Operator dialogue: Kroos the Keen Glint

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Appointed as Assistant We'll be alright without sorting these files, won't we? Can lie down for a bit more, then. It's good for you, the more you rest. Gets rid of those bags under your eyes, at least.
Talk 1 Got a heap of useful info from our mission in Yan this time. It's all written up in a report, submitted and filed. Come on, Doctor, I'm not a reserve op anymore. I can pull up my socks and write a report start to finish, easy enough.
Talk 2 At the end of the day, the best thing to do with apples is munch them outright, or bake them into pies so you can share with everyone–it's too wasteful using them as targets. And if you just want to split one in two, you're better off with a kitchen knife and all.
Talk 3 I've got a bucketload of magic tricks to bring friends closer. The "marathon alarms," the "invisible warning tape," the "hollow cake," they're all brilliant at their job. What ones do you fancy learning, Doctor?
Talk after Promotion 1 I'm awake, Doctor. I'm not like I was then–it's not that easy to sleep even if I want to. What do you need me doing? Any field missions? Maybe instructing the reserve ops?
Talk after Promotion 2 Accidents always happen too quickly. Quicker than a bolt flies, even. And I can never react in time. And then I just watch things happen one after another, and... it'd be nice if I could be like you, Doctor, see some things coming. At least, when it comes to preparing, I've got confidence I don't botch anything.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, don't tiptoe behind me again! I know when you're close up most times, but on the off-chance you sneak a bit too well, I might just give you a bad scare out of reflex.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 We all came out of that fight in Rim Billiton a bit more grown up, but... *exhale*... It'd be nice if getting better didn't come with a cost, you know...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 There's no place you can escape to, and no dreams you don't wake up from. When we face something terrible, we can only choose to give it our all, hard as we can. Might leave a sting or an ache, but at the very least, you won't carry that regret all your life.
Idle You know, it's a happy thing, getting to fall asleep.
Onboard Hi-hiii~! Doctor! I'm back! Haven't got caught up in hassle lately, have you? Haha, that's good. Right, I'm heading back to my room to rest up. If there's anything you want dealing with, remember to give me a shout.
Watching Battle Record Some still fight the same as ever. It's nice to see.
Promotion 1 I've gotten these badges how many times now? But whenever hand me one, Doctor, I'm as happy as could be.
Promotion 2 Once you raise your crossbow, the only things left swimming in your eyes are your sight and your target. But before you pull the trigger, there's so much you've got to think about... I won't have a shred of neglect, ever again.
Added to Squad Hi, everyone! I'm here to slack off~
Appointed as Squad Leader Alright, I'll be handing out jobs, then.
Depart We're heading out! Remember to mind your cover!
Begin Operation Relax, relax! The targets aren't that bad.
Selecting Operator 1 Go ahead, I've been ready and set.
Selecting Operator 2 Oh? Is it my turn?
Deployment 1 Shh! Don't make any more noise!
Deployment 2 On alert!
In Battle 1 Where d'you think you're going?
In Battle 2 Here I am!
In Battle 3 Stand still.
In Battle 4 Bye byeeee~
4-star Result That's spot-on work! Have a rest, Doctor, I'll keep a watch on the follow-up.
3-star Result So long as it turns out well, a little pain's no big problem.
Sub 3-star Result They won't be much threat. D'you want me to catch up with them?
Operation Failure We have an orderly retreat! Don't let yourself panic!
Assigned to Facility This place is nice! Maybe I can find some beauty sleep in here.
Tap Heheh.
Trust Tap You can't go just yet! I've got a nice surprise ready for all my friends!
Greeting Yaaawn... good morning~
Title Arknights.