Operation story: RI-7

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Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria A
Male Tiacauh B icon.png
Archosauria B
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Archosauria C
Male Tiacauh A icon.png
Acahualla Village B

Before operation

Back at Zumama's tribe, the Big Ugly, finally equipped with an engine, starts up.
That's when Ceobe suddenly charges into the tribe, all alone. Zumama orders her people to deal with her.
<Background 1>
High Priest Wahhhhhhh!!!
[An explosion is heard.]
Archosauria A Tch, another failure. He's flying in a nice arc this time though.
Archosauria B Where did he land?
Archosauria A No idea. He'll come running back after a while anyway. Let's keep going.
Okay, what does this tube connect to——
Haha, this looks like a good port, I'm plugging it in!
Hey, is it working?
Archosauria B No. Do you even know what you're doing?!
Archosauria A What are you yelling for? I've never seen an engine like this before, just let me experiment a bit!
Archosauria B I want to try!
I think this tube goes here. What does this button do then? Who cares, just press it.
Archosauria A You're the one who's messing around! It obviously goes here!
Archosauria C What are you two idiots doing? The gas pipe isn't even connected. Let me do it!
Hmm, what does the gas pipe go to... Never mind, this port looks bigger, this is probably it!
Hey, somebody try to start it!
High Priest I'm back!
Youngsters nowadays really have no respect for their elders. No one bothered to look for me after I got blasted away!
Archosauria A But, High Priest, you always come back safe. Everyone's gotten used to it!
Archosauria B Stop wasting time, let's get on with the testing!
High Priest Yeah, yeah, alright.
[The ground trembles as the Big Ugly starts up...]
The Big, Ugly Thing ————!
High Priest Big Ugly, my child, it's time to wake up!
[...and fully operational.]
Archosauria A Ohh! Great Chief, it's moving!
Archosauria B This wonderful engine sound! I've never heard anything so amazing!
Archosauria C Haha, told you I'd get it done!
Eunectes How did you do it?
Archosauria A Just as you saw, Great Chief, it moved just like that!
Archosauria B We plugged this tube here and that one there!
Archosauria C Just like how we built the Big Ugly!
Eunectes Good.
High Priest Ahh, the Big Ugly, once but a pile of scrap metal, is now truly majestic. I'm so moved. It makes me want to sing!
Eunectes But you're bad at singing.
High Priest I'm sorry?! Fine. I think I have a real talent for singing though... Terrible!
Oh? Maybe it's a style problem.
Yes, that's right. That has to be the reason. Next time, I'll try singing in bel canto!
[A female Archosaurian tribeswoman rushes to Eunectes' side.]
Archosauria Great Chief, someone broke in!
Eunectes Is it Gavial? I...
Archosauria No! It's a weirdo carrying a pile of weapons!
Eunectes What?
[The Rhodes Island group approaches the Eunectes tribe's village.]
Tomimi Zumama's tribe should be right ahead.
Gavial Damn, look what she's done to her own tribe.
Blaze It looks pretty cool!
[The sound of fighting is heard.]
Tomimi Eh? It seems pretty lively inside.
Gavial Huh? Why are they fighting?
<Background fades out and in>
Ceobe Damn Reunion, you're trying to steal Kay's name now! That's something even more precious than honey biscuits! You'll pay for this!
[Ceobe beats down the Archosaurian tribesmen attempting to capture her.]
Archosauria A Gaaaaaaaah!
Archosauria B Where did this weirdo come from? She's too strong!
Archosauria C I can't understand what she's saying. What the hell's a Reunion?!
<Background fades out and in>
Utage Eh, isn't that Kay?
Tomimi Yes.
Blaze Sounds like Kay's making a ruckus in there.
Gavial Let's calm her down first!
Doctor Kay, stop! / ...... / Get 'em, Kay!

After operation

After Gavial arrives, she finds the right time to sober up Ceobe, and the situation stabilizes.
After some conversation, Gavial realizes she was wrong to blame Zumama, but a fight is unavoidable.
<Background 1>
Ceobe I can't believe Reunion here is so tough. Hmph, I won't lose to you!
Gavial Tch, this silly girl.
[Gavial punches Ceobe hard to snap her out of her hallucinations, unwittingly preventing the childish Perro from suffering a tragic fate as well.]
Gavial Wake up!
Ceobe Hm? Where am I?
Oh, it's Gavial! Everyone else too!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Good morning.
Ceobe Ehehe. Good morning, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Ceobe Um, Doctor looks a little scary right now. Did I do something wrong?
Doctor, please don't be mad...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor (Bop her on the head)
Ceobe Hnng... Doctor, that hurt.
Why did you bop me on the head...?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Gavial Looks like she's back to her senses, at least.
Kay, do you remember how you got here?
Ceobe Umm... I forgot!
Gavial Alright.
Come lie down, I'll check and see if there's anything wrong with you. Don't run off again.
Ceobe Okay~ Ehh, where are we?
Gavial We're... Hm, it's a long story. Just lie down already!
Ceobe Ooh—
Eunectes Gavial, what the hell are you doing?
Gavial Ugh, that's a long story too. Just let me work.
Eunectes ......
<Background fades out and in>
Ten minutes later...
Gavial Alright, everything looks okay. Go wait with the Doctor and don't wander off. If you do it again, it's no more honey biscuits for you.
Ceobe Okay! Honey biscuits!
[Ceobe runs to the Doctor's side.]
Eunectes Are you done?
Gavial I'm done.
Eunectes So now can you tell me what the hell you're doing, Gavial?
Gavial *Sigh*, I said it's a long story. Short version is I'm here to look for you.
Eunectes You're not getting the engine back.
Gavial That too. But there's another reason I'm looking for you.
Eunectes Another reason?
Gavial Do you have your people mining ore?
Eunectes Yes.
Gavial ...Tch.
[Gavial punches Eunectes several times in anger.]
Eunectes Gavial, I never took you for the sore loser type.
Are you that broken up about being beaten by the Big, Ugly Thing?
Gavial No, your Big Ugly Whatever is great. I'm totally fine with that.
But if you're putting your people at risk of Oripathy infection for the sake of some ore, then as a doctor I have no choice but to stop you.
Eunectes Huh? Oripathy? Oh, you're talking about Stone Disease.
I'm not putting anyone at risk.
Gavial Huh?
Eunectes I told them many times to stay away from the depths of the mine.
Gavial But your people are getting infected!
Eunectes There's always someone who doesn't listen. I can't control them all. Isn't that right, Yogi?
Yogi Yes, my brother wanted to dig out more ore for the Great Chief, so he went deeper into the mine.
Gavial Huh? Why didn't you say so earlier?!
Yogi You didn't ask.
Gavial That's pretty important...!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor You told me they don't take Oripathy seriously here.
Gavial Agh, fine.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor .......
Gavial Doctor, did I really not ask?!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You really didn't ask.
Gavial Agh, Doctor, take my side here!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Eunectes Also...
Gavial Hey, why are you taking your clothes off?
Huh? Your body...
Eunectes I've been running around the mine ever since I was a kid. It's only natural I would get the Stone Disease.
I dare say no one knows better than me where the diseased rocks are.
Gavial ......
All right then.
My mistake. Sorry for accusing you, Zumama.
Eunectes It's fine.
Utage Eh, that's all it took?! We're all good now?!
Isn't everybody supposed to stubbornly stick to their guns until we all end up in one big honkin' battle?
Croissant Ya shouldn't hope fer stuff like that!
Doctor Gavial isn't like that. / ...... / Too bad.
Gavial Then let's talk about the other thing.
You have our engine, don't you?
Eunectes Yes.
Gavial Can you return that to us? We can't leave without it.
Eunectes No.
If you want to leave, I can have someone escort you.
Gavial No good. Kal'tsit will get mad.
You won't hand it over no matter what?
Eunectes No matter what.
Utage Oh, looks like we're gonna fight after all.
Gavial Looks like it.
Eunectes That was the plan from the very beginning.
[Big Ugly, piloted by the High Priest, shows up before Gavial and co.]
Gavial Oh, are we fighting that? Fun!
High Priest Hello, nice to meet you!
Eunectes ...High Priest, why did you bring the Big Ugly out?
High Priest Huh? Aren't we going to fight Gavial? Do we not need it? If not, I'll drive it back. I still want to test the engine.
Eunectes ...We need it, but not now. I still have something to say.
High Priest Oh, alright. You have your talk first then. Call me when you want to fight!
Eunectes Sure.
Gavial Hey, what was that about an engine?
Eunectes That's right, your engine is powering the Big Ugly right now. If you want it, you'll have to fight for it.
Gavial Hehe. Deal!
Eunectes Come with me. We'll see who comes out on top.