Operator file: Kroos the Keen Glint

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Following extensive training and practical experience, Kroos has been smoothly promoted to formal Operator status, principally tasked with field missions. Under the guidance of Rhodes Island's Instructors and from tempering in the field, she has greatly matured, gaining her own insight into and views on firing techniques and concealing movements.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Kroos (the Keen Glint)
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 10%
Very fortunately, she continues to present no obvious external symptoms of Oripathy.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.25u/L
Oripathy shows signs of spread, owing to her undertaking of long-term field assignments. Close attention needs to be paid.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Kroos (the Keen Glint)
After years of maturing, everyone can clearly see how Kroos has transformed. Is she taller? For a fact. Is her hair longer? Sure is. Have her tastes shifted? Seeing how she dresses now, you'd be right. Apart from those changes though, she still seems to be the same Kroos we know and love. She loves to play, laugh, and goof off. However, if you ever see her curled up in some corner, napping, pay careful attention to whether she really is off-guard. The old her would lazily greet you as you approach, still half-asleep. Now? Get just a little closer, and next second you'll find yourself caught her trap. Then she'll shoot to her feet, free you from it, and tell you in that same old tone that it was just a little prank. But after seeing her proficiency at disassembling her traps, and that her crossbow was specially refitted with a bayonet, we're sure you'll realize at least one thing.
No longer is she Reserve Operator Kroos.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Kroos (the Keen Glint)
Excerpts from Kroos' trapping notes: On "Magic Tricks"

"Marathon Alarms"
This is that prank Fang and the rest pulled to get me out of bed, but now I finally get to use it on others! Wish I could see the looks on their faces when they wake up from their nap to find a few extra alarm clocks~
Notes: Not to be used bedside or on people in deep sleeps, they'll wake up grumpy.
People stuck in combat situations get very sensitive to sounds. That's how they become part of the trap themselves, one after another. Can completely numb the enemy's senses, or alert teammates that they're coming. But not all that practical, on account of all the alarm clocks you'd need. Switch out for appropriate substitute based on the battlefield.

"Invisible Warning Tape"
There's a lot of fun to be had with a roll of clear sticky tape. Most classic's when you stick strips all across a doorframe and lead a good friend into it. Watching them get stuck or even trip really brings a smile to your face!
Notes: Target must however be chosen with care, and watch the mood they're in. If it doesn't turn out funny, apologize straight away.
At first I used tactical rope, but nowadays this purpose-developed tripwire has the edge in concealment, weight and price. Based on real combat testing, this see-through thread gets exactly the effect you want, and even marries well with other traps. Gives you a level of lethality from the materials alone, and can be wound in a pinch to work as tactical rope. Considering how all-purpose it is, I should apply for a reel with Logistics next time I'm out on the field. Majorly useful.

"Hollow Cake"
Preparing this one's a pain in the rear, but especially funny. Hollow out a hole in a cake, fill it with other stuff and then re-cover. Wait for everyone's looks when they come to eat the cake and find "something nice" inside.
Notes: Some people don't have very good teeth, so make sure not to stuff anything too hard in.
You're not just limited to food when you pull this one in practical combat. Kettles, cupboards, supplies. Just use your thinker, and the world's full of stuff to use against your enemies.

My mates have always loved showing up next to me from out of nowhere to scare me, which got me thinking: if I use myself to draw their attention, won't it be even harder for them to notice all the little shadows where I've tucked my pranks?
Notes: People have all their focus on you when they scare you, so you'd best not make any moves and give it away.
What does the enemy most want to see? Me, of course. Me, hurt. Me, dead. The instructors said: "No hunter hunts forever." There'll always come a day when a Sniper Operator becomes someone else's prey. So why not... treat myself as bait, and give the other guy a "nice surprise?" Right, no hunter hunts forever, but there are some hunters who'll disguise themselves as the prey.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Kroos (the Keen Glint)
After passing the examination and becoming a formal Operator, Kroos is now qualified to accept solo missions. Her treatment of assignments is painstakingly conscientious. She can delicately sort out all manner of conflicting views, and she's more than fluent in communicating with her employers. She's never had a contract broken or an assignment failed. When on field missions with other operators, she rigorously abides by schedules and even raises her own views, all to ensure the mission succeeds perfectly. When on break from field work, she remains aboard Rhodes Island, where she'll assist the instructors by sharing her combat experiences with the reserve operators. Or perhaps she'll take part in some recon and solo operation training, either way keeping her itinerary full. The Kroos of today is a cheerful, good-humored, and self-disciplining woman; she's discarded her bad habits, and strived to excel at what she does. You've long since known that Kroos was worth trusting, but now you can rest easy while she's on almost any assignment, because you know she'll never betray your confidence.
The facts have proven as much.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Kroos (the Keen Glint)
At this point, how long has Kroos gone without rest?
It all depends on how you define "rest." If it means closing her eyes and sleeping, she isn't much different from back then. But if rest means unloading her burdens and falling deep in dreamland without a care in the world?
In that case, it's been a very long time now.
Because of her mistake.
Or put another way– what she's fixated on as her mistake.
In Rim Billiton, when Reserve Op Team A1 still operated together, a bolt skewered the body of a squadmate, and it left its eternal scar on Kroos' spirit too.
If only she hadn't been nervous, if only her shot hadn't strayed, if only she'd kept tighter aim, none of it would've happened.
This is what she tells herself.
Again and again.
On the battlefield, everything changes in the blink of an eye, and she'd already done the best she could. Everyone told her that.
But, after seeing that scar in front of her, she still can't forgive herself.
She should've done better.
She has to do better.
Ever since then, her sleep's become unusually light.
She confirms the rustle of every blade of grass, every sound on the pavement, one by one.
She's scared.
Scared of her own negligence, of allowing another crisis to befall a comrade.
She's long since been unable to sleep soundly, even aboard Rhodes Island.
And the reward she most hopes for at the end of a hard day's work has changed too, from a neverending dream, to a simple breather on a bench.
This, for her and her alone,
is the price of maturity.
Promotion Record
Promote Kroos the Keen Glint to Elite 2
Rhodes Island Workshop Armament Remodel Record
Client Operator: Kroos
Client Armament: Rhodes Island Standardized Crossbow

Remodeling Entry 1
Details of remodeling: personalization adjustments
Results of remodeling: added trinketry in every known color
Reason for remodeling: personal operator preference

Remodeling Entry 2
Details of remodeling: sights
Results of remodeling: removed optical sights, switched for iron sights
Reason for remodeling: personal operator use habit, (speculation) optical possibly obstructing field of view

Remodeling Entry 3
Details of remodeling: personalization adjustments
Results of remodeling: removed trinketry, added new trinketry onto crossbow body, used high friction material by operator request
Reason for remodeling: (speculation) personal operator preference changed

Remodeling Entry 4
Details of remodeling: whole body
Results of remodeling: used newest materials to increase strength of entire crossbow, improved load method, further boosting operator rate of rapid-fire
Reason for remodeling: operator proposed adjustments based on near-future fieldwork and change in style of weapon use

Remodeling Entry 5
Details of remodeling: foregrip attachment
Results of remodeling: installed bayonet on foregrip
Reason for remodeling: unclear, (speculation) for extreme cases where sniper operator has close combat needs

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