Operation story: CW-3

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Columbian Soldier icon.png
Agent A
Columbian Soldier icon.png
Agent B
Columbian Soldier icon.png
Columbian Soldier
RL Guard icon.png
Defense Section Employee
Male RL Staff icon.png
Energy Section Researcher
Columbian Pioneer icon.png
Ordinary citizens?
Female Columbian icon.png
Reporter A
Male Columbian icon.png
Reporter B
Male Columbian icon.png
Female RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Staff
Female RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Staff A
Male RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Staff B
Male RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Staff?
Columbian Soldier icon.png
Male Columbian icon.png
Vice President's Secretary
Columbia Streets
Rhine Lab HQ
Columbian Office
Rhine Lab Observation Post
Columbian Room
Rhine Lab Corridor
Underground Passage
Columbia Alley
Columbia Streets Night

Before operation

The army and Maylander fight over the Vice President inside and outside Rhine. Ferdinand is clearly planning something in the vast underground space.
<Background 1>
[Two reporters hurriedly walks across the street.]
Reporter A Hurry! All the headlines will be the Vice President's visit to Rhine tomorrow. The editor-in-chief will have our heads if we don't get a good photo.
Reporter B Wait, I can't find my press pass...
Reporter A What? You can't go in without it!
Reporter B Go find a good spot! I'll look for it.
[The male reporter runs off as two Rhine Lab staff watches.]
Rhine Staff A So many people...
I couldn't even get to the café downstairs for breakfast.
Rhine Staff B A public visit by the Vice President, broadcasted live. Every newspaper is here. It's a wonder they didn't completely block the roads.
[Suspicious citizens are among the bystanders.]
Ordinary citizens? ......
<Background fades out and in>
[The Doctor, Ifrit, and Rosmontis walks by.]
Ifrit You see it, Rosmontis?
Rosmontis What?
Ifrit First the factory, then Rhine Lab. Trimounts likes to block off a place when something happens.
Rosmontis Rhine Lab is different from the factory, isn't it? They blocked off some of the key roads leading in. Probably out of security concerns for the Vice President's convoy.
Ifrit Which causes other streets to fill up.
Did they think people wouldn't see if they blocked it off? That's dumb.
Rosmontis ...Mm-hm.
Doctor, what are you looking at?
Doctor Will it rain today?
Ifrit Sunny all day long! The hotel TV had the weather report on when were leaving. Guess you didn't see it.
Anyway, it's not the rainy season yet.
Another sunny day.
The urban planning of Trimounts is intricate, the gaps between the staggered skyscrapers allowing sunlight to pass through, for the sun to paint each street with warm light evenly in these early days of winter.
You look up to see a dark cloud in the distance, floating nonchalantly in the sky. The wind is blowing toward the cloud, and it looks to be moving away from the city.
But it never disappears.
You also see the busy streets, the parked cars, a flash of light up high in the distance, and well-disguised "passersby"...
You keep a poker face while urging the two girls on.
Rosmontis Did you find something, Doctor?
Doctor Could be Maylander Foundation spies. / Could be army operatives. / Let's go. Muelsyse is waiting.
Ifrit Don't worry, Doctor, we'll protect you.
Doctor Don't forget today's mission.
Ifrit I know, I know. You've said it a dozen times before we left.
I promised to listen to you, and I keep my promises.
Rosmontis I think we're there.
<Background 2>
[Muelsyse greets the Doctor.]
Muelsyse Dr. {nickname}. We meet again.
As usual, I'm the one waiting.
Doctor I'm not late. / ...... / I'm a minute early.
Muelsyse Ah, well, I got here before you. I got myself ready as soon as your message came in.
Doctor This is your company, after all...
Muelsyse Well, this is what you asked for... plans for the Rhine Lab building, and visitor's passes for you and your young assistants.
I called in a few favors to get you clearance to most of the building and data. Today only.
There are lots of hidden spaces in the building, both above and below ground. My tip is to have someone focus on the underground.
Doctor What about you?
Muelsyse I have to accompany Mr. Vice President on his Rhine tour, of course.
Kristen's not here, and we're missing a few section heads. Can't have anyone else calling out.
I'll give you a big, personal thank you when we're all done.
[The Muelsyse speaking with Doctor turned out to be her water clone.]
Doctor It's always clones... / You may be on your own, Ifrit.
<Background 3>
Jara I read your resignation letter, Bieber. Why so sudden?
Energy Section Researcher I'm sorry, Director Jara.
I discovered something yesterday.
Jara Go on.
Energy Section Researcher Energy's wing has 38 ceiling lamps and 21 vents.
The carpet beneath our feet looks the same at first glance, but a closer look reveals that there are actually three versions, subtly different in pattern and fringes.
Jara I didn't know you were planning to go into interior design, Bieber.
Energy Section Researcher You would've done the same if all the projects you're involved in are up in the air, and the only work you have to do each day is to re-read the report that you wrote the day before.
Jara I understand. It's hard work, keeping your guys calm while pretending that everything is business as usual.
Energy Section Researcher I could live with hard work, Director.
The labs have always been relatively independent of one another, and research is modular. Everybody goes about their own business, even if something happens to Site 359, even if Ferdinand quits unexpectedly.
At the lower levels, people don't know much and believe this is no different from any number of "research accidents" that have happened before, the kind that every tech company deals with every now and then.
But I know this one is different...
Control has virtually vanished without a trace, and Ferdinand suddenly resigned. Every day is like sitting on a fire. There's been no formal change of leadership in Energy, no one to tell me what happened, or what I should do.
Now the Vice President is touring Rhine. It makes my stomach seize up when I walk into the lab and see the excitement in everybody's eyes.
Jara So you talked to Volvort Kochinski's headhunter... Sonya, right?
Energy Section Researcher I... yes.
Jara I'm not reprimanding you, Bieber.
Your position at Rhine Lab allows you to see more than the average employee, but not the full picture. It's normal to feel anxious.
The responsibility falls on me. I asked you to keep things calm in the Energy Section, but neglected your own emotional needs.
Energy Section Researcher I-It's not your fault. Just weakness on my part...
Jara Why do you think the Vice President is making this sudden visit?
Energy Section Researcher I... I don't know. But he'll find out that we're...
Jara The press conference that he held a few days ago has to do with us.
Energy Section Researcher ...Really?
Jara That's all I can tell you for now.
How about this? Take one month off. Paid leave. Maybe it'll be enough for you to clear your head and return to your post.
If you still insist on resigning after that, I won't stop you.
Energy Section Researcher ......
Jara Rhine Lab grew from a single lab to ten sections, running more than a hundred large-scale projects simultaneously. It has seen bigger storms.
It has survived them all.
Just give it a little thought.
[The Energy Section researcher leaves as Jara makes a call.]
Jara Sorry for the trouble, Sonya.
The staff need a way to vent in times like this.
Bieber should be the last one. If he's okay, the Energy Section is okay for now.
Yeah, catch you for lunch or dinner one of these days. Give Tin Man my thanks.
[Jara hangs up.]
Jara *sigh*...
[Someone knocks the door.]
Jara Come in.
[Justin Jr. opens the door and enters.]
Justin Jr. How many does that make this week?
Jara Not your problem.
Justin Jr. Just don't send them to Business if you're reassigning them. I don't need flighty idiots like that.
Jara They're cornerstones of this company, Justin, just as you are.
And I may be old, but I'm not senile enough to assign a PhD in Energy Mechanics to be one of your salesmen.
The Vice President is almost here. I doubt you have the time to fool around in my office.
Justin Jr. Just giving you a heads-up. I'm seeing a few new investors today, and I have a number of important remote meetings to attend.
Since the Vice President is here to inspect research, I'll excuse myself.
Jara ......
Justin Jr. None of the phones in Business stopped ringing the day the Vice President announced his visit to Rhine. I had to get someone to add two dedicated hotlines.
It's a clear signal. The world of Trimountian finance...
No, not just Trimounts, not just finance. Every Columbian who even has a passing interest in investing has their eyes on us.
That Bieber has a lot of stock options, doesn't he? I say you just accept his resignation, then hire him back at a lower salary when the company's stock soars and he begs for it.
Jara Rhine Lab is not a stock market toy, Justin.
Justin Jr. Now that is hurtful.
Mayor Benjamin, Councilman Chris, Deputy Phil, Commander Colette, even the Chief Justice... that's just a few of the people I'm talking to today.
Could Kristen have kept playing her hide-and-seek game with Blake if I hadn't continued to sweet-talk all these friends?
Jara You utilized a lot of resources...
Justin Jr. Just doing my job.
And one correction... I'm not a cornerstone of Rhine Lab.
A cornerstone exists for other people to build upon.
I don't have the same loyalty to Kristen as you do. I chose her and Rhine.
I helped her because I wanted to take control of my own fate, of everyone's fates.
This isn't a game.
<Background 1>
[After VP Jackson hangs up from a call...]
Jackson News from Maylander?
Vice President's Secretary Yes, sir. They have personnel deployed around the area to ensure your safety.
Jackson Good. How much further?
Vice President's Secretary Two more blocks until Rhine Lab headquarters.
Canceling today's tour is always an option, sir, if you're concerned.
Jackson If the Maylander Foundation can't be trusted, then canceling the tour won't be enough to protect me.
I can't very well skip class to see the mining platforms chase the sun because I'm scared of exams, like I did when I was young.
Not when I'm the Vice President of the Columbia Union.
Vice President's Secretary You should get some rest while you can, sir. I doubt there will be many more chances today.
Jackson Do you remember how I described Trimounts at yesterday's banquet?
Vice President's Secretary "The future of Columbia." You said you love this youthful city, just as you love this youthful nation.
Jackson As a matter of fact, I don't like this place at all.
There are no burdenbeasts, no clouds of dust kicked up by their hooves, no duels for some "dumb" reason, no pioneering spirit.
Only white-collar workers and their coffee, high-rise buildings that split the sky, and... *sniff* air so clean it makes your stomach squirm.
Vice President's Secretary I believe the Trimountian circulation system employs–
Jackson Don't, Pavard. I'll be hearing far too many explanations like that over the next few hours.
Vice President's Secretary You don't like dealing with scientists?
Jackson I won't go that far.
They're simple. They can go on and on about their products, blueprints or ideals, sometimes outlandish, sometimes crazy, mostly incomprehensible...
All I need to do is smile, nod, and shake their hands when they're done, giving them a few words of encouragement.
Much simpler than dealing with the old folks of the special district.
Vice President's Secretary You represent the state. The people like to see Columbia support science. It's good for your image, and your odds in the next election.
Jackson The vice presidential election, Columbia's biggest political event... but I'm thinking that perhaps I shouldn't spend too much time and effort on it.
Vice President's Secretary You've achieved a lot in the past several years. The polls indicate you enjoy a high level of support...
The representatives who support you have also been in contact with that influential Vulpo director of Rhine Lab. It's not easy to gain the support of big tech. You have a head start.
Jackson No, I meant in comparison with Mark Max, the President ever guiding Columbia to her promised future.
All that national attention surrounding the vice presidential elections just adds to the embarrassment.
<Background 4>
Blake What is this screen showing?
Columbian Soldier The cargo passageway behind Rhine Lab.
Blake A little to the left. Zoom in... good, now there shouldn't be any dead zones.
The soldier is nervous as he operates the equipment. The Colonel has been standing behind him for some time now, his brow furrowed.
The five blocks around Rhine Lab headquarters have all been placed under surveillance.
Many figures are moving on the screens. Key areas have been blocked off, but there continues to be a considerable crowd nearby.
Of course, the crowd also provides good cover for their operations.
The soldier scans each monitor, not daring to even blink.
Blake What's the situation on the ground?
Columbian Soldier All undercover and support units are in position.
Blake Good.
Where is Ferdinand?
Columbian Soldier He's on the phone.
Blake The phone?
Columbian Soldier Yes. Should I summon him?
Blake Never mind, no need to tell him.
What about the colleagues in the Defense Section that he talked about?
Columbian Soldier We've "taken over."
Blake Good.
A shadow flashes across the display on the bottom-left, before appearing on the other screens. It is the Columbia displayed on top of a car.
Several black vehicles maintain equal separation with it, both in front and behind, with machine-like discipline.
[Blake contacts his men.]
Blake Begin.
Columbian Soldier The Vice President's convoy is in sight. Begin.
Blake Have a nice tour, Jackson.
<Background 2>
[The VP's car stops in the R.L. headquarters' lobby as VP Jackson steps out of the car, the cameras flashing at him as the reporters ask him,]
Reporter Mr. Vice President! There have been reports that Triton factory explosion in District 13 was linked to Rhine Lab.
Is your visit to Rhine Lab at this time intended to dispel such speculation?
Reporter? Excuse me.
Reporter District 13 is still under lockdown. Did you authorize the army's actions, and how long will the lockdown remain in effect?
Will you be meeting with Control Wright?
Reporter? Excuse me... Mr. Vice President, about your schedule in Trimounts...
Jackson ......
Rhine Staff Patience, please.
There will be a press conference after the Vice President has concluded his tour.
We have set aside a space to accommodate members of the press. Please, follow me, and refrain from disturbing other staff members in their work.
[The R.L. staff takes VP Jackson inside...]
Reporter? There's no one else?
[...as the suspicious reporter is being subdued.]
Rhine Staff? Shut him up.
Reporter? Mmph–
Rhine Staff? Look at that, hiding weapons in recording equipment. Search him and make sure he doesn't have anything else on him.
There's a discrepancy in the documents... find a way to check the credentials of all the reporters in the press area. Be discreet.
I got this one. No commotion.
<Background 5>
Sniper Lost contact with A1, A2 A3...
Have all our locations been compromised?!
HQ, HQ, need immediate instruction on whether to continue operation–
[The sniper is attacked from behind...]
Sniper Grgh...
[...by a suspicious citizen who contacts someone.]
Citizen? That's the 9th one.
If you're used to dealing with terrorists, you know a thing or two about planning a terror attack.
Tin Man Report.
Citizen? All potential vantage points within sniping range of Rhine Lab have been secured.
We have neutralized nine snipers and eleven disguised assassins.
Tin Man Continue to monitor the area around Rhine Lab. Roads, vehicles, pedestrians... leave no stone unturned.
Citizen? Roger.
The Vice President has entered the Rhine building. It will be difficult for us to deploy directly inside the building. Do you intend to be on scene personally?
Tin Man ...No.
I got a message from a colleague. There's somewhere else that I need to be.
Share intel with Dr. {nickname} of Rhodes Island. Follow any orders issued by the Doctor.
Citizen? Acknowledged.
[The citizen, who turned out to be a Maylander agent, signs off.]
<Background 6>
[Rosmontis destroyed an autonomous powersuit.]
Rosmontis This one makes seven.
Doctor Are you okay, Rosmontis?
Rosmontis Just mass-produced power armor, Doctor.
Don't worry, it won't take too much effort.
[Rosmontis scans the powersuit wreckage.]
Rosmontis ......
The serial numbers match the ones that the Defense Section lost, but five are still unaccounted for.
Should we keep looking? We need to eliminate them before they leave the secret passage, right?
They'll cause chaos if they get out, even if they can't get to the Vice President.
Doctor Good work, Rosmontis.
Rosmontis How did you think of using the access permissions granted by Muelsyse to check the Defense Section's equipment log?
Doctor Just going down the list of possible options. I didn't expect to strike gold on the first try. / I didn't think the assassins would throw acid at the Vice President disguised as researchers.
Rosmontis I see.
Doctor Something feels off. These mechs seem cautious in their movements.
It doesn't seem so much an assassination attempt as...
[Rosmontis heard footsteps.]
Rosmontis Movement, Doctor.
Doctor Power armor?
Rosmontis No. Who could be in a secret passage at this hour...?
[Rosmontis channels her Arts, but...]
Doctor Hold it, Rosmontis.
Rosmontis ......
[Saria reveals herself.]
Saria ......
Doctor, Operator Rosmontis... what are you doing here?
<Background fades out and in>
Saria I see... sorry, Doctor, I've been maintaining radio silence because I had infiltrated Rhine to retrieve data for Kal'tsit.
As for Kal'tsit's whereabouts, I have no idea either.
Rosmontis The remaining power armor...
Saria I destroyed five before running into you and the Doctor. That makes a total of twelve, which matches the number that the Defense Section lost.
And so, I went to find someone.
[An R.L. Defense Section employee joins in.]
Saria I'm guessing the feeling of being dragged out of a suit of power armor is not something you want to experience again, Reggie.
Defense Section Employee ......
Saria What orders did Ferdinand give you?
Defense Section Employee He only wanted to borrow a few suits of power armor.
Saria Ferdinand can't be trusted.
Defense Section Employee What about you?
How do I trust someone who repeatedly ignores the rules that she set, showing up at Rhine whenever she wants, who abandoned all her responsibilities?
He took over Defense when you left. He paid our wages for the past few years.
He remembers our names, our hobbies, even gives us gifts, every once in a while.
Ferdinand may have been an asshole.
But I have to say, Director Saria–
That asshole paid our bills.
Saria The Vice President is still inside Rhine. You know the consequences if something happens.
We must check everything that Ferdinand may have touched.
Defense Section Employee Just the ten suits of power armor. You have my word.
Doctor Ten?
Rosmontis I destroyed seven, Saria destroyed five...
Defense Section Employee That's impossible!
Ferdinand only borrowed ten. I watched him enter the commands myself!
Doctor What kind of man is Ferdinand, Saria?
Saria Proud, arrogant, thinks himself better than everyone else.
But if there's one thing that sets him above other people...
It's that he actually puts his boasts into action.
Doctor Unless I'm mistaken...
I don't think those ten mechs are for assassinating the Vice President.
Saria What?
Doctor As for the two extra ones... / Looks like he and the army are on guard against each other. / Ferdinand doesn't want the Vice President assassinated at Rhine Lab.

After operation

Maylander emerges victorious amidst the intrigue. Saria and Ifrit encounter Silence as the dust settles.
<Background 2>
[VP Jackson talks with Jara as the reporters photograph them.]
Jackson I feel like I'm a kid in a classroom, having a science lesson for the first time. It's no hyperbole at all to say that "science is the future of Columbia."
I regret not being able to stay longer and hear about your other projects.
Jara You are always welcome at Rhine Lab, Mr. Jackson.
Jackson Thank you, Director Jara. I hope my visit didn't cause too much inconvenience.
Jara Kind of you to say so. It was a pleasure to be your tour guide today.
Jackson Having the famous Marianne Blake as a tour guide alone makes this trip to Trimounts worthwhile.
Between the two of us, I'm a pretty big fan of yours.
I have an autographed poster of your debut film on the office wall.
Jara Really?
Jackson A present from my wife when I was elected.
Kindly make a note to follow up with the special district government about Rhine Lab's application for a new research facility.
Vice President's Secretary Will do, sir.
Jackson I guess that will be it for today, Miss Jara.
Jara I wish you a pleasant stay at Trimounts.
Jackson ......
Thank you.
May the sun shine on the next day, as it has today.
[The reporters start asking VP Jackson.]
Reporter Come on, mash that photo button!
Reporter Mr. Vice President! What did you think about your trip to Rhine today?
Rhine Staff Ask your questions in order, please! We have ten minutes, there's no rush.
Reporter ......
<Background fades out and in>
[Muelsyse claps.]
Muelsyse You heard me right. I'm clapping.
"Vice President's Visit Bolsters Rhine Lab’s Claim as Industry Leader"... the headlines write themselves.
The tour concluded without incident. The Vice President will leave Rhine Lab in ten minutes.
<Background 7>
[Ifrit contacts the Doctor.]
Ifrit I got the map you sent, Doctor.
So there's a secret passage that leads right to the underground structure, but it's not in the plans that Muelsyse gave you?
Leave it to me!
I've been sitting here twiddling my thumbs while you and Rosmontis have fun with the power armor up there. Didn't even see a shadow.
Saria is coming for me?
Then I have to go to the underground structure too. The Vice President is leaving in a few minutes, right? We can't take any risks.
(Whisper) Ifrit moving out, Doctor.
[Ifrit signs off and runs into hiding as two agents show up.]
Agent A I'm back.
Agent B How are things up there?
Agent A Not sure. I didn't quite make it up to the surface, but there was no commotion.
I'm guessing the attack failed.
Agent B What about us?
Agent A We activated the jammers and aren't supporting any other units... I don't think anyone is coming here. Ferdinand's route was very well-concealed.
Let's carry out the plan. It's almost time.
The explosives?
Agent B Set up while you were scouting... two tubes of advanced plastic explosives, enough to breach the containment structure.
You know, I thought Ferdinand wanted to come back to Rhine Lab. But this is the liquified Originium pipeline used by his Energy Section.
Agent A The Colonel says he's stuck in the same boat as us. He has no choice.
Agent B Don't really see the point of blowing this up now, though...
The Vice President should have left Rhine Lab by now. What good will blowing up the Originium pipes in the underground structure do?
Agent A The Colonel has his plans. All we need to do is follow orders.
[Sounds of falling rocks are heard...]
Agent A Who goes there?
Agent B A... kid?
[...as Ifrit reveals herself.]
Ifrit Looks like the Doctor's intel was good.
Hey, you, I don't know why you're hiding here, but I think you oughta surrender now.
<Background 4>
Blake We lost contact with all units?
Columbian Soldier Yes, sir. Sudden comms failure.
The Vice President and his retinue, the press... no sign that anything is amiss. Looks like our guys were neutralized before they could move.
Reports indicate that our operations within Rhine are also being disrupted by the sudden appearance of some power armor.
Blake Hmph.
Columbian Soldier We're also losing signal from the cameras on the streets.
We're losing control of the scene, sir.
Blake ......
So, our best laid plans are like a sieve to the intelligence network of the Maylander Foundation.
It's not surprising that they're able to respond, given how hastily this assassination plan was hatched.
Columbian Soldier Should we pull out, sir?
They're bound to trace the trail back here, sooner or later.
Blake No hurry...
Mr. Vice President said he would like to "have a nice chat with top researchers." I intend to oblige him.
Situation at C1 and C2?
Columbian Soldier Still in position. Signal stable.
Blake Activate the remote control on the top-right of the panel, Riker.
Columbian Soldier Yes, sir.
The remote control Blake referred to is a mundane mechanical button, fitted with an old-fashioned safety lock.
The soldier enters the password, and the cover pops open, revealing the red button.
Columbian Soldier What is this, sir?
Blake Remote control for the explosives that will blow up the containment around the liquified Originium pipes.
Columbian Soldier ......!
Blake Look at the screen. According to the routes that Ferdinand provided, the Energy Section has several liquified Originium pipelines running through the west wing of Rhine Lab.
Rhine Lab Engineering does a thorough job.
In addition to standard safety measures, there are also underground containment structures that prevent chain reactions in the event of a leak.
The original plan was to cause a leak with an explosion, creating a chance for operatives on the ground to approach Jackson.
By chance, however, Jackson's convoy will cross over one of these pipelines on the way back.
<Background 7>
Agent A You're Rhine Lab staff?
I heard the Defense Section has a lot of bad-tempered people, but I'm surprised they would hire a kid so young.
Ifrit ......
I told you to surrender. I didn't say you could talk.
I'll try to short stop of turning you to ashes. The Doctor and Saria may want to question you, after all.
Agent B Wait, is that a flamethrower?
Stop! There are liquified Originium pipes all around us!
Ifrit ......
So that's what's going on...
The flaming-red Savra girl makes her decision in a split second. She re-engages the flamethrower's safety lock, and swings it hard at the one on the left.
Then she charges towards the one on the right, and catches the side of his face with her fist.
In the time it takes for a flame to flicker, Ifrit is back on her two feet again, dusting off her palms.
Ifrit ......
Agent A Grgh...
Agent B I think my nose is broken...
Run, kid...
Ifrit What?
[A beeping sound is heard.]
Ifrit What's that sound?
Damn, he started the countdown...
Less than one minute left–
[An explosion occurs on the pipeline, causing the passage to collapse.]
<Background 4>
Columbian Soldier Can C1 and C2 make it back?
Blake Their contributions will be remembered, as well all others who give their lives this day.
Columbian Soldier But Colonel... it's an entire convoy. Five cars, a dozen people in the retinue, possibly even Rhine staff members and reporters, and other passersby...
Blake You have your orders, Riker.
Columbian Soldier But I...
Blake I'll hit the switch myself. That's my job. Your job is to report as soon as you get a signal from C1 and C2.
I won't defend myself if I stand trial for this someday.
So I'm not going to waste my time explaining myself to my soldiers now.
Columbian Soldier Yes, sir.
[A soldier contacts Blake as an explosion is heard in the background.]
Columbian Soldier We have the signal!
The Vice President's convoy is reaching the target area on the west side of Rhine Lab.
Blake ......
Blake places his hand on the cold mechanical button. A chill runs up his finger, and he pauses for a couple of seconds.
The soldier glances at his superior officer, whose brow is furrowed behind his sunglasses.
The soldier realizes that his commander is even more anxious than he is.
Blake (Whisper) Damn it all to hell!
Blake presses the button.
There is no sound, only an explosion on some of the screens.
On the tiny screen, the collapsing streets were like foam boards underneath bubbling flame. Then the screen goes black, the camera destroyed by flying debris.
There is no sound, but Blake and the soldier could hear the deafening boom in their heads.
<Background black>
The surface should be close, but I can't see the path with all these stone slabs in the way...
Hey, are you two okay?
[An explosion is heard.]
Ifrit Oh no, a chain explosion.
??? Ifrit?!
Ifrit hears a familiar voice through the echoes of the explosion and the falling rubble.
Ifrit Saria? I'm here!
Saria I hear you... hang in there!
I have a lock!
Ifrit can hear Saria's voice shaking. Something touches her fingertips in the darkness. Calcium crystals? Saria's Originium Arts.
Like a stream of water, the crystals fill the gaps in the rubble, then expand, releasing a sickening crack–
Saria has forced an opening in the collapsed structure.
A hand reaches down from above. Ifrit grabs it and feels it pull her up, while the calcium tunnel shatters behind her.
<Background 8>
[Ifrit stands up.]
Saria Don't move.
Ifrit I'm fine, just a little dusty.
Saria Your face... were you crying?
Ifrit I-I wasn't crying! Just a little anxious, that's all.
Saria Alright.
Ifrit Your hands are dusty too, Saria. You're making my face even dirtier.
Saria Oh, sorry.
And these two?
Ifrit They were the ones who planted the bomb that blew up the liquified Originium pipelines, so I brought them out.
But I couldn't stop the explosion...
Saria You did well.
You really did.
Ifrit ......
Saria What is it, Ifrit?
[Silence shows up.]
Ifrit Silence? What are you doing here?
Saria ...Silence.
Silence Why are you here?
<Background 9>
[An explosion is heard.]
Jara Mr. Vice President, Mr. Pavard, it's safe to go now.
Jackson The convoy?
Jara Just a couple of mechs blown up. No need to worry.
Jackson ......
Jara This car has been modified by the Engineering Section. It may not look much, but you can trust it.
I hope you brought your driver's license, Mr. Pavard. We'll take a special passage on the east side. We've planned a new route for you.
The rest of your retinue will return in small groups once the dust has settled.
Jackson Was the explosion expected?
Jara No, we wouldn't have allowed an explosion of this size to occur if we knew about it in advance.
But Rhine Lab and the Maylander Foundation's work isn't done until you're back safely at your residence... the enemy has more than one plan, and we have more than one contingency.
Jackson Very good.
I just don't want to see "Another Triton?" in the headlines tomorrow.
Jara There's no need to worry, we already have a plan in place for the press.
Once again, I wish you a pleasant stay in Trimounts.
Jackson Thank you.
[The VP's convoy drives off.]