HE-ST-1: Crown Offering

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Crown Offering
Hortus de Escapismo: Sanctilaminium Ambrosii
Next HE-TR-1

The Holy City bestows a radiant crown.
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Lateran Liberi Nun icon.png
Lateran Sankta Nun icon.png
Male Ambrosian Sankta A icon.png
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant
Female Lateran Liberi icon.png
Joyous Lateran
Sankta Legatus A icon.png
Delfina icon.png
Solemn Girl (Delfina)
Male Lateran Sankta icon.png
Spirited Lateran
Lateran Basilica Hall
Lateran Basilica Square
Lateran Basilica Ballroom
Ambrosii Sacrarium
Ambrosii Facade
Ambrosii Cellar
Ambrosii Chapel
A ceremony comes to a close. Federico accepts his mission from the Pope, and heads to the hidden abbey out in the wilderness.
<Background black>
They say Laterano is Paradise.
A land of freedom, happiness and order, one of the few left in this chaotic world.
Have you ever known doubt, my child?
How was our city built, how did it grow, and how did it prosper?
Why is there only one Laterano? Why is it called the eternal paradise?
If the fires of war burn once more, and peace falls into ruin before our eyes–
Will the world continue to tolerate Paradise?
[A beeping sound is heard.]
The Law.png
...Danger level... Analyzing...


Deploying simulation sequence.

Simulation failed.

Activating emergency response mechanism.

Outputting suitable personnel list...

<Background 1>
[An Apostolic Knight reports to Pope Yvangelista XI of Laterano.]
Apostolic Knight They are here, Your Holiness.
Yvangelista XI Very well.
Apostolic Knight Are you sure about this? There is no precedent for it, aside from the canonization of the popes. It's risky.
Yvangelista XI You are correct. I could find no such record in our millennium of history.
But that is of no concern.
What is of concern is the warning I received.
Apostolic Knight What is it about, specifically?
Yvangelista XI I would answer your question honestly, if I could.
Our glowing faith has warned us that danger is near. But no one knows what it is, or how it will arrive.
I only see a list of names.
First on the list is the main character of today's performance.
Apostolic Knight That's why you proposed canonizing him?
Still the title of "Saint" is special, reserved for the holy ones who built Laterano.
Yvangelista XI I hold the same title.
Apostolic Knight Th-That's different! You're the Pope, sir.
You're conceding a significant amount of power. He will have the right to participate in a multitude of matters, even policy-making... this is no small thing!
Yvangelista XI Easy, Giovanni. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
And, as I said, there is more than one name on the list.
Apostolic Knight What? Are you proposing that all of them be canonized?!
That's absu–I mean, against the rules!
Yvangelista XI Don't be so quick to judge, Giovanni. We need to find them first.
I saw some familiar names. Do you know who's on it?
Apostolic Knight No idea.
Yvangelista XI In that case, I'll let it remain a secret for a little longer.
I think I'll visit these friends after the ceremony.
<Background 2>
[A joyous Lateran Liberi lady noticed many balloons.]
Joyous Lateran Why are there so many balloons?
There's even a pie throwing competition on that street up ahead. I had to take a detour because of all the pies on the ground... is there some sort of festival on?
Spirited Lateran No idea. Heard it's a ceremony or something, but I don't know the specifics.
Who cares, at the end of the day? Let's just enjoy the occasion, like we always do.
Say, do you think I could fly if I tied myself to these balloons?
Joyous Lateran You don't have a prayer, even if you lost twenty pounds.
Spirited Lateran Don't say that! Maybe I could take off my jacket. It's a pretty warm day...
Hey, look, new balloons!
Here, hold my jacket, I've got to try this!
[The spirited Lateran Sankta gave her jacket to the joyous Lateran Liberi...]
Joyous Lateran Hey! Be careful!
[...and goes to pick a balloon as it flies along with him.]
Spirited Lateran Whoooooooa! I'm flying!
Hey, how do I stop climbing?
Oh no! I forgot I'm scared of heights!
??? Pardon.
Joyous Lateran Hey! Don't go! Help!
??? Hm?
Spirited Lateran Help! Let me down!
[Executor Federico Giallo, now in a different attire, noticed the spirited Lateran in trouble...]
Federico Alright.
[...and shoots down the balloons holding the Sankta, causing him to fall to the ground.]
Spirited Lateran Ouch!
Man, that hurt... but thanks.
My balloons...
You popped them all? Did you really have to be so cruel?
Federico It was the logical solution, given the circumstances.
Spirited Lateran I guess... but couldn't you have left me a couple?
Joyous Lateran He got you down, stop whining. Don't mind this idiot, sir.
Where did you get that outfit? It looks cool.
Federico I can't say.
Joyous Lateran What do you mean? Was it a gift?
Spirited Lateran Looks like a work uniform. There's something familiar about it...
Joyous Lateran Where do you get a uniform like that? I'm applying!
Federico ...I'm not sure it's a standard uniform.
You can submit your curriculum vitae to the Curia.
<Background 3>
Yvangelista XI "....They led the Sankta. They built a city and named it Laterano."
"And when disaster looms once more, a new revelation shall dawn upon the Sankta, and a new guide shall lead forth..."
"The Paradise of the Sankta shall remain eternal, as witnessed by the world."
Legatus We bear witness.
Apostolic Knight We bear witness.
Cleric We bear witness.
Yvangelista XI Ite, missa est.
You can raise your head now, my child.
No... a different name is appropriate here.
Raise your head and stand by my side, Saint Federico Giallo, the first Chosen of Laterano who does not come from the ranks of the popes.
[Federico walks toward the Pope.]
Federico ......
Yvangelista XI A measured reaction. Not a fan of the balloons?
Federico I don't understand.
Yvangelista XI Hm?
Federico What is the duty of a Saint? What is the disaster that looms? Does it call for immediate action?
I need to know the details in order to formulate a plan.
Yvangelista XI An appropriate question, but not one I am able to answer.
The warning I received was as cryptic as it was direct. It does not provide for a specific answer.
Each era has its own trials and tribulations, for which we can only prepare to the best of our ability. It is certain, however, that you have been chosen because It believes that you have the ability to respond to the unknown.
Federico ...I don't understand.
Yvangelista XI There is no hurry. We have time.
Right now, there are other things we can talk about... this garb suits you, Federico.
Makes all the cardinals' bickering over the cut and color worthwhile.
Federico I didn't think that was a cardinal's duty.
Yvangelista XI Let's not be so strict. People can't help but focus on that which draws their interest.
I've seen your resume, Federico. I can tell that you are an outstanding executor.
The Commandments do not bind your thoughts as they do others, eh?
Federico Rules can be broken, if necessary.
Yvangelista XI Of course. I can't bring myself to disagree.
You judge matters by your own standards. That is why you always carry out your missions effectively, if somewhat unorthodoxly.
I have a mission for you. I had intended on going myself, but there are other matters that require my attention... now, I've found someone who can go in my stead.
It will not be an easy task. Expect unexpected complications, the likes of which you have never seen.
But I believe you are up to it. I want to see why He chose you.
Will you go, Federico?
Federico Executor Federico, ready for assignment.
What is your command?
<Background black>
Gaunt Old Man What are you looking at, Arturia?
Arturia The flowers, Excellency.
This is the only place in the monastery where they grow. I'm glad I made it in time for bloom season. It's a view worth savoring.
Gaunt Old Man Clément would be happy to hear it.
<Background 4>
[The black-winged/haloed Sankta first seen in Lingering Echoes, who turned out to be Arturia Giallo – the renegade Lateran Sankta and Federico's cousin whom he is pursuing, is enjoying the chapel's scenery with a gaunt old Sankta.]
Gaunt Old Man It has been a long time since anyone came to see the flowers that he cared for. They used to grow all around the abbey.
This is all that is left.
Arturia A shame. I understand there is a beautiful story behind them.
Gaunt Old Man There was.
Arturia What about now?
Gaunt Old Man Perhaps there still is. But my eyes have grown weak. Flowers are no longer pure enjoyment for me. I've grown too old, spent too much time here.
Flowers cannot fill an empty stomach, just as your music can soothe pain but not avert aging.
I know things don't always go according to plan. Perhaps this was inevitable the moment our call for help reached Laterano.
Only the bitter fruit remains.
Arturia Bitter fruit. Even the name itself leaves a bitterness on the tip of the tongue that does not go away. I rather like it, actually.
Poor soil does not bear sweet fruit.
Gaunt Old Man Poor soil. Yes, poor soil.
But it's home for people like us.
I thought we would find a better, more peaceful life.
We had walls that protected us from wind and rain, we had faith unwavering. Our longing for a peaceful life won out over our longing for home.
All that was left was to find a quiet corner of the world where we could live in peace.
But now...
The old man's emaciated face twitches slightly.
It is as though he is mustering the strength to tear apart that which threatens to crush him beneath his loose skin. His words are replaced by a string of coughs and gasps.
Gaunt Old Man How many years has it been? Fifty? Sixty? More?
When disaster came from the sea, when we rejected the Inquisition's demands and left Iberia to settle here... I've seen children born, and then buried those same children.
Life has become hard.
Arturia Life is always hard.
Gaunt Old Man Yes, you're right...
Look at the living. To where do they belong? I can't tell.
Are they of Iberia, or of Laterano?
We've come too far in too long...
Am I still a Lateran, after all these years?
Arturia Only you know the answer, Abbot Stefano Torregrossa.
Abbot I hope I still am.
Arturia Then you are.
Abbot You spoke the truth, Arturia.
There's no need to test me anymore.
Arturia A misunderstanding. I never intended to probe your secrets.
Abbot I permitted you to stay because these doors are open to all who bear no ill intentions.
But I still don't know what you are seeking, Arturia.
Arturia What if I said I seek nothing?
Abbot ......
Arturia I take it you don't believe it.
Then let me put it this way. Pay no heed to me. I promise I will not interfere with anything here, nor with your decisions.
I'm simply a traveler, drawn to this place by the stories here, praying that the ending is a good one.
Should I swear in the name of my halo?
Abbot You're a cunning one, Arturia.
But I believe your words.
The old man falls silent again.
Do all who grow old grow dry and stiff? The lines on his face, once so beloved, now cast only lethargy.
The eyes have become clouded by the decades that they have seen.
The face should have been warmer, gentler, more Lateran.
Abbot The Holy City never answered, all these years, but I never stopped praying.
My faith taught me to love, to be kind. It did not teach me to abandon our brothers and sisters, our loyal friends.
To abandon the few for the happiness of the many...
Arturia The devoted would call it a shameful betrayal.
Do you?
Abbot I don't have that answer, Arturia.
Where does the believer go, if faith has betrayed itself?
<Background 5>
[A weathered Sarkaz hunter returns with his quarry.]
Weathered Hunter Here's the stuff.
Get it salted and dried quickly. It should last the winter.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant I'll get someone on it!
Gratias.[note 1] This meat will buy us some time...
Weathered Hunter ...I'm sorry.
Finding game was harder than I thought, with the weather is getting colder.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant Don't say that!
Thanks to you, there will be meat on the table for the children tonight... don't apologize.
Weathered Hunter Ha. Okay, forget what I said. Make them something good for dinner.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant I would love to, but we've got to ration.
Where's Hyman? She didn't get hurt, did she?
Weathered Hunter Don't worry, she's fine.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant Really?
Don't hide anything, okay? An injury is no small thing.
Weathered Hunter No problem, we'll come back if we do need anything.
It's getting late. I should go.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant Hey, Gerald!
Gerald Hm?
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant Everyone's been talking about Laterano. They mean no harm; they're just a little anxious.
Please, don't mind it if someone lets something slip.
Gerald ......
I understand.
Gaunt Monastery Inhabitant I-I see, that's good... yes...
<Background fades out and in>
Bulky Youth ......
Gerald Thanks for coming, Raimund.
Let's go. We're not needed here. Is Hyman back yet?
Raimund Haven't seen her all day. Davy led a group out to look for her. I'll join them later.
We have a scout team ready. We'll have concrete intel when they get back tonight.
Gerald Good. Carry on.
Raimund Brother Gerald...
Are we really going to accept things as they are right now?
Gerald Calm down, Raimund.
You know we never had of a choice.
Raimund So we're compromising?
What are we? What have all these years been for? What's the difference between us and them? We're just–
Gerald Raimund!
That's enough.
Raimund But–
Gerald No buts.
I know you don't like it, Raimund.
There's still time. If there's someone you want to see, go and see them.
<Background black>
Ingestion of food for the organism's survival.
It is the basis of life, and the fundamental instinct of all animals.
Eat. Digest. Metabolize.
Activities for the sake of survival.
The most legitimate desire there is.
<Background 6>
Gentle Priest I wanted to try to persuade you, but now is not really the time.
You're weak. Too many things interfere with our thoughts, warp our judgment, preventing us from following the guidance of our faith.
You can no longer hear me, can you?
There is no answer.
The priest's voice mixes with a strange sound, echoing through the underground space.
The sound of eating.
The sound of ripping food apart and swallowing it.
Life that has lost its original form grows in the shadows.
Gentle Priest It's almost winter. The sun has become a rare sight.
This building is like a remote island. It has held out long enough. It can no longer hold out.
See the gaps in the walls, where the draught comes through.
There is little fuel left. Many will suffer in the cold without winter supplies.
Of course, we're not entirely helpless.
There are a couple of small Originium veins nearby, aren't there?
Originium can be mined there for energy generation, as you have done for many years.
But it's dangerous. Everyone knows the risk of Oripathy infection.
Who would take such a risk if they had a choice? Oripathy is a death sentence on an island like this.
You left your homes and came here. You accepted the most dangerous jobs in order to find a place to call your new home.
You're an indispensable part of this abbey.
You still can't hear me, can you?
"Devouring Shadow" ......
Gentle Priest I must admit...
I feel a little sad.
<Background 7>
[A Sankta girl walks into the prayer hall.]
Sankta Girl Hello? Anyone? Any–
What's with all the broken glass?
[A gaunt Elafian man noticed the Sankta girl.]
Gaunt Man Fortuna? Good timing.
Give me a hand with this window frame, will you? The wind broke the window. I'm trying to plug it up.
Fortuna No problem!
Didn't we fix this a couple of days ago? I remember my teeth chattering in the cold while listening to Father Stefano's sermon.
Should I get some tape?
Gaunt Man I'm afraid tape won't do. The pieces are all over the place, and I don't think I can put it back. Sorry...
Fortuna Why apologize to me, Patruus[note 2] Clément? It's not your fault.
What should we do? Find something to block it up. The wind's rather cold... should I find some unused fabric?
Clément Don't waste it, save it for clothes. It's getting cold.
There should be some planks left from when Gerald took those old houses apart. I'll go look for them.
[The girl, now known as Fortuna, helped the Elafia, now known as Clément, patching up the hall's windows.]
Clément That will do it for the frame. Thanks, Fortuna.
What were you here for anyway?
Fortuna Oh! I wanted to see if there's anything to eat because I missed lunch. It's all Fina's fault...
Solemn Girl What's my fault?
Fortuna Fina!
Fortuna What are you doing here?
Delfina Listening to you talk behind my back.
Fortuna I'm just telling it like it is! That wouldn't have taken so long if you didn't keep going on and on about it.
Delfina It's because you were dumb enough to get scammed!
I told you to be careful of Lemuen! She's been talking to everyone, pretending to care. Who knows what she's really after?
You've been absent-minded lately. Did she say something to you?
Fortuna No! No one said anything to me! I'm not being absent-minded!
Delfina Yes, you are.
We're all Sankta, Tuna. You can't fool me.
Fortuna ......
So is Lemuen. You know she has no ill intentions. Why won't you trust her?
Why do you hate people from Laterano so much? We were Laterans too, weren't we?
Father Stefano says we can go back soon. Why did we lock up the Lateran emissaries?
Why don't we go back?
Delfina Because Raimund and the others can't go with us! Isn't that reason enough?
You want to leave them behind? Well, I don't!
Fortuna That's not what I mean!
Delfina Then what do you mean?!
Clément Enough!
The Abbot has his reasons. Say no more.
Delfina ......
Fortuna ......
Clément I'll find some planks to board up the window... you two calm down.
[Clément leaves.]
Fortuna Can't you sense my thoughts, Fina?
Delfina I can, Tuna.
But I...
Never mind. I lost my cool. I know that wasn't what you meant.
Fortuna I was wrong too.
Delfina You always have that gun with you. You got it from your dad, right? I thought it didn't work anymore.
Fortuna It doesn't. Maybe it's a parts problem. And I don't know how to use a gun myself...
But I'm not carrying it to use it anyway.
Delfina I always thought it was a decorative accessory.
Fortuna Partly.
Holding the gun like this is like praying.
That's what Dad said when he gave it to me. He said it was a Sankta practice.
Delfina I don't know about any practices like that.
My grandma's gun is in a canyon.
Fortuna We can share, Fina.
I'll try to get it fixed, then we can use it together.
Now, let us pray.
<Background 6>
[Clément looks around for the planks.]
Clément The planks should be here somewhere...
Aha. There.
That should be enough. I could fix the outside windows too, if there are any leftover.
And fuel...
Not much fuel left. *sigh*
[The sound of a wooden object falling is heard...]
Clément Hm?
[...as the shadows of a grotesque individual passes by Clément.]
Clément Who goes there?!
...No one?
Am I seeing things?
<Background black>
[Federico alongside the Notarial Hall staff Richele Colombo and Serpilia stops their vehicle and disembarks.]
Richele The terrain is so strange. Do you still call this a desert? There's a canyon below?
Mind your step.
Serpilia I never knew you were such a gentleman, Richele.
Richele Nothing good ever happens comes from you complimenting me...
Serpilia Don't be so uptight. Your bank account is safe this time.
Is that the nomadic abbey we're looking for?
Richele I think so.
Serpilia What do we do? Knock on the front door?
You think someone will answer?
Ad Ambrosii, Sanctuarium.png
Federico Approach.
Richele Roger. Er, should we do a quick briefing first?
Federico Target building has been identified. It is a large mobile complex built jointly by Iberia and Laterano in 1011, official name Sanctilaminium Ambrosii.
Originally controlled by Iberia, it disappeared after straying from its route 61 years ago.
Laterano received a request for help from the abbey one month ago and sent two nuncios[note 3] to investigate.
Serpilia Straightforward enough up to this point.
So how did we end up losing contact with our nuncios and bringing in big guns like you two?
Federico My mission is to discover the whereabouts of Cardinal Aide Lemuen and Legatus Oren Argiolas, and to guarantee their safety.
I am also to ensure that the abbey is able to function normally and avoid casualties.
Richele So His Holiness wants you take it easy?
Federico ......
Well, I signed up for Lemuen. I couldn't care less what happens to Oren.
Federico Your personal feelings are irrelevant.
Target status is unclear, and we are unable to determine if the inhabitants of the building are hostile.
Richele What do we do, then? Infiltrate and investigate?
Federico No.
I suggest we take the most direct path and finish this quickly.
If they are deceased, I will return their bones to Laterano.


  1. "Thank you" in Latin
  2. "Uncle" in Latin
  3. "Envoy" in Latin
