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Eliza is an NPC in Arknights. She is a supporting character in Angelina: Sketches of This Messenger's Journey.


Eliza is an Archosaurian girl who's both the chief engineer of the Yota tribe and a student of Indie Slidebearing. She's known amongst the Tiacauh for her engineering skills and workaholic attitude, even preferring to work at night.

After the Durins and Tiacauh cut ties with each other and engaged in a rather chaotic alcohol battle, thus damaging the bridge that connects Acahualla with the Sargonian dessert, Eliza decided to try fix it while being secretly instructed by Indie, until it was destroyed by a storm. Discouraged with the situation, she decided to lock herself in her hut and pretend to be sick, so they don't bother her.


Angelina: Sketches of This Messenger's Journey

Because none of the tribesmen of the Yota tribe could figure out how to repair the "Jungle 10" lumberjack robot due to its complex construction, one of them suggested that Eliza could easily fix it. However, she supposedly fell to illness for staying up to late, nor they wanted to ask the Durins for help, moreover considering that the ridge connecting the Sargonian mainland with the jungle broke after being hit by a storm. On top of that, they thought Eliza is actually disappointed with them, hence why she refused to come out.

Angelina suggests visiting her hut and bring fruits and sweets hoping for her to cheer up go outside. Surprisingly, Eliza was cooking a fowlbeast outside, only for her to quickly enter the hut and shut the door after spotting the tribesmen, and to make matters even weirder, she yet again claimed to feel sick. Angelina manages to enter the hut by offering her some Mama John's candies. Once inside, Angelina tells her that with her Arts, she could cross the canyon and help her bring Indie to repair bothethe bridge and the Jungle 10, to which Eliza refuses. She then confesses that Indie has been helping her repair the bridge during the following three months after the Tiacauh and the Durins broke their relationship, up until the storm broke it. Because she was too ashamed to admit she has been receiving help from a Durin, Eliza pretended to be sick. On top of that, Indie and the Durins completely ran out of alcohol, and he can only work properly while being drunk.

Luckily, Angelina managed to get Indie back on track and gathered both the Durins and Tiacauh for an alcohol testing competition that would decide how they would fix the bridge and the Jungle 10. Thanks to her efforts, not only both parties resolved their differences, but Eliza and Indie reunited after along time.[1]
