Arknights Concept Trailer 4

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The Arknights Concept Trailer 4, also known as Arknights PV 4, is a trailer released for Arknights, acting as a teaser to the, at the time of writing, upcoming Episode 14 as well as the future Act of Main Theme and future events. It was released in the CN server part of the fifth anniversary of Arknights, three years after PV3; the Global server will likely follow suit in late October to early November 2024, the timeframe of the 2nd Celebration event in 2024. The PV4 is seen as the "begin of the endgame" of Arknights as it unleashes further secrets regarding the First Civilization as well as Terra's preparation against their ultimate enemy — the Observers.

Unlike PV3 but similar with the earlier PV 1 and 2, the trailer uses "Telescope", a 2014 song taken from Starset's pre-existing discography.


As Telescope starts playing, a retro computer screen display is shown with the following screen being displayed. Someone operates the computer and scrolls along the options before clicking on "CHK BOST_LIST".

CHK INI_STATUS [ ] [999] - Certified
SEL NETWORK [ ] LOCAL - CEL_FUL handshake failed.
EXTRADICTION MORE [ ] This credential lacks authentication
SEL SANDBOX [/] Cannot changed. Status [999] - Committed

The screen shifts to "PLEASE WAIT." only to show "PROTECTED CONTENT; SIGNAL INTERRUPTED". The next scene displays another computer screen displaying seven folders of documents:

1>Project #1 [ ] E0 :"Preservator" NO SIGNAL
2>Project #1 [ ] E1 :"Caerula Arbor" NO SIGNAL
3>Project #2 [ ] E2 :Pro■-■■■: "CeleA101tial Ful NO SIGNAL
4>Project #1 [ ] E3 "Celestial Fulcrum" NO SIGNAL
5>Project #1 [ ] E4 "Deci■■■■■■■ Expa■■ese" ...

The computer screen disappears and a device displaying halo-like projection is shown.


The computer screen appears again, with two more new documents:

1>Project #1 [ ] E0 :"Preservator" NO SIGNAL
2>Project #1 [ ] E1 :"Caerula Arbor" NO SIGNAL
3>Project #2 [ ] E2 :Pro■-■■■: "CeleA101tial Ful NO SIGNAL
4>Project #1 [ ] E3 "Celestial Fulcrum" NO SIGNAL
5>Project #1 [ ] E4 "Deci■■■■■■■ Expa■■ese" NO SIGNAL
6>Project #2 [ ] E5 Pro■■■■: 500CS Sys■■■■m NO SIGNAL
7>Project __ [ ] E6

The following images are shown in succession:

  • Multiple deserted Sarcophagi lying in the Hall of Stasis who gradually turn off.
  • A computer screen displaying Caerula Arbor the Firstborn slowly collapsing.
  • Several animal skeletons including a Tyrannosaurus, a blue whale, a Pteranodon, a big cat, and a camel can be seen shortly flashing. After that, a statue of Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health can be seen standing before the skeleton silhouettes.
  • A statue of Hygeia, the Greek goddess of health, in the dark.
  • A transparent wall with cryptic diagrams and symbols is shown, and the camera slowly moves into a diamond-shape diagram symbolizing Originium surrounded by magnetic field lines. Behind it, a a vast ocean is shown -- the Ocean of Solaris.

Camera quickly moves from the ground filled with wire to a far shot of someone standing in front of a Sarcophagus. In a close-up shot its revealed to be Priestess and she is wearing spectacles.
Scenes shifts from the closeup shot of structure of the Sarcophagus, a scene of migrating fowls, to a silhouette of Priestess with flashback from the scenes of PV 1 and 2 to the Reunion Arc.

Amiya wearing a dirty robe is shown, then the scene quickly turns black with the sound of a stopping record player. Right after, the screen shows DEBATE.

The altar with the red diamond shape from PV3 is shown once again while Priestess is talking:

Priestess: Now, we've once again found those stars. You once promised that when their last glitters fall onto Terra, you will help me stop those rays of light.

A flash image of a human statue and then an animal vertebrae is shown. Priestess continues as a Originium shard is shown which slowly mutates with cuts of her silhouette shown in between.

Priestess: So, grab my hand, Doctor. Let's go. You will always be on my side right?

The following images are shown in succession:

  • A greed field with three deformed human-like structure counting down until the respective number before turning 0: 1,100,000, 3,700,000, and 73,730.[note 1] The three human shapes eventually turn into Kal'tsit wearing a dark-green robe.
  • Kal'tsit curls herself up while being surrounded by a snake-like skeleton resembling the Ouroboros, and the scene quickly turns to a black pixelated image of a black-haired girl resembling her.
  • Siege wearing a dark robe leaves the Victoria Crown behind and steps down into the stairs of light.
  • A symbol resembling a wolf's face is shown, and it turns into Lappland's blazing left eye.
  • Several silhouettes of new characters are shown: a female in a green jacket with "KEEP OUT" lables around, a golden-haired Vulpo woman wearing a similar ornament with Suzuran's pocket omamori, a Vampire-like woman with an unknown figure behind her.
  • A young girl in torn robe is casting her Arts around a city while facing a skyscraper with the diamond diagram.
  • A Seaborn-like creature resembling Caerula Arbor, with several symbols bearing resemblances with those on the nameless stele in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor.
  • A Sarkaz man and a Sankta woman holding their hands – symbolizing their shared origin as Teekaz – followed by a scene of a diminishing halo-like structure bearing Originium and surrounding Laterano's emblem.
  • A pile of old televisions broadcasting strange symbols before turning into one that resembles a solar system. The televisions then slowly shut down.

The credits are shown. Shortly after, a texts are displayed on the screen of the computer from the beginning:

The Ark fell, the immolated carcass plunged through the chasm of the sky which it itself ignited;
Life faded away, its final drops of clearest wishes lost to a cold, stern ground of Originium assimilation.
I will be their witness. And I reject with no hesitation. A conduit for the future should not have hope frozen in it.
I stand upon Terra.

The following images are shown in succession:

A text is displayed:

Look, the stars. They're close now, aren't they?

The following images are shown in succession:

  • A spacecraft with red signal light floating around the space debris.
  • The Door, under the Black Hole Protocol, reactivates again.
  • Several Feranmuts roaming on the ground and flying in the cloudy sky.
  • Amiya and the Doctor following a black-robbed procession while gazing upon the Feranmuts in daze.
  • Originium veins quickly corrode the mountains and the fields, with red pillar-like symbols emerging from the ground likely to show devastated human settlements.
  • Originium continues its erosion with a map of Terra showing two major cities becoming victims: Perdoni, the capital of Iberia, and Ultramassive, the capital of Rim Billiton.
  • A collapsed structure in the wilderness.
  • A girl standing beside a wall filled with strange diagonal symbols.

The scene quickly cuts off to show the diagonal symbol. Then, another text on the computer is displayed:

"This Terra is Ours."


ARG campaign


  1. The numbers stand for the days Kal'tsit survived before her resurrection by dividing with 365: 3,014 years, 10,137 years, and 202 years.