Operator story: Kroos

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A Columbian Cautus of Rim Billitoner descent, Kroos was a police cadet in Tkaronto working together with Fang and Beagle. Following a Catastrophe titled "Black Warps" that led to their Oripathy, Kroos joined Rhodes Island together with her colleagues to escape the discrimination towards the Infected. Assigned to Op Reserve A1, Kroos puts her police training to good use in the field as a sharpshooter, and her happy, upbeat, and fun-loving attitude is actually the way for her to cope with her Oripathy.

After years of strenuous training, Kroos become a skilled markswoman on par with R.I.'s veteran sharpshooters. However, by then, Op Reserve A1 had been disbanded, Beagle is either W.I.A. or K.I.A. during an operation in Bolívar, and Fang is likely W.I.A. following a friendly fire incident during an operation in Rim Billiton. As the consequence, Kroos is no longer the cheerful and jovial Cautus we knew and love; she now becomes somber and stern, and her depression makes it difficult for her to take a peaceful, quiet nap.

Kroos' alternate version Kroos the Keen Glint was introduced alongside Invitation to Wine.


A1 Operations Preparation Detachment


Who is Real

Invitation to Wine

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Stories of Afternoon

Kroos: Apples

Dur-nar: Extra Training

Fang: Second Charge

Bibeak: Through the Long Hallway

Frostleaf: Learning to Read

Leonhardt: Living in Darkness

Reed: Heart Like a Reed