Operation story: CB-7

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Mafioso icon.png
Lungmen Highway
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen Back Alley
Lungmen City Night

Before operation

Just when Gambino decides to eliminate the traitor, Capone, Penguin Logistics' fully-deployed intelligence network locates Capone's stronghold and the battle commences.
<Background 1>
Mafioso Boss, Penguin Logistics is on the move.
Gambino Of course. I just gave her a few skin deep cuts...
But I'm more worried about Capone.
Mafioso Y– yeah, we haven't been able to reach him. Tried real hard an hour ago.
Gambino Where's the last place you got him? The slums?
Mafioso Er, yeah.
Gambino That's too bad.
Mafioso What do you mean?
Gambino Tell all the crews, we're going with the original plan to get Penguin Logistics...
But I'm thinkin'... unless something goes wrong, we'll get two or three crews dropping off the grid.
Mafioso What do you mean... boss?
Couldn't be... Capone betrayed the Family?
Gambino I get where he's comin' from. All too well.
We grew up together. And dad had us deal with a traitor, with our own two hands. That was my first time takin' a life. Our first time takin' a life.
The Siracusa fiasco changed us. The only difference is he turned weak, and I chose the clear path.
He's gonna sell out the Family. Or I guess he wants to give the Family a new name.
Mafioso So what should we do about it?
Gambino Penguin Logistics is turning out trickier than I thought. And we can't fight a war on too many fronts.
I'm thinkin' we deal with our traitor problem first.
<Background 2>
Mafioso A I'm down at the intersection. Nothing special here.
Mafioso B Roger. Proceed as usual.
Mafioso A W- wait! What's the plan here?
Mafioso B Huh? You screwed up something?
Mafioso A No, I just wanna be sure. I really don't know Lungmen at all.
Mafioso B It's Sauin. When midnight rolls around, Lungmen kicks off a huge Carnival. The whole town turns out. That's when we rub out Penguin Logistics. Bada bing!
Mafioso A Now about the boss...
Mafioso B Don't ask too many questions. Just do what you're told. Chop-chop.
[The mafioso ends the call, who turned out to be captured by the P.L. crew.]
Mafioso ...it's what it is.
You ain't gonna kill me, are you?
Exusiai Of course not. But you gotta take a nap for me like a good boy~
[Exusiai knocks the mafioso unconscious.]
Exusiai Texas, you copy?
<Background 3>
Texas It's the same over here. They all split off into little groups.
But their leader was in the fight himself, which means they've got someone else handing out dispatch orders.
We just have to cut off that head.
Sora Hey~ Texas?
We're in the city center, but boy are there a lot of people out here.
Texas Watch for the enemy. They're moving in small teams.
Sora I know~ We'll make sure our friends on the street keep an eye out... Wait, boss? You want to get up on a float? Erm, wait for me...
Texas Croissant, Bison, do you copy?
<Background 2>
Bison So you were talking about that someone else giving dispatch orders, we ran into a little surprise over here.
Croissant Bison, get down. Take cover behind that box over there. Don't get yerself seen.
Bison Right. I'll call you back, Texas.
<Background fades out and in>
Mafioso A So where do we go from here?
Mafioso B I dunno. Since we cut off the boss... since we cut off Gambino Ricci, we really don't have a choice.
Mafioso A Sigh.
Mafioso B What's to sigh about? Mr. Capone did so much for us here in Lungmen, and what came of it?
Gambino hops on over from Siracusa and makes nothin' but trouble. Not a lick of good's come of him!
If we kept to Mr. Capone's plan from the start, we wouldn't be in this mess.
We've been over this with the Rat King. Why do we gotta kill anybody? This ain't Siracusa!
Mafioso A The boss, I mean the old boss, he's probably just blowin' off steam.
Mafioso B Well he needs to grow up.
<Background fades out and in>
Croissant (Sounds like trouble in paradise.)
Bison (Sure does. This could be good for us, if we...)
[Suddenly a sniper fire hits close to where Bison and Croissant are hiding, exposing their position.]
Mafioso A Hey! Who's there?!
Croissant Huh? A gunshot?
Bison It's that sniper again! We're exposed!
Mafioso B It's the Penguins! Don't let 'em get away!
<Background 4>
Butler ...Do forgive me, Young Master. This is what the Master of the House has demanded of me.
But in taking action upon the Young Master, I have placed him in danger...
When this matter is concluded, I believe it may be time to retire to the countryside.
<Background 3>
Texas ...Sounds like they're in trouble.
Exusiai, once you've marked out the gangsters' route, move to meet up with Croissant.
Exusiai You got it~
Texas Sora.
Sora Whew... the bad guys are making a lot of moves, but it looks like they're splitting into two teams. Might be a trap...
Yith It is not so complicated. The enemy is suffering from internal strife. This is an opportunity.
Sora Aaaie! You scared me!
Texas ...Welcome back.
Why'd you have to hack into our private channel? Couldn't you just send us a normal message?
Yith This was quicker.
Sora Where are you now?
Yith A depressing cafe. I suddenly remembered I was supposed to have today off, so I came out to enjoy the nightlife.
I've sent you Croissant and the new boy's coordinates. Lungmen's network speeds are remarkably satisfactory.
Texas ...understood. Once we've finished our respective missions, we'll move to assist them.
This is our chance to strike back.
<Background fades out and in>
Mafioso Mr. Capone, the boss's hit on Penguin Logistics looks like it failed.
Capone What's that meathead worth? I don't even wanna hear his name.
Mafioso ...Is that how we do it?
Capone The Family needs a solid foundation. The name is the least important part.
Did you find the Rat King yet?
Mafioso Not yet. He really don't leave any tracks around...
Capone We gotta be patient. He's like a part of the city. He's Lungmen's shadow. It ain't like we got much time though.
Mafioso But we gotta be careful. If the Rat King picks up on what we're doin', we could find ourselves fighting three sides at once.
Capone It's the same for everyone. If we're locked into a tough spot, the best thing to do is stir up some chaos.
You got news of Gambino?
Mafioso ......
Capone You deaf?
[Gambino appears.]
Gambino If you got somethin' to say to me, shouldn't you just say it to my face?
Capone How did you get in here?
Gambino Not everybody's like you. Not everybody can just up and turn their back on an oath made before dad's grave.
Capone Oath? That's just because we were walking the same path. But times have changed, Gambino.
Gambino You broke my heart, Capone. But I'll give you one last chance to explain yourself, as my brother.
Capone Hmph. Seven years ago, when we buried the old boss, you sent me here, to Lungmen.
I came halfway across the world to set up a business that could support the Family, like a backstop.
But then you had to go and screw up in Siracusa. And what do you do? You hop on over here and take over everything I broke my back to build.
Gambino Come on, you ain't gettin' pissed off over some little shit like this. Or you'd've been dead a long time ago.
Capone Say what you want. But today I learned the sharpest fangs in the Family's what's gonna turn around and kill it.
Gambino So you gonna pull out your fangs and snap a collar on yourself? Hah!
Capone If you keep runnin' around Lungmen makin' noise like you do, sooner or later the powers that be are gonna get sick of it and wipe us out.
Gambino Your deep and heartfelt concern for the Family is moving me to tears, dear Capone.
Capone The feeling's mutual.
[Capone and Gambino fights against each other, but they are evenly matched.]
Gambino You're rusty.
Capone The scars you got in Siracusa are holding you back too.
Gambino Just give up. I don't wanna kill you.
Capone No, you really do.
Gambino Heh. You know me too well.
[While the mafiosi are distracted, Croissant breaks through a nearby wall.]
Capone Wh—
Croissant Well lookie here! I just wanted to bust through this wall and make a nice path... but it looks like I found quite a sight.
Sorry to bother ya. You two keep at it. We'll go around.
[Croissant flees, prompting the mafiosi to go after them.]
Mafioso Hurry! Don't let them get away!
Bison ...I think we're out of options.
Gambino How about that. Our troublemakers came right to us. We'll just scoop you up and—
[Suddenly Exusiai, Sora, and Texas breaks through another wall nearby.]
Gambino What is it this time?!
Exusiai Heyy~ We're heere!
Texas What a coincidence, running into everyone.
Sora So, is it time for a final battle already? Seems a little early?
Texas It's fine. The sooner we get this whole thing over with, the better.
Just throw them in the river, like the boss said.
Capone This kind of chaos is just the way I like it.
Tonight's big winner is the one who walks out of here alive.

After operation

In the chaos of battle, Mostima reappears and suppresses the enemy leader with ease. However, a sandstorm comes without warning, and the Rat King appears to disperse the crowd.
<Background 3>
[Texas fights Capone and Gambino, but enters a stalemate.]
Gambino *Pant* *pant...*
Capone Come on, Penguins!
Exusiai Looks like you two get along great?
Capone Grr!
Croissant What'd I ever do to you?! I'll clock you one!
[Croissant bashes through the mafiosi while Exusiai fires at them.]
Gambino Gah! Whose side are you on?!
Mafioso It– it wasn't me! It was that angel!
Exusiai Oopsie. I missed. Seems fine though.
Mafioso A Get 'em, while they're— Agh! What are you choppin' at me for?!
Mafioso B Sorry, but I gotta stay loyal to the boss!
Mafioso A Me too!
Mafioso B Oh.
Gambino What are you doing on the ground? Get up and fight if you ain't dead!
Mafioso Y– yessir!
Exusiai You can't be so rough with your employees. Do they at least get hazard pay?
Texas It's kind of hard to tell who's who. Just try to get everyone wearing black on the ground.
[The fight between the P.L. crew and the mafiosi goes on.]
<Background fades out and in>
Mostima Hoo yeah this is a mess.
Bison Sure is— woah! Mostima?
Mostima But it looks like you're all doing okay.
Texas When did you get here?
Mostima The boss called me.
[Mostima aids the P.L. crew in fighting the mafiosi.]
Capone Hey, it's that weird-lookin' Sankta.
Gambino Get outta here!
[Mostima attacks Gambino.]
Mostima Somebody needs to calm down a bit.
What are you even fighting over here? Let's all take a step back.
Mafioso A She stopped the boss?!
Mafioso B No! It's that staff! Look out, boss! She's a caster!
Capone ...Looks like we were right not to take her head on... Hey, don't get near 'em!
Gambino I ain't never seen a Sankta like you before. Or wait? Are you a Sarkaz? What the hell are you?
Mostima I'm just an ordinary Messenger.
Gambino Cazzata!
[Gambino fights back, but Mostima overpowers him.]
Gambino Grrr—
Mostima Time for an intermission... or are you not going to listen to me?
Gambino Who do you think you are?!
Mostima How are you all doing? It's been a long time, hasn't it?
Gambino Hey! Eyes over here!
Croissant A couple years, I think? Maybe a couple months?
Mafioso Gah!
Sora When your days are as rich and full as ours, you kinda lose track of time.
[Exusiai provides covering fire for the P.L. crew.]
Exusiai It's been about four years and three months, Mostima.
Mostima Yeah, that's pretty long.
Mostima Don't give me that face. If you keep looking that gloomy I'll think you've gotten sick.
Exusiai Isn't this a touching reunion?!
Mostima Touching or not, it's definitely not the time to be reminiscing.
Texas Are you really going to do it here?
Mostima I'll do only what needs doing.
Texas ...Okay. Just go easy on them.
Mostima Don't worry.
And it looks like I've got another customer waiting.
Texas —?
[Mostima used her Arts against the mafiosi.]
Sora No matter how many times I see it, I'm always impressed how Mostima will wave her staff around all light and subtle, only to have some big amazing thing come out.
Croissant The mobsters're already scared stiff!
Exusiai Phew. I guess I should plug a couple of them?
[Exusiai fires at the mafiosi.]
Mostima What's wrong? Are we done?
Gambino You may have some moves, but you can bet I'm not lettin' you stroll outta here.
Mostima You don't always have to play the big bad wolf. Just treat this as some after dinner exercise— Hm.
Mafioso Wh– what's going on? Did this fire just turn solid?
Mostima ...seems like Yith is around here somewhere. We better wrap this up.
Gambino Who are you monologing at? Come at me!
[Gambino attacks Mostima, but she blocked it...]
Mostima You keep losing your temper. That's a really bad look for the head of a family. How are you going to keep control of the situation?
Gambino Grrr! This smug attitude of yours really pisses me off!
[...before retaliating with her Arts.]
Mafioso Arts! Take cover!
Mafioso We'll take the Penguins. Don't wanna get in your way!
Texas They're underestimating us. Show them what we can do.
Croissant You got it! Yeeeeeeehaw!
<Background fades out and in>
Bison That's Mostima, the Messenger...
A Messenger... are Messengers really all like this?
...is that the wind?
Mostima ...wind?
Texas! Run! Quick!
Texas ...Right!
[The ground suddenly trembles.]
Mafioso Hey! What's with the earthquake?! What did that caster just do?
Mostima Honestly. Old people are so impatient.
Gambino You ain't gettin'—
Capone Hey! It's Arts! Let's get outta here!
[Out of nowhere, a sandstorm covers the alley.]
Gambino A sandstorm? Here?
Croissant Thing's're gettin' kinda weird.
Sora Texas! Over here!
Texas What about Bison and Mostima? Nng!
Exusiai The sandstorm cut them off. I'll get them!
Texas Wait, Exusiai!

Every time Mostima's involved, she loses control like this.
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Texas! Mostima! Where are you?!
Gah... there's sand in my eyes—
Mostima Don't panic.
Bison Mostima!
Mostima Shield yourself from the sand and come with me.
...That's one old man we don't want to provoke within striking range.
[Without warning, the alley's grounds turned into quicksand.]
Mafioso A The ground... I'm sinking...! It's quicksand! Run! Don't get swallowed up!
Mafioso B Boss! What do we do?!
Gambino Where are they? Where's Capone?!
Mafioso A They ran out under the cover of the sandstorm! We got a few of our guys in their crew...
Mafioso B Boss! This place is gonna collapse!
Gambino ...Run. We'll get another shot.
Shit! What the hell happened?!
[The Rat King appears amidst the sandstorm covering the alley.]
Rat King Another shot... hm...
Strange... I don't remember you having any shots left.