Operation story: RS-3

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Old Paleroche icon.png
Elder Devotee
Nobleman B icon.png
Columbian Magnate
Male Kjeragian B icon.png
Local Vendor
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Competing Vendor
Female Kjeragian C icon.png
Male Columbian icon.png
Surprised Tourist
Female Columbian icon.png
Excited Tourist
Tschäggättä icon.png
Burly Tschäggättä
Tschäggättä icon.png
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä
Train Car
Kjerag Train Station
Kjerag Manor
Kjerag City Street
Lake Silberneherze Shores
Statue of Kjeragandr Base
Mount Karlan Path

Before operation

The misunderstanding is resolved, but Trilby Asher sets his sights on Leto. SilverAsh learns about this from Degenbrecher and decides to ride along.
<Background 1>
[The train bell chimes.]
Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our terminus—
Lake Silberneherze Station.
Located in the center of a basin, clear and scenic Lake Silberneherze is one of the gems of Kjerag.
Legends say that it is the first tear shed by Kjeragandr. In winter, one can walk on the frozen surface and see into the depths of the lake.
The newly-built statue of Kjeragandr stands on an island in the middle of the lake, watching over Kjerag and her people.
<Background fades out>
Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived...
[People begin to board off the train.]
Three's a Crowd.png
Harold ......
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher ......
Harold So... it's all a misunderstanding?
No secrets, no assassinations, no VIP on the train, no nothing?
Degenbrecher If there's any VIP that got me on this train, it was you.
Viscount Harold Craigavon, the renowned burdenbeast veterinarian who has become a household name amongst the pastoralists.
Harold Ahem.
I'm honored.
"Trilby Asher" I beg your pardon, Madam Degenbrecher.
It was hard not to make certain inferences from the blood on your gloves.
Degenbrecher Blood?
Should I explain?
I guess I could tell you, if you really want to know.
"Trilby Asher" I do. Please.
Degenbrecher Lily's birthing wasn't easy.
It was premature. She bled a lot, and I had my hands full.
Harold What?!
Premature...? She bled?
That's no laughing matter. How is my girl?
Degenbrecher I performed first aid, but she needs a professional follow-up.
Leones says he trusts you the most, Craigavon.
It's up to you now.
Harold I'll be there in two shakes of a beast's tail!
"Trilby Asher" ......
Degenbrecher You look disappointed. Were you expecting something else?
Fine enough by me. I could live up to those expectations.
"Trilby Asher" There's no need for that.
Degenbrecher So, what's the misunderstanding?
Harold Ah, well... Lake Silberneherze is a nice place, isn't it?
Particularly on a sunny, clear day like this, when even the air smells particularly fresh...
Degenbrecher Do Victorians always talk about the weather when they're trying to change the subject?
I must have heard this a few thousand times by now.
Harold Forgive me. We learn from a young age to use Victoria's awful weather as a conversation starter.
"Trilby Asher" Kindly refrain from besmirching the good name of Victoria, My Lord.
<Background 2>
Leto Hey–
Why are you guys still standing around chatting?
Is our little misunderstanding all cleared up now?
Harold Of course, of course.
Nothing would have happened, if not for some alarmists amongst us.
"Trilby Asher" ......
Leto Whatever, as long as it's all cleared up now.
Running up and down a train was fun, but I've had enough of eating dust under a table.
I went ahead and had a look. A tour guide gave me two maps!
Lake Silberneherze is just down the street from here.
Should we go now?
Harold Well... dreadfully sorry, Rosalind, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my promise.
There's a lady who needs me at her side, right now.
Leto Lily is a burdenbeast, right? Not some Victorian noble codeword?
Harold Perish the thought!
Leto Fine, fine. Go see to your "Lily". I can take care of myself here.
Harold Rosalind...
Leto Wh-What's that look on your face?
Harold You're such a kind, thoughtful girl!
[Harold wipes his tears before smiling.]
Harold Come, let's exchange contact information.
[The two exchange numbers.]
Harold You must find me, should you ever need anything. I am ever at your service.
And I'll keep an eye out for your father... handsome Kjerag fellow, you said?
Leto Thanks for that, dedushka.
Alright, you guys get back to your chat, I'm gonna get going.
[Leto leaves.]
Harold Such a lovely young lady, so strong and cheerful even after losing her mother...
Degenbrecher ...A handsome Kjerag fellow?
Harold Oh, you heard?
Rosalind came to Kjerag to find her long-lost father.
It's a touching story. I hope her efforts bear fruit.
Degenbrecher Her father...?
Is that what she said?
Harold Well, now that our misunderstanding has been resolved...
Madam Degenbrecher, I'm a huge fan of your work. Could I perhaps beg your autogr—
Degenbrecher No time.
I'm leaving. Take care of Lily.
[Degenbrecher strides away.]
Harold wait, Madam Degenbrecher!
She's gone.
"Trilby Asher" The Black Knight does not seem to take much pride in glories past.
Small wonder, considering the manner in which she was exiled from Kazimierz...
Harold Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were still here.
"Trilby Asher" I didn't want to inadvertently offend the Black Knight.
Harold Glad to know you're so self-aware.
"Trilby Asher" It was my mistake. I should have been more careful with my words.
But do you really believe Madam Degenbrecher's reasoning?
Harold ......
"Trilby Asher" The Black Knight has ever been Silverash's loyal lieutenant, from the moment she left Kazimierz and followed him to Kjerag.
She has been in the mountains lately, training a new unit of troops for Karlan Trade.
We also have reports of unusual goods moving in and out of Kjerag, involving materials of a sensitive nature.
Harold Your point...?
"Trilby Asher" All conjecture at this time.
But you have your suspicions too, don't you? That's why you kept the young Rosalind's contact.
Harold Looks like your time in Victoria has instilled in you a pathological mistrust of others. What a shame.
"Trilby Asher" That is my profession, after all.
I will report today's events to the Duke, exactly as they happened.
Harold Wait...!
"Trilby Asher" Allow me to remind you once more, My Lord.
You have a duty you are obligated to carry out. Do not fail Her Grace.
This is not a sightseeing trip.
<Background 3>
[Meanwhile, Enciodes is having a call with a Columbian investor.]
Enciodes Have you given Karlan Trade's proposal some thought, Mr. Taylor?
I understand Matterhorn has taken you to see our mines and factories. Are you satisfied with what you've seen from Kjerag and Karlan Trade?
Columbian Magnate I have no complaints about your company, Mr. Silverash.
But you're a businessman too. I'm sure you understand.
I would have few reasons to harbor any doubts, if it was Karlan Trade I was dealing with.
But if I'm to deal with the government of Kjerag, which we know little about... I do feel that more due diligence is in order when it comes to a project of this size.
Enciodes Of course.
Columbian Magnate I saw Victorian soldiers on the streets a few days ago.
There's no conflict brewing between Kjerag and Victoria... is there?
Enciodes I assure you that no harm will come to you in Kjerag.
Take your time, Mr. Taylor. Kjerag won't disappoint you.
Columbian Magnate Excellent! I look forward to a fruitful partnership, Mr. Silverash.
[The transmission ends.]
Enciodes You will continue to serve as Mr. Taylor's guide tomorrow, Matterhorn.
Attend to any need he has, within reason.
Matterhorn Yes, sir.
But... are we really going to work with him?
Enciodes You don't think he'd be a good partner?
Matterhorn It's not my place to judge.
However, he has found various excuses to put off signing the contract while here in Kjerag, and went back on his word more than once on profit sharing. I fear...
Enciodes Indeed, he is a shrewd merchant.
Kjerag has no choice but to work with shrewd merchants at present, while these same shrewd merchants have their pick of options.
My job is to make Kjerag their only choice.
Matterhorn Sir...
[Enciodes's transceiver buzzes.]
Enciodes Go and check on Degenbrecher's recruits.
Have them escort Mr. Taylor.
Matterhorn Yes, sir.
[Matterhorn leaves the room as Enciodes answers the call.]
Degenbrecher Enciodes?
Enciodes Yes.
Look at that, you're using a communicator. I thought you didn't like these long-range methods.
Degenbrecher I just don't like to be contacted.
There's something you should know, Enciodes.
I ran into a girl from Rhodes Island on the train to Lake Silberneherze.
Did you enter into a new partnership with them?
<Background 4>
Local Vendor Kjerag snow cheese, burdenbeast accessories, Saintess portraits!
All Kjerag specialties, get them here!
Competing Vendor Burdenbeast blind boxes! Limited edition! While supplies last!
Leto It's so lively here.
What are they selling?
Portraits of the Saintess? That's not what Pramanix looks like...
Local Vendor Now, now, girly, the Saintess personally approved this portrait! It's the real deal!
Leto Right, whatever you say.
I'll have some snow cheese, then. Is that the most popular treat?
I might've had some when I was little.
Local Vendor You're a local?
Leto You could say that.
Local Vendor Should've said so. Don't buy the snow cheese.
Leto Huh?
Local Vendor That's for tourists. We don't buy that stuff.
This shaved cheese is much cheaper and tastes pretty much the same.
Leto Wait, aren't you just ripping off tourists then?
Local Vendor Hey, don't put it like that!
Look at the packaging on this snow cheese. See how nice it is? That's what the tourists want. Something nice and classy-looking.
All I'm doing is making a few francs off the packaging. It's not like I'm selling inferior stuff. The cheese itself is first-rate!
Leto I guess you have a point.
I'll have the shaved cheese, then. Can I ask you something else, too?
Is there a man in Kjerag that everyone agrees is the handsomest?
Local Vendor The handsomest man, huh?
Well... I'm a Paleroche, but I'm not gonna lie.
Sir Enciodes has got to be the handsomest fellow in Kjerag.
Leto Enciodes... Wait, SilverAsh?!
Local Vendor Yeah, the patriarch of Clan Silverash.
Leto No, no way... it can't be...
How about another guy? Anybody else?
Local Vendor Er, well... um...
Leto Never mind, just a random thought. Forget I asked.
How about something else...? That mountain by the shore of Lake Silberneherze?
Does it have a name or something?
Local Vendor Oh, that's Mount Fugen!
It's a famous for its romantic atmosphere. Lots of young couples go there.
Leto Young couples...?
Local Vendor They say any couple that watches the sunrise there will stay together forever. What's that old saying again? "Kjerag's love is like the unmelting ice." Humbug, if you ask me.
But lots of tourists go there. They hang the golden lock of love or something... oh, now that I think of it.
Sir Arctosz likes to go there to hunt, and he's none too happy about all the tourists who get in his way.
Leto Hm...
Alright. Here's the money for the cheese.
Local Vendor Thank you. Come again!
<Background 5>
Leto So this is the Lake Silberneherze that Mamochka always talked about...
And that's Mount Fugen.
Not a bad view, but Ursus has icy lakes just like it.
Oh, the ice goes pretty deep.
Is that the statue of Kjeragandr? Can't see the face.
Wow, it's big alright. Wonder how much stone they used to build it.
??? Stone?
Our Kjeragandr statue wouldn't settle for stone!
Leto Huh?
[Sciurus Browntail approaches Leto.]
Sciurus Gotta hand it to you: You've got good taste. This is the best spot to admire Kjeragandr's statue.
Leto Er... who might you be?
Sciurus I'm—A-Ahem! That's not important. What's important is what you just said!
Kjeragandr's statue isn't made from any old stone. We used the finest materials to express our love for Her!
Leto The finest, huh?
Like, what?
Sciurus Like I said, the finest—
Leto What? Did you bite your tongue!
Sciurus It's a secret, of course! Can't just go around blabbering to tourists.
I can't tell you the details, but anyway... just know that it's really amazing!
Leto You almost let it slip.
Sciurus Just almost.
Leto Fine, fine, you didn't say anything.
Well, enjoy the view. I gotta get going.
Sciurus Oh, hey, wait up!
Leto What is it this time?
Sciurus You... Hey, you're a tourist, right?
Kjeragandr's statue's getting officially unveiled right here the day after tomorrow, in the morning.
If you're still in Kjerag, you won't wanna miss it!
Leto Now you're just talking to yourself.
Who knows what's gonna happen in two days? Makes no difference looking at it today.
Sciurus Of course it makes a difference!
The Saintess is officiating the ceremony herself! You might even get to see Kjeragandr in spirit!
You... say, what's your name?
Leto Rosalind.
Sciurus Full name.
Leto Ty nevynosima... (Ursine) Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina.
Sciurus Alright, Rosalind, I'll make this official!
I, Sciurus Browntail, formally invite Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina to attend the unveiling ceremony for Kjeragandr's statue that takes place in two day's time!
Then you'll know that this Kjeragandr is special. There's no other like Her.
Leto You sure are confident.
Well, I guess I'll look forward to it.
[Leto walks off.]
Sciurus Wait, I haven't given you the invitation letter yet!
Why are you in such a hurry, anyway?
<Background fades out and in>
"Trilby Asher" Sciurus, younger sister of the Browntail Matriarch. Frequently visits other countries on behalf of Kjerag, in recent years.
Did she arrange for Rosalind to be here?
I should find a way to eavesdrop...
Shopkeeper Sir, you've been standing in front of my stall holding that newspaper of yours for five minutes.
I need you to buy something, or move out of the way.
"Trilby Asher" Oh, pardon me. One burdenbeast milk tea au lait, please.
<Background fades out and in>
Sciurus ......
Alright, I guess that takes care of that bitch Ratatos's job.
Makes no sense... why do I have to keep an eye on a some kid? Even talk to her, no less?
Gotta say, though, the girl looks slightly familiar...
Yucatan Rus?
Are you sure you don't need my help?
Sciurus Yucatan!
Leave it to me. I got this.
Let's go. I want Ratatos to tell me what the deal is with that Rosalind girl!

After operation

Leto visits the island that the Kjeragandr statue is on and encounters an old devotee, who recognizes Leto and invites her to visit Clan Paleroche.
<Background black>
Come, Rosalind, let's learn how to pray to Kjeragandr.
Close your eyes, put your hands before your chest, and call out Kjeragandr's name silently in your heart...
Good job, Rosalind.
You're Mama and Papa's sweetheart, Rosalind.
Mama could never regret giving birth to you, no matter what people might say.
May Kjeragandr bless...
<Background 6>
Leto The Kjeragandr looks even bigger up close.
So that's what She looks like.
Pray... to Kjeragandr...
What did Mamochka teach me again?
No, I can't remember. I mean, it all happened before I was three.
I guess I should start praying—
Close my eyes... what do I do with my hands again?
??? Stretch your right palm out flat and place it before your chest.
[An old man approaches Leto.]
Elder Devotee In Kjeragandr's presence, we close our eyes that do not truly see, and bow our overly proud heads.
Drive stray thoughts from our minds, and recite Kjeragandr's name in our hearts.
Come, child, after me.
Leto Okay!
Leto closes her eyes again.
Her vision goes dark, but her senses seem to vastly expand in an instant.
Behind her, the old devotee begins to praise Kjeragandr's name in his raspy voice.
Kjeragandr, grant us springs that quench our thirst, and fruit that sates our hunger.
Kjeragandr, grant us ice and snow that freeze Catastrophe.
Kind and gentle Kjeragandr, watch over us and Kjerag.
The sensation of wind brushing past her cheeks seems to grow with the chanting, the snowy wind roaring in her ear.
A sense of familiarity, rising from a place that Leto does not know, takes her down memory lane.
Leto (Kjeragandr...)
(I'm not your follower, and I don't need your blessing.)
(But if you really do protect your believers, please, protect Mamochka.)
(I wouldn't have come if she didn't ask me to.)
Hm, no, that's not good enough.
Elder Devotee What?
Leto Kjeragandr!
Please, protect my mother! She's a devout follower of yours!
She told me how great Kjerag is! I'll see how great it is for myself!
<Background fades out and in>
Surprised Tourist What's that about?
Excited Tourist Is that what Kjerag prayers are like?
<Background fades out and in>
Leto Phew...
Ok, that's good.
Elder Devotee What are you doing, girl?
Leto Praying, of course.
I mean, it's better to pray aloud, isn't it? Make sure Kjeragandr can hear me.
Elder Devotee Uh...
Leto Don't want to leave behind any regrets, you know!
Oh, and thanks for teaching me!
Elder Devotee Well, I suppose Kjeragandr is hardly one to be picky about petty details...
No need to thank me.
Leto Kjeragandr sounds like a pretty nice lady!
Just like you, batyushka.
Leto removes her hand from her chest and takes one last look at the imposing Kjeragandr statue, before turning around to descend the steps.
The old devotee sees her face clearly for the first time.
The visage before his eyes, under the sunlight...
The curves of her cheeks, the height of her nose, the shape of her lips...
A sense of familiarity washes over the old man.
Elder Devotee
It's... you... You're...
Leto What?
Elder Devotee No, it's nothing...
I've seen plenty of tourists in my time, but no one who's done what you did.
Leto Really? Did I do something weird?
Elder Devotee What's your name?
Leto Rosalind.
Elder Devotee Rosalind...
How old are you, Rosalind?
Leto Me? Almost twenty.
Elder Devotee ......
Are you Kjerag?
Leto You can tell?
Elder Devotee You look like...
Yes, you really do...
Leto Well, you called it. I was born here.
But I spent my whole life in Ursus. This is my first time back.
I guess only half of me is Kjerag.
Elder Devotee You grew up in Ursus?
Ursus... that's good too. Yes.
Why have you come to Kjerag, then?
<Background 5>
Ratatos Alright, stick to what you're doing.
No, actually, that's enough. Too much is suspicious.
The girl? It's a long story. I'll tell you over dinner or something. Talk to you later.
[Ratatos cuts the transmission.]
Ratatos Alright? Satisfied?
Degenbrecher For now.
Gnosis Are you sure the Trilby Asher didn't find anything else?
Degenbrecher No need to be paranoid, Gnosis.
The Duke would not stay put if things had gotten to the point that you fear they have.
Don't forget the troops stationed in the foothills. Craigavon is no pushover.
Gnosis A Trilby Asher showing up on the train indicates that they've sensed something.
I have had dealings with the Trilby Ashers. On the surface, they are the groveling servants of the nobles, armed with nothing but silvery tongues.
But we can't ignore the fact that they grew up in the embers of an empire at war.
Ratatos Karma catching up to the two of you, maybe?
Gnosis If we're talking about karma, then you won't get far yourself.
Ratatos Of course I won't. Why wouldn't we suffer payback for delivering a young girl to a Victorian spy?
She will distract the Trilby Asher. That's why we need the Victorians to believe that she is important.
Gnosis Do not forget that there will be many eyes on this place, with Kjeragandr's statue complete and the ceremony about to begin.
We must all be careful.
Ratatos I don't need you to remind me.
Relax, I'll be careful. It's not a game we're playing here, after all. The Browntails couldn't pull out if we wanted to.
Or rather...
If I showed even the slightest hint that I wanted out today, I'm plenty sure I would suffer an 'unfortunate accident' tomorrow.
Gnosis ...I see no reason to engage in speculation about the impossible.
This is for Kjerag. We can only go forward, not back.
Ratatos But we can't hide this forever, Gnosis.
It's too big, with too many people involved.
Even if the Trilby Asher didn't run into the girl today, he might've run into a certain boy another day.
He will find out, sooner or later.
Enciodes better have a plan, or even the full authority of the Saintess and all Kjerag won't save his hide.
And if Victoria finds Karlan Trade to be more important, then we truly have no card to play.
Degenbrecher It's good for all of us that the Saintess and Enciodes have taken up different positions.
Ratatos Sigh.
I guess I'd better cancel my family dinner tomorrow.
Gnosis Since when are you a family woman?
Ratatos Isn't that what Kjerag has always been about? Family, bloodlines. Old-fashioned, I guess, but...
The Saintess and Enciodes are siblings, aren't they?
<Background 6>
Elder Devotee I see... I see...
Your mother gave birth to you in Kjerag, but she brought you to Ursus while you were still small.
You came back all this way, praying before the statue of Kjeragandr and preparing to climb the mountain to fulfill your mother's last wish.
I see...
Leto That's the story, basically.
Elder Devotee Good girl... good girl.
Smart, brave... and handsome too.
Leto Oh, shucks. Now you're just flattering me.
Elder Devotee I'm not.
You're a blessing from Kjeragandr to your family!
Leto Well, er...
I wouldn't say that... I guess you could say Mamochka was blessed.
But it has nothing to do with my papa, who might as well never have existed.
Elder Devotee Ahem. Well...
Your father... hrm...
Leto You don't know who he might be, do you?
It's strange.
Mamochka said I look a lot like my papa, and he's supposed to be the handsomest man in Kjerag. I thought finding him would be a piece of cake.
Could it be...?
Elder Devotee ......
Leto Maybe my dad was actually pretty ordinary, and beauty was all in the eye of the beholder?
Elder Devotee O-Of course not! That's not the case at all!
Leto Whoa! Why are you so excited all of a sudden?
But I figured that's the most reasonable explanation.
Elder Devotee Ah... it's hard to explain.
Leto Well, I'm in no hurry. We can talk about it later.
Are you familiar with these parts?
Elder Devotee I can't say I know everything, but I do know a thing or two.
Leto So you're familiar, then...?
Do you know the best route up that mountain?
I hear it's a make-out point or something. Do I need to buy a ticket or...?
Elder Devotee No need for tickets.
Other than Karlan, the seat of the Saintess, all the mountains and rivers of Kjerag belong to the children of Kjeragandr.
Who would have asked such a question in the Kjerag of the past?
This was a much quieter place back then.
No sightseeing spots, no attractions, few tourists. Faith was strong in the people, who respected the mountains, rivers, and lakes.
It has become like this because Clan Silverash wanted to open up to the outside, and the Saintess chose not to intervene...
Leto What's so bad about opening up?
Elder Devotee Well, that's not for an old man like me to judge.
Are you climbing the mountain today?
Leto Hm... It's getting a little late.
I'm thinking about spending the night somewhere and climbing up first thing in the morning.
Any good hotels around here?
Elder Devotee I have a few spare rooms, if it's a roof over your head you're looking for.
That is, if you're willing to stay in my humble abode...
Leto Of course! Let's go.
Thank you so much! Mamochka always said the people of Kjerag were warm and kind.
Elder Devotee N-Now, listen, girl!
Don't be so quick to accept an offer like that! You need to be careful!
What would you do if I had ulterior motives?
Leto Why are you angry when you're the one who offered?
Don't worry.
I went through a lot in Ursus. I'm no pushover.
Elder Devotee Don't be a fool!
How would you protect yourself if your assailant was stronger than you?
Leto I'm not a fool...
Alright, I know, you're worried about me.
Actually, I'm not sure why, but I just felt... well...
Elder Devotee What?
Leto I can't put it into words. I just had a feeling...
I don't think you'd hurt me.
<Background 7>
Burly Tschäggättä Did you find the mark?
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä No. I scanned the island with binoculars, but I didn't see anyone.
Burly Tschäggättä We're dealing with a master of disguise. He won't slip up so easily.
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä Then why tell me to look?
Burly Tschäggättä Just in case.
Our mission is to follow the girl, make sure no harm comes to her, and avoid detection.
<Background fades out and in>
"Trilby Asher" The Tschäggättä still have a lot to learn about counter-reconnaissance.
But if the girl has encountered the former head of Clan Paleroche...
And the Tschäggättä are here too...
[A creature growls in his direction.]
"Trilby Asher" What's that—
<Background fades out and in>
Pumped-Up Tschäggättä What's that?
Burly Tschäggättä I'll take a look.
<Background swipes right>
"Trilby Asher" (Imitates burdenbeast cry)
Burly Tschäggättä Just a wild burdenbeast.
[The Tschäggättä leaves, unaware of the Trilby Asher clambering out of the snow behind him.]
"Trilby Asher" You never know when a trick might come in handy.
Eek— my back—
<Background 6>
Kjarr Look, Enya.
Look more carefully!
This statue...
It's not right, is it? Doesn't look like Kjeragandr at all.
Enya Is that so?
I thought it was alright.
Kjarr It's not alright!
The face needs to be a little thinner, and the body...
Enya That will do, Kjarr.
It's up to the people of Kjerag. The Kjeragandr standing here is the one that they want to worship.
You know there's not much can change on that front.
Kjarr Sigh.
Enya No more sighs.
Did you hear the girl, Kjarr?
Kjarr The one with the loud voice?
Of course I did. Interesting one. Kind of makes sense, you know.
Not even Kjeragandr can read minds, if you don't pray out loud.
Enya Kjarr...
Kjarr People's minds are such complicated things. Who can tell what you're thinking if you don't put it into words?
Enya You're right.
Kjarr So...
Will you heed the plea of your humble handmaiden, Saintess?
This statue—
Enya Nope.
Kjarr Enya, Enya!
Enya Not even if you beg.