I'm going to treasure this picture!
<Background swipes right>
Hospitable Villager Let me show you all something.
This is the famous Kjerag fondue, made with the finest local cheeses to give it its full-bodied flavor. You won't find this taste anywhere outside Kjerag!
Curious Tourist Is it really that amazing?
[Harold and Leto run through the second carriage.]
Leto C'mon! Hurry up!
Harold W-Wait, Rosalind... *cough*!
Pardon me, ladies and gentlemen. The fondue's taste is fine indeed, but I recommend adding some pepper for a richer flavor—!
[The two run into the next carriage...]
Hospitable Villager Wh-Who was that?
[Moments later, Degenbrecher and the Trilby Asher also dash through the carriage.]
Hospitable Villager Again?!
Curious Tourist So is this how train trips go in Kjerag? It's just like my friends told me. Very unique.
Man, this is something else with pepper! I love it!
<Background swipes right>
Kjerag Villager They're all here. I caught 'em all!
Thanks to all of you, I finally caught every last fowlbeast. I don't even know how to begin to show my appreciation...
Conductor Make sure your sacks are tied tight this time, old man.
I'll pretend this never happened... but only just this once. Remember, no pets allowed on our trains!
This can never happen again!
Kjerag Villager Yes, of course. Of course.
[Harold and Leto run through the third carriage...]
Kjerag Villager O-Oh, young'un, what's the rush?
Conductor M-Ma'am! Please don't run on the train!
[...with Degenbrecher and the Trilby Asher in hot pursuit, crashing through things.]
Kjerag Villager Hey! You, with the funny hat! Watch... it!
Oh no! My fowlbeasts! My fowlbeasts got loose again!
<Background swipes right>
Annoyed Tourist What the hell is it with these blind boxes? I'm not pulling the limited one at all!
Just one more... Just one more try...!
[Leto, Harold, Degenbrecher, and the Trilby Asher dash madly through the fourth carriage.]
Annoyed Tourist Hey, watch it, morons! You'll break my blind boxes...
Ahh! I-It's the limited one!
<Background fades out and in>
[Degenbrecher slides open the carriage door and walks menacingly inside.]
Degenbrecher This is the end of the line.
The last car.
Let's call it quits with this game of chase?
"Trilby Asher" Madam, you've won. The outcome is all but certain.
I hope we can...
Degenbrecher You talk too much.
[The Black Knight unsheathes her sword.]
"Trilby Asher" —!
Degenbrecher I don't have time.
Don't worry, Trilby Asher. I won't forget that you want to talk.
I'll be back later to have a one-on-one chat with you.
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher Now.
Out, or I'll get you out.
[After a few moments, Leto crawls out from under the seat.]
Leto A-Ahem.
H-Hey, lady! I'm over here.
*cough*, *spit*. All this dust all on the ground... So, did you need me for something?
Degenbrecher It's not you that I'm looking for.
Leto Huh?
But there's no one else here... Ouch!
(Don't move!)
Degenbrecher Enough of this charade.
Leto Wh-What charade? Y-You've got it all wrong!
(Eh, quiet down, will you? I'm trying to keep you out of sight!)
??? (D-Don't pull my hair!)
Degenbrecher ......
You're from Rhodes Island?
Leto Huh? I am... You know about Rhodes Island?
Um, are you one of the friends the Doctor made on Rhodes Island's last trip here?
Degenbrecher A friend? No, I'm not.
Enough. I don't have time to chat.
Show yourself before my patience runs out.
??? (Forget it, young lady. Just let me out!)
[Harold crawls out from underneath the seat and stands up.]
Harold Haah...!
I'm touched by the fact that you would go to such lengths to help me, Rosalind, but wasn't that a bit too cruel of you...?
Eek... My hair... my moustache.
Degenbrecher Finally.
Harold ......!
Leto What? So you two know each other?
Harold A-Ahem. I wouldn't say we know each other. We've merely met a few times.
Madam Degenbrecher, it's been a while. I must've rather embarrassed myself.
Degenbrecher Save the pleasantries.
Craigavon, Leone from the mountain needs to see you, urgently.
Harold Leones...? See me?
Hold on, it's Leones who's looking for me, not you...?
Degenbrecher He asked me to come find you. That's all.
Harold Why is he so eager to see me?
Now that you mention it, I seem to have forgotten something... Hmm...
Degenbrecher You forgot Lily is still waiting for you.
Harold ...Right, Lily!
Leto Who's Lily... No way, you forgot your mistress?
Harold Mistress—?! No, not a mistress. *cough*—
"Trilby Asher" ...Lord Viscount, you may well damage Victoria's image if you conduct yourself in this way.
If the Viscountess and your daughter were to learn about this...
Leto Whoa, what a scumbag.
Harold Hold on! Ahem, dammit, Bloody Asher! It's not what you think!
Lily is—
[Just then, the train bell chimes as it grinds to a halt.]
Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be arriving at our terminus—
Lake Silberneherze Station.
Please be sure to take all your belongings with you and alight via the exits in the front and back of each car in an orderly fashion.
Thank you for riding the Saintess Express.
Degenbrecher You haven't wasted too much time.
But you'd best climb the mountain and find Leones as soon as you get off the train. He's waiting for you.
Leto Maybe we should split up here. Mamochka wouldn't like me traveling with you.
Harold No, *cough*, Lily—
—Lily's not human!
Leto You're even going to badmouth her like that?!
Harold No, no, no, no. Pff, even I'm cracking up now. Oh, my chest hurts.
Degenbrecher Lily's a burdenbeast.
Leto A burdenbeast.
"Trilby Asher" I see.
Degenbrecher ...Did I not mention it before?
Harold Trilby Asher, would you stop playing dumb!
Do you expect me to believe your spies have never reported on my actions in Kjerag?
"Trilby Asher" Sorry, but the name of the burdenbeast you nursed back to health is not important enough for me to remember.
Leto ...So, he's not a scumbag, and he's not in danger?
I thought it was a life-or-death thing, what with us getting chased and all that.
Harold I... *sigh*! Rosalind, this has to do with my reputation!
Degenbrecher How much more time do you want to waste?
<Background fades out>
[Degenbrecher walks towards Harold.]
Degenbrecher Don't just stand there like an idiot.
The train is entering the station.