Operator overview: Kroos

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Kroos is a 3★ Marksman Sniper who specializes in DPS and awarded as one of the first clear rewards of TR-8. As a Marksman Sniper, Kroos has a range of 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front which is improved to 3×4 tiles at Elite 1, prioritizes aerial enemies over ground enemies when attacking, and possesses good ATK, low attack interval, decent HP and DEF, and low DP cost relative to other Snipers. Being a 3★ Operator, Kroos is stuck at the maximum promotion of Elite 1.


Targeting - Primary gives Kroos' attacks a chance to deal more damage.


Double Tap - Auto has Kroos fire in a two-shot burst which deals more damage every several attacks.

Base skills

  1. Slowcoach increases Factory productivity by 15% which further increases 2% on each passing hour, up to 25%, while Kroos is assigned to one.
  2. Solitude increases Kroos' morale recovery rate by 0.7 per hour while she is resting in a Dormitory.


Despite being a basic Marksman Sniper, Kroos can still perform just as well as higher-rarity Marksman Snipers, making her a popular addition to many Doctors' arsenal. Besides, Kroos' adorable attitude and famous catchphrase, "Ko~ko~da~yo!", is always a pleasant sight for every player.