Rhine Lab: Access

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[Access Permission Required]
[ID Confirmed: Joyce Moore]
Welcome to Rhine Lab, LLC. Internal Database.
The world is waiting for you to change it.

Rhine Lab: Access is a trailer/PV released for Arknights, acting as a teaser to the Dorothy's Vision event and expands the interior structure of R.L.'s departments while "disclosing" some information regarding the "Diαbolic Crisis."


Hypergryph, Studio Montagne, and Yostar presents

Computer: Access Permission Required. ID Confirmed: Joyce Moore. Request Received. Start Processing... Permission Authorized. Welcome to Rhine Lab, LLC.

The computer accesses the Rhine Lab's database network.

Computer: Internal Database. Selecting Files... File Number: X-001. Confidentiality: Business use. Loading... Successfully Loaded.

The computer plays a presentation about R.L..

Computer: Rhine Lab, LLC. is based in Columbia and headquartered in the nomadic city of Trimounts. It is Terra's most renowned high-tech company with operations in clinical medical services, biotechnology, robotics research and development, and many others.

The computer displays the various branches of R.L. with the Components Control Section as its center.

Computer: Rhine Lab consists of ten business sections with the Components Control Section as the core of the company to lead five scientific research sections and four general affairs sections.

The computer displays the information about Kristen Wright, R.L.'s founder and CEO.

Computer: Considered Rhine's central leadership, the current Control of the Components Control Section, Dr. Kristen Wright, achieved her Ph.D in Particle Physics and co-founded Rhine Lab with Ms. Saria. She paved the path for quick expansion of Rhine Lab with her outstanding entrepreneurship and eager quest for knowledge.

The computer displays R.L.'s Structural Section.

Computer: The Structural Section digs in-depth into the structures and forms of the basic particles of living beings in Terra. It also conducts studies on how structure impacts the basic function of biological molecules.

The computer displays the information about Ahrens Parvis, head of the Structural Section.

Computer: The director of the Section, Ahrens Parvis, is an expert in the field with research experience over forty years. He is a gentleman with extreme persistence in terms of research goals.

The computer displays R.L.'s Energy Section.

Computer: The Energy Section studies and exploits Originium, sunlight, geotherm, and biotherm as thermal resources. The Section also researches the storage and application of all forms of energy.

The computer displays the information about Ferdinand Clooney, head of the Structural Section.

Computer: The director, Mr. Ferdinand Clooney, is confident and aggressive in his approach to gain resources and support for Rhine which droves many research projects.

The computer displays R.L.'s Originium Art Section.

Computer: The Originium Art section, core to the research of basic principles and application of Originium Arts, is led by Ms. Dorothy Franks.

The computer displays the information about Dorothy Franks, head of the Originium Art Section.

Computer: Being the complete opposite to Mr. Ferdinand Clooney, Ms. Franks is idealistic and determined to reach the goal of eliminating individual differences in talent of using Originium Arts.

The computer displays R.L.'s Ecological Section.

Computer: The Ecological Section examines the evolution of Terra's creatures and how it relates with the environment.

The computer displays the information about Muelsyse, head of the Ecological Section.

Computer: Muelsyse, the director, adds her liveliness and, many times, unexpected thoughts to the company's operation. According to private sources, Muelsyse is a firm supporter of the Control within Rhine.

The computer displays R.L.'s Scientific Investigation Section.

Computer: The Scientific Investigation Section is Rhine's extended footprints in the vast world of Terra. The members cross the boundaries of civilizations in order to embrace and bring back the unknown. The Section has currently set up a permanent research station in the icefield of northern Sami.

The computer displays R.L.'s general affairs sections.

Computer: Besides the five scientific research sections, Rhine Lab also has Business Section, Defense Section, Engineering Section, and Human Resources Investigation Section. They are respectively responsible for public affairs and communications, R&D and related personnel security, information disclosure, emergencies handling, mechanical design and robotics of R&D equipment, as well as human resources management.

The computer returns to the main database menu...

Computer: Rhine Lab encourages its staff to independently seek research interest and establish projects, and therefore has a deep pipeline of—

...but suddenly accesses a secret database, with the computer's voice distorted at times.

Computer: You've selected... Lab-1 of Haydn Pharmaceuticals. Processing... You're entering: CONFIDENTIAL Internal Archive. File Number: C-023. Confidentiality: Highly Confidential. Related archive: Diαbolic Crisis.

The computer displays classified information about Haydn Pharmaceuticals...

Computer: Case Records: Haydn Pharmaceuticals, a Columbia-based pharmaceutical company, accepts investment from Rhine Lab, LLC..

...including ethically questionable activities such as the "Diαbolic Crisis".

Computer: Lab-1 mainly conducts Originium implementation into living creatures. During the experiment, the subject Ifrit went out of control, resulting in a complete burndown of the Lab and death of its owner Haydn Ramt. The case was considered closed as a complete accident. Any public disclosure is prohibited. Crisis Management Controls— Rhine Lab instantly transferred the subject... The experiment was re-initiated... Defense Department Director at the time, Ms. Saria...

The computer displays an alert...

Computer: Warning: Illicit Access Detected. Permission Denied. Exiting the Database Portal.

...before abruptly shutting down.
