Muelsyse Preview

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This article is about the PV. For the Operator herself, see Muelsyse.
The carefree past was what she missed,
a life without worry was what she wished.

Muelsyse Preview is a trailer/PV released for Arknights, acting as a teaser for Lone Trail and as a introduction for the namesake Operator.

The PV is narrated by Muelsyse who is voiced by her English VA Kayli Mills.


Water drops are floating in the air. While zooming in on one drop, it begins to freeze.

Muelsyse: Have you seen flying trees? Listen close and you shall see.

In a forest, Muelsyse is sleeping on a tree with four smaller trees around it.

Muelsyse: Long ago, there was this tree. Like the others, her roots grew deep.

The smaller trees disappear and the surroundings become darker until only Muelsyse and her tree are illuminated by light.

Muelsyse: Yet she hardly moved and always sleeps.

Muelsyse wakes up.

Muelsyse: When she finally woke, the others had left and she was alone.

Muelsyse is standing with an open umbrella in a snowy forest.

Muelsyse: The forest had shrunk, and my oh my, there was little that grew outside.

There, she looks at her reflection in a puddle.

Muelsyse: Against her face cold winds blew,...

An glowing orb with a leaf inside appears and floats through the puddle.

Muelsyse: ...In her mind a desire grew.

The orb floats through tree branches.

Muelsyse: The carefree past was what she missed, a life without worry was what she wished.

A leaf on a tree begins to glow.

Muelsyse: So, she uprooted herself as a great storm blew.

After the glow faded, the leaf falls from the tree.

Muelsyse: She soared to the skies and became the tree that flew.

The leaf stops midair and begins to float upwards.

Muelsyse: Who knew how long the tree had flown until she landed at a nice place to grow.

The leaf starts to glow. After a brief flash, Muelsyse is shown standing in a blooming forest holding up the the glowing orb.

Muelsyse: Into the earth she sank her roots. Then she lifted her crown for the breeze and dew.

After another brief flash, Muelsyse is shown standing in her garden inside Rhine Lab. Gradually, flowers and branches are growing around her.

Muelsyse: She knows this isn't the forest of old, yet she still carries hope. It is a tiny grove and she is alone, but the place has promise and a forest will grow.

Everything gets dark and water ripples flow through the screen.

Muelsyse: Hmm? What did you say?

A light appears and gets stronger until it blinds the screen. Then, the glowing orb is shown again now enveloped in a water drop.

Muelsyse: You want to see her place?

The glowing orb gets bigger and other leaves surround it.

Muelsyse: Fine, I guess I'll have to show it to you. Follow me.
