Tutorial: SL-TR-1

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[A Hot Spring "Mischievous Rascal" shows up, but are taken out by Adnachiel and Melantha. Note that Melantha is covered in a pinkish cloud of steam after the Rascal's defeat.]
<Game paused>
Melantha Doctor, we've dealt with those troublesome creatures.
<Melantha is highlighted> However, they seem to leave clouds of Carmine Steam when they disappear.
<Melantha is highlighted> Operators in contact with Carmine Steam will suffer both Arts and Burn Damage.
They will also take significantly increased damage if they stay in contact with these clouds.
<Game unpaused>
[More Rascals join the party, with Adnachiel and Melantha taking out another as a third one appears.]
<Game paused>
Adnachiel Conversely, these troublesome creatures will take significantly reduced damage while in contact with these Carmine Steam clouds.
Melantha These creatures like to play around in the clouds, and they'll be trickier to deal with.
Don't be fooled by their outward appearances, and take care to avoid the Carmine Steam.
<Game unpaused>
[The third Rascal moves into the Carmine Steam left behind by the second, where Adnachiel barely damages it and the sheep-like critter then managed to knock out Melantha with one headbutt and slips through as a fourth one appears. Eyjafjalla is quickly deployed above the Decorative Geyser to intercept the third Rascal, and notice that her attack causes a white cloud of steam to appear on the Rascal's position.]
<Game paused>
Eyjafjalla Let me help you out, Professor.
<The Decorative Geyser is highlighted> This is one of Siesta's Decorative Geysers. Operators standing around one won't be affected by the Carmine Steam.
<The white cloud on the third Rascal's position is highlighted> When I attack ground units while standing next to a Decorative Geyser, Pure White Steam will appear on the tiles they're on.
These mischievous creatures will take significantly increased damage while in the Pure White Steam, while our allied Operators will take significantly reduced damage.
<Game unpaused>
[Eyjafjalla's attacks noticeably do more damage against the third Rascal while it is on a Pure White Steam and she takes it out just as the fourth sneakily entered a Tunnel on the upper left corner and reappears on the lower right corner — very close to the Protection Objective and out of Eyjafjalla's reach.]
<Game paused>
Eyjafjalla <The sneaky Rascal is highlighted> Ah... Those creatures ran off to the other side and I can't reach them anymore...
Bryophyta <The Steam Soda Bottle available on the deployment menu is highlighted> Try out the Siestan Fashion Street's specialty drink—Steam Soda Bottle! Smashing these bottles will produce Pure White Steam clouds.
Steam Soda Bottles can be deployed anywhere on the map. We can use them to fill the area with Pure White Steam.
We have a lot of bottles in stock, as many as you need. The redeployment time of Steam Soda Bottles will also be reduced when more Pure White Steam is present on the field!
There are more of these troublesome creatures headed our way, Professor. Let's stop them together!
<Game unpaused>
[Humus is deployed below the Objective to intercept the sneaky Rascal as more of these cretins join the party and Bryophyta and Spot available for deployment. (The player deploys Bryophyta and Spot at their discretion, and uses the Steam Soda Bottle as necessary to clear out Carmine Steam and/or create Pure White Steam) Eyjafjalla and co. managed to fend off the trouble-making Rascals.]