Operation story: WR-8

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Because the original Chinese texts of Who is Real use Classical/Literary Chinese with wordplays that are impossible to be translated into English, some of the following texts may not be necessarily true to the context.
Previous WR-6 Next WR-10
Bitey icon.png
Ink Spirit
Dawn's Pawnshop
Painted World Road
Painted World Landscape
Mountain Cottage

Before operation

Day after day guarding the village gradually wears on Lava, Mr. Nothing, and Kroos. But Dawn reveals some useful information: the Ink Spirits also fear firecrackers.
<Background 1>
Ink Spirit Guh...
Dawn Ink Spirits. Ink... Spirit. What a beautiful name.
Saga is such an bright girl.
Again and again, she protects the things she knows can't be damaged. I wonder if that means they will grow sick of this pointless exercise and give up on that righteousness one of these days?
I suppose she will. After all, if you can restore broken porcelain, then it's not going to be much of a heartbreak at all to see it shatter into pieces.
You might even come to enjoy the feeling of breaking it.
Ink Spirit ...Gaa?
Dawn But do we have to go that far...? Human nature is no match for these trials and tribulations.
Ink Spirit ...Goh...
Dawn Are you watching, Dusk?
You are such a meanie... I only hope don't mind what I have planned.
<Background 2>
[Lava and her gang have fended off the Ink Spirits at the gates of P'o-shan.]
Lava –Hff!
Mr. Nothing My benefactors, we've done it at last!
Forgive me for throwing cold water, but with no end in sight to our daily scuffles with the monsters, surely you agree with me our search for the way out is making hardly any progress?
Lava Saga said she'd come up with something.
Mr. Nothing And so we will take on the Ink Spirits here day after day? This hardly feels like the best use of our time...
Lava It's no big deal to me.
Just think of it as a way to hone our techniques.
Kroos –Lava, mate.
Lava Hmm? What's up?
Kroos ......
Lava Go on?
Kroos The Arts you used back there looked just a little bit dangerous.
Lava I... Uh...?
Kroos See? You burned down quite a few stores.
And you, Nothing, mate.
You pretended you didn't see that small Ink Spirit rush toward town, did you?
Mr. Nothing I thought you would have no trouble taking care of it.
Kroos No, you thought, "If something goes wrong, everything will just go back to the way it was tomorrow."
Mr. Nothing ......
I... I can't deny I did... I know what you mean, but...
Kroos Today's the seventh day.
I'm not trying to give you a hard time. When you pointlessly protect the same objectives day after day, you're bound to feel that way sooner or later.
Remember Rim Billiton, though... Don't ever forget what that bloody month taught us.
War can wear you down mentally, so we need to be alert.
Lava Kroos...
Kroos Sorry... Mate, you know that I've always...
Lava It's okay. I understand.
We'll be fine. We'll get out of here and make it back to Rhodes Island in one piece.
Kroos ......
Alright~ Be sure to treat me to some Columbian coffee once we're back.
Lava Yeah.
[Kroos and Lava do a high-five.]
Lava Is Saga still in the room?
Mr. Nothing I stole a glance before leaving this morning. It has been seven days since she started meditating... My benefactor, if we die of starvation or thirst in this painting, do you suppose that... we might truly die?
Lava No idea. All Saga said before she shut herself in was something like, "Leave it to me..."
She's the one who understands most what's going on in the painting. We don't have any other choice, or are you volunteering to take a stroll inside the other scrolls, just like what she's doing?
Mr. Nothing No, no, no. I'm hardly as determined as the master. I'm afraid I would find myself distracted and never able to return.
Lava There just isn't much we can do for her until something happens on her end.
[Dawn appears.]
Dawn So this is where you've been.
Lava Dawn? What's the matter?
Dawn I wanted to remind you to never stray from your true conscience.
I once told Saga, "When deceit is taken for truth, the truth is yet unreal. When naught is taken for aught, there is yet but nil."
Right, where is she?
Lava She's been meditating in the room for days.
Dawn I see. She wants to wake up.
There have been very few people who managed to wake up from the scroll on their own volition. Actually, I should say there has never been anyone who has managed to do it.
But... maybe.
Ms. Lava, have you heard of "firecrackers?"
It's a time-honored tradition in Yen. As you can imagine, it was at first–
Lava –For warding off ancient monsters?
Dawn Oh... I thought you were born outside of Yen? You know your Yen traditions well.
Lava Well, let's just say I've got a friend...
Kroos Right, now I remember...
Lava Please don't remember.
Kroos This is straight out of "Ancient Forge," isn't it? I remember something about Nian being scared of firecrackers. The Dark Devastator in the end used cannons as well–
Lava –Aahhhh, I can't hear you!
Dawn! What do firecrackers have to do with this situation?!
Dawn Hm? Oh... I was going to say the Ink Spirits are actually scared of firecrackers.
If we hang some firecrackers up at the village's entrance, they will naturally stay away.
Lava Really?!
Mr. Nothing Wow, what a lifesaver! My back has been hurting me the past day and a half! At last, I can take the day off from looking for monsters!
Now, without further ado, let us take to the market–
Dawn You won't find them in the market.
Mr. Nothing –Quite right. How do we procure some, then?
Dawn Well, there is a way...
Do you know why firecrackers are called as such?
Mr. Nothing Because the earliest Yen people thought to commemorate their fallen liege's exploits by setting bamboo on fire, and memorialize the great war with its crackling sounds.
Kroos You know your stuff.
Mr. Nothing Haha, I'm merely well-read on the subject.
Dawn There you have it.
Let's give them a surprise unlike any other.
<Background 3>
Dawn This one will do?
Mr. Nothing What a fine bamboo tree. Would be a waste to cut it down!
Dawn It will grow anew tomorrow.
Mr. Nothing Showing no mercy to the flora, are we...?
[Lava returns while carrying a pile of bamboo trunks.]
Lava I'm back! Is this enough?
Dawn The more the better.
Kroos The Umbrella-Boiler is such a nice guy. He gave us all this bamboo for nothing.
Dawn If you're worried about taking the bamboo, I'll pay the storyteller a visit and give him our thanks. No one ever comes back to my pawn shop for their items. I could just give him everything as a sign of our gratitude.
Lava Are you sure about that?
Dawn It will all be mine again tomorrow.
<Background 2>
Kroos Hm, I've seen firewood burn and crackle up pretty good, but does bamboo do that too?
Dawn Supposedly, wet bamboo after the rain gives the most thunderous pops. The only problem is it never rains here.
Right, just like this... Make a kind of stove with the mud...
Now, as for the fire–
Lava –Let me try.
Dawn Be careful with the heat. It's a bit more finicky than it seems.
Lava I-I'll try my best...
[Just as Lava prepares the firecrackers, the Ink Spirits show up.]
Mr. Nothing My benefactor! They are here!
Dawn Now!
Lava Mph–
[Lava detonates the firecrackers, which true to what Dawn suggests, disorients the Ink Spirits and forces them to flee.]
Ink Spirit Gkh... gkhaa–?!
Mr. Nothing We did it! They're dazed!
Ink Spirit Gkhaa–!!
Mr. Nothing They ran? Are they truly afraid of it?
Kroos Did it really work...? Why is that...?
Lava We'll have to ask Nian–
[The storyteller overhears Lava uttering...]
Storyteller ...Nian?
[And then...]

After operation

As if waking from a dream, Saga finally looks upon the true face of "Dusk" at the end of her decade of travel through the scroll.
<Background black>
[Saga is meditating.]
Saga ......
A mind as still as water.
'Tis a rare trait for someone of thy age.
Thou hast extinguished all light and purged all emotions from thy mind, and thus are all creations of nature leaving thy body.
At long last, the still waters in thy mind give rise to new emotions–
–Dost thou feel sorrow?
<Background 4>
[Upon leaving her trance, Saga meets the storyteller.]
Saga Master storyteller! Pray forgive my interruption!
Storyteller Awake from your dream at long last... How long has it been?
Saga I have seen the plums blossom and wither ten times.
Storyteller As long as my ink brush remain untouched, the scenery in the painting would never change.
Saga To tell the truth, I had been counting ever since the moment I entered the painting scroll of Mount Sky. 'Twas indeed that long.
Storyteller ...Ten years?
You stayed in the painting for ten years?
Saga More or less.
Storyteller You, a mere wandering monk, fiddled away ten full years here. What drove you to partake in such meaningless tribulations?
Saga Well, I could enjoy a good sleep, partake in all manner of indulgences, and I need not be disturbed by the world, to say nothing of the Catastrophes and infections. I thought it a rather pleasant experience.
Storyteller Be that as it may, you dreamt... for ten full years.
Few are capable of remembering who they truly are after such a long time. Some would forget who they once were and choose to forever remain inside the painting.
Saga My, how frightening.
Storyteller Yet you are not afraid at all.
Saga You are a kind man. I verily believe you would wake them before they cross that point of no return.
Storyteller Oh? What makes you say that?
Saga The old fisher at the summit of Mount Sky, the weaver by the banks of the Pu-kuei River,[note 1] the halberd wielder of the Wu-chieh Plains,[note 2] the lady innkeeper of the Lungmen Inn... and now the storyteller of the P'o-shan Village... Thou hast reminded me countless of times.
Yet I chose to deceive myself and continued to indulge in my pleasures, never to wake from my dream. I suppose I must apologize. It must have been tedious to keep me alive in the painting.
Storyteller Pray be at ease. You came to the mountain when the autumn winds were yet blowing. 'Tis merely the beginning of winter now. It was but a brief dream.
Saga Hoh! I was worried I would be reprimanded for my sluggish behavior. Little did I know it was but a brief period of time. That certainly puts me at ease.
Storyteller You already knew of your predicament when you reached Mount Sky, that it was merely a painting. Why waste your time?
Saga For I saw the truth of Dusk Beauty Flying to the Moon, and I could not well cease thinking about it... A madwoman took matters into her hands and sought to reclaim her true love from the heavens. 'Tis an act of pure lunacy, yet it overwhelms me with a sense of regret...
Storyteller Hmm... What if I tell you Dusk Beauty's willpower was an addition I made to the painting– that it is of my own making?
Saga All the nations of this world possess a great many legends, classics, literature, and myths, many of which can be called fabricated. The common folk are not likely to ever experience the machinations written therein. Should we disregard their lessons because they are mere fiction?
I think 'tis absurd to do so.
Storyteller You are a strange one.
Saga There is but a fine line between great and strange. I appreciate your compliment.
Storyteller ...Hah.
You are just like your master. He's old, yet he has the heart of a child, a clear mind.
You've helped me pass the time... Out of respect for your master, very well, I shall grant you an audience with me.
Saga Um, an audience?
Storyteller Haha, you cannot possibly believe you've awakened by waltzing in here?
Saga *gasp*...! Am I yet within the painting?
Storyteller No need to feel ashamed. This is merely how it's meant to be.
If I let you break out merely because you wished so, it would blemish my image.
Well, now.
Wake up–
<Background black>
Starshrouded snow. Hidden moon.
Dusk, the Whimsical Maestro.png
Dusk Finally awake?
Saga Ah...
Dusk Get up now. It's terrible manners to sleep on the ground.
Saga Oh...! You are right...
<Background 4>
Saga ......
Dusk What's wrong?
Saga Well... 'Tis merely that I never imagined you... to look like this.
Dusk Heh.
Well, ask away.
Saga I... I...
I thought that by surveying the sceneries of these hundred-and-some scrolls, I, too, could walk the journey that thou once walked. Yet... 'Twas but an insignificant fraction of the landscapes thou hast sketched...
Dusk Know that there are those who never accept their mistakes and find themselves content with dying here.
Saga That I can understand...
Dusk That's not what you wanted to ask.
Saga Oh, right, I was startled into forgetfulness. My apologies.
Master, I have once laid my eyes upon the "Scene of Crude Mounts Utmost Risen"[note 3] at my head priest's garret. Though at the time I thought there was meaning hidden therein, I could not quite put my finger on it.
I asked the head priest, and he had me leave the monastery to seek out the answer. I have since traveled all over the lands, and though I have since found parts of the answer myself, the ways of the world has me yet confused.
Since I am blessed with the fortune to meet thee in thy flesh, I thought I would–
Dusk If you've had your ideas, why ask me?
Saga I wish merely to learn from thy explanation for my own betterment and to fill in the blanks... To tell the truth, the painting's true meaning eludes me still. Pray tell, wherefore was the end of the waterfall just one swift stroke, leaving naught but a swath of emptiness?
Dusk What do you think?
Saga –Crude mounts utmost risen. The scenery within the scroll extends endlessly. The waterfall soars into the skies, leaving naught but white. 'Tis a way to depict the great mountains and rivers undepictable within the scroll...
Dusk ......
Saga Hrm... This is merely conjecture. I am hoping you could do away with the secrecy and reveal the truth. 'Tis making me blush.
Dusk Beauty, especially that of an art piece, is in the eye of the beholder. It falls on you to find your own interpretation.
Nonetheless... You racked your brains so for only that?
Saga Much of what we do in life is seeking answers.
If not for this matter gnawing at my mind, I would not have had the fortune to feast my eyes upon thy landscapes within the scrolls.
Dusk I suppose so.
Alas, the stroke you are asking was one that I began at whim and also one that I ended at whim. That's all.
Saga Huh?
Dusk By the time I got to the waterfall, I no longer wanted to continue, and so I stopped there. I took a look afterwards and thought it was rather picturesque, so I gave it a name and sent it your master's way.
Saga I–
–I could never have imagined!
Dusk Disappointed?
Having spent such a long time in the painting, and you ended up with quite possibly the most boring answer–
Saga Not at all. Leaving aside all that I have learned inside the scroll, thy answer is most interesting!
Drawn on a whim, and stopped on a whim... I once thought that there is meaning to all things upon this world. As time passed, I became far too entrenched in my search, unable to pluck myself out.
Right, right. We need not be so focused on the meaning behind everything... If there is but one answer, to repeatedly scrutinize would merely be a futile exercise.
I had heard from my master an aphorism: "Where there was naught at first, from whence could dust have emerged." Mayhaps it means the same thing?
Dusk ...Hah.
Everyone has their own interpretations. As long as you understand that, it's not necessarily a bad thing to be cocky.
Saga Oh, I shall keep that in mind. Many thanks.
Dusk When I gave your master this piece, I told him merely three words, "Crude Mounts Utmost." The "Risen" in its name... is his interpretation.[note 4]
Saga "Risen?"
Dusk Do you know what your master saw in it?
Saga He gazed not upon its landscapes with thee?
Dusk He didn't.
Saga Hoh?!
A-Am I returning to the painting...?
Oh, this must be what the head priest saw–
Through the Three Crossings.png
Saga Is that... my head priest?
Dusk That's right.
He had scraped the soles of his feet, he was starving, and he walked three full days and nights of hunger.
He prayed many times, as many as two thousand and a score, and yet he never thought a thing about his life and death. He merely felt sadness and lamented his inability to understand.
Saga Did you save... my head priest?
Dusk I had already saved him once at the K'u-t'an River.[note 5] I didn't help him this time.
Think about it. At his young age, he had already been through such hardships.
Think about how he went from that to the warm, caring head priest that you know.
And how he added the word "risen" to the painting's title.
Saga Head Priest...
The lands he walked were filled with starvation.
All that he could see, hear, and tell were nothing but tragedy.
With each step, the young Higashi monk paused to recite the sutras.
Time passes like a flowing river, and this moment is everlasting.
Saga On the day I left the monastery, my head priest bestowed upon me my name, Saga.
Dusk That's right.
<Background 4>
Dusk He had seen the coldness of mankind, yet he was never disheartened. Even the collapse of Mount Sky did not sway him.
After the young wandering monk made his way back to Higashi, he decided to take in a group of children with nowhere to turn to. He built a monastery in the mountains, and that's how he became the head priest you often speak of.
It's not that uncommon of a story.
Saga The crude mounts had not fallen... That was the meaning the head priest sought to give the painting.
Very well! Then, in his stead, I shall see all the sights there are to see in this vast world!
Dusk Well, as you please.
Now that you got that weight off your shoulders, it's time for you to leave.
Saga W-Wait, master!
This is merely the original source of my perplexity. Having traveled the scrolls some ten years, I am afraid there are certain things I must ascertain for my worries to dissipate.
Dusk Ask away.
But know that this is the last chance I'm giving you. I'm not fond of blabbering people.
Saga The inhabitants of the paintings. Are they real or not?
Dusk That's an interesting question. You know they are from the painting. Why ask if they are real or not?
Saga Oft did I nod off when we studied our scriptures, yet in my languidness I was able to constant seek out truth... For ten years have I walked the landscapes in thy painting, though I yet remain befuddled.
Pray tell, what is real?
Dusk ...Real.
When we look at those who are unreal in the painting, as those who are real, we are able to laugh off all the fake lives and deaths depicted therein.
But if we are yet inhabitants of a painting, and we will one day vanish into the thin air, would you still be able to remain so calm?
Saga All men will one day cease to be. There is little reason to be tormented by that which is inevitable. By approaching all things from the heart and living my life naturally and freely, there is naught to fear.
Dusk Man is not necessarily free. Everything that I've drawn, be it real or otherwise, is merely my way of interrogating myself.
Saga Man is naturally free.
Dusk Wrong. Both you and I are habitants of a painting.
Saga ......
Dusk You seek to solve this problem by yourself, yet you know not a thing about yourself. How do you mean to seek truth?
In the end, what is real, and what is false? Are you sure you can truly tell them apart?
And why take it so seriously?
Saga So thou meanst... I am yet within the painting right this moment?
Dusk ...You've truly left my scrolls, that I can assure you.
I'm only asking, how do you prove that these landscapes before your eyes are not yet another boring painting scroll?
Saga ......
Dusk The roads you've trodden, the people you've met, their births and deaths, and their setbacks in life. All of these things might merely be events drawn at the whim of an artist without any particular meaning assigned.
The so-called reality that you people spend an entire lifetime looking for is yet another fantasy.
We are merely characters in a scroll. The viewers see the events that transpire in the painting and either applaud or criticize its contents.
Our lives are but a fantasy, like a dewdrop or lightning, leaving not a trace in the end.
Saga ......
Dusk Let's stop here. You're wasting both your time and mine, and it's getting on my nerves.
I will find a chance to pluck the other ones out. You should get going.
Saga Lava came a long way solely for the chance to meet thee... yet thou wouldst not grant her an audience?
Dusk That's none of your business.
You don't know why they came, so stay out of it.
Saga But–
Dusk –Don't push your luck, Saga.
One more word, and I'll have you truly regret it.
Saga But I promised Lava to present this to thee, at the very least.
Nian's Charm.png
Dusk You– This...?!
[Out of nowhere, Nian appears.]
Nian Found you...!


  1. Hanzi: 不归河; "the River of Never-Returining."
  2. Hanzi: 无界原; "the Borderless Plain."
  3. Original Chinese text:《拙山尽起图》
  4. The original Chinese name is《拙山尽图》, Saga's master added the character "起," meaning "to rise," therefore being renamed《拙山尽起图》.
  5. Hanzi: 苦潭江, "the River of Sorrow"