Kjerag: A Ride to the Future

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In a faraway place, among high mountains, a nation lies.
Its name is Kjerag.

Kjerag: A Ride to the Future is a PV released for Arknights, acting as a teaser to The Rides to Lake Silberneherze. It is a promotional video depicting Kjerag's industrial progress and changes under Enciodes Silverash and Karlan Trade to attract tourists.

The PV is narrated in English by an unnamed woman with a Swiss accent. The ending sentence is spoken by Harold, who is voiced by his English VA Greg Haiste.


Kjerag is shown from a bird's eye view.

Narrator: In a faraway place, among high mountains, a nation lies. Its name is Kjerag.

The town of Turicum is shown.

Narrator: In the past, people around there discovered that catastrophes would never bother the place...

Three buildings are shown. The first is labeled "TURICUM," the second "MOTEL KJERAG CHALET," and the third "THE TURICUM BISTRO."

Narrator: ...so they gathered and gathered (it's not like someone would go and stop them). Then they built settlements between the peaks and crests and those would merge into the township of Turicum.

A train is shown driving. Then, two saddled burdenbeasts are shown walking toward a gas pump. From another angle, it can be seen that there is a map called "Kjerag Staatsbahn Map" on the gas pump.

Narrator: Today, some unprecedented changes are happening in and around this quaint old town.

Turicum is shown again with a cable car moving above it. Then, a tapestry with the profiles of SilverAsh, Degenbrecher, Pramanix, and Gnosis woven into appears.

Narrator: To which we have a few names, like Mr. Enciodes, Mr. Gnosis, Enya the Blessed, and the one and only "Black Knight", to thank for.

On the screen appears the following:


Then, a cable car filled with rocks moves through the screen. The cable car stops near a construction side and opens a hatch so the rocks fall onto the ground. Next, a screen with "The Past" written on it is shown. A statue of Kjeragandr moves toward its center after which four more appear.

Narrator: To show gratitude to the snow mountains, it is a tradition in Kjerag that every household will erect small statues of the goddess Kjeragandr.

Lake Silberneherze is shown with a giant monument standing on it, currently under construction.

Narrator: Those, however, are no match for this grand new monument realized by the power of imported machinery.

The screen splits: on the left side, titled "NOWADAYS," is the new monument, and on the right side, called "THE PAST," is the statue from before.

Narrator: Aren't they magnificent?

The temple of Hoff Angrsaal is shown.

Narrator: The great temple of Hoff Angrsaal had been refusing outsiders for centuries.

A cable car moves up a mountain to the temple. On the screen are written "CAPLE CAR" and "HOFF ANGRSAAL SQUARE."

Narrator: But just one year ago, a cable car station was built in the square adjacent to the Hoff. A few coins and guests are free to promenade from the majestic terraces all the way to the sublime peaks.

On the screen appears the following:


A train drives through the screen. From afar, a burdenbeast watches the train. Then, a train station is shown with a logo of Kjerag hanging in it.

Narrator: Trinkets produce ready-made delicacies.

The train is shown again before the "KJERAG STAATBAHN MAP" appears. Then, the Kjerag Pass is shown.

Narrator: The Kjerag Staatsbahn is always happy to serve their soup-to-nuts to respected Kjerag Pass holders.

Through train windows, burdenbeasts can be seen: at the first window, two burdenbeasts sit at a table, at the second, a burdenbeast sits at a table with meals on it, and at the third, a burdenbeasts stands in the control room that is filled with hay.

Narrator: A luncheon with burdenbeasts is also an experience to be had nowhere else.

On the screen appears the following:


A group of burdenbeasts walks through the screen, with one staying behind. After it stopped, a screen with "MOUNTAIN BURDENBEAST" written on it appears. Then, a burdenbeast is shown standing behind a pile of Kjeragian coins.

Narrator: Mountain burdenbeasts used to be a symbol of wealth.

Icons, symbolizing the adhesive and insulating properties of the burdenbeasts' footwear and the speed of the burdenbeasts, appear.

Narrator: Now instead of old drawgears, they are equipped with hi-tech saddles to carry racers all across the Land.

A burdenbeast walks towards a finish line.

Narrator: Through the mountain tracks that used to be less travelled, these beasts gallop toward the rally finish lines

An amusement park is shown. In its center is a carousel with burdenbeast figures.

Narrator: For the people of Kjerag, the future is not something to be worried about.

Above the amusement park appears the glowing logo of Kjerag.

Narrator: All around Lake Silberneherze, it seems that a beautiful and welcoming nation is being built by these happy people.

The screen gets glitchy before turning off. The voice of a man can be heard.

Harold: ...But Kjerag? Those rustics are still at the start.

