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Avitus is an NPC in Arknights. He is a supporting character in Path of Life.


Avitus is a researcher specializing in Prehistoric Studies from the Academy of Science, and the author of Death of Life, a book that compilates the the life and work of an unknown Predecessor based on Avitus' research.[1] While he may sound arrogant at times, Avitus did sympathize with Lumen's plight of not knowing his ancestry well.[1] Despite his vast knowledge, he holds a pessimist view towards the current Aegir's society and even wonders if it's truly the right step for their kind. In fact, despite the huge popularity of Death of Life, he disregards his book due to its lack of educational value.[2]


Path of Life

Avitus is first seen welcoming Irene and Lumen after they arrived in Milliarium, not knowing what to do at first. and explains how Aegir works as a society via a tour of the city. He then proceeded to explain Aegir's position towards Iberia in the past century until a Little Handy interrupted their conversation and telling them to move into another area.[3] Later, while answering Lumen's questions in regards to Aegir's society, a Little Handy gave a signal of the incoming tribunal against the Abyssal Hunters trio consisting of Skadi. Specter and Gladiia which alerts Lumen.[4] When they arrived in the Sophontheatrum, Cassia greeted him, asking if it's fine to sit near him. He told her to be careful since she just underwent embryo separation surgery and introduced Lumen to her. Cassia wondered if the Abyssal Hunters' return is important enough when the Sophontheatrum is nearly full in which he agrees.[4] After the tribunal ends, he found Lumen in nearby terminal where Lumen asked if he's asking too much questions but on the contrary Avitus found it normal. When Lumen mentioned Breogan's name, Avitus revealed that he indeed stayed in Milliarium for awhile before going to the surface.[4]

He later goes to see Cassia, telling her that she should've taken a rest after the surgery and it's allowed by the Institute of Facility Management. She responded by questioning if he really cares about her well-being or more about the embryo. Avitus answered her question that while he cares about her, he also is concerned about the embryo's well being. However, unbeknownst to Cassia, Avitus knows about what happened to Tullia. She then thanked him for reminding that time is running out for her.[1] He's seen later trying to repair an abandoned Little Handy, where Lumen approached him with concerns about what happened in the city recently. Lumen then tried to inquire him about the inspiration of his book, prompting him to reveal parts of his private life and more about Aegir's history and their work in researching the Predecessors' technology. Despite this however, he still encouraged Lumen to chase his dreams noting that everyone has their own interests and it should be pursued.[2]

Lumen later found out that he knows more than he should be in Seaborn's invasion and chased after him. He's seen going after Cassia, accusing her of trying to strike when the Sea Patrol's force is focused elsewhere. When a seaborn tried to attack him, Lumen fended it off with his lantern. Lumen later reprimanded him and his actions only for Irene to come to rescue them afterwards.[5] He's seen with Lumen near the shore in the aftermath of the invasion, having a conversation in regards of what has transpired including his passive involvement in the invasion. While he's allowed to keep his position in the Institute, he regrets not being able to report Cassia's unusual behavior and decided to leave Milliarium. He later asked Lumen if he wants to follow him on his journey to the uncharted lands beyond Rim Billiton.[6][7]
