Arknights ARG

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We Are Heading East.

The CN server of Arknights has several real-life alternate reality game (ARG) campaigns held by Hypergryph which have since been an essential part of the CN community. These ARGs employ many mind games like mathematics and computer science as well as transmedia methods to decipher the clues, and sometimes they involve real-life contact like goods delivery (limited to mainland China only). The end results of the ARGs often contain essential lore relevance that might be crucial in future story development.

The leading code-deciphering community was previously held by the Great Owl's Research Institute of Egyptology, or GORIE (埃及研) for short (Weibo/Bilibili/Twitter), but the group announced their retirement in 2022. The current community is led by Team Future (FUTURE攻坚组), the direct successor of GORIE (Weibo/Bilibili/Github).

As of the Global server's 4th anniversary in 2024, Yostar has never held similar campaigns in Global, possibly due to a lack of appeal towards the majority of the Global community or the complexities, making the ARGs unknown to most players in the Global community, especially to those who do not follow CN news.

Please note that ARGs often require complex solving methods such as computer science and cryptography, and many of these campaigns were held long in the past which may omit or distort many crucial points and methods.
The Arknights Terra Wiki will try to record the ARGs as precise and comprehensible as possible for the sake of archival purpose and introduction to the Global community.

External links