Justin Fitzroy Jr.

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Justin Fitzroy Jr. is an NPC in Arknights. He is a major supporting character in Lone Trail.


Justin Fitzroy Jr., or Justin Jr. as he often prefers to be called, is the director of Rhine Lab's Business section. A highly charismatic speaker and businessman, Justin is financially savvy and is the one responsible for determining Rhine Lab's economic plans, investments, and investors. However, he is also cunning and deceitful, as in order to protect his interests and that of Rhine Lab, Justin frequently uses a combination of sweet-talking and bribery to win favors and pardons from people in power. Although he joined Rhine Lab early on and helped expand it to the company it is today, he claims to hold no personal loyalty to Kristen Wright the founder, although he still unflinchingly supports all of the company's endeavors.

Prior to joining Rhine Lab, Justin was born with an incurable hereditary disease called Stade syndrome passed on from his father, which was slated to kill him before he turned 45. Miraculously, doctors were able to save his life thanks to a cure being suddenly developed, but were three days too late to save his father. Much later, Justin discovered that the cure was only produced thanks to a mistake made by an intern in the lab, and was appalled that he and his family owed their lives to an event of random chance. After that, he made it his goal to seize control of "fate" and eliminate random chance by his own hands, and developed a desire to constantly control and dictate things, such as by using his wealth and connections to ensure the success of individuals or organizations.[1]


Lone Trail
