Angelina: Sketches of This Messenger's Journey

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An Angelina sets out on a journey across Terra to perform a special task for Rhodes Island: collecting data from every field operator's monitoring bracelet.

Angelina: Sketches of This Messenger's Journey is an Arknights manhua published by Terra Historicus. It is a road trip story of Angelina's journey across Terra as a Messenger and her account on the lives and cultures of the nations she visited, which also reveals part of her background and her motivation to become a Messenger.



This section is under construction and may contain incomplete and/or inaccurate information.
Chapter 1: Acahualla's Alcohol
Chapter 2: Desert Messenger PT1
Chapter 3: Desert Messenger PT2
Chapter 4: Desert Messenger PT3
Chapter 5: Desert Messenger PT4
Chapter 6: Choices in the Snow
Chapter 7: Choices in the Snow PT2
Chapter 8: Siesta Vacation
Chapter 9: Siesta Vacation PT2
Chapter 10: Great Escape from Bunkerhill
The chapter starts with Angelina being pursued across the streets of Bunkerhill, Columbia, while carrying a briefcase.

Three hours earlier, Angelina accepted a job from Swayze, a staff in R.I.'s Bunkerhill branch, to deliver a briefcase containing Oripathy medicines to Bob's Farm — a brewery run by Big Bob who, as told in Grani and the Knights' Treasure, had emigrated to Columbia after having a run-in with Grani and Skadi in Dewville, Kazimierz. Bob's Farm has been employing the Infected and had been asking for R.I.'s assistance regarding the workers' health, which is a rare sight in Columbia. However, Bob was arrested by the Columbian Tax Bureau under the suspicion of tax evasion three days ago, and Trish asked Angelina to find Bob in the bureau's Bunkerhill office.

Arriving on the office, Angelina's appearance elicited a surprised response from the tax office staff before the officer in charge of the investigation, Steve, asks her to hand over the package. Angelina refuses under the grounds that he does not have the authority to do so, but before Steve could pressure her, Big Bob himself shows up, still in his armor. Bob confirms that the package did contains Oripathy medications for the employees of Bob's Farm and acknowledges that he did not commit tax evasion and being cooperative, but Steve does not buy that and accuses him of not paying health insurance taxes for his Infected employees, even though Bob confirms that most of them are contracted employees. However, Steve claims that they are still subject to the insurance regardless of their status before accusing Bob of committing money laundering.

Bob then reveals the briefcase's contents to everyone in the office, which turns out to be Oripathy medicines after all, and asks them to see whether there are contraband among them by themselves. A Tax Bureau staff checks the briefcase's contents and finds a note in it...

Chapter 11: Great Escape from Bunkerhill PT2
Chapter 12: Great Escape from Bunkerhill PT3
Chapter 13: Rover of Kjerag
Chapter 14: Letters in the Flames of War PT1
Chapter 15: Letters in the Flames of War PT2


Angelina icon.png
Bryophyta icon.png
Croissant icon.png
Franka icon.png
Liskarm icon.png
Qanipalaat icon.png
Provence icon.png
Schwarz icon.png

Big Bob icon.png
Costa icon.png
Croque Diamondface icon.png
Inam icon.png
Liv icon.png
Lut icon.png
Pelipper Brown icon.png
Ansel icon.png
Aosta icon.png
Astgenne icon.png
Broca icon.png
Ceobe icon.png
Ceylon icon.png
Chiave icon.png
Cliffheart icon.png
Exusiai icon.png
Eyjafjalla icon.png
Gummy icon.png
Hibiscus icon.png
La Pluma icon.png
Matterhorn icon.png
Mizuki icon.png
Myrtle icon.png
Pramanix icon.png
SilverAsh icon.png
Tequila icon.png
Vigna icon.png
Zima icon.png

Doctor icon.png
  • Ada
  • Amma
  • Eliza
  • Jostk
  • Kolya
  • Maertha
  • Steve
  • Baine: A taciturn Liberi boy who helps delivering goods between the villages in Sargon alongside his friends Taliya and Barnaby. He always travels with his burdenbeast, Oozan.
  • Barnaby: An Archosauria scholar who helps delivering goods between the villages in Sargon alongside his friends Taliya and Baine. He is also an expert in outdoor survival tips.
  • Indie Slidebearing: An alcoholic Durin engineer and Eliza's mentor.
  • Taliya: A cheerful Archosaurian girl who helps delivering goods between the villages in Sargon alongside her friends Baine and Barnaby. Her biggest dream is to become a Royal Messenger of the Lord Ameer of Phecon.
  • Swayze: An Infected Feline operator working in Rhodes Island's Bunkerhill branch office in Columbia. She requests Angelina on delivering a suitcase for Big Bob.
  • Yviss: An Elafian man who is the captain of Maertha's team.
  • Rosa: Angelina's aunt, who works at a Messenger outpost in the Siracusan borderlands. Not to be confused with the namsesake Operator.
  • Georgia: An Infected Lupo girl who was saved by Angelina after being exiled from her hometown in Western Columbia a few years ago. She would later become a Messenger.


  • The CN release date of Angelina: Sketches of This Messenger's Journey is Angelina's birthday (May 14) that also coincides with the 2023 Mother's Day.