Operation story: RI-6

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Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Archosauria A
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria B
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Clan Leader A
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Clan Leader B
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Clan Leader C
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Acahualla Village B
Jungle Entrance

Before operation

On the way back to her tribe, Zumama learns that Gavial is looking for her.
A warrior named Kemar goes to stop Gavial, but finds Blaze instead.
<Background 1>
Eunectes High Priest, how is it looking?
High Priest I have to say, that cannon was so astoundingly loud, I almost got blown out of the thing when it fired!
Eunectes I'm asking you about the Big, Ugly Thing.
High Priest I was just sharing my personal situation with you. It went exactly as we expected. Firing the cannon in succession caused it to overheat.
But it went very well. Yes, I have to say, it was very effective! Despite the fact that it gave me quite the scare!
In any case, we will have to fix it up after we get back.
Eunectes Yeah, the ceremony happened way too quickly. The Big Ugly wasn't ready yet.
I was hoping to wait until we finished it before talking to the other tribes about the ceremony, but they'd already gone ahead with it.
High Priest It's okay. It all turned out fine!
I still remember how shocked everyone was when they first saw the Big, Ugly Thing! Haha, that was so funny!
Eunectes Yeah, we've accomplished our goal.
High Priest This will set in motion a new order! A new era! Yes, an age of machines! That has such a nice ring to it!
What do you think of the "Age of Big Ugly"? Oh, maybe the "Age of the High Priest" too. Yes, that sounds almost as cool as I do.
Eunectes Let's just call it the age of machines.
High Priest Sheesh, you have a lot going for you, but you're still behind the times. Now that you've learned what it's like outside, you should try to expand your horizons!
Here, check out my outfit. Don't you think it's trendy? Looks smart?
Eunectes You're so short, I can't even see it. What does trendy mean, anyway?
High Priest Argh, never mind. My mistake. I shouldn't have brought this up. But no matter. I'll pick out some clothes befitting you, our next Great Chief.
Eunectes I don't mind how I dress. Anyway, I just got word from the tribesmen who stayed behind. They managed to steal an engine.
High Priest What? Really?
Eunectes Yes, apparently they got it from the transport Gavial used to get here.
High Priest Wonderful! I can't wait to take a good look at it!
Oh, come to think of it, I can go check it out right now! I'll see you later!
Eunectes The High Priest's the same as ever.
<Background fades out and in>
Archosauria A Hey, who was the Liberi talking to the leader?
Archosauria B What, you new here? That's the High Priest! You know, the Big Ugly's pilot!
Archosauria A What? I want to pilot the Big Ugly!
Archosauria B Give it up. Before it was finished, that thing used to explode just about every day. So many hands got caught up in the explosions, in the end no one wanted to pilot it.
Then the High Priest came along, and he somehow managed to come back alive every time it blew up!
Archosauria A No kidding? He's that good?!
Archosauria B Yeah, I've got no idea what tribe he's from, but we all call him the High Priest now!
Archosauria A Hm? Isn't that Yogi over there? Hey, Yogi.
Yogi Oh, it's you two.
Archosauria A I thought you were taking care of your brother. Where is he?
Yogi Actually, I'm going to the leader to talk about that.
Archosauria A You idiot, she's the Great Chief now!
Yogi Oh, I'm going to the Great Chief.
Eunectes What's the matter?
Yogi Great Chief, my brother has caught the Stone Disease.
Eunectes Speak Sargonian.
Yogi Oh, yes, sorry. I'm not very good at speaking it yet.
Eunectes ...How did he catch the disease?
Yogi He wanted to mine more ores and went deeper into the mine. He didn't even listen to me when I told him not to...
Eunectes That idiot! Didn't I tell you to stay away from the mine's depths?!
Where is he now?
Yogi Gavial took him away for treatment.
Eunectes Gavial?
Yogi Yes, it looks like Gavial actually became a doctor. My brother was in a lot of pain, but he seemed much better after she patched him up a bit.
Eunectes ...So she really meant it when she said she's a doctor now.
Yogi She wanted me to pass along a message too.
Eunectes What is it?
Yogi She said she was coming for you. She looked angry.
Archosauria A Hmph, I bet she's just upset our leader defeated her!
Archosauria B That's right, leader! What you did back there. That boom! That was amazing!
Archosauria A You didn't call her Great Chief!
Archosauria B You didn't either!
Archosauria A Get off my back, you moron! She'll always be our tribe leader!
Archosauria B Why don't you get off my back? I just haven't gotten used to calling her that yet!
[The two Archosaurians ended up brawling with each other as Eunectes and Yogi watches.]
Eunectes Gavial isn't like that.
Yogi Great Chief, I trust Gavial.
Eunectes Yes, I trust her too. Your brother will be fine. Where is he?
Yogi At Tomimi's tribe.
Eunectes Tomimi's... You should go get your brother later.
Yogi Understood.
[Yogi runs off.]
High Priest I'm certain Gavial's here to get her engine back!
Eunectes ...She'll have to go through me to get it.
I'll admit that Gavial's strong, but she thinks her fists are everything.
She's wrong.
If she's here for her engine, then I'll give her another taste of the Big Ugly's might.
...But I won't give it back to her. This engine is very important to our tribe, no, our future.
??? Did you just mention Gavial?
Eunectes Flint, did you hear that?
[A short but stout Liberi woman approaches Eunectes.]
Archosauria A Why don't you cry in your bed some more about the Great Chief?!
Archosauria B And why don't you go home to your mama and have her teach you what to call the Great Chief?!
Flint Knock it off, you two.
Archosauria A Gah!
Archosauria B You... Kemar?
[Flint beats down the two Archosaurians to shut them up.]
Flint You don't want her to come, do you?
Eunectes If she comes, I'll defeat her.
Flint So you don't you want her here. Then I'll stop her.
Eunectes Very well.
Flint I'll be going, then.
[Flint leaves, but suddenly turns back.]
Flint ......
Eunectes Back already?
Flint Err, where is Gavial?
<Background 2>
Blaze Tch, this rainforest's way too humid! I've barely hiked half a day and I'm already drenched in sweat! And I haven't seen a soul in the two days I've been here!
Thank goodness I wore my swimsuit underneath. What a lifesaver. I'm really getting my money's worth with it.
Really, though. Even when I climb the trees here, all I see is more trees! Just where's that ceremony Gavial was talking about?
<Background fades out and in>
[Blaze is shown wearing a "tropical outfit" (more like a swimsuit).]
Blaze Hey, is anyone here?!
Hey, Gavial, your tail's tiny!
Hey, Doctor, maybe it's time for you to change that hood of yours!
...Tsk, they aren't within earshot.
Ugh, if something happens to the Doctor, what am I supposed to tell Amiya?
I guess I shouldn't worry since Gavial said she'd take care of the Doctor, but... I'm not sure that's all that reassuring, knowing her.
Urgh, the more I think about it, the more worried I am. Maybe I should try knocking a few trees down to make some noise.
[Someone comes out from the jungle's brushes, who is revealed to be Flint.]
Flint ...According to Yogi, I should find Gavial if I go this direction.
Blaze Whoa, finally! A person!
Hey there!
Flint I haven't seen clothes like that before. Who are you?
Blaze Huh? What are you saying?
Flint You don't understand me?
Blaze Urgh, is this for real? Gavial didn't tell me people here speak a different language!
Flint But it looks like you can hold your own in a fight.
[Flint attacks Blaze, who easily blocks it.]
Blaze Hey, c'mon! This how you people treat visitors?
Flint Just as I thought, you're strong.
Before I take Gavial down, I'll have some fun with you first.
Blaze Hm? Did she just say Gavial?
Whatever, I'm in a pretty bad mood right now. If you want to fight, then bring it on!

After operation

Secret plans are covertly plotted.
Meanwhile, Blaze meets back up with the Doctor, carrying Kemar.
<Background 3>
??? Where are the others?
Clan Leader A The people of the Great Wood Tribe are gone. I heard that leader was defeated by an outsider.
Peta The Firestone and Thick Tail Tribes were defeated by an stranger carrying a pile of weapons on her back.
Clan Leader A Some of the tribes decided to join up with Zumama.
Clan Leader B The truth is Zumama's managed to drum up a formidable front. If I weren't with Gavial, I might have gone to Zumama myself.
??? Doesn't matter.
Your tribes will be enough.
Clan Leader B Hey, can we really challenge Zumama on our own?
??? Yes.
Gavial can definitely beat Zumama's giant machine. Then, I will become the Great Chief and force Gavial to stay.
Peta Peta thinks that is not a good idea.
Gavial, the Great Chief.png
??? ......
But this is the only way to make her stay.
Don't forget why we formed "Gavial's Will"!
"Gavial's Will" is not just a tribe. It is an alliance dedicated to the vision of Gavial as the Great Chief!
Clan Leader B I agree with Tomimi. I'll only recognize Gavial as the Great Chief.
Clan Leader A That's right, Gavial should be the one to lead us!
Clan Leader C Hah, if I disagreed I wouldn't be here either!
Peta ...Peta doesn't like it, but Peta will follow.
??? Alright, you head over to Zumama's tribe and wait outside for me, got it?
Other Clan Leaders Yes.
??? Right. This is all for Gavial.
Other Clan Leaders All for Gavial!
[The clan leaders cheer for the success of their schemes.]
<Background 2>
Blaze Doctor! Everyone! Great, I finally found you guys!
*Sigh*, Doctor, you had me worried.
Gavial Huh? Blaze, why are you wearing your swimsuit... and carrying some kid on your back?
Blaze I ran into this little girl on my way over here. She started hitting me for some reason.
I kicked her ass, of course, and beat down all her friends too.
Gotta hand it to her, she's not bad in a fight, didn't go down easy. So I brought her along. I figured you could help me ask why she wanted to fight me.
Gavial It's Kemar. She probably just thought you looked strong. She just loves fighting.
Blaze Hah. That means something, coming from you.
Gavial I don't love fighting. I'm just a hands-on problem solver.
Blaze Whatever.
Flint ...Where... am I...?
Gavial Morning, Kemar.
Flint Gavial?! What are you doing here?
Gavial You bumped into my friend, fought her, and lost.
Blaze Heh, welcome back, kid.
Flint ......
Blaze Hey, Gavial. What's she doing? What's with this bowing?!
Gavial Kemar, what gives?
Flint I felt a greater strength from her than anything I ever felt from Zumama.
I'm not interested in you anymore, Gavial. Looks like you can talk to her, so please, ask her to teach me.
Gavial Oh, she wants you to teach her.
Blaze What?!
Gavial I guess she thinks you're strong, so she wants to become your disciple or something.
Blaze ...Doctor, what do I do?! I've never been in a situation like this before!
Doctor It's up to you. / ...... / Nothing to do with me.
Blaze Ugh, how about we just let her follow us for now?
Gavial Sure. Hey, Kemar, come with us.
Flint Okay.
But call me Flint.
Blaze Come to think of it, what happened to the ceremony?
Gavial Doctor, why don't you explain it to Blaze?
<Background fades out and in>
Blaze She'll let her people get Oripathy just to build her machines?
I won't stand by and let that happen.
What are we waiting for, Doctor? Let's go!
Utage Wait, we still got somewhere to be!
Blaze Huh?