DV-ST-1: Retrogarde

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Dorothy's Vision: Test Site

To some, the onset of Oripathy is a source of dread; to doctors, it is a source of motivation.
Columbian Pioneer icon.png
Female RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Lab Tech
Female Columbian icon.png
Rhine Lab HQ Control Office
Columbia Alley
Columbia Streets Night
Rhine Lab Corridor
Test Site
Back in the city at Rhine headquarters, Muelsyse, after connecting with Saria, finds herself pursued. Meanwhile, back at the test site, Ptilopsis falls into the Pioneers' trap and finds herself kidnapped.
<Background 1>
[A phone rings.]
Hello. You've reached the office of Rhine Lab Control, Kristen Wright.
Ms. Wright is currently unable to take your call. Please leave your message after the tone. Thank you.
[The phone switches to voicemail as the caller starts to speak.]
Answering Machine This is bad, Kristen. I think I screwed up...
I'll admit the Colonel's smart. He caught onto my "little tricks" last time I made a delivery.
He's been all eyes on me along with Ferdinand's people. It took a whole bunch of clones just to get away here.
Ferdinand's gonna make his move at Rhine soon enough, I just know it... and the other Directors have to fall in line. The only other option is to play dumb.
Ugh, jeez. I might have nowhere to run anymore, seriously.
I'm a little scared. Just a tiny, tiny bit, but... you get where I'm coming from, right?
Not to worry, though. I'm still going to uphold our agreement, 100%.
–Kristen... I can't help but wonder...
If she was still here, maybe we wouldn't...
[The caller hangs up.]
<Background 2>
[A Liberi/Pythia(?) woman walks in...]
??? Ms. Muelsyse, I suggest you stop struggling.
Your marathon from Rhine HQ to the commercial district's wasted our entire evening.
[...towards Muelsyse who is cornered in the alley.]
Muelsyse ...*Sigh*.
Lemme guessie, dead end for me?
You'll always catch me as long as I'm somewhere in Trimounts.
??? No. Forget Trimounts. It'd be the same in any city.
This is Columbia. The charges stick to lawbreakers, rain or shine.
Muelsyse This is about me breaking confidentiality with the military, right?
In which case, you should give me some time to call my lawyer–and not sic a kajillion armed mercs on me in the middle of the street.
??? I'll say again. We're in Columbia.
We don't operate by the books unless "by the books" is what we need. In other scenarios, we like efficiency.
Muelsyse ......
Alright. Do I still get a little chat with Ferdinand? Maybe me and him can still straighten out this whole mix-up before it's too late.
??? Nuh-uh. That's not in my orders here.
Muelsyse D... Didn't Ferdinand hire you?
??? Ferdinand Clooney might be your coworker, but he's just a partner of convenience to me.
I've got no personal stake in the Rhine infighting. Ecological? Energy? I don't give a damn and my employer doesn't care who exactly we're cooperating with.
What we want is results. Rhine Lab provides the goods, my employer puts thought into their use.
And your tiny little "oops moment" lost you the last ounces of our trust.
[Muelsyse is surprised to learn that the woman didn't work for Ferdinand.]
Muelsyse If I said... I didn't mean to, would you believe me?
I'm a researcher, ya know? I've got this habit of hanging onto test data here and there.
??? Habit? You had all this time to think of an excuse, and that's it?
I'm so, so sorry to tell you, your fancy brand of charisma doesn't work on me.
I'm given to understand Ferdinand warned you not to let a whisper of any of the testing leak before the government passed every bill tied to it.
Your Elven blood's stretched the expiration date on your good looks. That likewise ensures you don't form any forgetful habits, right?
Muelsyse You–!
You know I'm...
??? An Elf?
I read the files. I know who I'm working with. Part of my job, y'see.
Muelsyse ......
??? So, come, let's cooperate some. Whatever illusion you were going to concoct next, it'd be as useless as the last.
Muelsyse Sheesh, I guess I really am cornered.
[Muelsyse channels her Arts...]
I guess that's why you were stalling so long... You think you can dupe me?
I'm not the brute forcing type, I don't go off half-cocked, and I'm not one of your colleagues married to the lab.
[...but the woman suddenly close in on her...]
??? Got you.
[...prompting Muelsyse to launch an ice burst at her, but the woman shrugged it before landing a clean hit on the Elf.]
Muelsyse *cough* *cough*...
At this temperature... water molecules... don't hear my call...
Is this your Arts... or some kind of special technology?
[The woman approaches Muelsyse...]
??? Are you really free enough to discuss issues of science with me, "Director" Muelsyse?
Sorry, but I'm tired of playing hide-and-seek, and I don't want any sudden "acts" of iced water getting my plumage or hair wet.
Muelsyse Hahah... you're... no ordinary merc...
??? Flattered.
[...and grabs her.]
??? Now, you still have one last chance–answer my question.
Kristen Wright, Rhine Lab Control, has spent the past several years buying up a massive amount of high-purity hard material from companies high and low. What kind of experiment is she running?
Muelsyse Hfff... hkaah... why are you helping Ferdinand if you and your employer–care so much about Control's tests?
??? That's not the right answer. That's not AN answer. That's another question, in fact.
Muelsyse Nngh...
I don't have... any of... the answers you're looking for.
??? Your file says you love using your blood-given abilities to toy with people. I'm a little surprised you turned out to be so loyal to the Control.
Muelsyse Loyal...?
I'm just... looking out for... myself...
??? Aww... you're telling me you don't want this chance at all.
In which case, Ms. Muelsyse–
Our partnership is hereby terminated.
[Muelsyste is shocked to hear the word...]
Muelsyse Terminated...?
??? Terminate her.
[...as a Columbian powersuit approaches her...]
Muelsyse ......
You've gotta make it in time... for Kristen...
[...and brings down its fist on the Elf...]
<Background 3>
2:43 A.M. \ Overcast
Main District of Trimounts
[Saria, wearing an R.L. attire, is waiting for Muelsyse.]
Saria ......
Trimountarian Still waiting for your appointment, ma'am?
Saria She should've been here ten minutes ago.
I've never counted on her to be punctual, but if our last comms were anything to go by, she was the one desperate for this meeting.
Trimountarian Maybe she backed out again...
We all know the Director of Rhine Lab Ecological prefers to hide the truth behind all those smiles of hers.
Saria I don't trust Muelsyse.
I wouldn't easily trust anyone choosing to remain at Rhine Lab at this point.
But partnerships are built on more than just trust. Did you trust me the moment I first met you?
Trimountarian *cough*... The truth, ma'am?
When I saw you standing outside my door, I almost went straight to the kitchen to grab a knife or something, and call the cops along the way.
Saria Good head on your shoulders.
Still, Rhine Lab wouldn't use force to threaten a retired employee who signed an NDA.
At least, not while I was still in Defense.
[Saria's phone received a message...]
Saria A new message?
[...and she reads it.]
Saria ......
Trimountarian Something wrong, ma'am? You look serious... serious enough to give me shivers.
Saria Change of plans.
Muelsyse isn't coming.
Trimountarian S... Something happened to her? Right when she was about to meet you?
Saria Erikson, I need a favor.
Trimountarian W-What is it?
Saria Send the info I received to the local branch of this pharmaceutical company.
Ask their operators to immediately inform Dr. Kal'tsit and Dr. {nickname}–I know they've been in Columbian territory recently.
I need their help.
<Background 4>
For the rest of this interlude, all of Ptilopsis' dialogues are player-determined.
5:11 A.M. \ Overcast
Test Site 359, Trimounts Outskirts
[An R.L. staff greets Joyce.]
Rhine Lab Tech Morning, Doctor. You're up as early as ever.
Ptilopsis Well-regulated circadian rhythm promotes stability of core data.
Rhine Lab Tech D... Data? You mean physiologically, right?
Haha, you always pack that special sense of humor.
*sigh*... I pulled an all-nighter just to get these figures. Director Franks is gonna rag on me for this.
Ptilopsis Negative. Scenario inconsistent with typical behavior of Dorothy Franks.
Rhine Lab Tech Uh, is that supposed to reassure me?
Thanks... but even if she lets it fly, there's still Director Clooney, and I don't wanna go back to him...
[A young Liberi R.L. staff joins in.]
??? You're overdue for a good night's sleep, Helen.
Rhine Lab Tech Elena... you know we have evaluations next week. How am I supposed to sleep with an eval weighing on me?
I can't lose this job. I'm still paying off my student loans...
Sorry, I know I keep bringing that up.
Elena Hm... how's this sound? I'll raise your situation with the Director once the experiment's over.
Rhine Lab Tech S-Seriously? Elena... you're the only one in all of Energy who isn't terrified of Director Clooney. What's your secret?
Elena You've just gotta be like me...
Rhine Lab Tech Spending every single day in the lab, making the Director happy with every last thing you do? Th–That's not realistic for me...
Oh, right! I needed to check in with Director Franks! Gotta go!
Elena See you.
[The female staff leaves.]
Ptilopsis ......
Elena I made coffee. You want some?
Ptilopsis Excessive caffeine intake may aggravate Oripathy, Elena.
Elena I hear you, but I'm still not about to give up my life for the word "may."
If the docs had the final word, I'd be best off staying at Rhodes Island with my sister.
Same for you, right, Joyce? Medical wants you aboard long-term.
Ptilopsis Regulations state I must report back to Rhine Lab at regular intervals.
Provision of medical services at this site is only a temporary assignment.
Elena Sure... just a few days, and then you'll meet back up with Dr. Silence in the city, right?
Me and Dorothy'll miss you.
??? Joyce needs rest. Work gets too intense here at the site.
And you, Elena. If it wasn't for Ferdinand talking you up as his most outstanding researcher, I'd be on the case to kick you back to the city too.
[Dorothy joins in.]
Elena So you're here at last, Dorothy.
Helen just went looking for you. You didn't run into her?
Dorothy Sorry, I wasn't paying attention...
Elena Seriously, you're gonna work until you faint, huh?
Forget me and Joyce, how many days have you gone without sleep? I've seen the wrappers filling up your lab's trash can over the past week. Agrypnotics, huh?
Dorothy The experiment's already in its final phase. I promised the participants I'd accelerate the pace, so they can get back to their families sooner.
Elena Got me there. Who doesn't want this done sooner?
Plus, as your assistant, I have to listen to you anyway.
Dorothy Alright–can I ask my beloved assistant to do me another little favor, then?
I can't be out of the lab for too long. I want you to courier these heat-emitter modules to some friends outside.
Elena Heat-emitters? We've been in the barrens for over a month. Where'd you buy these?
Dorothy I...
Ptilopsis Warning. Rhine Lab technological components detected.
Elena See? It took me and Joyce one look to know you made these with lab materials.
The living fossils up in Business won't like that. You might be Director of Originium Arts Director, but that's not gonna change their tune any.
Dorothy I know how their minds work.
And I know even better that you won't report something this minor to Ferdinand, or any of the Directors for that matter.
Elena ......
Dorothy They need these things. It's been getting cold lately, and their huts weren't built to last. They won't keep the chills out.
Elena Dorothy.
I've been wanting to say... Don't you think you worry too much about them?
They're... Pioneers. A team of them in Rhine Lab's employ.
No Pioneer's gonna hang around anywhere for long, let alone make friends.
Dorothy They're just a bunch of kids.
Besides, I know what you're trying to say. You're worried about me. You're worried I'll feel empty once they're gone.
That's my little assistant, always so considerate...
Elena Don't grin at me like that. You're not my teacher, Director Franks.
Dorothy Elena...
Elena Fine, I'll do you this one last favor. The very last one.
Seeing as... the experiment's nearly over.
<Background 5>
[A Columbian pioneer tells a red-headed Vulpo named Sonny,]
Pioneer Sir, we're all set.
Sonny ......
Pioneer Sonny... Sir?
Sonny Huh?
Pioneer Got the heebie-jeebies?
Sonny What? Nah, that's never been my style.
Pioneer You've been pacing laps about the cabin. Seven, coming up eight.
Sonny I'm just, uh... I'm getting my mind in order. Lotta variables, what's coming up next.
Pioneer Sonny, I've been thinking, but, uh, are we really on the right track here?
Sonny ......
Pioneer Them scientists, and the doc, they've been plenty good to us, I say.
Sonny I told y'all already, one or two acts of kindness don't make a saint.
Back in law school, my classmates loved to all that charitable business–
You know, donate a thing or three to treatment zones for Infected, maybe join a campus debate for justice, for what they went through.
But once I came to be an unlucky, ill-ridden son-of-a-gun too, well, guess how many times they visited me?
Pioneer Yeah?
Sonny Not a single goddamned time.
A year back, I went to borrow some money from an old college roommate. He worked at the biggest law firm in Max D.C.
Picked up the phone, get this. He asked me who I was.
"Sorry, you were out deferred for treatment, so that's why the grad yearbook didn't have your contact." –Ha!
Most touching joke I ever heard, I tell you.
Pioneer Real band of bastards, huh? We've seen plenty of 'em ourselves, all of us.
Sonny Once they're at a safe enough distance, it stokes their egos good to throw out a little benevolence, like they're feeding fowl, and it makes a topic for their get-togethers too.
You go on and guess... if right this moment, in that laboratory, those respectable scientists are cradling their coffee cups talking about us, huh?
Nobody minds doling out good intent, not until it costs them anything for real.
Pioneer Alright, boss, whatever you say.
You seen the most of us, paid it most mind. Your word is gold.
Sonny This is the only way we've got.
Nobody in the whole damned test site's gonna look out for us, 'cept ourselves.
<Background 4>
[Elena is drinking her coffee with Joyce...]
Elena C'mon, Joyce, once I finish my coffee, we've got to get to work.
[...as a pioneer rushes to her.]
Pioneer Medic... we need a medic!
Elena You're one of the Pioneers?
You can't really just come in... uh, you haven't gone through decontam yet...
Pioneer Don't you have a medic or a doctor? Something came over Sam all of a sudden, he's sick!
Elena Sick...? Is it Oripathy?!
Pioneer Are you? Are you a doctor? You gotta save him, you gotta save ol' Sam, save us all!
He's been running like a kettle since late last night, and he's just started throwing up blood!
Ptilopsis Please input the patient's location.
Pioneer He's in the nearest hut... We did like you told us last time, gave him some painkillers, laid him down.
Ptilopsis Understood. Initiating emergency treatment routine.
Elena Joyce...!
Ptilopsis Apologies. Other tasks have reduced priority.
Elena I... I know.
I'm not trying to stop you, even if we're shattering safety regulations...
Joyce, I'm gonna go with you.
Ptilopsis You are not a medical worker, Elena.
Elena Who gives two cares? Remember, I took basic medical training too. An extra pair of helping hands can't hurt in a situation like this, right?
Plus I've gotta make the trip anyway, with my errand from Dorothy. Might as well be now.
<Background 6>
[Elena, Joyce, and the pioneer rushes into where the sick pioneer is taken.]
Pioneer Here!
Elena Where's the patient?
[The pioneers blocked Elena's path.]
Elena Out of the way! Every second counts with acute Oripathy onset!
Pioneer ......
Elena But...
Ptilopsis Scan returned no results.
Pioneer Don't move!
Elena Is that... a nail gun?
Ptilopsis There are no cases of acute Oripathy onset in the vicinity.
Elena Sure aren't, Joyce. These are some healthy young men here.
Wouldn't have the strength to be pointing dangerous tools at us otherwise.
[Sonny shows up.]
??? Hands up, ladies.
Elena You're... the leader of the Pioneer Team.
Sonny You remember me? I admit I'm a touch surprised.
Elena Sir, why have you tricked me and Joyce into coming here?
Sonny I trust you know, Urbica... Dr. Urbica.
That's how you say your surname, right?
Elena You pronounced it beautifully...
Sonny Gonna trouble you to lend us your communicator there, Doc.
Pioneer Team needs to ask your superiors a few questions.