Operation story: CW-2

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Transmitter Aberration icon.png
Transmitter Aberration
Panicking Driver
Wilderness Dusk
Columbian Lounge
Columbian Room
Columbia Streets Night
Columbia Alley
Rhine Lab Laboratory
Test Site Laboratory

Before operation

Kristen looks up at the stars. Blake decides to take the plunge. The Rhodes Islanders are attacked. Silence decides to continue her pursuit. Ifrit looks at Saria's back, deep in thought.
Starry Skies.png
These stars have twinkled above Terra since ancient times.
Just how many romantic myths and searching gazes do they hold?
Astrologers spend their lives assigning symbols to constellations and celestial bodies to give them meaning, while shamans and druids try to interpret the trails left by every passing meteor.
They are untouchable. Indeed, it is precisely because of this that the sky has become the true home of those who indulge in fantasy.
And for this great land, looking up holds no meaning.
<Background 1>
Kristen 6152.31 Meters. The height of Terra's sky.
And also, the last record of the Wrights' final flight.
No one has questioned this limit.
Nobody is angry, confused, or curious about it.
People live on this pea wrapped so softly in a its pod, and couldn't care any less.
Nasti And thus, came the shabby poem from an Ursine poet centuries ago.
Kristen "Starpod".
Nasti Hmph. A romantic name for the barrier.
Nasti I've read through every paper related to the subject of barriers, those sloppy theories formulated by Victorian and Leithanian scholars...
"Analysis on Pressure in Space" "Theory on Density Differentials between the Barrier and Outside Matter" ...Old, outdated, and full of holes.
Those Columbian academics announcing their "pioneer's spirit" merely tinker with that garbage. Then you get the occasional novel theory put out by younger scholars in academic journals.
But they spend way more energy getting tenure and research grants than looking at the sky.
Oh, by the way. The test platform we launched the other day has already fallen back to the ground, due to the same old problems with the barrier.
The sudden change in basic aerodynamics, massive disruption to the Originium Zone, and the extremely rapid decay of any exogenous power.
Kristen What about the results of the data analysis from the Transmitter?
Nasti The batch from the re-adjusted ones are solid.
I've also already laid out all the energy cables, and connected them to the port you mentioned previously.
But, Kristen. You're well aware of just how much energy you'll need for this.
The theory is sound, however...
Kristen That won't be a problem.
Nasti Alright.
The test platform's crash landing has caused us some trouble, and the military is burning with anxiety over your disappearance.
Kristen, whatever their next step may be, death might be the most merciful outcome.
Kristen I wouldn't even consider that a price to pay at all.
Nasti, do you like stargazing?
Nasti No.
Staring at something out reach just makes me feel empty.
Kristen And yet, sometimes the unreachable can become a signboard for you.
You are indeed right on one thing.
Death is only the most merciful outcome.
Nasti Then I hope you don't die before giving me what you promised, Control.
You should be more careful.
Thank you, I will.
<Background 2>
Ferdinand ......
Colonel? How am I supposed to take this order?
Blake ......
Ferdinand Let me guess... the agent you sent to watch Kristen has gone MIA, and you've suppressed the news.
Your superiors aren't worried about your agents being silenced by Kristen, but rather, they might have signed on with her and betrayed the country.
And they're probably even wondering, have you betrayed the country too?
It's no wonder you've been racing to find Kristen.
Blake ......
My last tour was in Bolívar.
In the late forties, the coalition government backed by the DOD was bumbling around like toddlers in its own jurisdiction, and our intervention policy for the Bolívarian Civil War was deemed a failure.
The DOD's rep has fallen so low in the eyes of our people, the General even handed over control of the armed forces....
Ferdinand ......
Blake The DOD needs "Arc-01" to restore its image and regain the trust of the people. And I also need it to prove myself worthy of plucking the General's medals out of the dust.
So yeah, it is my last chance.
But you can lay off the clownery for now, Ferdinand.
Ferdinand Come on, Colonel. Who are you even trying to fool with all that?
This isn't enough of a reason for the DOD to go so far. And definitely not enough to stake your life on it.
Blake Hey, don't you always brag about being as smart as Kristen? Why not use that clever scientist brain of yours and figure it out?
Ferdinand ......
It's not like you don't know a thing about Kristen. Surely you ran a thorough check on her before handing the project over.
The situation is pretty bad, but there's definitely a contingency plan at work, your reactions have been abnormal anyway.
If your people haven't gone crazy, then it only comes down to this...
Kristen isn't the actual reason.
No, she's just a fuse.
Ferdinand suddenly looks up at Blake, his eyes full of astonishment.
He has come to a conclusion he can barely believe himself.
Ferdinand You didn't meet the Vice President to talk about Kristen... what you wanted was a mood.
Blake ......
The Wrights were a pair of lunatics, squandering the nation's tax money on ridiculous notions like challenging the sky.
And all they gave back to the country was a little lunatic by the name of Kristen Wright.
Ferdinand ......
Blake Ferdinand, I respect men of your caliber.
Usually, it's your type disrespecting the nation.
Am I wrong? I can't imagine the "meteor" that fell from the sky having any motive beyond an attempt to provoke us.
The most generous motive I can imagine is her selling the data to another country. She holds a weapon capable of seriously damaging a nomadic city. And the military handed it right to her.
Or the worst, she actually wants to avenge her parents.
She wants to point "Arc-01" right at D.C., she plans to destroy the Columbia that, in her eyes, treated her parents so unfairly...
We've already seen enough to make people wonder if they were born in the wrong era.
Ferdinand ......
Blake Hell, the scarier thing is, doesn't Jackson know about all this? Don't those Maylander agents know too?
Guess how much he already knew about Kristen, me, and you before I even walked into his room?
But he still chose to put it off.
I won't sugarcoat it.
From the moment we lost Bolívar, the coalition government has spared no effort in suppressing the military.
Our current state of affairs is, to them, an excellent weapon.
It doesn't matter if Kristen is exacting revenge or betrayal, what's important is that this is a scandal for the DOD.
And the losses brought on by it seems to be an acceptable cost to them.
Do you want to be part of that cost, Ferdinand?
Ferdinand Do I even get to choose?
Blake If you didn't figure it out just now, you might have.
So you can one, use your connection with me, and just wait till we've recovered "Arc-01," when the military will coincidentally be hiring a new scientific advisor...
Or two, die here with me, and be swept into the trashcan of history together.
Ferdinand stares at the soldier before him, confirming he's seen something in the man's eyes.
Whether pure banter or a real crisis... silence has connected the two.
Ferdinand ...I get it, Colonel.
Blake The Vice President has already broadcast live to every citizen that Columbia is about to enter a new era.
But accidents are inevitable on the way to said era.
I believe he'll dedicate everything he has to realize this for Columbia.
<Background fades out and in>
Saria ......
So that's the situation over there near the Triton factory. The parts regarding Kristen are just my own guesswork.
Kal'tsit Judging by the military's response, that seems to hold enough water.
A superweapon that the government hopes to use to re-assert power, or Kristen herself having other plans...
Trimounts is indeed working on a secret mega project using energy at its core, with unimaginable destructive power, yet to be scientifically tested... and it's nearing completion.
Saria That's what I'm worried about as well.
Kal'tsit Saria, has there ever been a mass blackout in Trimounts?
Saria Hmm? Never.
Trimounts has separate power grids for residential and commercial use, and each of their power reserves alone is enough allow all the facilities in the entire city to operate normally for several months.
Moreover, Trimounts has a booming technology industry, with dozens of companies dedicated to developing new forms of energy, and nearby mobile industrial platforms regularly borrow energy from the city.
Kal'tsit looks out the window.
The skyscraper in the distance with its gigantic glass facade frames a billow of clouds, its surface crystal clear, like a leaf full of dewdrops.
Indeed, it is just a leaf.
Her gaze expands, and the building quickly disappears into a nest of countless skyscrapers: exhibitions on science and technology interspersed with expo halls, and other specialized buildings scattered around at random, like a bacterial colony in a forest.
But, as she raises her head, the vast sky dwarfs the city, and Trimounts is only a leaf.
Kal'tsit No matter if it's a superweapon ordered by the military, or an unknown object that Kristen has other plans for...
The amount of energy and precision required for the "Horizon Arc Project" is beyond the scope of our imaginations.
Energy consumption and navigation accuracy are issues they must solve.
Saria So you're implying...
Kal'tsit I don't know how the Columbian military has assessed the situation, or how Kristen has pulled the wool over their eyes.
Even if she were able to solve the issue of precision, my judgement is that it cannot support energy concentration on such a scale, even if you use all of Trimounts's energy reserves.
Once you start such a huge project, it should drain Trimounts's energy in an extremely short span of time, like stuffing a giant sponge into a glass of water.
Even if Kristen's talents and vision are far beyond the present, the current state of science and technology should not be able to realize such a concept.
Saria But she is by no means a simple mad scientist indulging her delusions.
Kal'tsit Unless... she has already solved this problem.
<Background 3>
Ifrit What the heck are they talking about?
Doctor Stop eavesdropping. The door's soundproofed. / Stop eavesdropping. They're going to find out.
Ifrit It's gotta be about the factory that went kaboom, right? Saria looked kinda serious. Does this have something to do with Rhine?
Doctor, is Silence in Trimounts, too? Can we bring her here?
Doctor ......
Ifrit Doctor, why are you frowning like that?
Oh, I get it. You still blame Kal'tsit for bringing Rosmontis and me here.
We decided to come on our own. I've been here before. I can even be your tour guide!
Doctor ......
Rosmontis, you're looking at the letter again. Are you okay?
Rosmontis He invited me to come back here...
The Feline girl is still holding that thin envelope in her hands. Five minutes ago, she opened it and quietly read the letter again, before stuffing it back inside a minute ago.
She lifts her head up to look at you. There doesn't seem to be any particular emotion in her eyes, but you notice something unmistakable nonetheless...
She is trying to comfort herself, almost like she is trying to smooth out a small, wrinkled piece of paper under the school desk without attracting anyone's attention.
You can feel that she is confused, maybe even in pain.
Rosmontis I forgot again, Doctor.
Can coming back here help me remember what I forgot? What did I forget...?
I should have it written down... I'm sure I know.
Doctor Rosmontis, relax... / Rosmontis, slow down. / Rosmontis, why don't we take a little nap?
Rosmontis ......
Doctor If it hurts, we can go back to Rhodes Island, right now. / Sometimes, you can turn down invitations.
Rosmontis I think I should stay.
Doctor Control your power. Don't force yourself to think. Okay?
I'm here.
Ifrit Me too!
<Background 2>
Kal'tsit Do you have the data I need?
Saria We have little time to spare, but these should help.
[Saria handed over documents to Kal'tsit.]
Kal'tsit The Energy Section's project and construction plans and reports from the past ten years, Energy and Originium Art Sections' experiment records...
The Scientific Investigation Section's expedition reports and data archives.
It's a lot thicker than I imagined.
Saria Their position within Rhine Lab is rather unique.
From the corporative perspectives of cost performance and efficiency, their contributions to the company are negligible. They shouldn't even be one of Rhine's ten sections.
And even though it doesn't rival what the core laboratories like Energy and Structural get, the budget that Rhine Lab allocates to polar field research and surveying technologies every year is no small amount...
In fact, you could say they're throwing huge amounts of money at them.
Kal'tsit They collect and analyze seismic data from the Kazimierzian highlands surrounded by mountains in regular intervals, and have built close to ten scientific research stations in the endless icefields of Sami.
They frequently travel to Columbia's great lakes, as well as the lowland deserts in the south, for their investigations, and even seek to thoroughly explore the ruins of the abandoned cities in the Bleached Wasteland...
Only a few know that the dust kicked up by pioneering young Columbia is much older than the sands of Sargon.
These scientists have not been measuring the boundaries of this world in the spirit of exploration. Rather, they are looking for something.
[Kal'tsit sifts through the documents.]
Kal'tsit These last few pages are all about Trimounts.
Saria Trimounts? Why would Scientific Investigation need to factor in the location of Headquarters...?
Kal'tsit Every project I've checked so far has an immediate sign-off from Rhine Control.
Saria Kristen...
Kal'tsit And so, did this farce just happen to take place in Trimounts? Or maybe... it could only happen here...?
Saria I would prefer to see some evidence rather than hear more of your roundabout explanations.
Kal'tsit I have some rough conjectures, but the clues are all a mess, and our present information is inadequate to serve as actual evidence.
Let's take a short break.
You should go have another chat with Ifrit.
Saria ......
[Suddenly an explosion occurs in the lounge, prompting Mon3tr to reveal itself.]
Mon3tr (Angry howling)
Saria Get down, Kal'tsit!
<Background 3>
Jara How is it? Does it fit?
It's a new suit the Originium Art Section developed. I made a few adjustments, and it should fit you okay now.
And I'm sure you know how to test out the new drone equipment.
Silence Yes.
Jara Come here. Let me help you put the contacts in.
Silence Okay.
Jara That'll do it. Stand up and take a look around.
[Silence looks around in her improved outfit.]
Jara Great. You're like a completely different person.
How are the contacts?
Silence I'm not quite used to them yet.
But it's nice to go without weight on my nose.
Jara I have to say, you look sharper without your glasses.
I'm sure your friends will be shocked as soon as they see you.
Silence I'd rather surprise them another way.
Jara Such as...?
Silence Say... my personality.
Jara You seize the day and work toward that. Don't underestimate what a little makeover can accomplish.
Silence I'll try my best.
Jara Besides, the lockdown isn't going to end anytime soon. The soldiers stopped you once, and it won't be easy to get around now that they've seen you.
Get a makeover, and upgrade your equipment while you are at it. Two fowls with one stone.
Silence Thank you.
It doesn't look like anyone's been here the last couple days... You came to District 13 for a reason today.
Jara I actually bought this as a vacation home, but with how busy my workers have been lately, I haven't had much time for rest. HR Director and all.
Silence I just located a Transmitter from Site 359 near the scene. Are you here to recover it? What does Transmitter have to do with the Triton Factory explosion?
No, Dorothy wouldn't need a low-level researcher like me if you were already on the case.
Ferdinand is out of the picture, but maybe there are other Sections who want Transmitter for their experiments?
I also saw Saria there... Just how many Rhine Lab personnel are involved in this?
Jara You're asking too many questions in one go, Silence.
And unfortunately, I can't answer them.
You should be well aware of Rhine Lab's organizational structure. The departments under General Affairs are only responsible for providing support to the Scientific Research Sections.
Originium Art, Energy, or whatever, Human Resource Investigation has never interfered in any of their research projects... I've never been a researcher myself, after all.
Silence ...
My mentor told me some stories about you and Control.
Before joining Rhine Lab, you were the most eccentric and yet, the most successful investor in Trimounts.
You've never attended a single meeting, read a proposal, or listened to a project briefing, but the projects you endorse always miraculously succeed.
There's no need for you to be attached to a company. On the contrary, he said you might even become a tech pioneer to steer the course of the nation.
But after Control had one meeting with you, you announced you were joining Rhine Lab the very next day.
Jara The business world is always brimming with delicately packaged myths and legends.
The outside world is full of speculation, but at my age, I don't Kristen to promise me anything. I only wanted to stay and watch her patch up a few regrets.
Some her own, and some mine.
And well, that girl... I'm not sure where exactly she is now.
Silence ......
Jara You performed very well at Site 359. You cleaned up after Dorothy, and followed the trail all the way here to recover the Transmitter. Honestly, that's remarkable.
But the Site 359 Incident ends here, and whatever follows is already beyond the scope of both your responsibilities and abilities. You're done here.
Silence What if I disagree, Director Jara?
Jara Oh, let's not be rash now, I have no intention of getting in your way.
Silence I don't understand... You won't tell me the truth, so why are you still helping me?
Jara Do you remember your first day at work?
You're so reserved, but you still managed to talk non-stop for half an hour.
I was only responsible for checking your background and qualifications, you know. While I handled that, Parvis had already scored your employment exam. With high numbers.
Silence Then why didn't you interrupt me...?
Jara Because you're such an earnest woman, Silence.
I have a lot of respect for serious scientists, same as Rhine Lab.
No matter how far Kristen and the go, no matter what Rhine Lab may become... we'll always need young people like you to take over the reins someday. You are Rhine's future.
As HR Director, my job is to protect our employees as best I can, so I advise you to leave now.
But if you have to see it all happen with your own eyes to make your preparations and choices, then I won't hold you back either.
That's all.
Silence Then, I'll earnestly inform you... that I'm going to continue my investigation.
<Background fades out and in>
[Shots are fired as soldiers in powersuits enter the room.]
Doctor *cough*... Rosmontis!
The very moment the impact force reaches you, you instinctively take the Feline girl's hand.
Evidently, she mistakes it for you being agitated about something. She relaxes her tightly clenched fists, carries you in her arms, and starts running away.
At the same time, the fiery Savra girl dashes in the other direction, her flames howling.
[Ifrit takes out one of the powersuit soldiers.]
Ifrit Leave this to me!
Rosmontis, you protect the Doctor.
I'll melt all these big metal things with my flames.
[More powersuit soldiers show up, but...]
??? Out of the way, Ifrit.
A shadow steps in front of Ifrit.
A thick wall of calcium crystals unfolds before her in an instant, blocking the power armor's onslaught. A burst of intense clashing fills the room, leaving a low, lingering hum in the air.
Ifrit Saria!
Saria ......
[The powersuit soldiers retreat.]
Doctor We don't know what's going on. Let it go.
Saria Doctor, are you hurt?
Doctor I'm fine.
Kal'tsit All the data are destroyed.
A distraction and then immediate retreat. The enemy had a clear objective.
Saria There aren't many who know about this hideout.
And there are even fewer who would stand against us.
It was Rhine Lab's mass-produced remote armors that carried out this attack.
Kal'tsit Is it someone from Rhine Lab, then?
Saria That's not for certain. The military has already infiltrated Rhine Lab, and decisively eliminating unknown factors in their plans is more their style.
Anyway, you seem to be on the right track. There are people who wish for us to not go any deeper into this.
Kal'tsit Or perhaps, we've been going the wrong way, and someone is trying to get us to continue our investigation.
Saria What is certain, at the very least, is that we have hit a critical point somewhere.
And no matter who they are, the people behind this will pay the price.
Kal'tsit You're angry, Saria.
Don't let anger cloud your judgement.
Saria ......
Kal'tsit If Kristen has already solved her energy troubles and cut ties with the military, then we must hurry and find the energy core she's relying on.
It shouldn't be too far from the S.H.A.F.T. under military control.
I already have a few conjectures based on my recent findings. I'll try to look for it, but I require more information.
Saria I need to head back to Rhine.
Ifrit I'll go with you, Saria!
Saria Don't be silly. I can't watch you right now.
If you're here and you can't leave Trimounts for the time being, you should spend this time with the Doctor. Don't go anywhere.
Ifrit But the bad guys came to our doorstep looking for trouble... Besides, I helped the Doctor!
Saria You should–

No... You did great.
Be extra careful when I'm not around. Take care of the Doctor, and don't let yourself get hurt.

After operation

Ifrit and Rosmontis have fun, while Silence finds her mentor only to leave dejected. The Tin Man commissions Rhodes Island to stop the military, and when she finds out that Ifrit might get dragged into this, Silence is struck with mixed feelings.
<Background 3>
Ifrit ......
Rosmontis You aren't talking... The room is quiet.
Ifrit I don't really wanna talk... Are you bored?
Rosmontis Not really. I'm just not used to it.
Ifrit ......
Ifrit has been frowning from the moment they got back to their room, or more accurately, from the moment they left Saria.
There are several intricate geometric shapes scattered on the table. It's a scale model of cities like Trimounts, given to guests by the hotel for free.
Rosmontis and Ifrit sit on opposite corners of the sofa, chatting on and off sporadically.
You look at the children but do not interrupt.
Ifrit You wanna try building "Trimounts" again? It's really tough. It took me so long last time.
Rosmontis I've done it twice already.
Ifrit Oh... so fast?
Rosmontis I remember... I wrote it down. There are a few really hard steps, and there are a few city blocks packed with buildings. They all look alike, so it's easy to get them mixed up, but I have it written down.
Ifrit Do you always write things down?
Rosmontis Yep. I could forget them if I don't.
Ifrit What did you write down? Mind telling me?
Rosmontis Doctor, Amiya, Dr. Kal'tsit, Blaze, Weedy...
And some people and things farther away...
<Background fades out>
A long corridor... I got lost.
My brothers aren't much older than me, but I can always count on them. They come to look for me in no time, and they pat my head and tell me I have nothing to be afraid of.
They have scars that look alike on the back of their heads, too. Like the marks I made to group flowers together last night...
<Background fades in>
Rosmontis ......
Ifrit You don't look so good... Relax. Don't think no more.
I'm in a little better shape than you, but not by much... If only we could choose what we remember.
I keep on remembering the noisy, buzzing machines, the room all painted white. Layer after layer, it's like they built them like that to mess with me. Just thinking about it pisses me off.
But I wanna remember what Silence and Saria told me, and what they did, too!
Rosmontis So you're all sulky because of what just happened. Because Saria...
Ifrit ......
Rosmontis Maybe she's worried you'd get hurt? Dr. Kal'tsit didn't let the Doctor go with her to look for the "Arc-01," either.
Doctor ......
Ifrit Silence won't let me see Saria, and Saria won't let me follow her and help her out.
Maybe they aren't worried I'd muck things up. Maybe they think they didn't protect me well enough before, or maybe they think I'm still a kid who only knows how to throw a fit.
They have a point.
But I super hate this feeling.
Rosmontis I think... I get it.
Ifrit You do?
Rosmontis Yep. When I left Rhodes Island, Blaze and Weedy kept trying to talk me out of it. Blaze almost burned the letter.
Amiya and Dr. Kal'tsit let me go in the end, but I could tell they didn't actually want me to come back to Columbia... They were really worried, maybe just like Saria?
Ifrit Adults are all like that.
Rosmontis But I want to remember the things that I've forgotten, even if I'll lose even more...
I'm right to come back... It's the one thing I'm sure of.
You have a better memory than I do. That must mean you know what you have to do more than I do.
Ifrit That's exactly what I mean!
You and I, the two of us came back to Columbia, to Trimounts of our own choosing, and we both have things we have to do.
Phew, now I feel much better. Rosmontis, once this is all over, let's do some touring with the Doctor. We'll go out and have a look around town. What do you think?
The sky over Trimounts is usually pretty gloomy. It's really special that it's so clear. I could be your tour guide...! Oh, wait, you already built "Trimounts" twice. You know this place better than I do.
Rosmontis Mm, okay.
[Someone knocks the door.]
Ifrit Is Kal'tsit back? I'll go get the door.
[Ifrit runs into the door and opens it.]
Ifrit It's you...
You're the Tin Man who ate four big-ass hot dogs in one go!
<Background 4>
[Silence returns to District 13.]
Silence Finally made it out of District 13.
I'll have to thank Director Jara for the new equipment. The drone's rotor is probably made of some kind of high-performance optical material, its camouflage ability has increased greatly, and the surveillance range has doubled...
Now what next?
[The Transmitter construct flies away.]
Silence This is my only clue... it doesn't matter where it leads me, as long as it brings me closer to the truth.
<Background 5>
Silence The Transmitter's response has been growing stronger ever since I approached District 9...
If I remember correctly, the park right here should be closed due to some government planning issues.
[The Transmitter construct flies and Silence follows.]
<Background 6>
Irregular geometric shapes of silver float slowly in the air, accompanied by the buzz of a high-frequency hum.
It is another Transmitter, but it seems to be slightly different than the one in her hand, and Silence could not make out what the specific differences were.
An aged Caprinae in the middle of the room nods slightly, as if he had heard someone call him. The Transmitter draws a huge arc in the air as it lands on his shoulder.
Parvis Long time no see, Silence. You look well.
Silence pulls the excited Transmitter back into her arms, and slowly walks towards the other party.
Silence ...Professor.
Parvis Made it all the way here from Site 359? You're so much braver than you were before.
Silence But... I never thought... the man I found... would be you.
Parvis I heard you helped Dorothy. Very good.
Ferdinand is too hungry for success, and Dorothy is an extremely obstinate woman. Things might not have ended as they did without you.
Silence You...
Parvis I know you have many questions you want to ask.
But first, pass me that crystalline unit over there.
Silence picks up the experimental instrument next to her, walks over to Parvis and puts it down where his finger is pointing.
She connects the unit to the operating terminal's port, and Parvis is already seated in front of the monitor without even glancing at her as a slew of complex equations frantically calculate themselves on the display,
Only when Silence stands up does she realize that he had given the order as naturally as she had executed it.
Parvis I'm a busy man, but you've done very well to find me here. So I'll tell you whatever you want to know.
Silence Are you all using Transmitter?
Parvis Indeed.
Silence What exactly... is it being used for?
Parvis The Transmitter is extremely sensitive to micro-vibrations.
It can receive and encode nerve signals, and Dorothy hoped it would replace traditional Arts Units, becoming a brand-new medium that would allow everyone connected to it to be completely equal individuals.
And Ferdinand intends to use its "superorganism" characteristics to manufacture super-equipment that can accurately deliver weapons across vast distances.
Silence So you know everything that happened at Site 359?
Parvis does not answer.
Silence carefully observes her professor's expression. It is not as if he is not trying to avoid it or is bored by the question, but rather, it is not even worth answering at all.
Silence So if you knew about their research all along, then... on whose side are you on? Dorothy's, Ferdinand's, or Control's?
Or is it as my colleagues in the break room once said, the Director of Structural is an old goat with a permanent smile on his face who always chooses whatever is most convenient for him?
Parvis I'm not on any particular side, Silence.
I helped them because both Ferdinand and Dorothy are hard workers, youths full of ideals and enthusiasm. The same goes for you.
Whoever I don't support, is due to their mediocre capacity as scientists. Me included.
We are unable to transcend this mediocre and feeble era.
Silence ...
What about you? What do you intend to do with the Transmitter?
Parvis That's enough, Silence. It's that I'm unwilling to answer you, but this question exceeds your level of understanding. I have much to do, and lack the luxury of time to tell you everything from the very beginning.
Silence ......
Parvis Though you may stay, you are one of my best students after all.
Soon, we shall have the most ideal environment for our experiment, one that meets all our material requirements and catalytic conditions... so now, we must prepare ourselves for it.
It will be the most disruptive experiment in history, and you will bear witness to the birth of true greatness.
It is neither short-sighted nor feeble, it will transcend every limit there is, and save us all from mediocre progress.
This is the real and rightful promise of science itself.
Silence ...
The Pioneers at Site 359, the workers at the Triton Factory... Professor, your research has hurt many innocent people.
Will it harm even more?
Parvis This is science, Silence. As scientists, we need only consider one thing and one thing alone.
And that is how to accomplish it.
That alone is more than enough to exhaust us.
Silence ......
Parvis is speaking very calmly. More precisely, he even sounds a little distracted.
The equation on the screen seems to have to do with the Transmitter. Parvis never turns to look at Silence. His eyes are fixated only on the equation.
Silence can tell very clearly what it is that she is feeling right this moment: Anger. She clenches her fist.
<Background 3>
Tin Man ......
I see. No wonder I couldn't get in touch with Saria or Kal'tsit.
Dr. {nickname}, I can task you with this matter all the same.
Doctor ......
Tin Man I heard about what happened from Kal'tsit.
It's been a long time. When last we met...
Uh, speaking of... Are you afraid of me because of the way I look? You've been staring for a bit.
Doctor Are your organs made of tin, too? Or is there nothing in your belly? / What happens if your skin rusts? Does that count as a skin disease? / Do you get arthritis? Do you put WD-40 on your joints?
Tin Man ......
You've changed, Doctor.
Back on topic. We don't have much time, and given your condition... There is not much catching up to do.
The Maylander Foundation wishes for Rhodes Island to help us stop the military... from assassinating the Vice President.
<Background fades out and in>
Tin Man Doctor, you don't seem surprised.
We've just got this piece of intel ourselves. Tomorrow, Jackson will visit Rhine Lab, and that's when Blake will make his move.
No doubt Kal'tsit has already gone over the "Horizon Arc Project" with you, so I won't touch on that.
Rhodes Island should be on the same side as the Maylander Foundation in this. It's a promise that Kal'tsit made to me, and it is also the prerequisite for your entry into Trimounts.
Assist the Maylander Foundation in stopping the military's absurd act of treason. You can see this as an "order," Doctor.
Doctor Maylander should have enough agents to spare, no? / You aren't here to find the Vice President some bodyguards, are you?
Tin Man You're still as calm and sharp as ever. That matches the impression I had of you.
Right, the Maylander Foundation is already allocating our resources to ensure Vice President Jackson's safety, but that alone will not stop the military's plan.
One of the events after the press conference includes a visit to Rhine Lab. His entire trip that day will be broadcast live.
If his assassins and our agents come to blows before the public, it doesn't matter if the assassination itself is successful or not. Blake will still have a reason to declare martial law and take over Trimounts.
Just like District 13 right now.
Neither I nor Maylander likes it when the enemy has all their eggs in one basket.
Because that's always an omen of the collapse to come.
Doctor You sure you don't want Kal'tsit's opinion first? / ...... / You're gonna leave this to me, just like that?
Tin Man This is an official request that Maylander is making to Rhodes Island. You are the Doctor of Rhodes Island. If Kal'tsit continues to have her faith in you, I have no reason to doubt your abilities.
Time's a wasting, Doctor. I hope you will cooperate with us well.
[The Tin Man leaves.]
Doctor Maybe I should try to get in touch with Kal'tsit. / Maybe I should try to get in touch with Saria. / Too bad Mechanist just left Trimounts.
[Ifrit runs into the room.]
Ifrit Doctor, let me and Rosmontis catch the hitman who's after the Vice President!
Doctor ......
Ifrit Kal'tsit's still looking for the entrance to that "Arc-01" thing, and Saria's gone back to Rhine Lab to look for data. Doctor, we have to get on this right now!
Or are you still treating me like a kid, just like Saria and Silence?
Doctor, you've brought me on so many successful missions now. In two more years, I'll get to apply to become an elite operator. Oh, Rosmontis's already elite...
Anyway, if you're gonna lock me in the hotel room–
Doctor ...... / I'm just wondering what kind of mission I should assign you, Operator Ifrit.
<Background 4>
[Silence bumped with a passerby.]
Passerby Hey, watch where you are going!
You're gonna get hit by a car, spacing out like that!
Silence ......
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 7>
Muelsyse Let me leave you with a little advice, Researcher Silence.
You may think helping Anthony is the right thing to do.
But that couldn't be further from the truth.
It's silly to think that Simon Co. was just the victim in their fight with HydeBro.
They were fighting because they were hellbent on bringing down the other side. It's just that old Smith didn't play the game as well as his opponent.
Silence ......
Muelsyse In other words, if Smith managed to make his move before HydeBro, it would've been the Hydes hunkering down in Bunkerhill right now instead of his family.
From that point of view, is Anthony really just a victim?
Silence But...
Muelsyse What do you think, Anthony?
Anthony I can't deny it.
Muelsyse But there are no "ifs" in this world. I know that.
I'm telling you all this because I want you to understand something–
If you want to do the right thing, you need to first be able to tell what's actually right. You also need to understand that doing the right thing doesn't necessarily mean you don't have a price to pay.
<Background 8>
Dorothy It's not just Energy and Originium Art. I can't tell you where this trail will lead and how many people it will end up dragging into the mess.
But you will no doubt come to see... a side of Rhine Lab that you have never known.
Be it the "Diαbolic Crisis" or Site 359, you know that Rhine Lab is nowhere near as wonderful as the recruitment videos make it seem. Even then, it may still... disgust you.
If it comes down to it, you may use my permissions as the director of the Originium Art Section.
If you use my permissions to do anything else, I will turn a blind eye to that too.
Silence Director Franks, I won't...
Dorothy But Silence, remember this. Your mission is to recover the batch of Transmitters lost at Site 359 and nothing else.
If you run into any obstacles too difficult to overcome, you are free to give up any time you want. There are some things that, until you find your own answer, you have no power to fight.
<Background 6>
Parvis This is science, Silence. As scientists, we need only consider one thing and one thing alone.
And that is how to accomplish it.
That alone is more than enough to exhaust us.
Silence ......
Parvis You're a lot more composed now, but your eyes are the same as back during Haydn 1...
Angry over that sick child, criticizing me for those minor issues during the procedures, and even blaming science itself.
But as I have so often told you, many times in the past...
Only science can change what needs to be changed, it can advance an entire age, but its progress lies in the hands of a limited few.
This is a natural paradox, Silence, and a paradox simply implies a cost.
I have already given you the clues you have been wanting.
But, Silence. What can you do? You don't even know where to start your inquiries.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 4>
Silence ......
After leaving Parvis's lab, Silence spends the next half hour walking aimlessly along the streets of District 9.
She had followed the Transmitter all the way here, but what should she be doing now? What could she even do?
Stop her own mentor? Find Control and beg for the truth from her?
He was right. How could she stop anyone if she doesn't even know where to begin?
She is angry, but anger itself holds no meaning whatsoever.
<Background fades out and in>
Panicking Driver Holy shit!
Hey, you! Liberi chick! Out of the way!
At a perfectly regular intersection in Trimounts' District 9, a driver anxiously confirms the current time.
He needs to get to his destination within the next ten minutes, to block off a difficult client in time and allow the other party to sign the contract.
But in the next second, he feels as if he is suddenly on a roller coaster ride, as if invisible slopes had formed with the air, his car climbs, turns, accelerates and turns into a cannonball.
Silence ......!
<Background fades out and in>
Drops of water suddenly appear and chain the car's wheels to a halt, and the out-of-control vehicle seems to almost graze Silence as it slides past her, scorching the tarmac with a shrill sound.
Half the road is completely drenched, as if it has only just rained.
Driver A-Are you okay? Sorry, I have no idea what just happened...
Silence ......
Muelsyse Silence, Trimounts has a ton of cars on the road. You could get run over if you keep spacing out like that.
Silence Director Muelsyse? Just now...
Muelsyse I'm just passing by. No need to thank me.
By the way, when did you piss off that psycho?
Knowing what she's capable of, she might have been more direct and messed with the air. Looks like it was just a prank she pulled while she was at it.
Silence What are you talking about?
Muelsyse Never mind. Nothing that crazy woman does surprises me anymore.
Huh? Silence, when did you change into this new uniform?! The material looks great, and it fits you perfectly. You look like a completely different person. I almost couldn't tell it was you!
Speaking of which, I didn't recognize Iffy, either. She got new threads, and she's so much taller now!
Silence ......!
Ifrit? What is Ifrit doing in Trimounts?
Muelsyse She's with Rhodes Island's Doctor.
Silence The Doctor is here, too?
Muelsyse Huh? I thought you two were here together.
Muelsyse's surprised expression is very vivid, to the point that Silence immediately realizes what she is here for.
There is no doubt that Muelsyse is doing this out of kindness. The games that the higher-ups are playing are too dangerous, and she is trying to get this lowly researcher to stay away from Rhine Lab while this is going on.
Haydn 1 Laboratory, Site 359, Triton Factory...
Parvis, Dorothy, Jara, Muelsyse...
She has stumbled her way to this point. How many obstacles will she still have to face? All of a sudden, Silence is struck with a sense of helplessness that she has never felt before.
Silence Where are Ifrit and the Doctor?
<Background fades out and in>
Ho'olheyak I was only going to have you make some trouble for Blake. Never did I expect you to follow the trail to the old goat...
The Elf saved you, but where will she take you now?
Oh, well. Just a little birdie. No need to worry about her.
[Ho'olheyak walks away.]