Operation story: RS-4

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Old Paleroche icon.png
Elder Devotee
Victorian Winter Soldier B icon.png
Seasoned Soldier
Male Victorian Soldier icon.png
Slippery Soldier
Victorian Winter Soldier A icon.png
Silent Soldier
Victorian Officer icon.png
Sickly Soldier
Kjerag Warrior A icon.png
Victorian Barracks B
Kjerag Train Station
Kjerag Manor Room
Kjerag Street 1
Kjerag House
Kjerag Manor
Mount Karlan Path
Kjerag Hotel

Before operation

The Viscount returns to the barracks, and after chatting with his troops, he decides to attempt to complete the Duke's mission. An old devotee brings Leto to the Paleroche clan, revealing that he is Arctosz's father. In a dusty room, that devotee recalls regretful memories.
<Background 1>
Seasoned Soldier Full house!
Slippery Soldier Straight flush!
Seasoned Soldier You little sack of shite, you've been hiding cards, haven't ya?
Slippery Soldier Why'd I need to hide cards to beat you? Just sit yourself down like a good boy—
[A third solider lays his cards on the table.]
Silent Soldier Royal flush.
Slippery Soldier Goddammit, how'd you pull that one off?!
Silent Soldier Your sleeve, Jack.
Slippery Soldier Eh? My—How'd you catch that?
Seasoned Soldier Jack, you cheating bastard!
Slippery Soldier Hey, if you didn't catch me, that's your problem.
Seasoned Soldier You want a problem? I'll shove your goddamn head so far up your arse that—
Silent Soldier Just shuffle already.
Slippery Soldier Alright, shuffling, shuffling.
Seasoned Soldier I've sure got some rotten luck, getting stuck with you sorry lot for this shift.
[The soldier named Jack distributes the cards.]
Slippery Soldier Doesn't matter who you're on shift with, you're playing cards anyway. And there's only a handful of fellas here who won't try to cheat you. Go on, have a count.
Seasoned Soldier Hmph.
At least there hasn't been much to do today.
Slippery Soldier You can say that again. Back when the old man said he'd take us sightseeing, I didn't believe him for one second.
Now that it's been a month, I'd say I believe him.
Silent Soldier It's been good eating and good drinking.
Seasoned Soldier Certainly has! It feels like my appetite's gone back to when I just enlisted.
Sickly Soldier Ahhh!!!
Seasoned Soldier What the hell are you screaming out for, Charles?! Scared the crap outta me!
Sickly Soldier Bloody hell, I had another nightmare.
Dreamt that I got chopped in half by a Sarkaz sword and all.
Slippery Soldier Gah, thought it'd be something worse. Day afore yesterday I dreamt that I got blown up by some Originium explosives while out scouting.
Sickly Soldier Right now I'd like to shove some explosives into your gob.
Slippery Soldier Well hurry up already then.
A guy nuttier than a freaking Vampire out on the battlefield is going to have a few screws loose when off the warfront.
Sickly Soldier Well, what can I do? I can't control if I have a nightmare or not.
Seasoned Soldier Just think positive. Last time you said you were being minced, this time you said you were being chopped in two.
Maybe it's a good omen or something.
Sickly Soldier Dammit, you're right.
Slippery Soldier Alright, enough moping, grab a drink and come play some cards.
Seasoned Soldier Perfect timing really. Now that you're up, come take over my spot for a few rounds.
[The soldier named Charles gets off the bed.]
Sickly Soldier Why, is something the matter?
Seasoned Soldier Not really. There's a few farmers at the bottom of the mountain that need a hand with their work, so I'm going to help out.
Sickly Soldier Farmers?
Silent Soldier That family that gives us milk all the time, the Turiels.
Slippery Soldier Oh, I remember them. Their daughter's quite pretty.
Heh, I see how it is, Lisburn.
Seasoned Soldier I'm just helping out. Don't read too much into it.
[Viscount Harold steps into the barracks.]
Harold The hell are you lot doing? Everyone within a hundred meters could hear you yapping away.
You sure have some skills, turning the barracks into your gambling parlor.
Slippery Soldier Didn't you say we were going to go sightseeing from the start, though?
We're just following orders here.
Harold told you, you can go help out the locals a bit for some goodwill, let them think we're more than just a bunch of yobs. Have you been yet?
Slippery Soldier Lisburn's going to help out. He's keeping mum, but I can tell that he's thinking of settling down here.
Harold Oh?
Seasoned Soldier Don't listen to this nutter, boss. I really am just going there to help out.
After all, we came here to...
Harold Alright, that's enough out of you.
Just get going already. Who died and made you chief worrywart, huh?
If a young lad like yourself really does want to become a family man, I'd say you're still a good egg.
Seasoned Soldier Yes, sir!
[The soldier named Lisburn heads out of the barracks.]
Slippery Soldier You've sure got a stink about you, boss.
Still working on your veterinary medicine out there?
Harold Save it. Lily, the Leones' girl, she gave birth prematurely.
Didn't get there in time, all I could do was help with some postpartum care.
*sigh* And then I ran into this one very unlucky chap.
Slippery Soldier Unlucky?
Harold Another Victorian.
Slippery Soldier A Victorian? The whole month we've been here I bet I've seen, if not a thousand Victorian tourists, eight hundred at least.
Harold Alright, I get it, you love taking a stroll down the street.
Deal those cards out already.
Silent Soldier I'll deal.
[The silent soldier deals the cards.]
Silent Soldier Charles had a nightmare again, boss.
Harold Did he?
Let me see.
Sickly Soldier It's fine, no use troubling yourself over it.
Harold If you lot die, then who's going to fight for me?
[Harold approaches Charles on his bed.]
Sickly Soldier We're going to fight?
Harold Shut your mouth for a second and hold still, alright?
[Harold examines the soldier's arm.]
Sickly Soldier Gah—
Harold Hmm... Well, at least it hasn't gotten worse.
Does it still hurt as much as last time?
Sickly Soldier It's been a lot better since we came to Kjerag.
Harold Hmph, I spent a lot of money greasing palms just to get this opportunity. If you lot aren't feeling any healthier, doesn't it seem like I wasted all that dosh for nothing?
Besides, it's not like there's anything else to do here except get better.
Sickly Soldier Heh, you're right about that, sir.
This arm's been no good for a while, but you've already helped me a lot.
If I ever lose both my arms, well, at least I can still carry a weapon into battle with my teeth.
Harold What use is a soldier with no arms?
There's no need to show off. You lads just need to remember that you're here to—
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
"Trilby Asher" Allow me to remind you once more, My Lord.
You have a duty you are obligated to carry out. Do not fail Her Grace
This is not a sightseeing trip.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Slippery Soldier Hey, boss?
You finally gone senile?
Harold ......
I'm not the same as you simpletons who care nothing for your health.
When you've gone senile, I'm still going to be fit as a fiddle.
Slippery Soldier Hey, we might not even get to live that long.
Harold ......
Forget it.
For the sake of my retirement, this old fogey's willing to go all in.
Slippery Soldier What are you talking about?
I don't think a hoity-toity lord like you throwing your money around is going to fit in well with the locals, honestly.
Harold But nobody's going to turn down a sumptuous banquet.
You go on and play your cards.
[Harold leaves the barracks.]
Slippery Soldier Sure you're not just looking for an excuse to drop a crappy hand?
Let me see...
Four Jacks, not great, not terrible.
<Background 3>
Acrtosz Hah! Now that hits the spot!
Enciodes sent it over specially, said it would be given out at the bonfire banquet the night before the ceremony. That uh, what was it called again...?
Gulo "Karlan Manor's Snow Realm Spring", Sir!
They've been talking about it on television every day, enough times that I've memorized it.
Acrtosz Pah, it's all just claptrap for the masses!
I will say that this drink is exquisite. Very robust. I dare say it's the one good thing Enciodes has done.
However! It hardly holds a candle to our very own aged Paleroche akavit!
Gulo Should we keep drinking this stuff, Sir?
Counting what we got from the Browntails, there's still three other drinks to try.
Acrtosz Of course we'll keep drinking it! If we don't try for ourselves then how will we know which is the best?
Since the Saintess has bestowed the privilege of organizing the banquet on Clan Paleroche, this is of course one of my duties.
Drink is our top priority! I must pick Kjerag's best spirits for this banquet! I cannot let the Saintess down!
Alright, go, get the rest of the booze up here for a taste test!
Gulo Yes, Sir!
Guards, with me! Let's carry up those drinks!
<Background fades out and in>
Guard? General, I have a question.
Gulo Go ahead.
Guard? Although the Patriarch did say that this is all preparation for the ceremony just now, isn't this way too much booze?
The boys are totally worn out.
Gulo You're thinking too much. Completing Kjeragandr's statue is more important than any amount of booze.
Ask the men to bear with it for a while longer. When everything's settled, I'll treat you all to a fine meal.
Guard? Alright then.
Guard? (The Paleroches could stand to be a bit more attentive.)
(I didn't think infiltrating them would be this easy.)
(Their former patriarch's already brought Rosalind over.)
(Next, I need to check what exactly Clan Paleroche has up its sleeve.)
(Moreover—All this booze... Based off of Arctosz's attitude, is it really all for the banquet?)
(Yet another trail to follow.)
Gulo What's with all the lollygagging? Come over and help out already.
Guard? Yes, sir!
[Gulo walks off.]
Guard? (But if the Paleroches truly are keeping some terrible secret, Rosalind must surely be involved as well.)
(Finding her has become a priority.)
<Background 4>
Elder Devotee We have arrived.
Leto Is this your house?
These rooms are pretty big. Are you one of those low-key rich guys? You don't look it.
Elder Devotee Hardly. This is merely some family property.
Ahem. Look here, young lady.
This house is built right into the mountain. When you begin your climb tomorrow, you can use the shortcut behind it.
Leto Got it.
Thanks a lot, batyushka.
Elder Devotee ......
I should apologize to you first.
Leto Eh? But why though?
Elder Devotee I invited you here out of my own selfish desire.
By Kjeragandr, I should not have hidden this from you.
Leto Why are you all serious all of a sudden?
I can handle it. Just lay it on me.
Elder Devotee Oh, child...
There is someone I would like you to meet.
Gulo Master?!
Elder Devotee ......
Leto There's a real big guy yelling for you over there, batyushka.
He your son?
Elder Devotee He's certainly no son of mine.
Give me a moment, young lady.
<Background fades out and in>
Gulo What are you doing back, Sir?!
Elder Devotee Am I not allowed back?
Gulo That's not what I mean!
It's just... *sigh* It's not a great time for you to be here...
Elder Devotee Great time or not, you're in no place to speak of such things!
How is Arctosz?
Gulo He... Sir Arctosz, he...
Elder Devotee Out with it already! Speak clearly!
Gulo Yes, sir!
Sir Arctosz is currently making preparations for the bonfire banquet!
Elder Devotee Don't just give me the good news! What else?!
Gulo He's personally checking all the drinks for tomorrow. Right now, he's sampling those from the other regions...
Elder Devotee Rotten boy...!
He said he would give up drinking last month, and now this? Ridiculous!
If he keeps flip-flopping, how is anyone supposed to trust a word out of his mouth?!
Gulo The patriarch is doing this all for the sake of politics. He's fully dedicated to the Saintess...
Elder Devotee Pfah! Sounds like excuses to me!
Gulo Haha... Oh, by the way. Who's the girl?
Elder Devotee How rude, Gulo!
This young lady is Rosalind, my guest.
Gulo Welcome, Madam Rosalind.
(Master, who is Madam Rosalind really?)
(It might just be me, but she looks a bit like Sir Arc—)
Elder Devotee (Shh!)
(I'm not certain of anything yet. Don't ask too many questions just now.)
Gulo, bring the young lady inside first.
And then... Wherever that oaf Arctosz is, take her to him.
And don't forget to tell your minions to prepare a room and meal for her. Treat her well, or else.
Gulo Yes, Sir!
<Background fades out and in>
Elder Devotee Sorry to keep you waiting.
Leto No biggie.
You guys finished chatting?
What was it you were going to tell me before that big guy came over?
Someone you wanted me to meet, right?
Elder Devotee The man that I wish for you to meet is inside the house.
Follow this one inside first. Your meeting with this man will make everything clear.
Leto Alright.
What about you, batyushka? Not coming with?
Elder Devotee We will meet again soon, child.
Very soon...
<Background fades out and in>
Gulo Please, come with me, Madam Rosalind.
Leto Alright...
Hey, bratan, your name is Gulo, right?
What were you chatting with the old man about?
Gulo ......
Leto Something you can't tell me?
Gulo ......
Leto C'mon, bratan, say something.
Gulo (*making an X with his fingers*)
Leto You really can't say?
Gulo (*yet another X, followed by a constant barrage of Xs*)
Leto Urgh... Fine, I'll stop bothering you about it.
Anyway, as soon as I meet this guy, I'll know, right? I'm also real curious as to why you two keep staring at my face.
What, is it 'cause I look like someone, or does someone look like me?
Nah, can't be, the way the old man talked about the guy he wants me to meet, it's like—
Gulo That—It's not—Well, no...!
Leto Alright, calm down, a guy like you couldn't lie your way out of a finbowl.
Well, I'm not lying, you guys were stealing some real strange glances earlier.
If you're up to some funny business, it's gonna come down to my fists.
Gulo —!
Leto Weren't we going inside? C'mon already.
[Leto walks inside the house first.]
Gulo Ah! Madam Rosalind!
[Gulo chases after her.]
<Background 3>
Gulo Sir Arctosz, Master has brought us a guest... Sir?!
Arctosz Wahahaha! This is a fine drink, incredibly fine!
Come, finish this glass with me!
Leto ......
This is the guy the old man wanted me to meet?
A... bearded drunk?
Arctosz Eh?
What's this girl babbling about?!
I am Arctosz, Patriarch of the Paleroche Clan. How could I possibly get drunk on a sip of wine?!
Leto Hah.
All the drunks say stuff like that.
And here I thought... Nah, couldn't be, my papa would definitely be way cooler.
Arctosz You're Father's guest, *hic* so I won't argue with you.
Come a bit closer, girl. Let me have a proper look.
Leto Wha—What the hell are you trying to pull?!
Arctosz I... I feel like your face is sort of familiar...
[Arctosz pauses.]
Arctosz You're...
<Background 5>
[An old door creaks open.]
Elder Devotee *cough*, *cough*...
The old man steps inside, disturbing a thick layer of dust.
The door barely hangs on its hinges, and the floor creaks with every step.
Under his orders, the room has not welcomed a single guest in a very, very long time.
With no residents, and no custodians, this forgotten room has fallen apart with age.
Elder Devotee Where did I put it?
I think it was...
...Ah, good, here it is.
The old man fiddles with the latch of a cabinet in the corner, removing something from within.
It's a plain, unadorned rock, every edge painstakingly polished smooth until it was perfectly round.
Upon the rock is carved a blessing of Kjeragandr.
The old man grasps the rock in the palm of his hand.
Elder Devotee Thank goodness...
I kept it, even as I never expected this day to come.
Rosalind has grown up well, Tatyana...
The old man remembers. That day was also a winter's day.
It was through this very window that he had watched that sad, silent parting.
He had seen that young, foreign, faultless woman, with her anger and disappointment that could light snow aflame, leave.
He had seen that young, confused child carried in her mother's arms, unable to understand the reason behind her mother's furious face.
He had watched them for what felt like centuries.
Watched them until their backs faded into the bitter white winds.
Elder Devotee So many years, and with so much time passed.
I had planned to give this to Rosalind, but I never expected...
Arctosz did not want to see you two bear the blame, and so I locked this room, and told him that he must not speak in your stead.
And then it was I, for the sake of Clan Paleroche, who exiled you and yours.
If there is anyone to blame, Tatyana, then blame me.
Now, the Paleroche clan is in Arctosz's hands.
Kjerag too, is not as she once was.
I pledged to live the rest of my days as a simple devotee, so that as long as I lived, I would keep the road ahead clear for Kjeragandr.
If only it had been like this...
I must be truly old now, daydreaming like that.
By Kjeragandr.
By Kjeragandr...

After operation

The Viscount asks Weiss to pass Enciodes a message, inviting him and the Saintess to a banquet. The drunken pair of Leto and Arctosz wreak havoc, as if father and daughter.
<Background 6>
[There is a knock at the door.]
Weiss Sir, it's me.
Enciodes Come in.
[Weiss walks into the room with a worried expression.]
Enciodes What is it?
Weiss Viscount Harold tasked me with delivering this letter to you.
Enciodes The Viscount?
It seems like he really was quite aware of you shadowing him to his barracks on my orders.
Weiss The blame is mine for getting found out. Will this affect anything, Sir?
Enciodes It will not. You may continue.
How did he find you?
Weiss Yes, Sir!
That afternoon...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 7>
[Weiss activates his recorder.]
Weiss It is currently five in the afternoon. Now recording today's situation.
Things today are not much different from past recordings.
The infected barracks' soldiers regularly perform drills in the mountains nearby.
Well, I say drills, but it's mostly them trying to stave off boredom.
The uninfected soldiers, on the other hand, have more freedom of movement.
Thanks to this, they get up to all sorts of things. It's a bit of a pain to—Scratch that. Based on previous investigations, most of them simply drink and get rowdy at the taverns at the foot of the mountain.
There are still four people keeping watch at the camp. Three are playing cards, while one is sleeping.
After the one who was sleeping woke up, one of the other three left. He seemed to be quite happy as he was walking away.
If it's to visit the Turiels, I'd say he's taken a fancy to their daughter.
[Weiss pauses his recorder.]
Weiss These Victorians have been here for nearly a month.
Even though I volunteered myself to scout in the first place, the more I watch them the more I wonder if there is even any point in monitoring them.
They really do look like they're just here for sightseeing.
Ah, right.
[Weiss reactivates his recorder.]
Weiss It looked like Viscount Harold had returned to camp and started playing cards with the soldiers, but he is now nowhere to be seen...
Harold You know, a kindhearted old man like me would call it a pity that you're out here alone on a mountain, Mr. Weiss.
Which is why I brought along a drink for you.
Weiss ...?!
Harold No need to worry, old chap.
Watching us every day must be a right chore.
I get it, though. After all, there's a bunch of foreign troops stationed here. I'd be worried too. And so your Sir Enciodes can't help but have a little disdain for us Victorians.
Go on, take a sip already. It'll warm you up.
Weiss ......
[Weiss pauses his recorder and stands up.]
Weiss Sorry, I'm not great with alcohol.
Harold Is that so? What a pity. I didn't have much taste for booze either, when I was younger. Felt like I could do just about anything sober.
Ah, but now I finally understand why drink enchants people so.
Weiss Please tell me, Lord Viscount. What exactly will you do, now that you've found me?
Harold I was simply hoping you could assist me in a small matter, Mr. Weiss.
Be a sport and pass this letter along to Enciodes, if you would.
Weiss Alright. I'll do that.
Harold Eh? Not going to ask why?
Weiss You've already found me out. I couldn't quite hide myself from your keen eyes.
And pointing it out to me so bluntly speaks volumes about your attitude on the matter.
I'll inform my master about that, alongside this letter.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 6>
Weiss Forgive me, Sir. If only I had trained my scouting a bit more...
Enciodes There is naught to forgive. No matter what they say, in the end they are still Victorian soldiers.
There is an objective gap between our capabilities and theirs.
It is enough that you perform your work at your own pace.
Weiss Understood.
Enciodes Moreover, it is as you said. That he wished to use you to convey this to me is telling about his attitude.
You have observed their barracks for nearly a month now.
Tell me what you think of them, Weiss.
Weiss Yes, Sir.
Before the Victorian Army even set foot inside Turicum, we had already prepared extensively, just in case.
But we never actually used any of our contingencies.
They rushed in, as if tomorrow they would occupy all of Kjerag.
But as we braced for impact, we ended up in this situation. They mostly stay at the foot of the mountain, with minimal activity.
That viscount...
He deliberately set up camp far from any major towns or cities, so as to minimize disturbances to the locals.
Their barracks are split up into camps for the Infected and uninfected. They've even put up a notice to inform visitors.
According to some intelligence I dug up, He has even ordered his men to help the locals with their daily tasks.
How should I put this...? He truly respects his men, and he also respects us Kjerags.
And so I think he's worthy of our respect too.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have asked Matterhorn to pass them medicine and supplies.
Weiss stops speaking, his report complete, but Enciodes does not respond.
The rhythmic sound of Enciodes's index finger slowly tapping at the armrest of his chair clearly echoes throughout the room, like water slowly but firmly dripping from the eaves.
Enciodes This letter. What do you make of it?
Weiss Ultimately, they have infringed on our borders in the name of Victoria. And now, they have used me as the means to pass you this letter.
I believe this was intended as both a rap across the knuckles and a warning.
Could it be... that after all this, they can't actually contain themselves?
[Enciodes unfolds the letter.]
Enciodes ......
You've always been fond of taking the negative tack, Weiss.
Weiss Apologies, sir.
Enciodes No, this is one of your strengths.
You are correct. He deliberately sought you out, so as to reveal his strength.
But at the same time, it is unlikely he would not know that you are my attendant.
A man of his position could approach me directly and to inform me of the contents of this letter.
But he used you to pass it to me instead.
Do you feel like that is etiquette befitting a noble?
Weiss And... it's a very humble gesture.
He is a strange man.
Enciodes He represents the will of a Victorian Duke, but that does not mean—
That every chess piece is a willing puppet.
Weiss Sir, what exactly is the letter regarding?
Enciodes does not reply, merely placing the piece of paper within the envelope atop the table and sliding it towards Weiss.
Weiss It's... an invitation?
Enciodes An invitation for me, alongside our Saintess, to take part in a dinner party he's arranged.
Weiss You and Lady Enya...
Surely he doesn't...? No, it couldn't be. If he really did sense something amiss, he wouldn't go about it in such a friendly manner.
Enciodes ......
Find Matterhorn, and ask him to take one of the finest bottles from our distillery's storehouse.
Ah. On second thought, Weiss.
Weiss Sir...?
Enciodes No need to go to the distillery. Come with me to the Silverash wine cellar. I will fetch the drink personally.
Weiss You mean, the old manor's cellar?
There may be wine there, but...
Enciodes You need only do as I ask.
He has already revealed his sincerity to us. And so, it is my turn to do the same.
<Background 3>
Elder Devotee What in Kjeragandr's name is going on...?
[Leto and Arctosz clink glasses.]
Leto I'm telling you, we Ursus can drink way more than this any day!
Come visit sometime! It'll be my treat!
Arctosz Hahaha! Very well! It's a deal!
Drink! Come, drink more!
[The two Ursus clink glasses again and down their drink.]
Arctosz Now that's some fine wine!
Leto Nonono, it's not wine, it's honey!
Man, Kjerag's own local highland honey... *hic* This flavor sure is something else.
It's your lucky day, because I brought a few bottles of my own on the train!
Arctosz Ah, honey! How very sobe... *hic* sobering!
This flavor is great, stupendous! I, Arctosz, do decree it so! Come, down it!
[Arctosz grabs his father's arm by mistake.]
Elder Devotee —?!
Arctosz Eh? Girl, why'd you turn all wrinkly?
Leto Hahaha! Buddy, you've got the wrong guy! I'm over here!
[The old devote wrests himself away from Acrtosz.]
Elder Devotee Let go... Useless son of mine, let go I say!
Arctosz Hey, kid, how come you're so strong all of a suddenly? Don't tell me you don't like my drinks?
Well that's no good! Wait here, I'll go get the best, bestest spirits!
Just you wait!
[Arctosz hobbles off.]
Leto Hey, buddy—
I already told you, you got the wrong guy!
Elder Devotee You... You two...
Gulo! GULO!
Gulo I'm here, Master!
Elder Devotee What is the meaning of this?!
Gulo Sir had drank a bit too much, and once he saw Madam Rosalind, he invited her to drink with him.
I... I wasn't able to stop them!
Elder Devotee Actosz, you besotted oaf!
When he looked at Rosalind, did he—did he really not come to any realizations?!
Gulo Not exactly.
Elder Devotee Well, what then?! Spit it out already!
Gulo When he saw Rosalind, Sir said that she looked a bit familiar.
But I think he might have been too drunk. We waited here a good while, and he didn't say another word about it. Not a peep.
Elder Devotee And then?!
Gulo And then Madam Rosalind thought of something to lighten the mood. She got out some honey drinks she brought with her and gave some to Sir to try...
And then, well... Here we are.
Elder Devotee ......
How did Arctosz get this far without learning how to handle honey drunkenness?
Gulo It's his nature, I'm afraid. I don't think he could handle it, even if he tried.
To be honest, he might have inherited it from you, Master...
Elder Devotee (Glare)
Gulo *cough* *cough*
What should we do now?
Elder Devotee What should we do? You're asking me what we should do?
Wait until Arctosz has sobered up. Once he has a clearer head, even he cannot deny the things that us two have noticed.
When I see Rosalind, I see Arctosz when he was her age.
Gulo I remember. He didn't have his beard back then.
Elder Devotee Pah, he was just afraid of not looking reliable enough. It's a ploy!
If he had really been reliable back then, it would never had come to this...
Leto Batyushka, you're finally here!
Who wasn't reliable? What back then? What're you guys talking about?
Elder Devotee Ah, nothing, just some reminiscing...
Leto Hmph, another secret you're keeping.
All right then, keep your secrets.
Here, batyushka. This is for you.
I saved you one last bottle of honey. Let's drink!
Elder Devotee ...Very well.
<Background fades out and in>
Guard? (Doesn't sound like there'll be any trouble from them.)
(Sure looks like a family reunion or something to me.)
(No, I can't rule out the possibility of them exchanging information via codewords.)
(I still need to watch them carefully.)
Elder Devotee You, why are you loafing around over there?
Guard? Ah, Master. A new delivery of drink has just arrived, and I need men to help me bring it all in.
Elder Devotee You may go, young Gulo.
Gulo Yes, Master!
Uh, I'll go on ahead first then?
Elder Devotee Yes, just go already. I'll make sure these two don't get up to further trouble.
<Background fades out>
Arctosz I brought more drink!
Happy Bears.png
Leto Wait, this much?
Hahaha! Did you empty the entire cellar or something, my man?
Arctosz The people of Kjerag are never stingy when treating their guests!
After gifting me your honey, it's only natural that I share something of mine. I wouldn't want a girl like you thinking I wasn't generous.
Try this one on for size!
Since you have such fine taste, I've grabbed the rarest drink in my collection. I wouldn't even bring it out for the banquet tomorrow!
Leto "Snow Realm Spring"? The year's on the label too. Ooh, this looks familiar. I think I've seen this brand in the Doctor's office...
Ah, whatever, time to drink up!
[Leto takes a few gulps.]
Leto Hah—!
This stuff is great!
It's got a tingle, but it sure goes down easy; refreshing, yet not pungent... Yep, very fine!
Arctosz Hahaha! You sound just like one of those fancy sommeliers!
At the time, it was awful hard to get this drink.
I had to grease a few palms and hide them behind my father's back to get my hands on this batch.
Elder Devotee ......
Leto Why'd you have to keep it a secret?
What, did your dad not let you drink or something?
Arctosz No, nothing of the sort. Us men of Kjerag have been drinking since we were in diapers, unlike those Victorians who fall over after a single drop! Hahaha!
Ah, but this... Back then, it was considered taboo, especially for us Paleroches...
But those times are long gone. Things have changed.
Pah! What use is talking about it now?!
Come! Have a sip.
Leto Woah!
Arctosz This bottle might be even better than the last. If it wasn't for the fact that we were such kindred spirits, I wouldn't give it to you, even if you beat me to death over it!
Gotta sample it nice and slow! Real *hic* slow!
Leto Look, you got it wrong again, boss. I'm over here, that there's a pillar!
Let me give it a try... Hey, why's this sour?
Arctosz Sour?! How dare you!
This really is sour... But why?
Elder Devotee It aged well at first, but you have to take into account how it was stored.
Our storage methods back then were not as sophisticated as today, and after so long...
There would always be a batch or two that went bad.
Arctosz Went bad...?
I'd planned to give this out at the wedding reception and ask that everyone drink their fill.
I'd thought... I'd thought I might share a glass of this with her...
<Background 3>
Elder Devotee You're drunk, Arctosz.
That's enough for now.
Arctosz I'm not drunk! I'm... I'm not...
Leto Hmph.
C'mon, give me that bottle!
The girl takes the slightly sour, aged spirit from Arctosz's hand.
She turns up her head, and without the slightest bit of hesitation, raises the bottle and pours the liquid straight down her throat, taking in its varied astringent notes.
Leto Hah—!
And that's that problem solved. It was a little off, but overall, still a pretty good drink!
If you want my expert opinion, I'd say you could really grow to love that aftertaste.
Elder Devotee Young lady, you—! Have you gone mad?!
Quick, somebody call a doctor—!
Leto Nah, I'm good.
Arctosz You're good?!
It'd long since gone bad, and you still drank it? Haven't you ever heard of food poisoning?!
Leto I'm fine. Really.
I've eaten rotten bread and drank foul water out of the gutter before.
Compared to that, what's this drink gonna do to me?
Elder Devotee Huh?
Arctosz Out of the gutter...?
Why would you even do such things, girl?!
Leto I'd rather not talk about those times right now.
But anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I might not really get what the whole deal is here, but I can feel it out.
You said this drink was pretty important, right, boss?
Arctosz ......
Leto I'll take that as a yes.
Something as rare as that getting spilled away just because it's gone a little off sure would be sad, don't you think?
Arctosz Listen...
Leto Oh, c'mon, don't give me that face. It could work for you if you were more handsome, but you'd have to lose the beard first.
Hey! Whare aren't we drinking?
Whatever boozy treasures are left, serve 'em up!
Today, the three of us—we're drinking until we drop!
<Background 8>
Harold You're sure?
Slippery Soldier I'm sure.
Harold Hmph.
This might be an issue.
You know, lad, you usually come full of ideas, but you're a right mute here.
Slippery Soldier Can't blame me for that one, boss.
When a lord like you suddenly wants to throw a banquet, just freeing up the space for it took our men no small amount of effort.
Harold It's simply for hosting two foreign dignitaries. Although it's still a bit off for that purpose.
Slippery Soldier *sigh* I understand.
We've invited a chef from a local restaurant to come and cook, and thanks to us and the locals being so buddy-buddy, we've also managed to get some top-quality ingredients to go with.
We're still stumped on drinks, though.
These three bottles of "Snow Realm Spring 1095" were the best we could get from hereabouts.
[Harold pours himself a glass and takes a sip.]
Harold This one... Mouthfeel is pleasant enough, and the aroma is suitably complex.
However, the layering's a little bit weak, and this acridity is somewhat unbalanced.
It would be fine to offer to someone the same rank as me, but for our guests at this banquet... it's far from appropriate.
Slippery Soldier It's only at times like these that your nobility shows, milord.
Harold Well, I do have to work rather hard at it.
Slippery Soldier Enough already, we all know you're just a boozer who gave yourself the excuse that you're handling the lords and ladies.
Harold Alright, enough lip out of you, go back and help out or something. I'll think over everything else that's left.
Slippery Soldier Boss, we've been here a whole month, and we've seen that the Kjerags, they really love their Saintess, and this Enciodes guy too.
I know you keep saying we're just here as tourists.
Harold What is it you think I'm up to? If I really want to do something, I would tell you to get that ambush sorted before all this.
Slippery Soldier That's what you said, sure, but don't expect the boys to come save your hide if something comes up.
Harold Oh, don't be such a worrywart. It's bad luck.
[The soldier leaves.]
Harold ......
If I had known sooner, I would have asked the missus to pack that rare red wine we've got in the house.
[The doors open and Enciodes enters the room.]
Enciodes Whyever are you sighing, My Lord?
Harold Ah, Sir Enciodes...
Haha, well, you've caught me in something of a pickle. I'm the one organizing this banquet, but I can't quite find a drink fit for two illustrious guests such as you.
While worrying over that, I recalled a fine vintage in my collection back home, and it gave me a twinge of homesickness.
Enciodes I'm afraid I don't know where exactly you are a viscount of—
Harold County Barre.
Enciodes If I recall correctly, County Barre is not far from Toron.
Harold Indeed! They tend to follow the same trails, have done so for quite a while now.
Enciodes If that is the case, then you and I were fated to meet, Lord Viscount. I lived in Toron for a time.
Harold That's right, I feel like we might have met at some banquet or the other, back in the day.
If only we had recalled this forgotten connection of ours sooner, Sir Enciodes, we wouldn't have had to be at each other's throats.
Enciodes Indeed.
If I had known that you were such an interesting man, I think we would have made fast friends, My Lord.
I have met with many a noble here in Kjerag, but I believe that you might be the first to get homesick at the thought of some wine.
Would it be remiss for me to assume that My Lord is a family man?
Harold Hahahah, if my daughter heard those words, she would most likely die from laughter.
In her eyes, I'm the most worthless father across all the lands.
Enciodes Relations always have a different view of things to outsiders.
Harold You're right. Every family has its own issues.
Enciodes I'm afraid that I have no solution to your longing for County Barre, but I do have the means to make you feel at home here.
Harold Oh?
[Enciodes snaps his fingers, and Matterhorn quickly shows up at his side.]
Matterhorn My Lord, please accept this as a token of my master's regard.
[Matterhorn presents a vintage bottle to the viscount.]
Harold This is... "Snow Realm Spring"... "1072"?
I had heard that other than the "Snow Realm Spring" batch that started distilling in the 90s, there were even rarer bottles from a batch from the 70s.
You're saying this is the real deal?!
Enciodes Kjerag's first distillery was established under my father's auspice, but after his passing in an unfortunate accident, its output too essentially stopped.
I revived it after the founding of Karlan Trade.
Thanks to our outdated aging techniques, most of the stuff from the 70s is completely undrinkable these days, but a few bottles from that era still survive.
They were labelled as 1070s, and what few existed were kept in the Silverash clan cellars.
What you see before you is from that collection.
Harold Wow... Just from that hint of fragrance coming from the mouth of that bottle, I can already tell that it'll drive Victoria's greatest sommeliers wild.
This is a mighty fine drink.
If I drank any of this, forget about feeling at home, I'd want to stay in Kjerag for another three years.
Enciodes If that is ever your desire, then of course we will welcome you with open arms.
Harold Not scared of a Victorian soldier, Sir Enciodes?
Enciodes If every Victorian soldier is as reasonable a man as you, what have I to fear?
Harold I'm afraid you might have some misunderstandings about me, good sir.
Enciodes Then it is natural for me to wish to clear up those misunderstandings. Come, let us sit and discuss them.
Harold Ah, well... the Saintess hasn't arrived yet, so should we really be sitting?
Enciodes The Great Saintess is quite occupied with various affairs at the moment. There is no need to trouble her over this.
Harold Uh...
[Just then, the doors open again, and the Saintess enters the room.]
Enya It is as he says. Were I not here, there would be nothing wrong with the two of you sitting down to a chat.
It would have to clear my approval in the end anyhow.
Is that not right, Sir Enciodes?
Harold Great Saintess, I'm honored that you have deigned to grace this banquet with your presence.
Enya It has been quite some time since you first set foot in Kjerag, Lord Viscount.
In that time, I've heard of the goodwill that you have shown Kjerag, and I had plans myself to reach out to you for our own little chat.
Today is as good an opportunity as any other.
Enciodes It has been a while, Saintess.
Harold Sir Enciodes... You still have not answered my question.
Enciodes The Saintess is correct.
It's just that you are the spiritual leader of all Kjerag's people, after all.
Every day, you must hear the hopes and prayers of supplicants, and keep their faith in Kjeragandr in their hearts.
Nowadays all the nations of Terra have heard tell of Her, and one by one they set their eyes on Her. This too, is yet another matter that occupies your attention.
There is no need for you to personally attend to the mundane matters of the nation.
Enya You tell a good joke, Sir Enciodes.
The reason why Kjeragandr attracts more and more attention from the outside world is in fact because we take note of our people's hopes and prayers, and that we work towards a better life for all of them.
And that being the case, it means that there is no such thing as a mundane matter of the nation.
It need only be a matter of concern to the people to be a matter of concern to me.
I am sure that you would understand this simple reasoning of mine, right, Sir Enciodes?
Enciodes I understand this point. As a good friend of mine once counselled me, whether in family matters or matters of state, if you try to grasp everything at play, it will often times not go as you planned.
Enya And as a good friend once counselled me, whether in family matters or matters of state, even if you cannot attend to everything personally, you must see things through your own eyes and do things with your own hands at least once.
Do you hold family matters in your heart, Sir Enciodes, or matters of state?
Enciodes What is it that you wish to see, Great Saintess? What is it that you wish to do?
Enya ......
Enciodes ......
Harold ......
Ah, Great Saintess, just before you arrived, Sir Enciodes gifted me a bottle of liquor.
Enya Oh?
Harold "Snow Realm Spring 1072"
Enya ......
Harold A drink so fine, its only flaw is that it will upstage the main dish.
Enciodes It is my gift to you. Are you afraid that it might steal your thunder as our host?
Harold Hardly, hardly.
While I am the host, I can't really call myself the lord of this place, can I?
I would say that the Saintess herself would be considered the star of the evening.
Enciodes It seems I have overstepped my bounds.
Harold If I may, Saintess, I have a proposal.
Enya Go ahead.
Harold I think we should use this bottle of 1072 as the drink for tonight's meal.
What do you think?
Enya What say you, Sir Enciodes?
Enciodes ...In 1072, when our father placed these bottles into our cellar, he believed that Kjerag's spring was just around the corner.
But even after waiting for more than twenty years, our spring has still not yet truly arrived.
Now, if this bottle were a signal for the opportunity before us, that would truly be a wonderful thing.
Enya Eloquent as ever, Sir Enciodes.
Now that matter's settled, Kjarr.
Kjarr Yes, Saintess?
Enya Take this bottle to the kitchen, if you would.
Kjarr At once, Saintess.
Enya Is that to your satisfaction, My Lord?
Harold Well, since our two guests of honor have arrived... Let's get this banquet started.
Please, have a seat.